Lol this is hilariously inaccurate and polarizing...
First of all, The United States takes in more Muslim immigrants and refugees than Canada does each year.
Secondly, I don't understand why you think It's a bad idea for refugees (people fleeing oppression and persecution, often with nothing) to get some federal help to get set up in their new home? The financial support is on a limited basis. I do, however, think they are getting too much. I'd like to see the dollar figure cut back to a more conservative number... Your assumption that some of the refugees may be extremists or terrorists is logical, but none of have become mass murderers yet and we can't hunt ghosts. You have mass shootings 6 out of 7 days per week and yet your primary concern is an unqualified assumption about something that has not come to fruition. Spout off when your priorities become grounded in pragmatic reality.
Lastly, It's obvious you don't have a clue about taxes, so take an opportunity to learn something.
Fact #1: Canada and USA at various times have passed each other in terms of who pays more taxes. Right now Canadians pay slightly higher taxes than Americans, but the number is close. Wealthy and poor Canadians pay less taxes than wealthy and poor Americans, while middle class Canadians pay slightly more than middle class Americans.
Fact #2: Canadian taxes include our healthcare. When you add the price of American healthcare per person to their taxes, they pay far more than Canadians. But our healthcare sucks Right? And yours is awesome? The United States life expectancy is 78.8 years which ranks 27th in the world. Canadian life expectancy is 81.7 years, which ranks 13th in the world... Americans spend more than $9000 per year (per person) on healthcare, while Canadians spend $4500 per year (per person) on healthcare... We spend half the money per person and live 3 years longer on average.
Fact #3: The Canadian tax payers AT TIMES pay slightly more in taxes than American tax payers do, but Canadians have access to much more affordable, subsidized, higher education than Americans. The Average cost of tuition at a Canadian University ranges between 6-9 thousand dollars per year. It's what, 4-8x that at an American University or College?
Fact #4: The Canadian tax payers AT TIMES pay slightly more in taxes than American tax payers do, but with it comes 9-18 months of federally paid leave from work after child birth, and a relatively significant higher federal Social Security pension after retirement. Working Canadians may pay more into the system than Americans do AT TIMES, but they get more back after retirement, which they can enjoy, while they're living longer.
Here is a good article detailing the differences and perks of both systems. Give it a read. You may educate yourself.