Thanks to all who submitted questions for me and
@Eric Hansen on our latest podcast. These are the questions we answered with timestamps.
23:20 | Michael John - @JohnDow55878516: Who do you believe will be ND's starting linebackers next year and at what positions? Also, what are your feelings on this 4-2-5 or 3-3-5 defense that ND seems to prefer? Seems to take a more talented linebacker off the field in favor of a less talented safety?
30:50 | Email from Jeff in Phoenix: ND enters this season with three scholarship QBs (Hartman/Angeli/Minchey), and in 2024 projects to also have three scholarship QBs (Carr/Angeli/Minchey), absent any incoming or outgoing transfers. Is 3 the right number of QBs to balance competition and the possibility of injury?
33:29 | @CharlesWWolfe: What are your biggest unanswered questions heading into fall camp?
35:07 |
@ldlgoirish: I know rating for players either out of high school or in the transfer portal is not an exact science. Tyler B Rivals transfer player ranking is the 461st best player and the 38th best QB. Drew Pine is the 114th rated player and the 10th highest QB. Please give your take on why Rivals has that great of a ranking disparity. Second part;; Leary from NC State going to Kentucky is the highest rated transfer QB and 4th best overall player per Rivals. In contrast Sam Hartman is the 3rd best QB in the portal but with a considerably lower overall player ranking of 24. Is Leary that much better than Hartman to the evaluators at Rivals? And Why?
39:34 | ldlgoirish: This is a follow-up to your discussion on transfers. I believe freshmen transfers that would of been accepted to Notre Dame and who have completed a rigorous freshman year of study should be allowed to transfer. Here is the Harvard policy "we accept a small group of exceptional students to transfer to Harvard College from other similar liberal arts programs.......if they've completed at least one full academic year, and not more than two, of college coursework. This makes sense to me. In short it means graduate, freshman or sophomore transfers would be allowed. No junior or senior transfers. Your thoughts as always are appreciated. Does a compromise like this have merit?
42:52 | Marie Biafore - @biafore_marie: What grade would you give the following for recruiting? Stuckey, McCullough, Washington, O’Leary and Golden. It seems like Golden’s name is not often mentioned by recruits, do you feel he is 100% invested in recruiting at Notre Dame, or do you think he has one foot out the door or is he somewhere in between?
58:02 |
@sjb75: I get the feeling KVA will announce within 2-3 weeks. Rather than ask you your opinion about KVA and where he attends college, which in this case, based on my reading, is unfair, do the two of you believe Notre Dame has a realistic shot at Kyngstonn Viliamu-Asa?
59:20 | sjb75: 2025 QB recruiting. Who is the current favorite to most likely verbal to Notre Dame?
1:00:45 |
@Allen E: Who do you think will be the back up QB. Kenny Minchey or Steve Angeli ? How big a drop off if any do you see for the Irish special teams this season?
1:04:21 |
@charlie t: Is football never sleeps inspired by Neil Youngs Rust never sleeps?
Podcast Episode · Inside ND Sports: Notre Dame football · 06/22/2023 · 1h 8m