To be honest, I am going through some tough times in life. I come on this board for some fun ND football talk. Talking ND football helps me get my mind off the troubles. This board helps me do that.
But I am so tired of the personal attacks. I only want to talk ND football. I never call names or get personal. In the past when posters that love ND football like me, make personal digs at me, I just to laugh it off and something funny in response.
But now, I am facing some hard times in life and these attacks on me only add to what my family and I are going through. Again, I come here for a sense of relief from life but I might just need to shut down my account here and just watch ND football and be fine with that.
Just being open and honest brother”s. No woe is me. God will bring us through this
I’m not into scriptures or heavy on prayer, but I am into life, and all the challenges and rewards this presents. Most, if not all of us, come here for entertainment, and the opportunity to talk about a subject we love, Notre Dame football. Opinions differ, and emotional temperaments differ, and how we choose to express same differs among us. Some can be obnoxious as hell, some can be offensive and make personal attacks on those with different opinions, and some just have a need to look for a cyber fight. Most just want to talk Notre Dane football. There’s no reason for you to consider shutting down your account here. There’s no reason you can’t achieve the sense of relief from life’s challenges you desire; just simply hit the ignore button for those you find offensive.
Like most here, I was sorry to read your facing some hard times. Each of us finds the strength for dealing with life’s most difficult times in our unique ways. As I said, scripture and prayer are not my way, but the firm belief in a spiritual almighty; the belief that we will be judged by our lifetime morality compass (rightness or wrongness of an act); and the belief that each of us possesses the inner spirit and strength to manage and recover from whatever challenges life throws our way. Remain steadfast in your beliefs and find that inner strength, and help your loved ones find theirs, and you will emerge from these hard times stronger and intact. Now, prayers coming your way, and I look forward to talking ND football with you for years to come!