Harbaugh always loses the big games.

You are profound oh wise one. As a player at UM he finished # 2 in the country in 1985. He finished 3rd in the Heisman.

He coached at USD and won back to back league titles in 3 years. He has the highest wining percentage in that school's history and is considered their greatest HC ever. I don't believe USD will ever win a NC. Your question is moot.

He then took over a 1-11 Stanford team and turned them into a 12-1 Orange Bowl winner in 4 years. That team finished # 4 in the country. Post Harbaugh, Stanford is now considered an annual power with a defined style of physical football that is close to championship caliber.

He also has beaten a # 1 southern cal team which may be among the greatest coached games ever....

I believe the highest ranked game time team that kelly has beaten is # 8 Oklahoma. We were # 5.

What is kelly's biggest upset win at ND?

Harbaugh also beat our underachiever to an absolute pulp head to head in South Bend. He toyed with him like a cat playing with a mouse... I mean rat.

At the time Harbaugh was at USD and Stanford, did you think that USD and Stanford had BCS/NC caliber programs?

If "yes", why?

He has done more with less than kelly.

However, kelly would be a better sidekick to Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble with that blockhead of his.

He then went to 3 consecutive NFC title games winning 1 and losing in the final moments of a Super Bowl.

He has more major bowl wins than kelly as a player and as a head coach. Harbaugh is currently building a machine which will look like Stanford on steroids. We still can't return a punt.

What makes you think kelly is a better football mind than Harbaugh?

Here'as a bet. I'm giving you a 5 year head start.

I say Harbaugh will win an national championship before dopey.

If I lose I leave. If I win you leave.

You still have not answered my question. I will try again. Why has Harbaugh never won any Championships ?
You still have not answered my question. I will try again. Why has Harbaugh never won any Championships ?

The 2 head coaching stops where he could have done it were Stanford and the 49ers. In 4 years he got Stanford from oblivion to # 4 winning the Orange Bowl. In year one with the 49ers he turned a 6-10 franchise to 13-3 and made the playoffs for the first time in almost a decade. In year 3 with the 49ers he made the Super Bowl. I'm guessing he need a little more time considering the hands he was dealt.

Now back to my proposition sissy boy.....
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Pete Carroll is an elite coach because he has won championships at the college and NFL level. Why hasn't Harbaugh? Is he not as great as you say he is?

Why has Harbaugh never won any Championships ? No Super bowl wins. No College football Championships?
Is he not an elite coach like Saban or Meyer?
Just a year ago, Carroll was the losing coach in a game featuring one of the biggest bonehead decisions in football history. Carroll is also 64 and Harbaugh is 52. I think a lot can happen within that 12-year gap to even the tables. I do know that it's traditionally much easier to win at USC than it is at Stanford, as USC will forge through the underbrush of rules and ethics with a scythe to gain an advantage. That's why Petey left with the NCAA police nipping at his heels.
Ha ha...I'd take that bet in a heart beat...for no other reason than harbaugh will never beat urban. He coached through a shitty big ten and got absolutely rolled against the Buckeyes .
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Ha ha...I'd take that bet in a heart beat...for no other reason than harbaugh will never beat urban. He coached through a shitty big ten and got absolutely rolled against the Buckeyes .
We shall see. Urbie lost an All-Star team to the NFL this year.
Just a year ago, Carroll was the losing coach in a game featuring one of the biggest bonehead decisions in football history. Carroll is also 64 and Harbaugh is 52. I think a lot can happen within that 12-year gap to even the tables. I do know that it's traditionally much easier to win at USC than it is at Stanford, as USC will forge through the underbrush of rules and ethics with a scythe to gain an advantage. That's why Petey left with the NCAA police nipping at his heels.

Not only were his heels nipped he was nailed with a major violation. The LA Times was totally remiss with their coverage of southern cal's and carroll's violations. I sent an email and the linked article appeared the following day....

Here's the email I wrote the time on

Sent: Tue 7/13/10
Bcc:;;;; Gary Klein (;;;

Good morning:

Isn’t it time that someone at the LA Times reports on both Pete Carroll’s and Papadakis’ transgressions?These guys seem to be getting an undeserved pass as both contributed to USC’s lack of institutional control. The NCAA Public Infractions Report excerpts, violations and penalties caused by these 2 are below. Also, the fact that Papadakis and the AP are falsely reporting the news is unfair. In light of the upcoming HBO special it may be time to set the record straight.

