OT: Please someone explain the dichotomy with these comments

Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome from wiping off your spittle smeared computer screen while yelling at posts on this board that veer away from your dogmatically expressed, neanderthal views?

Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome from wiping off your spittle smeared computer screen while yelling at posts on this board that veer away from your dogmatically expressed, neanderthal views?
And the good thing is you're not dogmatic. Lol . You're the voice of reason and objectivity. Neanderthal? Was that meant as a pejorative? Keep exposing yourself with your obtuse posts replete with all sanctimony. Mueller first answer to Lieu re. OLC is operative. The self-correctiion he voluntarily offered correcting his original answer is non operative. The amended response from Mueller that the OLC opinion on indicting a sitting President did NOT factor into his decision making. Per you Mueller s first answer not the corrected one matters. Because per you only the first answer matters because it reflects " Mueller 'a true feelings ". And you of course have unique insight into Mueller and can therefore infer his " true feelings ". Lol ... Maybe he changed his answer because that was written in the Mueller report itself. The report he supposedly wrote based on a 2 yr investigation he supposedly led. Maybe he was concerned with his first answer contradicting his own offical report and committing potential perjury. Maybe his concern for his own liability affected his " true feelings: such that he insisted on correcting his original answer to Lieu. Just maybe.. Man this is easy...
Preposterous take!!! :)
LOL, he dwelled like Hamlet in the report about how he couldn't make a traditional prosecutorial judgement because it wouldn't be fair to indict a sitting President. Given that, why do you think it was preposterous?
The statement that Trump is transparent is not true. He promised to release his tax returns and then did not. The spurious logic that the election makes his issue irrelevant is silly. Everyone knew that Kwame Kilpatrick was a crook and he was still elected, ergo being elected does not make you righteous.

Another egregious example is the birther conspiracy that was perpetuated by Trump in 2011 and not formally rebuked by him until 2016.

Trump still insists that Mueller resents him because of country club issues. I could go on and on.

You validate my point. Trump owned up and corrected himself on the Birth issue and after being counseled he has public ally stated that he will not release his taxes. He does not dodge inconsistencies. Dems always do

Trump has many faults most stemming from running his mouth. But he is not deceitful. Compared to Dems he at least goes on the record and accepts his statements. Opposition constantly say he lies etc.
what politician doesn’t use facts or twist them to advantage.

Trump is the best policy president we have had in decades

And it’s great he has exposed the bs hypocrisy of the left by getting under their skin so much they show their true colors —. Free speech? Now a Republican backed issue. Created equal? Now a Republican backed issue

Dems are scum
So you think Lieu was confused about what he thought Mueller had stated?
He ammend it because it needed to be corrected

Mueller stated they could determine if a crime was committed.

Maggie Haberman (NYT reporter) interpreted a crime was committed
Yet he stated yesterday what i posted.
How involved do you believe he was in this investigation?
The whole investigation was a sham .
The whole Russia Collusion story was a completely contrived fabricated hoax.
Mueller was the false face of the investigation to give it an appearance of legitimacy and objectivity.
Bc Mueller is a registered Republican and has a resume with DC gravitas.
Rather the investigation was run by Andrew Weisman and the other angry Democrats.
Weisman who attended the HRC election night party that never happened.
With all that they still came up with Bumpkus..
Very few people at the hearing and watching on TV knew less about the Mueller report report and investigation than Robert Mueller himself.
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He ammend it because it needed to be corrected

Mueller stated they could determine if a crime was committed.

Maggie Haberman (NYT reporter) interpreted a crime was committed
My question was whether you thought Lieu was confused about Mueller's answers?
Good soldier of rectitude striving assiduously to adhere to what he believes is his duty.
Whitey Bulger says Hi
Along with the 4 innocent men Mueller knowingly serve long prison sentences to protect the mass murderer Whitey Bulger. 2 of which died in prison.
They say hi too.
Along with the young girls trafficked and abused by Epstein and co. When Mueller was Director of the FBI and Epstein got a candy ass sentence. And was back in business full throttle after serving a 13 month sentence with day release for statutory rape of 13 yr old girl.
They all say hi.
Yes Mueller is a fine man of great rectitude
Liue took Mueller comments as they were presented.
I'm sure the amended version took some wind out of his sails
The amended
Not if it's incorrect
The first take is only more reliable if it serves your objectives. Ends justify the means of course
A deliberate recant after reflection of original answer and " take " is irrelevant.
Because it doesn't serve the ends
Q. Was your investigation ever hindered or impeded ? [ Collins]
A. Mueller NO
Case Closed
Strike Out
Which kind of makes it "attempted" obstruction of justice, since Mueller's comment would indicate that it failed. And when we find out that this whole episode was originated based on a purposeful falsehood, we may amend the charge to attempted obstruction of injustice.
Not if it's incorrect
As I relayed to TWalsh, walking back his statement was consistent with his sense of obligation not to indict a sitting President. Moreover, his first take is also consistent with how he cited a grocery list of obstruction actions attributed to Trump.
Trump has somehow found a way to find the most gullible people in the country and get them to follow him no matter what he says/does. I am actually impressed with his ability to mobilize the weak minded. One week he is threatening North Korea... the next week he meets their wacko leader and tweets about how he likes the guy.... and his sheep will brag about him from both sides....

