Riley Out Rest of Spring

Those complaining about the font size and bold print must be incredibly petty and lead miserable, empty lives.

They also seem incapable of differentiating form from substance

One could conclude that they’re small minded and pathetic.

Yep, that seems about right
For someone who told us how academically accomplished he was, how do you know the degree to which I struggle to read what the other idiots called normal font?
We know your reading comprehension suffers. Thanks for trying out.
Let’s recap.

Patti name dropping again ✔️✔️

Patti calling others ….morons, stupid, cowards, and frauds✔️✔️

Patti claiming he needs the big font to write…but has no demonstrated problem reading every other posters’ regular and unboldened font. Things that make you go hmmmm….✔️✔️

Patti arguing with at least 6 other posters simultaneously about the most simple of items ✔️✔️

Patti demanding verification of anything from the air other posters’ breathe, to a list of the toiletries in their bathrooms …. But Patti has not produced his medical degree..✔️✔️

Patti making a demonstrative statement, then moving the goalposts in successive posts, then claiming he never made the original post ✔️✔️

Did I mention Patti is arguing with most of the board?✔️✔️

I’m expecting next for Patti to post… “my tricycle is better than your bicycle”
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If Pat, or anyone else here, says he requires large bold type because his eyesight is deteriorating, then we should accommodate. Arguing whether he requires this or comparing surgeries or doctors, etc.. is really silly.

Have you followed what Patti argues about?

We don’t know if he has a problem reading normal fonts! Yes, he reads the normal fonts and responds, but we have no idea what effort this takes, or whether he has to use a magnifying glass, etc…. I choose to simply accept that bold larger type is better for him and I accept his statement that he has deteriorating eyesight. That doesn’t mean I agree with his positions or constant name calling. We should be able to separate one from the other.​

Good point
Your arrogance is exceeded only buy your ignorance

I don’t use a computer keyboard when accessing this site, I dictate.

Where’s you list of eye doctors, you know, the ones that are superior to my eye doctors ?

You made that claim, now back it up by providing the list of your eye doctors

My guess is that they don’t come close to the level of expertise possessed by the physicians who have attended me.

Benefit of the Doubt ?
There is no doubt, I listed some of my eye doctors, but you, like a coward, failed to list your eye doctors, the ones that you claimed were better than mine.

You’re a fraud

You draw conclusions without sufficient data?

You make claims that you can’t substantiate, mainly because you can’t substantiate them, and secondly, because you’re a coward
You ‘dic-tate? I’ll say!

Why can’t you dictate to not use bold font then…?
Let’s recap.

Patti name dropping again ✔️✔️

Patti calling others ….morons, stupid, cowards, and frauds✔️✔️

Patti claiming he needs the big font to write…but has no demonstrated problem reading every other posters’ regular and unboldened font. Things that make you go hmmmm….✔️✔️

Patti arguing with at least 6 other posters simultaneously about the most simple of items ✔️✔️

Patti demanding verification of anything from the air other posters’ breathe, to a list of the toiletries in their bathrooms …. But Patti has not produced his medical degree..✔️✔️

Patti making a demonstrative statement, then moving the goalposts in successive posts, then claiming he never made the original post ✔️✔️

Did I mention Patti is arguing with most of the board?✔️✔️

I’m expecting next for Patti to post… “my tricycle is better than your bicycle”
Let’s take things in reverse order

I wasn’t the one claiming that their doctors we’re better than mine, that was 3daughters.
Evidently you’re reading comprehension is seriously lacking

I didn’t derail and personalize this thread, echowaker and 3daughters did
Again, you’re reading comprehension is sorely lacking

I only asked 3daughters to list his doctors who he claimed were better than my doctors
Since 3daughters made the claim he should be able to substantiate his claim by naming his doctors

What difference does it make if I argue with 6 posters or 60 posters?
And I didn’t start the argument, Echowaker and 3daughters started it.

Tell me a genius, how do you know the degree of difficulty I have with reading “ normal font“. The answer is you don’t. The fact is that you’re totally ignorant with regard to my vision issues, along with almost everything else

As to the name calling, you didn’t mind when 3daughters accused me of lying, so why would you object to my accurate labeling of those that I was debating, including yourself

“Name dropping” ?
3Daughters claimed that his doctors we’re better than my doctors, so I just named three of the eye doctors who treated me and asked him to name the eye doctors who treated him, especially since he claimed that his doctors were so much better than mine. I just made a statement of fact to counter 3daughters claim.