Please fast forward to the 3:18 mark of Petros Papadakis interview with Pete Carroll (link below).

In addition, this AP report flat out lies too. Pete Carroll was cited for an NCAA Major Violation. Plus, who was on watch for the massive problem with agents surrounding the program?This was another problem area that Pete Carroll’s deficiency in monitoring led to the lack of institutional control findings.

Petros flat out lied to his audience and stated to Pete Carroll:

"Now you weren't mentioned coach in the N C double A report, at all, your name is not there."

I corresponded with Petros and told him he was not accurate as Carroll had been cited for a Major Violation on page 37 of the NCAA’s Public Infractions Report. I also provided Petros with the actual text citing the “head football coach”.Here’s Petro’s response

it wasnt in there pete carroll
wasnt in there

The fact of the matter is that both Carroll and Papadakis’ restaurant were cited in the report for being in violation of the NCAA rules. Papadakis’ violations occurred between 2002-2005 and involved “illegal” contact with recruits at his restaurant.

Thanks for your time,

The NCAA findings on Coach are located on Page 37 of the report. Below is the exact text from the NCAA's Public Infractions Report along with his penalties.


During the period August 8 to December 11, 2008, the institution's intercollegiate football program exceeded the maximum number of countable coaches. Specifically, in August 2008, the former head football coach hired a consultant ("the consultant") for the entire 2008 regular playing season.

During this period, the consultant engaged in activities that triggered NCAA Bylaw when the consultant attended practice sessions, analyzed video footage of the institution's contests, and discussed with the former head football coach his observations and analyses of the institution's special teams.

Committee Rationale

The institution, the enforcement staff and the former head football coach are in agreement with the facts of this finding and that violations of NCAA legislation occurred. The institution believes that the violation is secondary because, in its estimation, it was isolated, inadvertent and neither provided, nor was intended to provide, a competitive advantage. The enforcement staff took no position as to whether the violation was secondary or major. *The committee finds the violation occurred and it was major in nature.*
The committee concludes that the violation was major because the actions taken to hire the consultant were not inadvertent and the services of this consultant provided more than a limited competitive advantage. The consultant is a veteran college and NFL coach with a wealth of experience. Having such an individual augment the football staff resulted in a competitive advantage for the institution.

The committee notes that the former head football coach did not check with the institution's compliance office before hiring the consultant. Rather, another institution's compliance office notified the compliance office at USC of the consultant's service with the USC football staff. As a result, this violation is a component of Finding B-7, lack of institutional control.


1. Letter of admonishment for the former head football coach, as a result of exceeding the limit on coaches as set forth in Finding B-3.
2. Letter of reprimand for the former head football coach, as a result of the impermissible contacts between representative A and prospective student-athletes as set forth in Finding B-4.


On several occasions beginning in December 2002 and continuing to December 2005, during prospective football student-athletes' official paid visits to the institution's campus, a representative of the institution's athletics interests and the owner of a local restaurant ("representative A") made impermissible off-campus recruiting contacts with a number of prospective student-athletes.

Committee Rationale

The enforcement staff and institution are in agreement with the facts of this finding and that violations of NCAA legislation occurred. The institution believed that conversations between representative A and prospective student-athletes visiting his restaurant were neither made nor intended to be of a recruiting nature. The institution further asserted that these conversations were not interpreted by the prospects as having a recruiting purpose, and that they did not play a role in any prospect's decisions to attend the institution. The enforcement staff took no formal position as to whether the contacts were major or secondary violations. Although the committee finds that the violations were secondary, they form a component of Finding B-7, lack of institutional control.


3. Letter of reprimand to representative A for the impermissible contacts discussed in Finding B-4.

4. The football program discontinued hosting recruiting dinners at representative A's restaurant effective August 2006. The last recruiting dinner held there was in December 2005.


I listen to your show a lot and appreciate your high velocity and fun. However, I was a little disturbed by your exchange with Coach Carroll.

At about the 3:18 Mark of your interview you stated:

"Now you weren't mentioned coach in the N C double A report, at all, your name is not there."

