USCs record the previous 5 years to Carrol was 31-29, basically, .500 team.
Carrol, a failed HC of several teams in the NFL comes in and ALL OF A SUDDEN becomes a GENIUS! Wins 10, 11, 12 win seasons for most of his 10 years, Rose Bowl wins, Nat'l Titles (2). Who inside the University is going to look into his ways and means and methods that made him, all of a sudden, become a giant in the coaching industry? ? ?
Who might have the guts to point out steroid use, or helping kids with their exams, or money payments, houses, and literally (insert OJ ref here) live to tell about it?
As an aside, I wonder what those players, at that time, earned, as Degrees? haha
Here's more from your bleacher report, obviously the bastion of credibility when they said,
Holtz was also overseeing the Notre Dame Football team when they were caught distributing steroids in the locker room during the late 80’s and early 90’s. The NCAA allowed the Irish to handle the matter internally, but there is no way Holtz was unaware of all that was going on with his program.
1. Who is they(?) who were supposedly distributing steroids? Do you know bleacher report? Do you know beach?
2. And is there validation that the NCAA had proof of this? lol But they let ND handle it internally. This is garbage you want to bring here beach, not fact. Rumor.
But you know what isn't rumor? Pete Carrol allowed a murderer to come visit and have fun with his team.
Now more from your Bible, Bleacher Report:
Reggie Bush was the first big story to break during the recent wave of college football scandal.
Bush and his family accepted benefits worth more than $100,000 dollars from sports marketing agents while he was at USC.
The family was provided with $54,000 in rent-free living at an agent’s $750,000 mansion, $28,000 to settle a previous debt, and weekly payments of $1,500 for various expenses.
As a result Reggie Bush had to relinquish his Heisman Trophy and USC was stripped of their 2004 BCS championship. The Trojans have also been put on two years of probation along with a two-year bowl ban. The final part of the punishment is a docking of 30 scholarships over the next 3 years.