IrishMike, I personally think the only position locked up going into Spring should be Craig at center. I thought both Rocco and Coogan were slow of foot, even for guards. Thought Rocco was decidedly better than Coogan overall, but we don’t know whether his knee injury will impact on his play next season, etc... Billy looked good when Rocco went down, and I think he’ll claim one of the guard spots, making it a Rocco vs Coogan competition, and I think Rocco wins this assuming full recovery from knee surgery and continued improvement. I’m hoping Knapp overwhelms as a true freshman and makes this a three way competition and difficult decision for Rudolph.
The only guy we’ve seen play tackle in more than mop up duty is Baker, and he was terrible two seasons ago when Alt became the eventual starter. His size is enormous, and he’s looked better than I expected in mop up duty the last two games. He’ll compete For a starter position this next season If he doesn’t enter the TP. Wagner may never get to 300 plus pounds, but I think his natural strength and athleticism and playing As a powerful 290 tackle is an attractive possibility. Gains in both strength (power) and weight is critical for him, and proving he can maintain both while playing is the path to him starting. I-think he does both And wins the RT spot.
I want Jugasah to outright win the other tackle spot, but I think he will need to beat out both Baker and an experienced tackle we bring in; not a sure thing. But like I said above, I think Center with Craig should be the only locked up position going into Spring. I do think Rudolph has shown he values performance over experience, which fosters competition.
Should be a fun Spring to read about these.