First off, no one's name is mentioned in the report. However, "head football coach" is prominently mentioned. I believe it's fair to assume we all know who that is. The fact of the matter is that Coach Carroll was cited for a "Major Violation" which contributed to the lack of institutional control charge. I can understand your not wanting to put him on the spot. However, you misled your audience greatly here. Why is it that no one in the LA media market is making note of Coach Carroll's "Major" transgression?

Thanks for your time.
Not only were his heels nipped he was nailed with a major violation. The LA Times was totally remiss with their coverage of southern cal's and carroll's violations. I sent an email and the linked article appeared the following day....

Here's the email I wrote the time on

Sent: Tue 7/13/10
Bcc:;;;; Gary Klein (;;;

Good morning:

Isn’t it time that someone at the LA Times reports on both Pete Carroll’s and Papadakis’ transgressions?These guys seem to be getting an undeserved pass as both contributed to USC’s lack of institutional control. The NCAA Public Infractions Report excerpts, violations and penalties caused by these 2 are below. Also, the fact that Papadakis and the AP are falsely reporting the news is unfair. In light of the upcoming HBO special it may be time to set the record straight.

Please fast forward to the 3:18 mark of Petros Papadakis interview with Pete Carroll (link below).

In addition, this AP report flat out lies too. Pete Carroll was cited for an NCAA Major Violation. Plus, who was on watch for the massive problem with agents surrounding the program?This was another problem area that Pete Carroll’s deficiency in monitoring led to the lack of institutional control findings.

Petros flat out lied to his audience and stated to Pete Carroll:

"Now you weren't mentioned coach in the N C double A report, at all, your name is not there."

I corresponded with Petros and told him he was not accurate as Carroll had been cited for a Major Violation on page 37 of the NCAA’s Public Infractions Report. I also provided Petros with the actual text citing the “head football coach”.Here’s Petro’s response

it wasnt in there pete carroll
wasnt in there

The fact of the matter is that both Carroll and Papadakis’ restaurant were cited in the report for being in violation of the NCAA rules. Papadakis’ violations occurred between 2002-2005 and involved “illegal” contact with recruits at his restaurant.

Thanks for your time,

The NCAA findings on Coach are located on Page 37 of the report. Below is the exact text from the NCAA's Public Infractions Report along with his penalties.


During the period August 8 to December 11, 2008, the institution's intercollegiate football program exceeded the maximum number of countable coaches. Specifically, in August 2008, the former head football coach hired a consultant ("the consultant") for the entire 2008 regular playing season.

During this period, the consultant engaged in activities that triggered NCAA Bylaw when the consultant attended practice sessions, analyzed video footage of the institution's contests, and discussed with the former head football coach his observations and analyses of the institution's special teams.

Committee Rationale

The institution, the enforcement staff and the former head football coach are in agreement with the facts of this finding and that violations of NCAA legislation occurred. The institution believes that the violation is secondary because, in its estimation, it was isolated, inadvertent and neither provided, nor was intended to provide, a competitive advantage. The enforcement staff took no position as to whether the violation was secondary or major. *The committee finds the violation occurred and it was major in nature.*
The committee concludes that the violation was major because the actions taken to hire the consultant were not inadvertent and the services of this consultant provided more than a limited competitive advantage. The consultant is a veteran college and NFL coach with a wealth of experience. Having such an individual augment the football staff resulted in a competitive advantage for the institution.

The committee notes that the former head football coach did not check with the institution's compliance office before hiring the consultant. Rather, another institution's compliance office notified the compliance office at USC of the consultant's service with the USC football staff. As a result, this violation is a component of Finding B-7, lack of institutional control.


1. Letter of admonishment for the former head football coach, as a result of exceeding the limit on coaches as set forth in Finding B-3.
2. Letter of reprimand for the former head football coach, as a result of the impermissible contacts between representative A and prospective student-athletes as set forth in Finding B-4.


On several occasions beginning in December 2002 and continuing to December 2005, during prospective football student-athletes' official paid visits to the institution's campus, a representative of the institution's athletics interests and the owner of a local restaurant ("representative A") made impermissible off-campus recruiting contacts with a number of prospective student-athletes.

