OT: Please someone explain the dichotomy with these comments

In the eyes of Republicans Russia is seen as an asset not a hostile foreign government.
I love how you continue to post videos and Twitter links of opinions authored by biased, left leaning people and websites. I mean the New York Times? They published an article last week calling the moon landing sexist.

Any conservative on here could just continually post videos and links of Fox News that back up our opinions. We chose not to because we know that it comes across pointless, childish, and stupid. No true conservative takes any link you've posted serious because we know they're either out of context to fit their left wing agenda or they're just flat out lies.
What a weak leader couldnt even get the Swedes to roll. Hopefully Secretary of State Kardishian can make a few calls on ASAP's behalf. Can only imagine how the right would have done had Obama wasted time trying to get a rapper free.
Bro I'm on your side I was being sarcastic. Sorry I'm at work I should've made it more obvious lol. I edited the message. That's just the way the left thinks I wasn't being serious, just check the rest of my posts in this thread.
Sorry brother i am just as guilty when trying to implement sarcasm again my apologies
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Respecting our military over the head of Russia for one thing. Not defining Justices by who appointed them or their ethnicity for another.

That you think Al Sharpton parallels David Duke speaks volumes.
Im confused ....are you sayiing those who support president Trump don't respect our military over Russia?
Are you saying president Trump isnt hard on Russia?
Your justices comment make no sense
Are you saying Al Sharton isn't as big a racist as David Duke?
That you think Sharpton doesn't parallel Duke speakes even louder
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Would love to see the video of an elected Republican Congresswoman calling Obama Motherf***** .

I wouldn't take a lap dance from the trash they call The Squad.

Poster on your wall ?
Here is one interupting the State of Union

Here is Republican rep Lamborn calling Obama a Tar Baby

GA Gov Sonny Perdue hoped Obama's day were few

Mark Meadows Send Obama back to Kenya

And Of Course Donald Trump king of the birthers.

Thanks for playing...
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Haha yes who could forget the civility of the right when Obama won a landslide election. You guys took that shit so well...
Yeah, remember all the conservatives protesting, organizing marches across the country to protest the election results, the conservative students unable to function or take tests, needing safe spaces, the calling for boycotts against anyone who supported Obama, the calls for impeachment before he was even sworn in. Not to mention multiple news outlets just going anti-Obama bonkers. You remember all those things, don’t you?

Then you had those conservative politicians employing their followers to get in the face of Obama supporters, run them out of restaurants and stores. That was really despicable.
And Ted Kennedy went to Russia to solicit Russian interference.
Do you really think Russia just started to interfere?
Has the US ever interfered in another nation isreals for example.

This day blew up in the Democrats face
Obama interfered so Netanyahu would not be reelected. Obama lost
It is apparently part of Robert Mueller’s contract with the media that he must always be described as “honorable” and a “lifelong Republican.” (After this week, we can add “dazed and confused” to his appellation.)
If it matters that Mueller is a “lifelong Republican,” then I guess it matters that he hired a team of left-wing zealots. Of the 17 lawyers in Mueller’s office, 14 are registered Democrats. Not one is a registered Republican. In total, they have donated more than $60,000 to Democratic candidates.

Congressman Steve Chabot listed the Democratic political activism of nine of Mueller’s staff attorneys at a December 2017 House hearing.

Here are a few from Chabot’s list:

— Kyle Freeny contributed to both Obama campaigns and to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

— Andrew Goldstein donated $3,300 to both Obama campaigns.

— Elizabeth Prelogar contributed to both the Obama and Clinton campaigns.

— Jeannie Rhee donated $16,000 to Democrats, contributed $5,400 to the Clinton campaign — and represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in several lawsuits.

— Andrew Weissmann contributed $2,000 to the Democratic National Committee, $2,300 to the Obama campaign and $2,300 to the Clinton Campaign.

None had donated to the Trump campaign.

The media brushed off the conspicuous anti-Trump bias in Mueller’s office with platitudes about how prosecutors are, “allowed to have political opinions,” as Jeffrey Toobin said on CNN. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein assured the public that their “views are not in any way a factor in how they conduct themselves in office.”

Obviously, no one believes this — otherwise “lifelong Republican” wouldn’t be spot-welded to Mueller’s name.

In a fiery rebuke at the hearings this week, Mueller denounced complaints about all the diehard Democrats on his legal team, saying, “I’ve been in this business for almost 25 years, and in those 25 years I have not had occasion once to ask somebody about their political affiliation. It is not done.”

No kidding. He’s been director of the FBI. He’s been acting U.S. deputy attorney general. He’s been a U.S. attorney. He’s never been an independent counsel investigating the president before.

An independent counsel investigation isn’t the kind of job where you want the hungriest prosecutors. You want drug enforcement agents who are hungry to bust up drug rings. You want organized crime prosecutors who are hungry to take down the mob.

But lawyers on a special counsel’s investigation of the president of the United States aren’t supposed to be hungry. They’re supposed to be fair

As for Mueller being “honorable,” Steven Hatfill and the late Sen. Ted Stevens
might beg to differ.

