Good post. Basketball, especially at the college level, is about executing simple things in a 10-15 second period and then having a plan for when the shot clock goes under 8 seconds. With my guys we prepare for the defenses we are going to see, in the past I had no issues with my pt gd calling out 1or 2 sets that we had gone over in practice. Any specials I want, I call. OB plays the same thing, it's decided before the game what we will run ob, If i want something different I will call it. ND plays the same way...but shit-for-brains thinks that people plunk down $25 bucks to see him call plays...make things easy, quick and simple. Players execute better and enjoy doing it.
Syracuse game last week is the prime example....ND gets off the plane after Fla St and the next 2 days they go to the gym. Everyone in the world knows they are going to 2-3 zone. So for 2 days you run 2-3 sets against it, come game day the players know what to run so if they call a set that they have run a hundred times so be happens in the college game all the time. I didn't see the Syr. game as my team was playing....but in my game I bet I made 2 calls the entire first half, both side out plays. We saw m-t-m the entire half, my pt gd new from practicing for 4 hrs on Thurs/Fri what sets I wanted. Our entire offense goes easily from our early offense into our sets into our ten and under stuff. He also knew what I wanted run in the under 10 sec. phase. As long as he called what we practiced, I play 9 guys so if all have practiced it...i let it go. And everyone in my league plays the same way, and when I get the chance to watch other teams play they do the same things's what gets done in practice that matters....but of course sitting on a barstool you won't learn that...