ND's offense

This goes back further...much...

Think about it...

Powlus and including him because Holtz caught the biggest prize (no other recruit was ever as sought after... before or since)
But Holtz still had a very running style offense based on using 4 backs....

Tony Rice was tremendous.... a winner...but not an NFL type QB

Steve Buerelein had a long nfl career...

That's pretty god damn sparse truth be ND.

Pathetic actually.
IF we are going back that long we can add Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and many others ran some type of option without NFL protege quarterbacks.
Yea, Book was so lacking in ability that the NFL drafted him and he made an NFL team’s roster.

The NFL is known for having players with no ability on their rosters.

Keep your day job

😂🤦‍♂️ please look up the definition of overachiever moron. It’s not a negative thing. Now go back to playing with your army men.
Huh? The eye test brotha...
Some things aren't measured on a stat alone...and a stat that's rather skewed IMO.

Moreover in 2018 Book was 17th

But....that's not an indication of his overarching performance.
C'mon...he's at ND....right? At a bare minimum a ND QB should be able to achieve a QB rating ranking at least 17th.

Just how skewed is that stat? Trevor Lawrence was 12th.

By your measure there were 11 QB's ahead of Trevor Lawrence in 2018.
Given how the masses felt about Trevor Lawrence by your logic one would say he underachieved. Or rather you'd take some of the 11 QB's in front of him.

The eye test tells a different story.

BTW, Mr Book played Mr. Lawrence in 2018.
Book 17 of 34 for 160 yards
4.7 average

Lawrence 27 of 39 for 327 yards
8.4 average

ND longest recptions in that game?
Notre Dame longest receiving
M. Boykin56913.8023
D. Williams3299.7016
C. Finke22412.0013
C. Kmet11111.0011
A. Mack2115.508
C. Claypool284.006
J. Armstrong284.004

Clemson's longest receiving
J. Ross614824.7252
H. Renfrow46215.5032
T. Higgins45313.3124
A. Rodgers6264.307
T. Chase2178.5013
T. Etienne Jr.188.008
T. Thompson284.006
T. Feaster133.003
W. Swinney122.002
Keep it up and you will get banned again. This time read a book and you might gain a few brain cells.
Book was the 17th rated QB using that metric...

Now i have to ask...

At Notre Dame...

Don't you think 17th should be a given...and top 10 a bonus?

It is afterall ND, no?

Book performed exactly where you'd expect him to playing at ND.

Now if he led ND to a playoff win instead of say fumbling caused by air...and the like...

Then he most definitely overachieved.

He wet the bed in the largest of games exactly like his head coach
We've yet to upcoach any QB in the last dozen years and get them to over achieve ...

It's just not as simple as insert player x and dreams come true.

The passing theme for 12 years has been tiny passing gains for 3-5 yards...a whopper is a 15 yard gain.

We don't coach or emphasize chunk plays in the passing game. You can't have been this pedestrian in the passing game for a dozen years and it not be a theme
Don’t move the goalposts. You said that “we‘ve yet to up coach any QB in the last dozen hears and get them to overachieve.”

Now you are saying “Should top 17 be given a bonus at ND?”

Book, was 12th, 19th, and then 9th in metric that takes into account game situation, difficulty of throws, sacks being the quarterbacks fault, running yards added over expectation by a quarterback, etc., etc., etc.

An undersized 3* recruit performed at a top 9, top 12, top 19 level and that’s NOT overachieving?
Don’t move the goalposts. You said that “we‘ve yet to up coach any QB in the last dozen hears and get them to overachieve.”

Now you are saying “Should top 17 be given a bonus at ND?”

Book, was 12th, 19th, and then 9th in metric that takes into account game situation, difficulty of throws, sacks being the quarterbacks fault, running yards added over expectation by a quarterback, etc., etc., etc.

An undersized 3* recruit performed at a top 9, top 12, top 19 level and that’s NOT overachieving?
So you want to pick out a stat metric to fit your narative?

The one I'm using is the same one every other QB is in.

As far as the goal posts...nobody moved them but you. Right into the middle of your opinion.

Book performed pretty much spot on for his ability.
He was afterall at Notre Dame and the 17th rated QB.
He didn't under or over achieve.

Perhaps YOU put TOO much stock into star ratings.

Undersized? LOL...

Well now...seems like a 12 year staple. Golson, Pyne, well below 6 feet..
Book, Buchner, Zaire were very close and I'd bet one or all three are actually 5'11.

