The left is anti police
And the right hates people of color and women.
Wow - it's really easy to make blanket, incorrect statements about entire groups of people.
The left is anti police
Protests on college campuses, as long as peaceful and respectful, are a healthy part of the college experience, and an important traditional show that our youth are engaged in current affairs. I applaud this whether liberal or conservative inspired. Protests aimed at shutting down speakers who hold different views, like what occurred at Berkeley for example, are examples of intellectual intolerance and thuggery that should be roundly denounced by all sides; and unfortunately, this has been the practice of liberals much more than conservatives for decades. Now what transpired in Berkeley would make it hard to be a fan, not the actions of ND students petitioning to protest Pence. I am not an alum, but I applaud the fact that ND shows the intellectual openness to have Obama and Pence with their polar opposite views keynote graduation ceremonies.
Here's a story you won't catch on Fox News. Cops kick and punch handcuffed man
Yet they'll lead you to believe the left has allowed society to be more anti-police. This is not a left/right problem but an American problem.
This is such a stupid and, frankly, offensive statement.
It doesn't matter if it offends you (at all), it's true.
The Democratic party has allowed themselves to be hijacked and the party now represents anti-police stances.
Just like every other Republican/Democrat stance, it's not representative of 100% of Democrats.....but it's the majority Dem stance now.
Dems need to reign in these pyschos and extremists in their party
(as do Republicans)
And the right hates people of color and women.
Wow - it's really easy to make blanket, incorrect statements about entire groups of people.
Yes - because this statement from Obama was incredibly anti-police, to the point that the executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police said that Obama's statement was "strong and timely":
The problem with this country is not necessarily "reining in psychos and extremists", but, rather, those who don't actually engage with others of different thought and thus don't actually understand what others believe. It's the same issue with the stupid "war on women" message the Democrats were putting forward. It's overly broad, divisive and not representative at all of what people actually believe.
It's both.
We need t discourage this type of poltical extremism as a rule. It's devisive and serves no purpose.
The best method of doing that is actually getting people to talk with each other and engage in meaningful, academic discussion.
It's also critical that identity politics go the way of the dodo. We can't have the constant refrain of "well, if you support/believe X, then you hate X group of people"
And the right hates people of color and women.
Wow - it's really easy to make blanket, incorrect statements about entire groups of people.
You're doing that by saying "if you're on the left and are concerned about treatment of minorities, then you hate the police."
The Republicans done pretty well with female voters. So that's a stupid argument, with no actual basis.
On the other hand, Republicans needs to do better with policies/outreach to minorities.
the reality is the left believes what you said.
It's did.
You claim to have graduated from ND and speak like this? You really must be smarter than this.
You really must be smarter than this. And you're right republicans did well with uneducated women as they did with all the uneducated.
BTW, what is your other handle? The way you argue with every poster I have my suspicions.
Nothing better than when the actual party of bigotry shows its true colors.
Thanks for outing yourself.
Now run along, the adults are talking.
Confusing message boards and speaking?
And then thinking people proof read meaningless message board posts?
That's about all that needs to be said for the intellectual quality of this post.
It's not elitism, it's a fact big guy. The republicans do well with the uneducated.
You still didn't answer the question. What is/are your other handles?
If you're writing like this it's safe to assume you speak like this big guy...Wow pathetic indeed.
So you're a bigot and a moron?
Wow. Pathetic.
Do you have a redeeming quality?
Name calling is the choice of the uneducated.
Again, you actually outed yourself, and your entire party, as an elitist and bigot in this very thread.
It's not up for debate, it's something you've proven to be true yourself.
You should rethink your bigoted world view, and realize that you can't just devalue the opinions of groups of people that you don't like
It's not debatable, name calling is the choice of the uneducated. Why does this anger you so much?
Also, I don't represent any entire party. Jeez.
Still waiting for your other handle names.![]()
Dont let the door hit you.Losing is bad enough BUT I refuse to support/admire stupid, childish students. MAKE AMERICA AND Notre Dame GREAT AGAIN!!!
the reality is the left believes what you said.
You saying so doesn't t make it true.its opinion,no more,no less.It doesn't matter if it offends you (at all), it's true.
The Democratic party has allowed themselves to be hijacked and the party now represents anti-police stances.
Just like every other Republican/Democrat stance, it's not representative of 100% of Democrats.....but it's the majority Dem stance now.
Dems need to reign in these pyschos and extremists in their party
(as do Republicans)
I guarantee you had to search for that article. Secondly are you asking me a question about your son? If so I don't know him.Twelve you are a leftist Idiot.
So what are you saying about my son who is a cop. And the left is anti police.
Each and every profession has their share of bad eggs.Protesters who break the law should be arrested and be made to face trial.
Police who break the law should be arrested and be made to face trial.
See? A person can be for both "law and order" AND holding police accountable. It isn't an either/or choice.
Each and every profession has their share of bad eggs.
" big guy" brilliant stuff!If you're writing/typing like this it's safe to assume you speak like this big guy...Wow pathetic indeed.
Calling them as I see them. People like you who lie, distort, and root for the failure of the USA as a country are pure trash.Stay classy Tommy! Don't be reminded that 348 instigated all of this with Perse coming up his rear.
Care to provide examples?Calling them as I see them. People like you who lie, distort, and root for the failure of the USA as a country are pure trash.
And another is the cops behavior, in incredibly rare instances, at all relevant to Mike Pence "scaring" kids at the ND commencement speaker?
Protesters who break the law should be arrested and be made to face trial.
Police who break the law should be arrested and be made to face trial.
See? A person can be for both "law and order" AND holding police accountable. It isn't an either/or choice.
You saying so doesn't t make it true.its opinion,no more,no less.
If the police actually break the law, and that can be proven, then we all agree.
But the police haven't broken the law in many of these instances, especially many of the highest profile examples.
However, the rioters have broken the law....and even are being arrested....but Dems still aren't denouncing violent rioting and illegal protests as a form of expression
The law need to become FAR more punitive for illegal protests (which is finally happening) so that law enforcement can make examples out of these rioters