the UM - MSU - tOSU round robin tourney begins.
2 teams will likely be eliminated from the playoffs.
2 teams will likely be eliminated from the playoffs.
I said B10. That is where they play. Do not be shocked to see them move past ND in the rankings this week.
Harbaugh has only been coach 6 games not seasons!
Debatable was purely in reference to saying Utah is better than Clemson. Nothing beyond that.Agree it's debatable but their schedule so far is at least as difficult as ND's and they beat 2 good teams in NW and BYU. I'm not arguing they are better than ND but you can't simply dismiss how well they have played this year.
Debatable was purely in reference to saying Utah is better than Clemson. Nothing beyond that.
So I guess when you post a pix of another poster with his head up his ass, you're not stooping to a lower level????? Hello???An added comment about posting style, some posters add interesting or new information on a topic; if they don't have that they generally stoop to posting personal comment about posters.
Those are the posters that taint this forum and are the posters who are deserving of the ignore feature.
Ironically, one of those posters just created a thread calling for a 'dislike' feature. I assume this is what happens when there is no age requirement or age verification. Maybe a longer school day would help.
Statement of fact. I was not trying to start anything with you. you see a statement of fact and come back with a personal attack. what a loser. what's the matter no one rubbed your belly over your magnificent post? AWWWWWWW!!!!
Welcome to the ignore list Private Pyle. congratulations, you made it
I dint care the story. I really don't.
Joe Schmidt may have been slighted by mother nature but he plays the inside about as good as can be.
Those guys are not going to DRIVE back the blockers. If it's the guard they are too big. If it's the fullback they have too much momentum.
But what they are supposed to do is recognize instantly who is coming out....then immediately stand that blocker up. Smash him hard so he stops. That ends that. Then it enables the free linebackers to make a tackle cleanly. Of course they are doing the tackling like shit which is killing us.
44, that specific play you speak of Joe does a great job with what I just wrote....
Jaylon is the one that has huge issues with this. He allows the blocker to get on him 4 yards down that time you already conceded a decent gain to the running back minimum. ....because it puts the other linebacker and safety into a bad position.....a position of mercy if you will.
Statement of fact. I was not trying to start anything with you. you see a statement of fact and come back with a personal attack. what a loser. what's the matter no one rubbed your belly over your magnificent post? AWWWWWWW!!!!
Welcome to the ignore list Private Pyle. congratulations, you made it
Purse is the board thug. He attacks anyone with a different opinion. He is worse than Hitler.
and your our resident
How many times are you going to use your instead of you're ? You are retarded.
Fact: OSU is defending NC and consensus preseason #1 for first time in history.
Fact: MSU has 2 consecutive Top 5 finishes and is currently rated #4.
Fact: Brian Kelly has completed 5 seasons at ND, including THREE 5 loss seasons and one 4 loss season.
Which begs the question, why are you talking smack?