But the real issue is that you’re so envious, so jealous that you seek every opportunity to try to criticize me. And that’s okay with me, it doesn’t bother me in the least, because I consider the source. You’re a petty, jealous nobody, who hides behind anonymity.
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Your arrogance is exceeded only buy your ignorance

I don’t use a computer keyboard when accessing this site, I dictate.

Where’s you list of eye doctors, you know, the ones that are superior to my eye doctors ?

You made that claim, now back it up by providing the list of your eye doctors

My guess is that they don’t come close to the level of expertise possessed by the physicians who have attended me.

Benefit of the Doubt ?
There is no doubt, I listed some of my eye doctors, but you, like a coward, failed to list your eye doctors, the ones that you claimed were better than mine.

You’re a fraud

You draw conclusions without sufficient data?

You make claims that you can’t substantiate, mainly because you can’t substantiate them, and secondly, because you’re a coward
If you DICTATE on this site, why is your vision an issue???
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You ‘dic-tate? I’ll say!

Why can’t you dictate to not use bold font then…?
Here’s a hint for you, you moron ………. Because it’s easier to see.……… and when you dictate, auto spell often types the wrong words.

By having larger, bolder words, I can detect the typographical errors easier

Do you have any more really dumb questions ? Questions that are indicative of your low IQ.
If you DICTATE on this site, why is your vision an issue???
Another moronic question

Because it’s easier to see the typos

Why have you failed to list your doctors, the ones you claimed were better than mine.
I listed mine
Why haven’t you listed yours ?
You know, the ones that you claimed are better than mine.
Let’s take things in reverse order

I wasn’t the one claiming that their doctors we’re better than mine, that was 3daughters.
Evidently you’re reading comprehension is seriously lacking

I didn’t derail and personalize this thread, echowaker and 3daughters did
Again, you’re reading comprehension is sorely lacking

I only asked 3daughters to list his doctors who he claimed were better than my doctors
Since 3daughters made the claim he should be able to substantiate his claim by naming his doctors

What difference does it make if I argue with 6 posters or 60 posters?
And I didn’t start the argument, Echowaker and 3daughters started it.

Tell me a genius, how do you know the degree of difficulty I have with reading “ normal font“. The answer is you don’t. The fact is that you’re totally ignorant with regard to my vision issues, along with almost everything else

As to the name calling, you didn’t mind when 3daughters accused me of lying, so why would you object to my accurate labeling of those that I was debating, including yourself

“Name dropping” ?
3Daughters claimed that his doctors we’re better than my doctors, so I just named three of the eye doctors who treated me and asked him to name the eye doctors who treated him, especially since he claimed that his doctors were so much better than mine. I just made a statement of fact to counter 3daughters claim.

But the real issue is that you’re so envious, so jealous that you seek every opportunity to try to criticize me. And that’s okay with me, it doesn’t bother me in the least, because I consider the source. You’re a petty, jealous nobody, who hides behind anonymity.
Lol, more name calling. More “I don’t cares”, followed by a lot of caring posting. Such a pathetic figure you are.

Everything I posted was true and accurate. You can’t disprove it. lol.

I’ll refer you to read my previous post. It still applies.
I couldn’t read my font. My eye doctor was busy getting his 2nd doctorate while he was negotiating the ME withdrawal and then meeting with POTUS to solve world hunger. I won’t see him until we take Tom’s jet to the NCAA final and sit beside Taylor
Jealousy doesn’t become you, but I guess when you lead a pathetic life, font size and bold print threaten your world.
Lol, more name calling. More “I don’t cares”, followed by a lot of caring posting. Such a pathetic figure you are.

Everything I posted was true and accurate. You can’t disprove it. lol.

I’ll refer you to read my previous post. It still applies.
I’ve substantiated every statement that I’ve made.

I didn’t bring up the level of expertise of my doctors, 3daughters did
when he claimed that his doctors were better than my doctors, so I merely listed some of the doctors who treated me and I asked him to list the doctors who treated him.

And for some reason that set you off, you must be very insecure and you must lead a pathetic life.