After the 2001 anthrax attacks, the FBI, under Director Mueller’s close supervision, spent SEVEN YEARS pursuing Hatfill, a U.S. Army biodefense researcher. Year after year, the real culprit went about his life undisturbed — until he committed suicide when, at last, the FBI zeroed in on him.

Mueller was deeply involved in the anthrax investigation, recruiting the lead investigator on the case and working “in lockstep” with him, according to a book on the case, “The Mirage Man” by David Willman.

During this multi-year investigation of the wrong man, Mueller assured Attorney General John Ashcroft, as well as two U.S. senators that Hatfill was the anthrax mailer. Presciently, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz asked then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey if he was sure Hatfill wasn’t another Richard Jewell, an innocent man who, a few years earlier, had been publicly identified by the FBI as the main Olympic bombing suspect. Comey replied that he was “absolutely certain that it was Hatfill.”

The hounding of Steven Hatfill finally ended in 2008, with the bureau paying the poor man millions of dollars. In open court, a federal judge, Reggie B. Walton, assailed Mueller’s FBI for its handling of the case.

Far from apologizing, the director stoutly defended the bureau’s relentless pursuit of the blameless Hatfill, saying: “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation.” He said it would be incorrect “to say there were mistakes.”

Maybe he can use that line to defend the similarly monomaniacal zealots he put on the Russia investigation.

Eight days before the 2008 elections, the government convicted Sen. Stevens of failing to properly report gifts on his Senate financial forms. The longest-serving Republican in Senate history lost his re-election by less than 2 percent of the vote.

Months later — too late for Stevens’ political career — Obama Attorney General Eric Holder moved for a dismissal of all charges against Stevens after discovering that the government had failed to turn over crucial exculpatory evidence. The trial judge not only threw out the charges, but angrily ordered an independent counsel to investigate the investigators.

Unlike the disastrous Hatfill case, the extent of Mueller’s oversight of the Stevens investigation is less clear. Was he aware of the bureau’s malicious pursuit of a sitting U.S. senator on the eve of his re-election? Either he was, which is awful, or he wasn’t — which is worse.

In addition to “honorable,” another way of describing Mueller is: “Too Corrupt for Eric Holder.”
You would figure that 14 zealous Democrats who investigated Donald Trump would find The Smoking Gun for obstruction and collusion. Other than innuendos, they have Jack shit
You would figure that 14 zealous Democrats who investigated Donald Trump would find The Smoking Gun for obstruction and collusion. Other than innuendos, they have Jack shit
Especially so, now that everyone knows how much Mueller was relying on his staff in this investigation, a staff that was overwhelmingly anti-Trump. If there was convincing evidence of collusion or conspiring with the Russians, they would have found it. And most likely leaked it to the press months ago.
Here is one interupting the State of Union

Here is Republican rep Lamborn calling Obama a Tar Baby

GA Gov Sonny Perdue hoped Obama's day were few

Mark Meadows Send Obama back to Kenya

And Of Course Donald Trump king of the birthers.

Thanks for playing...
Note to Raul. In a country of 300 million plus, you can find exceptions to just about every rule, every theory, pretty much everything and anything. Running to Google and Twitter and finding them, then posting them in every thread does nothing to refute a premise.
Note to Raul. In a country of 300 million plus, you can find exceptions to just about every rule, every theory, pretty much everything and anything. Running to Google and Twitter and finding them, then posting them in every thread does nothing to refute a premise.
Note to Twalsh just because your memory doesnt work or you were ill informed to the way Republican acted during the Obama administration doesnt mean events didnt happen.
Note to Twalsh just because your memory doesnt work or you were ill informed to the way Republican acted during the Obama administration doesnt mean events didnt happen.
Not to the extent of what we've seen from the left since president Trump was elected.

Now please define far right
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Note to Twalsh just because your memory doesnt work or you were ill informed to the way Republican acted during the Obama administration doesnt mean events didnt happen.
If you think there is an ounce of equivalency between the treatment of Obama as President and the treatment of Trump as President, there is nothing that can be done for you.
Yeah, remember all the conservatives protesting, organizing marches across the country to protest the election results, the conservative students unable to function or take tests, needing safe spaces, the calling for boycotts against anyone who supported Obama, the calls for impeachment before he was even sworn in. Not to mention multiple news outlets just going anti-Obama bonkers. You remember all those things, don’t you?

Then you had those conservative politicians employing their followers to get in the face of Obama supporters, run them out of restaurants and stores. That was really despicable.

Communities around the country have seen a spike in racial violence since the presidential election of Barack Obama.