His followers will call me a 'liberal' because I support the second amendment..... think about that!

It literally blows my mind...
Here we go again, a basketful of despicables. That didn't play so well the first time, did it? Everyone knows no shortage of people who are Trump supporters (not necessarily lovers) who are typical smart educated successful people out there in the real world. Amazing to me that someone could think they are all gullible.
Here we go again, a basketful of despicables. That didn't play so well the first time, did it? Everyone knows no shortage of people who are Trump supporters (not necessarily lovers) who are typical smart educated successful people out there in the real world. Amazing to me that someone could think they are all gullible.
And yet, after the hearings, David Duke and his swastika clad merry men have probably formed a conga line and are singing "Spingtime For Trumpy."

BTW, I don't know those people to which you refer. There are some who are smart and educated, but they act out of wealthy self interest.
Here we go again, a basketful of despicables. That didn't play so well the first time, did it? Everyone knows no shortage of people who are Trump supporters (not necessarily lovers) who are typical smart educated successful people out there in the real world. Amazing to me that someone could think they are all gullible.
Nope, anyone that supports Trump is a dumb uneducated racist pos.

(Edit: I'm being sarcastic by the way)
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And yet, after the hearings, David Duke and his swastika clad merry men have probably formed a conga line and are singing "Spingtime For Trumpy."

BTW, I don't know those people to which you refer. There are some who are smart and educated, but they act out of wealthy self interest.

Why would anyone pay any mind to a loser like David Duke?

I'm not sure where you live Banjo, but where I live I know lots of typical Joe average successful Americans that support Trump, and others that loathe Trump. That's just kind of the way it works.
Then let's go down this road. You know what I speak of is exactly the case unless of course you're full of shit and Daddy never really did hold a FFL.

As far as the other horseshit...
Don't speak for me on what I would or wouldn't think or say if Barry O had done XYZ.

See I'm not from the cookie cutter that you and your ridiculous brethren are from.
I make my own mind up about everything and don't draw lines in the sand based solely on party lines.

As far as the subject of Trump saying this or that...

Let me offer a wee bit of incite for you to digest. I don't hang on every word, statement or the like from anyone even if from our elected president.

I know that might be hard for you and some of your brethren on here to believe. Lord knows y'all are fascinated with what I have to say all day every day but I....unlike you....have a life. I do things. I make lots of money. The world turns because of me. I'm not the only one but I help it along.

The last thing I have time for is hanging on to what someone said jumbled or otherwise.

People misspeak all the time. I bet at some point today you said back talkwards or something there of. Who cares.

Trump is me. He's you. He's well more than half this board. He's not a rehearsed politician and that's a huge refreshing reason why people love him.

He's a realist.

Lets just narrow this down. If Obama would of have said "take their guns first, due process second" would of have bothered you more, less, or equal as when Trump said it? As I have stated my view on bump stocks or anything is completely irrelevant to my point... my point is it is very hypocritical for both sides (Left should praise trump for taking action and right should criticism) Please dont go on some long, spaced out tangent about yourself. . . you are just a few pictures of dead fetuses away from being like Thomas.
What this page needs... like a lot of the internet is a requirement for every poster to post their entire name and/or social media. I bet the name calling and outlandish takes would go down slightly.
Why would anyone pay any mind to a loser like David Duke?

I'm not sure where you live Banjo, but where I live I know lots of typical Joe average successful Americans that support Trump, and others that loathe Trump. That's just kind of the way it works.
The point was that David Duke is an avid supporter of Trump, whom he thinks represents his base quite well.

You even admitted that you thought Trump openly mocked that handicapped reporter. I guess that wasn't a deal breaker for you, and you have consistently downplayed his comments by sayin, "just a poor choice of words." Must take discipline.
Yes and his predecessor sat in the pew and listened to Reverend Wright every Sunday for 3 years belching his racist diatribes and not once did he get up and leave.
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The point was that David Duke is an avid supporter of Trump, whom he thinks represents his base quite well.

You even admitted that you thought Trump openly mocked that handicapped reporter. I guess that wasn't a deal breaker for you, and you have consistently downplayed his comments by sayin, "just a poor choice of words." Must take discipline.
And reverend Wright was an avowed supporter of Obama. What's your point. Face it your full of shit. Congresswoman Omar stated that America has more to fear from white males than terrorists. 100 million + people are worse than homicidal terrorists per Omar. She apparently speaks for your political party. Are you a racist too bc of Omar and the Squad?
The point was that David Duke is an avid supporter of Trump, whom he thinks represents his base quite well.

