USC board talking about dumping Helton


Fighting Irish Fanatic
Feb 1, 2008
after 1 year. They think they are going to get Tom Herman. That would mean they would be paying Otis Sarkisian, Helton and a new coach. Doubt it.
The Notre Dame board talks about dumping Kelly and the Irish are on a much better situation than SC
I like him there

I do believe he's not the right guy for the job though
Please stay there and continue to bring updates here...... I wonder where the liar beach is...oh wait, we didn't lose.....
my brother went to usc and a good friend is big donor, whatever that means--both agree with your statement that helton is gone this year if he loses 2 out of 3 to stanford, ucla and nd--both are predicting losses to all three. throw in O and W and they have a killer schedule for a first year coach.
Could ND play USC again without a head coach? That would be 3 out of 4 years.
It was obvious from the start that Helton was a bridge the gap guy for the rest of '15 and all of '16. Herman isn't leaving HOU anytime soon IMO. Maybe SC could land Ken Norton.
Hard to imagine that they would fire a coach after one year.

imo Lynn Swann won't be patient....

Helton's got a huge mountain to climb. His team is very very stupid....
Herman to USC? Herman can write his own ticket - if he was a stock, I would buy a 1,000 shares. UH is on the rise as a university, facilities, BIG-12?, winner. He could stay at UH - but if he leaves it will be to a big time program.
SC needs to stop hiring AD's and coaches because they have ties to SC. Their last 2 AD's have been complete disasters and then they hire Lynn Swann??? What the hell does Lynn Swann know about being an AD?