are a "Champion of Mediocrity." It's people like you that keep the ND program down!
I do what I can! LOL! are a "Champion of Mediocrity." It's people like you that keep the ND program down!
The village idiot is back!
Buguit sounds grumpy and angry! Every post you throw a hissy fit.
LMAO....I have never posted a "lie" about you. I only post facts about you. Fact is you stated in a thread that you never ever call anyone out. Page 5 of this site is a thread where you called IrishJohn out after he said something to CGVR or whoever....that is a also proves you to be a liar....and again...immediately after you post someone comes on a nails your ass. So I ask a second time...why do you post if you know people are going to ridicule you? Do you get some perverted pleasure from that? Your life SUCKS....if all you got is going on a message board knowing you are going to be called an ahole....but keep posting...some of us love your drivel! are a "Champion of Mediocrity." It's people like you that keep the ND program down!
Buguit is such a tool. When he first starting posting is BS I think most people just let him be. But it just got to a point where he became a lunatic with all the crap he posts. And if someone calls him out then he goes on the attack. It's kind of funny watching him lose his mind. Now he will read my post and call me old and angry. If WAX was still around he would take Bugman out with the rest of the trash!
Dude...what are ya doin??? Shouldn't you be at Chico's Pub and Grub in a booth getting the game plan together? Kelly is relying on you...especially your red zone stuff. I suggest you try this play: Y Camaro, Double Wham Boss, 42 Toss...on's a killer play!
"I could help Kelly"....LMAO...thanks, that was funny. And "Lots of people" are in agreement with's another thread approaching 200 hits and no one has agreed with you. What was the last thread, 400+ before it was deleted...and not ONE poster agreed with you...seriously, you been getting abused on a website for going on 15 yrs. You need some serious help....
WOW! Thanks so much for posting this article!!! This little bit of reading really proves to me that the players run the show and Brey does nothing. I am actually going to use this article when coaching my team this season. No more teaching mets will be run through me. Amazing that ND got to 2 elite 8's and won an ACC title...all anyone has to do is read this article and you can see..."It's all Eric"! Thanks for printing this....
MZ is a leader, an over the top guy who will not be put on iggy so HCBK, it seems, could not feel comfortable unless he gave the guy a fighting chance,,,, which calls into question Kelly's emotion / judgment ratio...
215 yards passing, five touchdowns, no turnovers, added 77 yards and a touchdown on 13 carries.
or... was that Texas game just a scrimmage ????
another family tragedy happened .... LOL!
I get that you know nothing about any sport .... got it .... over and over again ..... ELite 8's had nothing to do with elite talent ... I see even Auguste was offered a contract .... that would make 4 NBA players .... if you are going to have somebody run the show .... better them than Brey .... it was all Eric .... even when the players tell you ... you can't comprehend it ..... no better proof though .... none![]()
Buguit is a clown. Always has been. He only shows up when the Irish lose a game.
You are absolutely correct. Remember it gets really lonely in his mama's are correct....absolutely nobody on this website respects or likes this turd. Why would a person continue to post on a site when they know they are going to get laughed at and abused? He must really be starving for attention...
Buguit, laughing at someone's "Family tragedies" is beneath an Irish fan. Good Lord. I pray for your soul.![]()
Buguit is a clown. Always has been. He only shows up when the Irish lose a game.
Hey I emailed Coach Kelly and told him you could help him out. He was pumped. He said his basement toilet has been clogged for about a month, so get your ass over there asap and take care of it for him.
BTW...awesome call on saying Zaire should be the starter. You really nailed that one. And just take notice to the hordes of people agreeing with you after that asshat article you posted. Only a moron like yourself would read that it says Brey doesn't coach the team. But, you'll post anything from a sportswriter to help fit your narrative. I recall an idiot-laden article from Yardbarker that you believed...
You are absolutely correct. Remember it gets really lonely in his mama's basement.
Given he won the job when both healthy among a bunch of other reasons that are beyond your mentality ... Zaire made sense ..... I don't expect you to understand
It wasn't an article that said Brey doesn't coach the team .... it was the players themselves saying it (quoted so) in an article .... and it was The South Bend Tribune
Laughing at someone's tragedy would be in poor taste ... alas ... when ND got bounced in the 1st round this guy disappeared .... of course .... like always .... then came back and said .... "oh ... my son got really sick and I had to rush over to him" .... then later claimed .."it was his daughter in Europe that got in a car accident." .... he lies so often he can't keep'em straight. So it is actually funny
The old "I am have no idea what you guys are talking about but i am going to stick my big Pom Pom nose into it anyway, then wind up saying I was just joking when I am proved to be a horses A$$" The oldest trick in the book.I was just messing with you Buguit.![]()
So find FIVE posters out of over 80,000 subscribers on this website to agree that the asshat article you posted is proof that Brey doesn't coach the team and I will stop posting. I have stated before, anyone involved in coaching who believes anything of what the read in the paper is a moron, anyone who believes anything of what they hear is an idiot. You have got both those bases covered fully! I believe what I SEE, because I do it for a living. You sit at the end of a bar and converse with some other hand jobs. Again...find 5...shouldn't be too hard should it?
You are such an A-hole!I found something better than 5 posters .... I found 2 players for ND that say so ..... how's that humble pie taste? ...![]()
Bugnut is nothing more then an A-Hole. His mama doesn't even like the little turd.WOW...1am in the morning and this moron has nothing better to do in his life than to post on an anonymous message board. Dude...that's why the Playboy Channel was invented. I mean really...your life doesn't suck??? Tell ya what...if I ever have nothing better to do at 1am on a weekend than to respond to this next move is to put my Glock 9mm in my mouth. BTW...looks like HORDES of people are agreeing with your posts. LOTS OF PEOPLE AGREE WITH ME!!! lmao...1am in the morning! Unreal....this guy goes to bed thinking about me...
WOW...1am in the morning and this moron has nothing better to do in his life than to post on an anonymous message board. Dude...that's why the Playboy Channel was invented. I mean really...your life doesn't suck??? Tell ya what...if I ever have nothing better to do at 1am on a weekend than to respond to this next move is to put my Glock 9mm in my mouth. BTW...looks like HORDES of people are agreeing with your posts. LOTS OF PEOPLE AGREE WITH ME!!! lmao...1am in the morning! Unreal....this guy goes to bed thinking about me...
You are such an A-hole!
Go back to mama's basement.
Sounds like and angry old man to me .... and classy ..... How come your cyberbuddy didn't like your post ? ... C'mon!
Posts like yours are what tells me I won this discussion .... if you want to call it one![]()
If it makes you happy, you won the discussion. Everyone knows in that poor pathetic life of yours winning a discussion on an anonymous message board is really important to you. Now you can go down to Chico' a few victory suds for the other hand jobs you pal with, go home and dance around the house yelling, "I won, I won!" But please try and get some sleep tonite....don't be posting at all hours cuz you have absolutely nothing better to looks like Kizer really stunk up the joint on Saturday. "Zaire should start, he's older!" know squat about coaching...[/QU
If we both agree I won ... great ... you can stop whining and showing your classy side to the world .... and no where in that article does it say Brey coached .... it also doesn't say that the roster was chock full of NBA talent .... more blathering and proving me right .... thx again ...![]()