OT: Please someone explain the dichotomy with these comments

Why would he? He was a darling of the media, they fawned all over him. 90% of the media has had it in for Trump since the day he was elected.
Was Obama charismatic, yes! However please explain fawned? Are you saying he or his admin's policies were never criticized? Obama wasn't antagonistic like Trump.
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No they blow your whole thesis up and make you look out of touch with reality.
No, actually it doesn't. If I said that the overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of limits on abortion (80% in a recent NPR poll), you'd run to Google or Twitter and give several examples of people who are not in favor of limits, and think that somehow refutes the premise. It doesn't.
Was Obama charismatic, yes! However please explain fawned? Are you saying he or his admin's policies were never criticized? Obama wasn't antagonistic like Trump.
Let me get this straight, are you suggesting that the media is overly and consistently critical of Trump because he's antagonistic toward them, versus him being antagonistic toward them because they overly and consistently criticize him?
No, actually it doesn't. If I said that the overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of limits on abortion (80% in a recent NPR poll), you'd run to Google or Twitter and give several examples of people who are not in favor of limits, and think that somehow refutes the premise. It doesn't.
I dont know how your response goes with anything we've been remotely talking about it in this thread but Bless your heart for still fighting the good fight
Im old enough to remember Trump saying Trade Wars were easy and that the Republicans would fight "Socialism" I guess not so much...
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You ever watch C-Span? There's quite a few people in the House not speaking the King's English.
Yes there are plenty of rep's that have barely functional IQ's but my word there has got to be someone better than this.
Yes there are plenty of rep's that have barely functional IQ's but my word there has got to be someone better than this.
Many times since the advent of C-Span I have marveled as to how someone actually voted for the person on my TV screen. And wondered what the poor soul who lost to that person in the election must be doing right now.
Many times since the advent of C-Span I have marveled as to how someone actually voted for the person on my TV screen. And wondered what the poor soul who lost to that person in the election must be doing right now.
I think has something to do with 99.99% Americans would never want their lives vetted in the public. So you're basically left with alot of narcisistic types running for office who dont care about bad press or privacy that most people crave.
Let me get this straight, are you suggesting that the media is overly and consistently critical of Trump because he's antagonistic toward them, versus him being antagonistic toward them because they overly and consistently criticize him?
What I'm saying and I think you completely agree but TDS is overpowering you, Trump is antagonistic in every way. He's antagonistic with his mouth, Twitter fingers and his policies. Nothing he does is for Americans just his base. Please try and refute what I'm saying. This and this alone is what makes Trump an instigator and target all at once.
Trump got it easy. He was a thrice married cheated on all his wives, 3 different baby mamas, had 20 plus accusations of rape & sexual assualt, led a racist birther movement, had shady business dealings, his campaign had as of today 5 convicted felons (number will grow) and a shady connection with Russian Intelligence, insulted a war hero, and yet still was given the most free air time of any candidate. The party of personal responsibilty sure hates answerings for one's own actions.
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What I'm saying and I think you completely agree but TDS is overpowering you, Trump is antagonistic in every way. He's antagonistic with his mouth, Twitter fingers and his policies. Nothing he does is for Americans just his base. Please try and refute what I'm saying. This and this alone is what makes Trump an instigator and target all at once.
What you call antagonistic is someone countering the BS frombthe left.
I get it. The left is used to the weak knead Republican but president Trump is not a true Republican and fights the way the left does, and the left is having a hard time dealing with it
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What you call antagonistic is someone countering the BS frombthe left.
I get it. The left is used to the weak knead Republican but president Trump is not a true Republican and fights the way the left does, and the left is having a hard time dealing with it
Like I said TDS at its finest.
Trump got it easy. He was a thrice married cheated on all his wives, 3 different baby mamas, had 20 plus accusations of rape & sexual assualt, led a racist birther movement, had shady business dealings, his campaign had as of today 5 convicted felons (number will grow) and a shady connection with Russian Intelligence, insulted a war hero, and yet still was given the most free air time of any candidate. The party of personal responsibilty sure hates answerings for one's own actions.
Im still waiting for your definition of the far right
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So context matters Trump urged his supporters not to except the "rigged" election results if he didnt win, Trump accused of rape or sexual assualt 24 times. Trump led the racist birther movement. Trump made numerous vulger insults about his opponents insulting the looks of a Cruz's wife and spread the rumor that Cruz's dad killed Kennedy and that'd just off the top of my head...
I am waiting for you to leave
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Save your energy
Most of these liberals [not all] are lying scum
Nothing you say no matter how cogent and factual will change their truly sick minds
They just retort with invective and pejoratives
Ie you're crazy and mentally ill lol
Coming from members of the insane asylum. That's rich...
The good news is they're irrelevant and literally nothing they say has any merit or value
It's all deflection and projection
The better news is nothing they say, believe or do can stop what's coming
And it's coming quite soon
Think August
Many of their best and brightest will be staring at Federal Indictments
Starting with Comey [ Perjury] 93 x Comey answered " I don't know " under oath during Congressional hearings. Barr has the documents due to the Trump order to Declassify that prove otherwise
Good Bye James Comey
With Omar close behind [ Qatar]
It was just announced today that Dan Coats is leaving as head of DNI and Trump is nominating John Radcliffe as his replacement.
Coats is an establishment deep state hack who wasn't cooperating with Barrs investigation and the Presidential Declassification order
Coats was slow walking the documents and materials
He gone..
Means Declassification is close
They wanted transparency. They're going to a whole lot of transparency
Let's see how the Fake News media and the posters like real and complete transparency
Can't wait
A Tsunami of Truth is about to hit
And no amount of liberal bloviating and deflection nor Fake News Narrative manipulation will be able to blunt or stop the storm that's about to hit them
The August recess may not be so restful and relaxing for Pelosi and Schumer
I'm sure we'll hear and read some panicked squealing tweets from messers Comey , Brennan and Clapper. They ought to get fitted for orange jump suits instead
Many of their deep state coup collaborators have become cooperators some time ago
Say Lisa Page, Peter Stryzok, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Orr and Bill Priestap [ the first cooperator]
Treason carries the heaviest of penalties
And it can loosen the tongue
Oh no Quest what will you do or say
Heavens No Not the Truth
The Hunters are NOW the Hunted
" All the Kings Horses and All the Kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again "
Hi Barack Obama