You’re very jealous and extremely resentful of the life that I lead, but that’s your problem and your demon to wrestle with

As to my attending physicians, why wouldn’t I want to be attended by physicians who are amongst the leading physicians in their specialty ?

And let’s not forget that I was merely defending myself from Echowaker’s and 3daughters’ attacks.

You need to get professional help in order to evict me from living in your brain.

I know some very good doctors who specialize in that, but in your case, it may be in curable.
Jealousy doesn’t become you, but I guess when you lead a pathetic life, font size and bold print threaten your world.
Cmon, gimme a break. Just met with the UN, have to meet Zelensky for coffee later, then get in the simulator for my next trip to Mars
I’ve substantiated every statement that I’ve made.

I didn’t bring up the level of expertise of my doctors, 3daughters did
when he claimed that his doctors were better than my doctors, so I merely listed some of the doctors who treated me and I asked him to list the doctors who treated him.

And for some reason that set you off, you must be very insecure and you must lead a pathetic life.

You’re very jealous and extremely resentful of the life that I lead, but that’s your problem and your demon to wrestle with

As to my attending physicians, why wouldn’t I want to be attended by physicians who are amongst the leading physicians in their specialty ?

And let’s not forget that I was merely defending myself from Echowaker’s and 3daughters’ attacks.

You need to get professional help in order to evict me from living in your brain.

I know some very good doctors who specialize in that, but in your case, it may be in curable.
Stop bothering me. I have Tom Sr on line 2.
Well good for you, my doctors must be a whole lot better than yours. That whiney little girl cooped up inside of you just banging to come out isn’t she….
Hey, BGI user 756 and BGI user 1596,

Why didn’t you get your shorts in a knot when 3daughters claimed to have better doctors ?

Isn’t that what you always harp on ?

Why aren’t you critical of his bragging ?


When are you going to list your doctors ?
You know, the ones you claimed that we’re better than mine

You were so quick to denigrate my doctors, telling us that yours were a lot better.
So I listed some of the doctors who treated me
Where is your list of the better doctors that treated you ?

Or were you just being an arrogant and ignorant poster who didn’t think that he would have to substantiate his claim.

C’mon, we’re waiting for your list, why haven’t you produced it ?
One thing I’ll agree with you is that you do need a team of doctors. You need around the clock care. I hope for your sake your team of doctors can figure out why you are so Batshit crazy!
I have good news and bad news for you

The good news is that they can cure “bat shit crazy”

The bad news is if they can’t cure stupid, hence your fate is forever sealed

My condolences
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Called my doctor yesterday to see if I could refer Pat to him but he said “god no, not that nutcase!”.
Nutcase” ? ? ?

Nutcase because I called you out and you failed to meet the challenge

You claimed that you had better doctors than my doctors, so I just listed the doctors who treated me and asked you to list the doctors that treat you, so that we could compare their credentials and see who has the better doctors.

Why have you failed to list your doctors?

What are you afraid of ?

Yes, your being exposed as an arrogant and ignorant fraud is embarrassing, but you’ll get over it in time.

And maybe it’s a good lesson learned, maybe you shouldn’t make declarative statements when you’re uninformed and don’t know what you’re talking about

In an attempt to redeem yourself, go ahead and list your doctors

Hey, BGI user 756 and BGI user 1596,

Why didn’t you get your shorts in a knot when 3daughters claimed to have better doctors ?

Isn’t that what you always harp on ?

Why aren’t you critical of his bragging ?


When are you going to list your doctors ?
You know, the ones you claimed that we’re better than mine

You were so quick to denigrate my doctors, telling us that yours were a lot better.
So I listed some of the doctors who treated me
Where is your list of the better doctors that treated you ?

Or were you just being an arrogant and ignorant poster who didn’t think that he would have to substantiate his claim.

C’mon, we’re waiting for your list, why haven’t you produced it ?
Hey Patti

Stop bothering me. Take your bunched up ‘tight and whities’ and pick another fight with the 8 posters you have not yet argued with.

lol, “my doctors are better than your doctors” and you have regurgitated it 7 times in past day

But we know you don’t care…wink wink
Why don't you children give it a break? Im all for busting someones balls every once in a while but this is just stupid, enough please.
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