You even admitted that you thought Trump openly mocked that handicapped reporter. I guess that wasn't a deal breaker for you, and you have consistently downplayed his comments by sayin, "just a poor choice of words." Must take discipline.
And when liar did Trump state that David Duke represents his base ?
Please cite the date and source
Like so much of what you spout it's a complete lie.
He never said that...
And when liar did Trump state that David Duke represents his base ?
Please cite the date and source
Like so much of what you spout it's a complete lie.
He never said that...
LOL, your effluvia of puke is not worth responding to, but I'll make this one exception just to illustrate how stupid you are. The "whom" in my dependent clause is Trump and the "he" is Duke. Ergo, Duke thinks his base is well served by Trump's actions. Now, back to ignoring you without putting you on ignore.
The point was that David Duke is an avid supporter of Trump, whom he thinks represents his base quite well.
Every far right loon is going to support the Republican/conservative option, just like every communist, socialist, anarchist or left wing loon is going to support the Democrat/liberal option. They only have two choices.
Every far right loon is going to support the Republican/conservative option, just like every communist, socialist, anarchist or left wing loon is going to support the Democrat/liberal option. They only have two choices.
It's a stretch to regard Trump as a classic conservative option. So many who fit that label don't support the present Administration: George Will, Steve Schmidt, Charlie Sykes, William Kristol. You retained Ted Nugent and Kid Rock, though.
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It's a stretch to regard Trump as a classic conservative option. So many who fit that label don't support the present Administration: George Will, Steve Schmidt, Charlie Sykes, William Kristol. You retained Ted Nugent and Kid Rock, though.
Banjo, it doesn't really matter. Of the two choices, Trump vs any one of the 137 Dems running, he is going to be the choice toward the right side. Do you think David Duke has a scenario for siding with any one of the Dems over Trump? He wouldn't even if he thought Trump was Satan incarnate. Do you think Antifa or American academia has a scenario for siding with Trump over the Democratic option, no matter who that Democratic option is? Antifa may very well loathe Joe Biden, but they are going to back him 100% against Trump. Some things are just a given.
LOL, your effluvia of puke is not worth responding to, but I'll make this one exception just to illustrate how stupid you are. The "whom" in my dependent clause is Trump and the "he" is Duke. Ergo, Duke thinks his base is well served by Trump's actions. Now, back to ignoring you without putting you on ignore.
Very pertinent response
So what's the relevance of what David Duke thinks
Thanks for the re-education re. the use of the Dependant clause.
Very edifying
Dont you work by the way so to speak in the literary world ?

I hear you like to describe yourself as a writer
When you are in fact a small time asst.editor
Hence the false pride in your grammatical skills on an internet board
If I had to guess your wife is the breadwinner
Why don't you go back to reading your favorite book " Das Kapital"
Its been fun playing with a pretender like you
Banjo, it doesn't really matter. Of the two choices, Trump vs any one of the 137 Dems running, he is going to be the choice toward the right side. Do you think David Duke has a scenario for siding with any one of the Dems over Trump? He wouldn't even if he thought Trump was Satan incarnate. Do you think Antifa or American academia has a scenario for siding with Trump over the Democratic option, no matter who that Democratic option is? Antifa may very well loathe Joe Biden, but they are going to back him 100% against Trump. Some things are just a given.
Trump is devoid of ideology so it's a disservice to bedrock Republic principles to suggest that he represents the party's ideals. That is why so many who do have those ideals have deserted. David Duke was quiet during Obama's terms. If you want to bring up Rev. Wright, which would be a false equivalancy, bear in mind Obama sternly disavowed him. Trump once talked about Duke and then, poof, claimed he didn't know Duke.
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Trump is devoid of ideology so it's a disservice to bedrock Republic principles to suggest that he represents the party's ideals. That is why so many who do have those ideals have deserted. David Duke was quiet during Obama's terms. If you want to bring up Rev. Wright, which would be a false equivalancy, bear in mind Obama sternly disavowed him. Trump once talked about Duke and then, poof, claimed he didn't know Duke.
And what ideals would those be?

Btw president Obama gave Sharpton an office
Says the uneducated racist
Bro I'm on your side I was being sarcastic. Sorry I'm at work I should've made it more obvious lol. I edited the message. That's just the way the left thinks I wasn't being serious, just check the rest of my posts in this thread.
And what ideals would those be?

Btw president Obama gave Sharpton an office
Respecting our military over the head of Russia for one thing. Not defining Justices by who appointed them or their ethnicity for another.

That you think Al Sharpton parallels David Duke speaks volumes.
They do apply.

Let me explain by echoing again, twice and thrice...

Outside countries have always tinkered around our politics. Guess who does the same thing during their elections? We do. The good old U S of A.

If you believe anything other than that it's being completely naive.

So where or how does that tie in with present day liberal maniacs?

#1 No other country changed our election. That's a fact. There might have been tinkerimg but not so much more impactful than James Comey NOT charging the Queen Hillary.

The liberal's are poor sports. How could we possibly have lost they say... How could America not vote for our entitled queen?

Normally they'd just say racism but that doesn't really apply here so the next best thing is Russia. Russia is bad. Everyone still hates Russia. Blame them.

This whole thing has been nothing but a total shit show.


Boo hoo... we didn't win.

Blame something. Blame anything. Blame blame blame.

See the new mindset today of entirely too many people is if you don't win...blame something. Blame anything. Blame blame...excuse excuse...anything but the


And there you have it.
Haha yes who could forget the civility of the right when Obama won a landslide election. You guys took that shit so well...