Duke Game


I've posted how many times?
Aug 1, 2010
I was at the game and then watched it play by play.....When you can see the entire field you pick up somethings you cannot get on film. Just passing on some observations....

On offense, the line is missing some key blocks at the second level and watching the action at times to see if the back will break it....standing around to much at the second level. Just put a hat on someone....HH needs to get this corrected ASAP.

You also have receivers needing to make key blocks and are either missing or not blocking at all. Sanders is notoriously bad at blocking down field, just a chip here and there....Brown missed his fair share too. If you watch last year, the receivers were all excellent blockers. This year, excellent individual superstars. The backs need that body on body of the receivers so they can slide off the open side. That's an unbelievably talented group next year....

DK you can still see the youth. Might go pro, but really could use one more year. Checks into blitzes at times, maybe BK gives him a bit too much authority but in the long run it pays off I think. He missed many read options where he could have run 100 yards...Also missed some wide open guys and then comes back and makes a huge to watch, just inconsistent. Hard to tell, maybe the receivers are missing their marks.

On Defense, the LB's have O-line in their face almost every play. Either they are sitting back or the DL is not keeping the lineman contained. It seems to be less about the backers and more about the scheme or DL. A couple of DL stunts worked well but most of the time we lined up, got zone blocked and the duke backs were in control waiting for the hole to open. The backers look like they almost have gap assignment over ball. Many times they dart into the line away from the play. Strange to watch. Drew played fast but still came up so many times and missed an arm tackles. Played at D1 speed. Just get him under control.

The corners, well they are just looked really bad. They are usually 10 yards off receivers and do not have closing speed or good technique. I'd guess some of this is no pressure up front, much seems to be coaching (light/BVG) but they look really bad from the seats and worse on tape. They rarely contest anyone. Maybe its zone but its a 10 yard soft zone and I'm pretty sure most of these guys were 4 stars so that one needs a hard look at by BK.

Anyway....from the cheap seats at the top of the lower bowl, they made enough mistakes to lose this one....just like the other two....they seem to be unlike last year finding a way to lose instead of win.

Don't really like to talk about players because you never know what they are asked to do so I will stay away from the negative and hit on what I saw from the stands.....Dexter did play with passion, Morgan is the real deal. Coney had some great plays. Love for a frosh played decent. Folsten down hill with any room looked good. Williams looked fast. DK looked great at times but inconsistent. Pass blocking looked good from the seats, hard to tell on runs from the seats.

For where they are at, you cannot make the mistakes they did....10pts on special teams (KO return and missed 40 yarder).......two TO's in your side of the field....clean those up and you have an ugly win but a win.

Just saw the news BVG is gone....I'd guess more to come on defense and offense.....BK will be recruiting players to stay now and a new kick ass DC....your not going to get a mid-year DC....BK is going to have to do that full time now and let some of his trusted coaches take the O....

Atmosphere was blahhhh at the game....reminded me of the Davie cheering....full stadium though....that was good....people support this team like crazy....

That's what I saw.....

The backs suffer on any outside runs without holding the point of attack.
Blah blah? It was loud where I was at. Then the boos came. Then the "Fire BVG" chant. Then the missed tackles and missed assignments and some were headed for the exits. All it took was a KO return to change to level inside the stadium and the confidence of the team. Then the missed FG. Dru and another DB yelling at each other after the long TD pass. Yep. USF, UConn, The Cuse, Louisville, Northwestern, Tulsa and now Duke. Quite a resume of home field dominance.
Nicco Fertita should be playing. He has heart. Kelly is a double talker. If he wants tough players who want to win then start Fertita. Then maybe the place won't be so blah when we have a real hitter on the field.
I'd say anyone who can cover should play....hoping its mainly scheme but our CB's were well out of position. Vaughn looked decent for his first start....

I didn't see anyone leave early. The disagreement was Dru and the LB James.....We could not hear any chants where I was sitting but did see that later......
I was at the game and then watched it play by play.....When you can see the entire field you pick up somethings you cannot get on film. Just passing on some observations....

On offense, the line is missing some key blocks at the second level and watching the action at times to see if the back will break it....standing around to much at the second level. Just put a hat on someone....HH needs to get this corrected ASAP.

You also have receivers needing to make key blocks and are either missing or not blocking at all. Sanders is notoriously bad at blocking down field, just a chip here and there....Brown missed his fair share too. If you watch last year, the receivers were all excellent blockers. This year, excellent individual superstars. The backs need that body on body of the receivers so they can slide off the open side. That's an unbelievably talented group next year....

DK you can still see the youth. Might go pro, but really could use one more year. Checks into blitzes at times, maybe BK gives him a bit too much authority but in the long run it pays off I think. He missed many read options where he could have run 100 yards...Also missed some wide open guys and then comes back and makes a huge to watch, just inconsistent. Hard to tell, maybe the receivers are missing their marks.

On Defense, the LB's have O-line in their face almost every play. Either they are sitting back or the DL is not keeping the lineman contained. It seems to be less about the backers and more about the scheme or DL. A couple of DL stunts worked well but most of the time we lined up, got zone blocked and the duke backs were in control waiting for the hole to open. The backers look like they almost have gap assignment over ball. Many times they dart into the line away from the play. Strange to watch. Drew played fast but still came up so many times and missed an arm tackles. Played at D1 speed. Just get him under control.

The corners, well they are just looked really bad. They are usually 10 yards off receivers and do not have closing speed or good technique. I'd guess some of this is no pressure up front, much seems to be coaching (light/BVG) but they look really bad from the seats and worse on tape. They rarely contest anyone. Maybe its zone but its a 10 yard soft zone and I'm pretty sure most of these guys were 4 stars so that one needs a hard look at by BK.

Anyway....from the cheap seats at the top of the lower bowl, they made enough mistakes to lose this one....just like the other two....they seem to be unlike last year finding a way to lose instead of win.

Don't really like to talk about players because you never know what they are asked to do so I will stay away from the negative and hit on what I saw from the stands.....Dexter did play with passion, Morgan is the real deal. Coney had some great plays. Love for a frosh played decent. Folsten down hill with any room looked good. Williams looked fast. DK looked great at times but inconsistent. Pass blocking looked good from the seats, hard to tell on runs from the seats.

For where they are at, you cannot make the mistakes they did....10pts on special teams (KO return and missed 40 yarder).......two TO's in your side of the field....clean those up and you have an ugly win but a win.

Just saw the news BVG is gone....I'd guess more to come on defense and offense.....BK will be recruiting players to stay now and a new kick ass DC....your not going to get a mid-year DC....BK is going to have to do that full time now and let some of his trusted coaches take the O....

Atmosphere was blahhhh at the game....reminded me of the Davie cheering....full stadium though....that was good....people support this team like crazy....

That's what I saw.....

The backs suffer on any outside runs without holding the point of attack.
Nice analysis. U know more than the head coach.
Trust me. Fans left. I was sitting at an entrance gate during halftime with some friends, eating a crappy hot dog, and watched them pile out. It wasn't in droves, but some fans and students left early. The MSU game was even worse.The chants were right next to me on the north end. It was brief but the point was made.