In the few weeks since Election Day, cross burnings, racist graffiti and other alleged hate crimes have been reported
If you think there is an ounce of equivalency between the treatment of Obama as President and the treatment of Trump as President, there is nothing that can be done for you.
So context matters Trump urged his supporters not to except the "rigged" election results if he didnt win, Trump accused of rape or sexual assualt 24 times. Trump led the racist birther movement. Trump made numerous vulger insults about his opponents insulting the looks of a Cruz's wife and spread the rumor that Cruz's dad killed Kennedy and that'd just off the top of my head...
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If you think there is an ounce of equivalency between the treatment of Obama as President and the treatment of Trump as President, there is nothing that can be done for you.
The difference is Obama didn't stand up and take on the media by saying they are "enemy of the people!" So now he has Democrats against him and the most of the media.
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We've been telling you about antifa for a while
I have criticized Antifa numerous times on this site before & after Charlottesville. I have been critical of Bernie, AOC and Omar on this site as well. But the violence the far right has been apart of far exceeds anything Antifa has done. I hope you can at least be honest enough on that.
Mueller's testimony confirmed that Russia committed massive interference in 2016 and they're planning to do it again in 2020. Wikileaks also committed massive interference by publishing thousands of stolen emails. Both Russia and Wikileaks committed these crimes for the purpose of getting Donald Trump elected.

Here's a snippet from today's testimony:

Schiff: During the course of this Russian interference in the election, the Russians made outreach to the Trump campaign, did they not?

Mueller: That occurred. [. . .]

Schiff: The campaign welcomed the Russian help, did they not?

Mueller: We report indications that that occurred, yes. [. . .]

Schiff: The president himself called on the Russians to hack [Hillary Clinton’s] emails?

Mueller: There was a statement by the president on those general lines.

Schiff: Numerous times during the campaign, the president praised the releases of the Russian-hacked emails through WikiLeaks?

Mueller: That did occur. [. . .]

Schiff: Apart from the Russians wanting to help Trump win . . . Donald Trump was trying to make millions from a real estate deal in Moscow?

Mueller: You’re talking about the hotel in Moscow? Yes.

Schiff: When your investigation looked into these matters, numerous Trump associates lied to your team, the grand jury and to Congress?

Mueller: A number of people we interviewed in our investigation, it turns out, did lie. . . .

Schiff: When the president said the Russian interference was a “hoax,” that was false, wasn’t it?

Mueller: True. [. . .]

Schiff: In short, your investigation found evidence that Russia wanted to help Trump win the election, right?

Mueller: I think, generally, that would be accurate. [. . .]

Schiff: Russia committed federal crimes in order to help Donald Trump?

Mueller: You’re talking about the computer crimes charged in our case? Absolutely.

Schiff: Trump campaign officials built their strategy, their messaging strategy, around those stolen documents?

Mueller: Generally, that’s true.

Schiff: And then they lied to cover it up?

Mueller: Generally, that’s true.
Other that your fandom you live in an alternate universe universe filled with like minded idiots
I have criticized Antifa numerous times on this site before & after Charlottesville. I have been critical of Bernie, AOC and Omar on this site as well. But the violence the far right has been apart of far exceeds anything Antifa has done. I hope you can at least be honest enough on that.
Plesse define far right for the third time
^^^ this is all you need to have posted. Your lamentable confusion contaminates all of your posts. The most simple and straightforward things appear to be a mystery to you. You make the second least observant person in the world look like Sherlock Holmes.
There you go agsin
Nothing intelligent to say so insults are you go too.
Two ticks humping have more intellect than you
And what ideals would those be?

Btw president Obama gave Sharpton an office
Here is one interupting the State of Union

Here is Republican rep Lamborn calling Obama a Tar Baby

GA Gov Sonny Perdue hoped Obama's day were few

Mark Meadows Send Obama back to Kenya

And Of Course Donald Trump king of the birthers.

You would figure that 14 zealous Democrats who investigated Donald Trump would find The Smoking Gun for obstruction and collusion. Other than innuendos, they have Jack shit
There you go agsin
Nothing intelligent to say so insults are you go too.
Two ticks humping have more intellect than you
There you go agsin
Nothing intelligent to say so insults are you go too.
Two ticks humping have more intellect than you
There you go agsin
Nothing intelligent to say so insults are you go too.
Two ticks humping have more intellect than you
They have more integrity too.
Absolutely nothing.
Russian interference was their excuse for losing knowing damn well the Russian have alway been interfering.
Even though they had the media, the social net works, and their justice department they couldn't beat the will of the Republic
They can't defeat the will of God either
Try as they will
They never thought she would lose
Russia is a distraction to distract and cover up the wholesale criminality of the Clintons and the Obama administration
It's all been projection
And the playbook of Saul Alinsky " Rules for Radicals "
Who dedicated his book to " Lucifer the first true radical"
Rule #1 marginalize the opponent with constant ridicule
Rule $2 Accuse the opposition of the actions that you yourself are committing.
HRC wrote her senior thesis at Wellesley College on the book " Rules for Radicals "
She's a disciple
So is Obama
Something evil this way has come
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The difference is Obama didn't stand up and take on the media by saying they are "enemy of the people!" So now he has Democrats against him and the most of the media.
Why would he? He was a darling of the media, they fawned all over him. 90% of the media has had it in for Trump since the day he was elected.
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