Wisc Line

We also played Northwestern a lot, Indiana and Ohio State a couple of times, and Penn St., a late arrival to the Big 1O.

I'm pretty certain the last time we played Wisconsin was in 1964, Ara's first year.

Yes, I'd like both teams to play in their home stadiums, but times have changed. I was hoping to go last year with my son because I've never seen a game in Lambeau Field (the only NFL stadium to be named after a former ND player) and I've been a lifelong Packers fan.
I think I’m done what ND or any other college team playing in NFL stadiums but Lambert field would/will be pretty darn cool. Since you are a Packer fan I’m sure you will be pretty pumped up for that.
Cmon man, the guy came in cold off the bench with no real game experience and he played like a pro. I understand that Wisc. had no film on him which I will give you. But Pyne's height issue is completely overblown.
After the first drive Pyne was the dreaded 'game manager.'