OT: Please someone explain the dichotomy with these comments

Judge just dismissed the DNC lawsuit against Russia, Wikileaks and Trump this afternoon. Judge stated it was a lawsuit " completely divorced from the facts "
ie they have no facts
Greatest Hoax in American history
Seriously man, what?!?! Oh and I've been "boomed"! Hahaha. You sensitive cats really do make me laugh.
Sounds like crying to me
More horse shit from the resident purple hair dont grab this pussy shirt wearing coward.

In typical unintelligent fashion...he starts throwing statements around he heard. Like when most of the populous says to are a snowflake.

I.e. snowflake is someone sensitive that shatters easily.

So he turns right around and thinks...I'll trick them...I'll call them sensitive. I'll change the word and they'll never figure out I copied the meaning.
More horse shit from the resident purple hair dont grab this pussy shirt wearing coward.

In typical unintelligent fashion...he starts throwing statements around he heard. Like when most of the populous says to are a snowflake.

I.e. snowflake is someone sensitive that shatters easily.

So he turns right around and thinks...I'll trick them...I'll call them sensitive. I'll change the word and they'll never figure out I copied the meaning.
<Hands up> You got me chief, called me right on the carpet!

No matter what ad hominem you come back with it doesn't change the fact you worship a brickhead, populist, porn star loving, covfefe spelling, brown person hating idiot. #facts
<Hands up> You got me chief, called me right on the carpet!

No matter what ad hominem you come back with it doesn't change the fact you worship a brickhead, populist, porn star loving, covfefe spelling, brown person hating idiot. #facts
<Hands up> You got me chief, called me right on the carpet!

No matter what ad hominem you come back with it doesn't change the fact you worship a brickhead, populist, porn star loving, covfefe spelling, brown person hating idiot. #facts
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<Hands up> You got me chief, called me right on the carpet!

No matter what ad hominem you come back with it doesn't change the fact you worship a brickhead, populist, porn star loving, covfefe spelling, brown person hating idiot. #facts

You are dead wrong about Trump hating people of color, dead wrong !

As to being “porn star loving”, what’s wrong with that ?

Trump’s a lot smarter than you know, you just parrot what you’ve heard without having any concrete personal knowledge to support your position.
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Imagine if Obama wanted to transfer our Nuke tech to the Middle East bypassing any safe guards & had the UAE edit his speech. These Republicans dont care about US Sovergnty and didnt give a shit about putting Nukes into the hands of terrorist as long as they got their cut. Flynn literally texting about making money off this during Trump ignaural speech. Holy shit was a bunch of fvcking traitors.

I’ve noticed that you repeatedly post third party, unverified quotes absent any vetting on your part.

You continually post anti-Trump quotes that haven’t been vetted.

Essentially, you’re a parrot and a political hack !
You are dead wrong about Trump hating people of color, dead wrong.
No doubt, that's why David Duke is such an enthusiastic supporter of Donald Trump. The former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan and our current President share a deep and abiding concern for the well being of people of color.
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You are dead wrong about Trump hating people of color, dead wrong !

As to being “porn star loving”, what’s wrong with that ?

Trump’s a lot smarter than you know, you just parrot what you’ve heard without having any concrete personal knowledge to support your position.
No doubt, that's why David Duke is such an enthusiastic supporter of Donald Trump. The former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan and our current President share a deep and abiding concern for the well being of people of color.
That’s total BS and you know it. It’s equvalent to saying that Trump is a serial killer because some convicted serial killer is a Trump fan.
That’s total BS and you know it. It’s equvalent to saying that Trump is a serial killer because some convicted serial killer is a Trump fan.
Now who's talking BS. Duke presumably supports Trump because of his views. A serial killer doesn't support Trump because Trump is a serial killer (at least that hasn't been proven). Try a better analogy.
I have yet to hear one person who actually knows Trump to say he’s racist or bigoted. That includes black people, Hispanic people and any other “people” you can come up with.
Omarosa and Michael Cohen know Trump and say he's a racist.
Now who's talking BS. Duke presumably supports Trump because of his views. A serial killer doesn't support Trump because Trump is a serial killer (at least that hasn't been proven). Try a better analogy.
Presumably? Perhaps it’s as simple as he’s the de facto head of the Republican Party and Duke is way more Republican than he is Democrat. It’s pretty absurd to just assume that Duke, a clear racist, supports Trump because he’s a racist.
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I’ve noticed that you repeatedly post third party, unverified quotes absent any vetting on your part.

You continually post anti-Trump quotes that haven’t been vetted.

Essentially, you’re a parrot and a political hack !
Presumably? Perhaps it’s as simple as he’s the de facto head of the Republican Party and Duke is way more Republican than he is Democrat. It’s pretty absurd to just assume that Duke, a clear racist, supports Trump because he’s a racist.
No, it's not that simple. Duke posted "We Did It!!!" when Trump was elected, and it wasn't just his Republican leanings that prompted him to praise Trump's comments after the Nazi led march in Charlottesville.
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I’ve noticed that you repeatedly post third party, unverified quotes absent any vetting on your part.

You continually post anti-Trump quotes that haven’t been vetted.

Essentially, you’re a parrot and a political hack !
For the next time Republicans plays dumb about the Southern Strategy. They have been playing this game for 50 years.
For the next time Republicans plays dumb about the Southern Strategy. They have been playing this game for 50 years.

