It's not pure speculation. He was a 1st round pick without playing in that game. He was still drafted in the 1st round, after the injury, which showed just how good he was. He had nerve complications that were causing drop foot. He made a full recovery, but his career was shortened, which it wouldn't have been without that injury.
You think that you are making a point, but what you are actually doing is proving the argument that you are railing against. Because it's a violent sport that is full of injuries, those players who see an opportunity to change their lives with the income potential, should not play anymore than they have to. So why play any games? Because they haven't secured the draft stock. Once the draft stock is secured, there is not a sufficient reason to play, when the games are not playing for a championship. You are like a horse with blinders and trying to describe everything that's around you. Your problem is that you can only see what's clear and obvious right in front of you.