Riley Out Rest of Spring

Well good for you, my doctors must be a whole lot better than yours. That whiney little girl cooped up inside of you just banging to come out isn’t she….
Hey, where is your list of physicians?

Surely it can’t take it that long to remember who they were.

You’re just nother big mouth who can’t back up his claim

Why are you hiding?
Hey, where is your list of physicians?

Surely it can’t take it that long to remember who they were.

You’re just nother big mouth who can’t back up his claim

Why are you hiding?
Maybe it’s not a little girl, you have any latent feelings you’ve suppressed for all these years Pat? You know times have changed, you can be your true self.
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Well good for you, my doctors must be a whole lot better than yours. That whiney little girl cooped up inside of you just banging to come out isn’t she….
Why can't you say whiny little boy???
Probably because he's feminine
I have been around three strong sisters, a strong mother, a strong daughter, and a strong wife my whole life. I see nothing feminine about him.

Simply an immature male.
I have been around three strong sisters, a strong mother, a strong daughter, and a strong wife my whole life. I see nothing feminine about him.

Simply an immature male.
No. Feminine qualities he shows
Let that little girl inside you out Pat, set her free and you might be able to carry on a civilized conversation
Hey big mouth, list those doctors of yours who you claimed were better than mine.

I listed some of mine, so, go ahead and list yours

You’re all talk and you’re a coward

And it looks like that little girl just bitch slapped you
Maybe it’s not a little girl, you have any latent feelings you’ve suppressed for all these years Pat? You know times have changed, you can be your true self.
Unlike you, when I make a claim i back it up.

But you’re too cowardly to list your doctors, you know the ones you claimed were better than mine.

Oh, and I almost forgot, you also claimed that your limited number of eye operations qualified you to diagnose my conditions.

You’re a fraud and a coward
No. Feminine qualities he shows
If bitch slapping you counts as a feminine quality, I’m OK with it

But bitch slapping you so often has gotten boring with the constant repetition
Hey, where is your list of physicians?

Surely it can’t take it that long to remember who they were.

You’re just nother big mouth who can’t back up his claim

Why are you hiding?
One thing I’ll agree with you is that you do need a team of doctors. You need around the clock care. I hope for your sake your team of doctors can figure out why you are so Batshit crazy!
Evidently, in addition to being a moron, you don’t know how to read.

I’ve stated on several occasions that the larger bold print is due to eye issues.

Now that you’ve read the above, you can go back to being a moron
That solves it. A recent study came out showing 60% of learning disabilities also have eye issues.
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If Pat, or anyone else here, says he requires large bold type because his eyesight is deteriorating, then we should accommodate. Arguing whether he requires this or comparing surgeries or doctors, etc.. is really silly.

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You are better than that! Remember ND35? He was handicapped in much the same manner and we tried to accommodate him. Well, I did.
It's hard to want to accommodate someone who is a complete tool bag. This was my point. I think it's not Pat's Personality we see here/ It's Pat's Autism. I'm dead serious. So if Pat would clear the air then it would be easier to understand/empathize with Pat. Right now it just comes off as A##holery!

If Pat, or anyone else here, says he requires large bold type because his eyesight is deteriorating, then we should accommodate. Arguing whether he requires this or comparing surgeries or doctors, etc.. is really silly.

When you have eye problems the issue is reading, not typing. He apparently has no problem reading normal fonts. If he can do that there’s no reason whatsoever to respond in bold.
When you have eye problems the issue is reading, not typing. He apparently has no problem reading normal fonts. If he can do that there’s no reason whatsoever to respond in bold.
I completely agree with you. How can he read posts in normal type but needs bold type to post?
When you have eye problems the issue is reading, not typing. He apparently has no problem reading normal fonts. If he can do that there’s no reason whatsoever to respond in bold.