Committee Rationale

The enforcement staff and institution are in agreement with the facts of this finding and that violations of NCAA legislation occurred. The institution believed that conversations between representative A and prospective student-athletes visiting his restaurant were neither made nor intended to be of a recruiting nature. The institution further asserted that these conversations were not interpreted by the prospects as having a recruiting purpose, and that they did not play a role in any prospect's decisions to attend the institution. The enforcement staff took no formal position as to whether the contacts were major or secondary violations. Although the committee finds that the violations were secondary, they form a component of Finding B-7, lack of institutional control.


3. Letter of reprimand to representative A for the impermissible contacts discussed in Finding B-4.

4. The football program discontinued hosting recruiting dinners at representative A's restaurant effective August 2006. The last recruiting dinner held there was in December 2005.


I listen to your show a lot and appreciate your high velocity and fun. However, I was a little disturbed by your exchange with Coach Carroll.

At about the 3:18 Mark of your interview you stated:

"Now you weren't mentioned coach in the N C double A report, at all, your name is not there."

First off, no one's name is mentioned in the report. However, "head football coach" is prominently mentioned. I believe it's fair to assume we all know who that is. The fact of the matter is that Coach Carroll was cited for a "Major Violation" which contributed to the lack of institutional control charge. I can understand your not wanting to put him on the spot. However, you misled your audience greatly here. Why is it that no one in the LA media market is making note of Coach Carroll's "Major" transgression?

Thanks for your time.
You're definitely preaching to the choir. Whatever issues pertain to Harbaugh, they pale next to the extensive and wholesale violations and corrupt activities perpetrated by Pete Carroll.
Ha ha...I'd take that bet in a heart beat...for no other reason than harbaugh will never beat urban. He coached through a shitty big ten and got absolutely rolled against the Buckeyes .

25 posts in 10 years... Do you have a Rolodex of handles or are you Rip Van Winkle like?
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Harbaugh is a loser and a putz. His wife and kids can't stand him. He left the 49ers a mess and will do the same at Michigan.

I bet if he created an ND handle he'd spell the player's name correctly and get the number right....
25 Golden posts. Purse he is not. Urban made Harbaugh his prison bit#h this year. There is no debating that. Meyer is a lot smarter than Ironhead Mike.

Harbaugh made kelly his piss boy when they squared off....

Name kelly's biggest upset win at ND. 6 years....

It took Harbaugh 5 games to knock off a number 1 team....
Brian Kelly played for all the marbles in 2012. Something Pajama boy never has done in college.

Why won't you point out kelly's biggest upset win of his ND tenure? Does he have one?

kelly didn't play for all the marbles. He lost his marbles and the game was over before kickoff.

He was nefariously plotting his exit to the NFL when he should have been game planning for 'bama....

It was the second worst defeat in BCS Game history only because Saban showed mercy.

(southern cal over Oklahoma was #1...)
Why such a focus on an upset win? That tells me nothing about the coach.....if he does it consistently, great but neither have.
The fascination with harbaugh is pretty ridiculous.

I'm more worried about what our coach is doing to keep getting better rather than what someone else is doing...that is completely out of anyone's control at ND.

BK...get good players, fire defensive staff, fix very own red zone issues, spend more time getting backups ready to play should an injury arise.

Simple enough..right?
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Khaki pants lost his best tackle recruit to Stanford recently. Swenson(the tackled he took scholarship offer from) signed with OK. Karma is a bitch.
Why won't you point out kelly's biggest upset win of his ND tenure? Does he have one?

kelly didn't play for all the marbles. He lost his marbles and the game was over before kickoff.

He was nefariously plotting his exit to the NFL when he should have been game planning for 'bama....

It was the second worst defeat in BCS Game history only because Saban showed mercy.

(southern cal over Oklahoma was #1...)

Even though I'm on your side in thinking that Harbaugh is far better coach than kelly
to his credit Kelly does have a one upset win i guess (against Oklahoma in '12)
your point is well taken however that any team that was good at the end of the year (2 losses or less)
against those teams BK's record is terrible. If he is/was a good coach at worst he should be splitting those games
Even though I'm on your side in thinking that Harbaugh is far better coach than kelly
to his credit Kelly does have a one upset win i guess (against Oklahoma in '12)
your point is well taken however that any team that was good at the end of the year (2 losses or less)
against those teams BK's record is terrible. If he is/was a good coach at worst he should be splitting those games

ND was ranked # 5 and Oklahoma was # 8. I think you may be right about the point spread though...
There are a few realities which must be discussed as one follows this post.

