Thanks to all who submitted questions for me and
@Eric Hansen on our latest podcast. These are the questions we answered with timestamps.
30:01 |
@Bob_Oxnard: What % of the stadium on Saturday will be filled with an ugly color (scarlet and gray)?
31:43 |
@sjb75: 5 days out, and you have watched Notre Dame play 4 games. If Notre Dame is to win, what concerns you most, regarding Notre Dame's 11 against the Ohio St. 11 on both sides of the football, going into this game?
33:14 | @CharlesWWolfe: What position group vs position group battle do you think is the key to victory this week?
34:18 | Jack Quinn - @jq6008: How concerned are you about the D line’s rush defense given that they got gashed right up the middle by CMU?
36:42 | Marie Biafore - @biafore_marie: What can be done in practice to improve tackling for Saturday? Do you think sometimes simplifying the scheme would help players to tackle better? Less to worry/think about. I’m all for scheming up a defense, but feel like mixing in some vanilla defensive play might be helpful.
39:19 | Sammy Kranz -
@skranzam: Will Al Golden let his DL eat on Saturday?? Or will he try to be the smartest coach on the field and scheme his way into pressure??
42:03 | @Dbl_Domer_Scott: Let’s talk about ND’s defense. Other than corners, is Al Golden and his scheme getting the most out of any of our players? If so, who? Does our defense accentuate any of the players’ talents and maximize their abilities? Why isn’t ND getting more tackles for loss and more sacks?
46:57 | @MikeDevoy1: With the Deuce Knight commitment, does ND continue recruiting Bear Bachmeier, given his connections to ND? It would be nice to have two highly ranked QBs in the class
49:27 |
@drewbrennan77: Would a win this weekend by Notre Dame move Marcus Freeman up on the OSU future coaching list? Additionally, where would you have him slotted right now on that list?
53:33 | Olivier Daoust - @OliDaoust: Who should be the guest picker at College GameDay? Any clue? I’ll put Sean Astin for 30 years of Rudy!
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