Harbaugh names Barack Hussein Obama as Captain of his football team !

Feel the Burn!
Bernie Sanders & Wife Under FBI Investigation For Bank Fraud

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and his wife Jane have lawyer'd up amid an FBI investigation into a loan obtained to expand Burlington College while she was its president.

Of course they're going to get lawyers wouldn't you

Sanders wife has been involved in dirty money for some time and it says gation has been going on for a while.
I want to say a month or two directly after HRC won the nomination oops given the nomination
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Again explain to me what the indefensible was?
Obstruction of justice?
Transgender bathroom?
Stay on topic. The POTUS is a buffoon that goes around stirring up conspiracy stories, speaks in fragmented statements while talking about investigations that don't stop him from governing. He's a drama queen that can't get out of his own way. If he cared one bit about "the forgotten man" he wouldn't say boo about it and try to proceed his agenda. Problem is he has no clue about the agenda and feels more comfortable being a tabloid actor.
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Kids hated Michelle Obama because she ended Pizza day and made it Kelp day ! They called her the wicked witch! Naming her captain will backfire on Harbaugh!

Our Corp still serves pizza. We also have a salad and fruit bar that is very popular.
Wonder why the Obamas and not Madonna? Madge has a daughter at UM and went there for a short time herself. Maybe her wanting to blow up the WH scared Harbaugh? ;)
Obama bowed to at least, count 'em, three foreigner leaders, went on a major apology tour in foreign lands, and led the fight for tax funded full blown abortion rights. I won't even bring up the idiotic bathroom issue. This is who and what inspires Harbaugh. As I said previously, I'm sure Jenkins and BK are ticked off that they didn't think of this first.
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Looks like the dems got the FBI investigation they've been asking for. Limousine liberal Bernie and his wife under investigation for fraud! MAGA
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What in the Sam Hill does the Governor of Ohio have to do with what Indiana kids in the VCSC eat? :D
Stay on topic. The POTUS is a buffoon that goes around stirring up conspiracy stories, speaks in fragmented statements while talking about investigations that don't stop him from governing. He's a drama queen that can't get out of his own way. If he cared one bit about "the forgotten man" he wouldn't say boo about it and try to proceed his agenda. Problem is he has no clue about the agenda and feels more comfortable being a tabloid actor.
I did stay on topic
What were the indefensible?
And where are they now?
Looks like that hope and change was another one of his lies

It should have been sloganed. "Change without Hope "
So thank you for admitting it can happen again. Moral of the story is don't have a short memory.
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So thank you for admitting it can happen again. Moral of the story is don't have a short memory.

Not underneath the current leadership in the Democratic Party.
Tim Ryan is probably the best hope for the Democratic Party but they're too far left to even consider a moderate like him.
So it will be the continuation of the decline of the Democratic Party especially when the majority of the public start realizing the Democratic Party is the party that spies on you, is a party I've no transparency, is the party that will tax you, and tax you some more, is the open border party where simulating to being as American is not required.
The country is center right currently and will remain that way until the Democratic party moves more Center.
Meanwhile the Trumpsters run so far and fast to the right that they'll capsize this country before they admit that they need to moderate their excesses. You did say we we're a center right country, correct?
Meanwhile the Trumpsters run so far and fast to the right that they'll capsize this country before they admit that they need to moderate their excesses. You did say we we're a center right country, correct?
How did that referendum on Trump (Georgia special election) work out for you?
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Quest, I only brought up Obama because I thought it was funny that you are pining for "practical GOPers" when your party went gaga over obama. There's no practicality from your party when it gushes over a Marxist. Trump is more practical than him by a wide margin. You're a burnt pot trying to call a kettle that isn't even hot yet, black.
"Kids don't care about politics all they know is he is the first black president universally adored by the black community"

That's weird, we were told on this board that college kids are immersed in all the subjects of politics & that's why they walked out on pence?

And I wouldn't say that he is universally adored by the black community. There are many blacks that do not care for him at all. Not just conservative blacks either. Many cite the fact that he didn't do anything for them & in some areas, made it worse. W/ all that said though, asking him & his fellow socialist wife to be honorary captains will resonate w/ a lot of recruits so I guess it was a good move by that lunatic. (He's a good coach but he is a lunatic.)
Not underneath the current leadership in the Democratic Party.
Tim Ryan is probably the best hope for the Democratic Party but they're too far left to even consider a moderate like him.
So it will be the continuation of the decline of the Democratic Party especially when the majority of the public start realizing the Democratic Party is the party that spies on you, is a party I've no transparency, is the party that will tax you, and tax you some more, is the open border party where simulating to being as American is not required.
The country is center right currently and will remain that way until the Democratic party moves more Center.
So are you trying to say back in 2012 you saw The Donald becoming the poster child for the Trumplican party? DIP you may be a lot of things but nostradamus you are not. Not too long ago the "experts" on the right didn't think they'd win another election for years to come. Shit can change easily as voters are more fickle than ever with their core beliefs.
So are you trying to say back in 2012 you saw The Donald becoming the poster child for the Trumplican party? DIP you may be a lot of things but nostradamus you are not. Not too long ago the "experts" on the right didn't think they'd win another election for years to come. Shit can change easily as voters are more fickle than ever with their core beliefs.
Quest, I'm not at all sure that voters are all that fickle with their core beliefs. The reality is that the liberals control the Democrat primaries as they are the active part of the base, and the conservatives likewise on the Republican side, and then nominees move to the center for the general election. As much as I thought Obama was a poor President, I don't think Trump's election was as much a referendum on Obama or his liberal politics, as much as it was an expression of frustration with all things Washington DC, of which Hillary was a long time insider. That said, if Hillary had run a decent campaign and given attention to the rust belt States, I don't think we'd be having this discussion. As for elections outside of the beltway, it's pretty clear that the right central core beliefs of this country are repudiating the liberal direction of the Democrat Party. Not fickle at all.
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Mulatto is racist?

