Players win games not coaches. Coaches can lose games but never win them, If you coached a day in your life, you might understand that, but since your knowledge of football is so limited you do not. The QB in Tallahassee is no one I care to discuss, I was comparing and contrasting Malik Zaire to the other guy who started at ND last year.
David Shaw is not worth discussing to me and I think the Stanford Offense is nothing but "Recruit Repellent". Andrew Luck's greatness is the reason that program hit a purple patch for a few years. As far as Brian Kelly having a losing record versus Stanford, so what? He was rebuilding the program. Charlie Weis was 4-1 Stanford and 2-1 versus Harbaugh. You want him back? I didn't think so.
How do I know Malik Zaire will fare better verses Venables?. Because I have never seen Malik Zaire meltdown to the point he had to be pulled out of football a game. Smaller sample size maybe but he faced top level athletes in his 3 games. USC, LSU and Texas. He is calm, the ball comes out on time, he is decisive and he takes coaching without appearing to have a nervous breakdown on the sideline,
The ol' still building a program shtick. You're sounding like Obama. Going into the SIXTH season that excuse has ran its course.
So coaches don't win games? They do contribute though in development where up til this season has been little in regards to QB development and special teams.
Coach Weis did a ton of things wrong, but developing QBs wasn't one of them. How can a coach with Kelly's pedigree be having so much difficult is curious bont you think?
I've seen excuses well.." it's hard to get the right guy" ........with 3/4 of the countries HS playing one form of the spread, and the ND brand I find that hard to believe.
Now in regards to being a coach? No I have never coached but my father did for 15 yrs, so it's not as if I don't understand the workings of it. You do not need to be a coach the past seasons to see ND has been lacking and since this is not a coaches only message board you will excuse me, though it would be wonderful to see you interact with coach Shaw, and explain to him how much of a "nothing" he is!
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