We don’t know if he has a problem reading normal fonts! Yes, he reads the normal fonts and responds, but we have no idea what effort this takes, or whether he has to use a magnifying glass, etc…. I choose to simply accept that bold larger type is better for him and I accept his statement that he has deteriorating eyesight. That doesn’t mean I agree with his positions or constant name calling. We should be able to separate one from the other.​

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We don’t know if he has a problem reading normal fonts! Yes, he reads the normal fonts and responds, but we have no idea what effort this takes, or whether he has to use a magnifying glass, etc…. I choose to simply accept that bold larger type is better for him and I accept his statement that he has deteriorating eyesight. That doesn’t mean I agree with his positions or constant name calling. We should be able to separate one from the other.​

It is quite easy to enlarge a page to make it easier to read. But it cost nothing to be considerate.

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We don’t know if he has a problem reading normal fonts! Yes, he reads the normal fonts and responds, but we have no idea what effort this takes, or whether he has to use a magnifying glass, etc…. I choose to simply accept that bold larger type is better for him and I accept his statement that he has deteriorating eyesight. That doesn’t mean I agree with his positions or constant name calling. We should be able to separate one from the other.​

That’s fine for you. I learned decades ago that a person who consistently exhibits bad behavior isn’t entitled to the benefit of a doubt from me. By the way, the letters on the keyboard are pretty big and if he needs to type in bold to see what he’s typed he can easily un-bold before he hits the “post reply” button.
That’s fine for you. I learned decades ago that a person who consistently exhibits bad behavior isn’t entitled to the benefit of a doubt from me. By the way, the letters on the keyboard are pretty big and if he needs to type in bold to see what he’s typed he can easily un-bold before he hits the “post reply” button.
Agree 100%
That’s fine for you. I learned decades ago that a person who consistently exhibits bad behavior isn’t entitled to the benefit of a doubt from me. By the way, the letters on the keyboard are pretty big and if he needs to type in bold to see what he’s typed he can easily un-bold before he hits the “post reply” button.
There is a zoom function, and also we can color text
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When you have eye problems the issue is reading, not typing. He apparently has no problem reading normal fonts. If he can do that there’s no reason whatsoever to respond in bold.
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When you have eye problems the issue is reading, not typing. He apparently has no problem reading normal fonts. If he can do that there’s no reason whatsoever to respond in bold.
Remind me again, where did you receive your medical degree ?

How do you know that I don’t have problems reading normal fonts ?

Oh, that’s right, you’re the one who claimed that your doctors were better than my doctors, but when challenged to produce their names, like a coward you declined to do so.

You’re a fraud and a coward
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I completely agree with you. How can he read posts in normal type but needs bold type to post?
You are beyond stupid
I mean, it’s really incredible, it’s hard to believe that anyone could be as stupid as you

How do you know the degree of difficulty I have in reading what you call, “ normal posts“ ?

We don’t know if he has a problem reading normal fonts! Yes, he reads the normal fonts and responds, but we have no idea what effort this takes, or whether he has to use a magnifying glass, etc…. I choose to simply accept that bold larger type is better for him and I accept his statement that he has deteriorating eyesight. That doesn’t mean I agree with his positions or constant name calling. We should be able to separate one from the other.​


One would’ve thought that your summary would’ve been obvious to everyone, but obviously common sense isn’t so common on the site

Thanks for understanding
That’s fine for you. I learned decades ago that a person who consistently exhibits bad behavior isn’t entitled to the benefit of a doubt from me. By the way, the letters on the keyboard are pretty big and if he needs to type in bold to see what he’s typed he can easily un-bold before he hits the “post reply” button.
Your arrogance is exceeded only buy your ignorance

I don’t use a computer keyboard when accessing this site, I dictate.

Where’s you list of eye doctors, you know, the ones that are superior to my eye doctors ?

You made that claim, now back it up by providing the list of your eye doctors

My guess is that they don’t come close to the level of expertise possessed by the physicians who have attended me.

Benefit of the Doubt ?
There is no doubt, I listed some of my eye doctors, but you, like a coward, failed to list your eye doctors, the ones that you claimed were better than mine.

You’re a fraud

You draw conclusions without sufficient data?

You make claims that you can’t substantiate, mainly because you can’t substantiate them, and secondly, because you’re a coward