- Jim Harbaugh is a tremendous coach who has been successful everywhere he has been as a player and coach.

- Jim is also a bit strange, so what, he will be extremely successful at Michigan.

- Brian Kelly is a tremendous coach who has been successful everywhere he has been.

- Brian is fairly down to earth, understands the academic reality at ND and works by that stringent criteria. He has been and will continue to be very successful at ND.

- Both are among the best coaches in America and both appear to coach within the rules with players who likely could not gain admittance to most SEC schools or the likes of Clemson or FSU.

-Finally, cgvr continues to prove with each passing day that he is a moron.

Thanks, I hope this helped, Go Irish!
There are a few realities which must be discussed as one follows this post.

- Jim Harbaugh is a tremendous coach who has been successful everywhere he has been as a player and coach.

- Jim is also a bit strange, so what, he will be extremely successful at Michigan.

- Brian Kelly is a tremendous coach who has been successful everywhere he has been.

- Brian is fairly down to earth, understands the academic reality at ND and works by that stringent criteria. He has been and will continue to be very successful at ND.

- Both are among the best coaches in America and both appear to coach within the rules with players who likely could not gain admittance to most SEC schools or the likes of Clemson or FSU.

-Finally, cgvr continues to prove with each passing day that he is a moron.

Thanks, I hope this helped, Go Irish!

Harbaugh won a major bowl as a player finishing #2 in the country.
Harbaugh finished 3rd in Heisman voting... kelly was a towel boy.
Harbaugh played for over a decade in the NFL.
Harbaugh won a major bowl as a coach. kelly never did.
Harbaugh coached in the NFL. kelly never will because he is a dumb Barney Rubble fat head.
Harbaugh made NFL history as a HC.
Harbaugh made the Super Bowl.
In 2 years kelly may own the most losses by any coach in ND history.
He is el stinko and he dresses like a prepped out SMC chick when he golfs.....
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^^^^^ a perfect answer from the village idiot!

Here's kelly recruiting at St. John Bosco....

He didn't like an interference call vs Morgan, but kept his mouth shut.....

if you posted two blind resumes concerning two head college coaches you would certainly choose the one that mirrored brian kellys success as a college coach as compared to jim harbaughs. i like harbaugh a lot and think he's a very good coach. that said comparing the twos collegiate coaching resumes is laughable. kelly has achieved much, much more. harbaugh is going to do very well at michigan but will always be second fiddle in the big 10 as long as urban is at OSU.
Harbaugh won a major bowl as a player finishing #2 in the country.
Harbaugh finished 3rd in Heisman voting... kelly was a towel boy.
Harbaugh played for over a decade in the NFL.
Harbaugh won a major bowl as a coach. kelly never did.
Harbaugh coached in the NFL. kelly never will because he is a dumb Barney Rubble fat head.
Harbaugh made NFL history as a HC.
Harbaugh made the Super Bowl.
In 2 years kelly may own the most losses by any coach in ND history.
He is el stinko and he dresses like a prepped out SMC chick when he golfs.....

^^^The village idiot thinks Harbaugh is far greater than Nick Saban or Vince Lombardi. He loves those second place finishes. The king of the silver and bronze medals.
if you posted two blind resumes concerning two head college coaches you would certainly choose the one that mirrored brian kellys success as a college coach as compared to jim harbaughs. i like harbaugh a lot and think he's a very good coach. that said comparing the twos collegiate coaching resumes is laughable. kelly has achieved much, much more. harbaugh is going to do very well at michigan but will always be second fiddle in the big 10 as long as urban is at OSU.

Tell me about those D2 championship seasons... hahahahaha
^^^The village idiot thinks Harbaugh is far greater than Nick Saban or Vince Lombardi. He loves those second place finishes. The king of the silver and bronze medals.

Where did you come up with Lombardi?

PS I offered you a wager. You appear scared...