Look up the Reverend Jesse Jackson comments on NYC and tell what comes to mind when you hear " Hymie Town ".

The point is that ignorance and stupidity is a door that swings both ways.
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Ten years ago, if you told the typical Republican that there would soon be a president who...

did not share his taxes with America,

ran a proven-fraudulent charity,

cheated on three wives,

paid hush money to a porn star,

lied to the American public daily,

bragged about grabbing women's privates,

ridiculed the service of a Vietnam veteran,

said "take the guns first, give due process second,"

raised tariffs and enacted protectionist trade policies,

kowtowed to Russia and Putin,

threw American intelligence services under the bus routinely,

obstructed a legal and legitimate investigation into his own behavior,

forgave Saudi Arabia for a vicious cold blooded state murder,

declared he was "in love" with Kim while North Korea fired off more missiles,

ran through cabinet appointees like he was eating skittles,

did not seek congressional approval for many of those “acting” positions,

and doubled the deficit...

...they’d tell you they would never vote for such a stinking Democrat so and so.
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Ten years ago, if you told the typical Republican that there would soon be a president who...

did not share his taxes with America,

ran a proven-fraudulent charity,

cheated on three wives,

paid hush money to a porn star,

lied to the American public daily,

bragged about grabbing women's privates,

raised tariffs and enacted protectionist trade policies,

kowtowed to Russia and Putin,

threw American intelligence services under the bus routinely,

obstructed a legal and legitimate investigation into his own behavior,

forgave Saudi Arabia for a vicious cold blooded state murder,

declared he was "in love" with Kim while North Korea fired off more missiles,

ran through cabinet appointees like he was eating skittles,

did not seek congressional approval for many of those “acting” positions,

and doubled the deficit...

...they’d tell you they would never vote for such a stinking Democrat so and so.
Wonderfully comprehensive list; the only thing I'd add would be:

ridiculed the military service of a Vietnam War hero
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LOL, I debunked your claim. Apply whatever rationale you want to make you feel better.
You found an exception, not so sure you de-bunked anything. I could probably come up with quite a few people who know Trump who have opined that he's not a racist. But the battle of Google links is Raul's thing, not mine.
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You found an exception, not so sure you de-bunked anything. I could probably come up with quite a few people who know Trump who have opined that he's not a racist. But the battle of Google links is Raul's thing, not mine.
You said you "know no one who knows Trump say that he was a racist." I cited two people, ergo your claim has been debunked. How can you quibble about this?
You found an exception, not so sure you de-bunked anything. I could probably come up with quite a few people who know Trump who have opined that he's not a racist. But the battle of Google links is Raul's thing, not mine.

For what it's worth, all you asked for was one person, and he gave it.

I also think that, to some extent, it's a silly question. Unless you have a falling out with a person, you're not likely to come out and say that person is a racist or a bigot--so to claim that those people are publicity hounds (which I'm guessing you may claim is also applicable for almost anyone in the Trump orbit that has said something bad about him) I think essentially means that you've asked a question and ruled out any realistic answer.
For what it's worth, all you asked for was one person, and he gave it.

I also think that, to some extent, it's a silly question. Unless you have a falling out with a person, you're not likely to come out and say that person is a racist or a bigot--so to claim that those people are publicity hounds (which I'm guessing you may claim is also applicable for almost anyone in the Trump orbit that has said something bad about him) I think essentially means that you've asked a question and ruled out any realistic answer.
Point taken. If you have had a falling out your comments are suspect, if you haven't had a falling out you are unlikely to make a negative comment.
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For what it's worth, all you asked for was one person, and he gave it.

I also think that, to some extent, it's a silly question. Unless you have a falling out with a person, you're not likely to come out and say that person is a racist or a bigot--so to claim that those people are publicity hounds (which I'm guessing you may claim is also applicable for almost anyone in the Trump orbit that has said something bad about him) I think essentially means that you've asked a question and ruled out any realistic answer.
You might call him a racist if a book deal was contingent on it. ie the book deal Amorosa got. I wonder how many copies of her book sold. I bet there were long lines at the book stores
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You might call him a racist if a book deal was contingent on it. ie the book deal Amorosa got. I wonder how many copies of her book sold. I bet there were long lines at the book stores

I doubt a lot of people were really lining up to read a book by Omarosa.
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I doubt a lot of people were really lining up to read a book by Omarosa.
I doubt the book publisher paid her an advance based on sales expectations for her book. More like give us some nasty shit on Trump and you'll make some boku money. That's more plausible. She cashed in with the racist charge. I dont think normal people attach a high level of credibility to Amorosa. She's a gold digger
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I doubt the book publisher paid her an advance based on sales expectations for her book. More like give us some nasty shit on Trump and you'll make some boku money. That's more plausible. She cashed in with the racist charge. I dont think normal people attach a high level of credibility to Amorosa. She's a gold digger

Strange, then, that Trump seemed to think that someone with not a high level of credibility would be fit to work at the White House.

I doubt that book publishers tell people "make up some crazy shit and we'll pay you money".
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Strange, then, that Trump seemed to think that someone with not a high level of credibility would be fit to work at the White House.

I doubt that book publishers tell people "make up some crazy shit and we'll pay you money".
Oh really and Obama got a 65 million dollar book deal bc he's that compelling. Not a money laundering pay off. That's a lot of books
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