I have a better chance a pointing out you posted a more racist by stating "redneck" in the manner which you did, then me calling the president a mulatto(which his is), and not black(which he isn't).

Now Michigan honoring an ex-president that has directed the NSA to spy on 20 million Americans speaks volumes
I believe Redneck would be more classist then racist depending on how it is used.
I have seen and heard and read the word " Mulatto " used all my life, and never seen or heard it used
to belittle or insult anyone. It is simply a descriptive word that is centuries old and from my research
the word came from the Arabs into Spanish and them into English.
Of course, in today's PC world, it seems than any word that one uses can be offensive to someone ?
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DIP...I don't think of Mulatto as a racist term, but I do think it is inappropriate to characterize Obama in this way, simply because the term is no longer used in this country to describe a person with mixed African American and Caucasian heritage. Black or person of color or African American are used interchangeably, and mulatto is so much in the past that I doubt millennials have even a passing recognition of the term. I'm not making a PC judgement, but rather simply stating this term is literally out of use in this country, and in this country, Obama is appropriately characterized as black.
DIP...I don't think of Mulatto as a racist term, but I do think it is inappropriate to characterize Obama in this way, simply because the term is no longer used in this country to describe a person with mixed African American and Caucasian heritage. Black or person of color or African American are used interchangeably, and mulatto is so much in the past that I doubt millennials have even a passing recognition of the term. I'm not making a PC judgement, but rather simply stating this term is literally out of use in this country, and in this country, Obama is appropriately characterized as black.
I agree with you about 95 % . Words certainly fall out of usage over time, but There are just so many
Words ( generally speaking ) that people very rarely use, but on some rare occassions that seldomly used word Is just perfect for the description or explanation that one is trying to project.
Since DIP was making the point that President Obama was of mixed race, I think ( putting All PC
Aside) his usage of the word was correct ?
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The phrases "groovy", "far out" and "foxy lady" might be considered passe', but, they are part of my regular vocabulary, even in the confessional. Hey, a cool phrase is a cool phrase. 23 skidoooo!
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I agree with you about 95 % . Words certainly fall out of usage over time, but There are just so many
Words ( generally speaking ) that people very rarely use, but on some rare occassions that seldomly used word Is just perfect for the description or explanation that one is trying to project.
Since DIP was making the point that President Obama was of mixed race, I think ( putting All PC
Aside) his usage of the word was correct ?
rgc7....yes, literally correct. But! DIP used the term to correct another's poster referring to Obama as the first Black President, and I think this was inappropriate for the reasons stated. Describing Obama as the first Black President is clearly more accurate and more appropriate in the context of today's linguistics.
rgc7....yes, literally correct. But! DIP used the term to correct another's poster referring to Obama as the first Black President, and I think this was inappropriate for the reasons stated. Describing Obama as the first Black President is clearly more accurate and more appropriate in the context of today's linguistics.
I can't disagree with you if we are talking strickly " in the context of today's linguists " ! Under those limitations , The accepted Narrative is certainly that Obama was the first black president.
So we can agree on that point about " Today's linguistics " .
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rgc7....yes, literally correct. But! DIP used the term to correct another's poster referring to Obama as the first Black President, and I think this was inappropriate for the reasons stated. Describing Obama as the first Black President is clearly more accurate and more appropriate in the context of today's linguistics.

So when a true black person is elected president he will be the second black president?
What of his white mother? I guess that just muddies the water doesn't it no pun intended.
So are you trying to say back in 2012 you saw The Donald becoming the poster child for the Trumplican party? DIP you may be a lot of things but nostradamus you are not. Not too long ago the "experts" on the right didn't think they'd win another election for years to come. Shit can change easily as voters are more fickle than ever with their core beliefs.

Well as long as your party keeps pumping socialist beliefs enjoy the back of the bus
So when a true black person is elected president he will be the second black president?
What of his white mother? I guess that just muddies the water doesn't it no pun intended.
DIP, I do understand the point you were making. Better things to discuss going forward.
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