You know how I feel about the NCAA. I'm most definitely not sympathetic to their plight. And ironically enough, it seems like it's the SEC, the American south, home of slavery and Jim Crow and all that.... who are the leading force, it sounds like, in wanting to go ahead and fully professionalize, with unions, and get it over with and let these players make money and finally get paid like they oughta be, and much more in keeping with what the market truly will bear.... While ND is pretentiously clinging to what's left of the old paradigm, the plantation system....
And of course, in theory, on paper, ND has so much money to spend on NIL pay for play, in terms of donors that regularly give plenty of money to both the school and the football program, but because they're so holier than thou, they've already lost Dante Moore, and of course wouldn't be caught dead getting their hands dirty in a tawdry bidding war...
However, they do have a collective, they do have a fund set up like all programs do, and being ND it's all discreet and low-key, other than the one press release announcing its launch, and maybe that fund will be able to funnel real money, and substantial sums to players already on the roster, if not to be used in mored nakedly direct violation of the NCAA's dickless, unenforceable bylaw which of course attempts to ludicrously forbid pay for play, which is exactly what the Supreme Court said they cannot do.... and the upshot would be that a player can make a lot of money at ND, conceivably, but they're not going to do the whole signing bonus thing. Just show up, be a contributing member of the team in good standing, and then on the weekends go and pick up your money. After putting in an appearance at the local soup kitchen or something. Which is how ND plans on making use of those NIL rights that they will have paid their players so handsomely for......
The point is, and I certainly don't know at all just exactly how ND's slush fund actually works, or how much money we're actually talking about, that seemingly players could do quite well for themselves coming to ND, and there's no reason for our recruiting to take some existential hit. Even if ND refuses to to ever do anything more literally resembling outright pay for play a la Texas A&M, though that of course is all entirely cosmetic, and everything about NIL is pay for play. But this is ND, and they will bend over backwards to follow the letter of the law, no matter how frivolous or absurdly stupid and unjust. But they're Catholics, so of course they have a martyr complex....