In 12 years we've had how many with prototypical QB size?
Kizer? Phil? Coan? Not too much.
One left too soon.
Angeli has good size but no tenure and we all know how much BK and Rees love tenure.
Tenure over talent.
he staff didn't get Book to overachieve because if they were capable of such they also get one of or more Wimbush, Zaire, Golson, Pyne, Coan, Kizer, overachieve.
Yet that didn't happen.

You think I like saying that?
Hell no. I wish they all played over their head but sadly the track record speaks for itself.

Lastly I don't need stats to determine if a player overachieved. The eye test and speaking of that exactly how well did Book do in the biggest of games?

He carried us to victory in some of those elite battles, right?

Or is he still trying to figure a plan to cross the 50 in Dallas against Clemson?
If Brian Kelly is such a lousy coach in big games, why did his LSU team recently defeat Alabama?
Hilarious the two that liked your response are the board's biggest apologists for Brian Kelly.

If you're going to be fascinated with me then follow along.
I've always stated...ALWAYS...
With one week to prepare he's very close.
UGA twice...
The UGA team who is the flavor of CFB for the last 5 years..
Clemson on the road against the eventual #2 ( Clemson shoulda beat Bama) and finally a win in a weird covid year at home against them.
@ Tallahassee ... his finest coaching performance ever

He's had his regular season one week prep time embarrassments though but really it's the month prep time going into a major bowl or playoff the wheels fall off.

That goes back to Cincinnati. He's not only never won a major bowl or playoff game he's never even been competitive. Never.

How did he beat the #10 ranked Bama? This Bama version is not the typical no weakness Saban team. Sorry to burst your love bubble with BK but it's not your grand daddy's Bama team. BTW, ranked #10. I know you are one of the trendy sheep that goes yep after everything ESPN says but I promise you Bama get's favorable praise all the time even when not deserved. It's called being trendy...even when ranked #10.

Oh yeah...he still has only one win in his entire coaching career against a top 5.

How many?

just 1.

in a major bowl right? No. In a weird covid year and the opposition was missing bodies.

Still only 1 in his entire career.

Secondly he's always been close in those week preparation games and maybe...just maybe...he's gotten a littje better in those games? Three years prior he did beat a Clemson team albeit without Lawrence.
When Lawrence played in the ACC title game...another embarrassing performance.

I didn't make him fall on his face in those elite games with a month prep time.
IF we are going back that long we can add Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and many others ran some type of option without NFL protege quarterbacks.
Point is buzzing right over top and you're missing it..

Would you say Tony Rice, Jamelle Holloway, Tommy Frazier, Darian Hagan hell even throw Kevin McDougal in there. were very good at what they did? As in exceptional at what they did, right?

If you agree with that then allow me to help you grasp the point.

My mention of Rice and Steve Beuerlein were that one had a long NFL career meaning he had to be at the very least pretty good in college.
Rice was very good at what he did. He was a fourth tailback who was very slippery running the ball and also could throw the ball with sone effectiveness. He wasn't an NFL QB but he was money in a rushing option type attack.

Sans the Powlus situation and Clausen to a lesser extent please tell me the other top QB's we've had over the last 25 years.
Either extremely highly recruited and or coached up to be one of the top 5 QB's in the country. Either way...natural prodigy or coached up...

We've none of that going on here since forever it seems. At Notre Dame mind you.

That's something for sure and it isn't good
Point is buzzing right over top and you're missing it..

Would you say Tony Rice, Jamelle Holloway, Tommy Frazier, Darian Hagan hell even throw Kevin McDougal in there. were very good at what they did? As in exceptional at what they did, right?

If you agree with that then allow me to help you grasp the point.

My mention of Rice and Steve Beuerlein were that one had a long NFL career meaning he had to be at the very least pretty good in college.
Rice was very good at what he did. He was a fourth tailback who was very slippery running the ball and also could throw the ball with sone effectiveness. He wasn't an NFL QB but he was money in a rushing option type attack.

Sans the Powlus situation and Clausen to a lesser extent please tell me the other top QB's we've had over the last 25 years.
Either extremely highly recruited and or coached up to be one of the top 5 QB's in the country. Either way...natural prodigy or coached up...

We've none of that going on here since forever it seems. At Notre Dame mind you.

That's something for sure and it isn't good
Brady Quinn

We need to get better at evaluating QBs and land them