What I'm saying and I think you completely agree but TDS is overpowering you, Trump is antagonistic in every way. He's antagonistic with his mouth, Twitter fingers and his policies. Nothing he does is for Americans just his base. Please try and refute what I'm saying. This and this alone is what makes Trump an instigator and target all at once.

Let’s start with defeating ISIS, that benefited all Americans.

Then let’s go to record low unemployment, that benefited all working Americans and their families.

Then let’s go to a record high stock market, that benefited all Americans who have qualified retirement funds, IRA’s and personal investments.

Then let’s go to NOKO no longer launching ICBM’s, that benefits all Americans.

There’s a lot more but that refutes everything you’re saying !
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My response was to TWalsh, who has proven to be an adult in these discussions. Fulminate to those who take you seriously.

I knew that you were incapable of answering direct questions that challenge and refute your position/s.
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As this is a public forum hiding your real identities, I fully understand how you could profess your unvarnished loyalty, love for a man like Donald Trump. Republicans love for Donald Trump reminds me of the quote in the movie Usual Suspects. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing the world he never existed! Trump and Republicans trying to make Obama illegitimate by birthersism and other techniques was the start of extreme gutter politics. Just when you thought politics couldn't get any worse that same man accepted and encouraged a foreign adversary help to the highest office of the land. ALL Americans should not feel comfortable with this current political culture. If you're not, ask yourself why? There used to be a majority of people who cared about doing things the right way. Now a segment shrugs off a man who is called president but has more failed businesses than successful. A man who has shady finances and refuses to be transparent about them. A man who has at least 5 kids by 3 different woman. A man who when confronted with something he doesn't like calls them fake instead of substantive replies. Republicans will look back and wish they stood up to the man that forever ruined their once proud party.

So Clinton and Obama did things the right way ?

You are a liar !
Trump does not have more failed than successful businesses.
How can you make up a total lie like that, especially when you’re preaching to us about character and integrity.

You are disingenuous and not to be trusted with presenting the truth.

As to his children, they seem to have turned out remarkably well.

Republicans will look back and be thankful that he changed the trajectory of this country for the better
Never forget when Trump praised the founding fathers for overtaking the British airports during the revolutionary war........ oh and when he said "take the guns first, due process second."

Blind followers only hear what they want to hear.

Like when Obama said that he visited all 57 States
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Always remember, when the Democrats run out of things to say, & they’re unable to defend the indefensible, they will ALWAYS call you a “racist” or some other word ending in “ist” or “phobe.” They have nothing else, they live in an ideas vacuum. They are an empty shell of a party. Dan Bongino
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“Was Obama charismatic, yes! However please explain fawned? Are you saying he or his admin's policies were never criticized?Obama wasn't antagonistic like Trump.”

He was charismatic if he had the TelePrompTer, if not, he was a stuttering buffoon.

Give me a break. They fawned over the crease in his pants.

The socilaist-in-chief’s policies should’ve been criticized.

I guess telling the republicans they can have a ride, but they’ll have to sit in the backseat wasn’t antagonistic. He constantly ripped W and the right. The media didn’t make a big deal about it though cuz they loved it.
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So Clinton and Obama did things the right way ?

You are a liar !
Trump does not have more failed than successful businesses.
How can you make up a total lie like that, especially when you’re preaching to us about character and integrity.

You are disingenuous and not to be trusted with presenting the truth.

As to his children, they seem to have turned out remarkably well.

Republicans will look back and be thankful that he changed the trajectory of this country for the better
I'm going to be honest you're worrying me. All of your sycophant replies are above and beyond the normal sycophant level. Tone it down, Trumpster does not know or give a S about you.
I'm going to be honest you're worrying me. All of your sycophant replies are above and beyond the normal sycophant level. Tone it down, Trumpster does not know or give a S about you.
His policies support me and everyone else that wants to better themselves and those around them, unlike obama's. Obama's policies were to hold people down and keep them curtailed by the government.