You coach to your personality and coaching kids any other way would be phony. If there are two things that kids can sniff out right away it is #1 not having a clue about the game, and #2 not being true to yourself. Kids respect CONSISTENCY, not some 21st Century give everyone a Participation Trophy weakling .
The guys on here who cry about Brian Kelly coaching hard, are most likely guys who never competed and would mentally fall to pieces when challenged by guys like Kelly, Meyer, Stoops, Harbaugh or Saban. Pay no attention to the boards resident "SOFT Serve Ice Cream Cones".
The guys on here who cry about Brian Kelly coaching hard, are most likely guys who never competed and would mentally fall to pieces when challenged by guys like Kelly, Meyer, Stoops, Harbaugh or Saban. Pay no attention to the boards resident "SOFT Serve Ice Cream Cones".