Chris Ash DC

14-2 this season. Three playoff wins. A trip to the NC game. You do nothing but bitch.
When I say greathouse played unbelievable in the playoffs and could really break out next year, that comment gets no response.

When I'm complaining about promoting a coach that has failed everywhere coming off a DC that just had the nfl coming after them.
This idea that Mickens should be the guy has no actual merit. Just because someone is a good positional coach, does not mean they’re equipped to scheme an entire defense.

Al Golden was fired from Miami so I’m sure you weren’t pumped at that hire either. Nobody on this board knows if this is a good or bad hire yet.

I’d say we should trust Freeman and see how things play out this season before having rash opinions that this is a terrible hire.
Well neither did MF. Not a sliver of an iota more merit than hiring MM would have. No experience at all, but you liked the cut of his jib, so you took a chance. So I just figure why not? On the same basis. I don't know shit about any of these guys, I do know Ash was pretty awful at Rutgers. But I think that was when they were like, just joining the Big Ten, so it was hard to win or something. I don't much like the cut of Chris Ash's jib I will say that. He doesn't cut an impressive figure to me. But he does have some NFL position coach experience just like Al Golden. Al Golden wasn't that great of a college HC either.

And I think that's how people become DCs, or OCs. There's a point in their life when they had not ever been one. Just like MF had never been a HC. And so they don't have any experience. But somebody hires them to be a DC anyway, even without the experience. And I guess the idea is that even though they don't have any experience they'll still be able to do the job well. It'd be cool if they did have experience, but they don't and you just hire them anyway, and just hope that it will work out good, because you are convinced they could do it anyway, or you hope. And it's a good thing they do hire position coaches with no experience and promote them to DC or OC, because once the current crop of active, experienced DCs and OCs either retire or die off, then there'd be none at all, and we'd just have to cancel the sport. Or as an emergency last resort you would hire someone like Mike Mickens, without any experience, because there is no other recourse.

So I think there's a paradox in there somewhere, or maybe it's a catch 22? Like, you can't become a DC without any experience, because you don't have any experience, and so why would anyone hire you. But you can't get the experience to become a DC or OC unless somebody first hires you, but without any experience. And you're stuck in this infinite regress of sorts. So somewhere along the line, inexperienced DCs with no experience as a DC get hired to be DCs anyway, or the whole system would break down completely. I just figure since MF was like a shining exemplar of hiring a HC without any HC experience, even at a big time program, that he would be like, totally sympathetic to the notion that it can be done. And these two have so much history, coaching at ND together, coaching at UC as well. But nope, he goes with Chris Ash. I don't even like his name.
When I say greathouse played unbelievable in the playoffs and could really break out next year, that comment gets no response.

When I'm complaining about promoting a coach that has failed everywhere coming off a DC that just had the nfl coming after them.
Good comment of Greathouse

Try it more often
As usual, one of the worst posters on here, only tells the partial truth. When the head coach is fired, the new coach brings in his own people which happened three times with Chris Ash. It was pathetic enough hearing him tear down Gray who did not lose the OSU game for us, but I guess some have to tear down players to try to justify themselves.
Funny. On another site, someone pulled up the 2022 comments when Golden was being considered. Probably 70% negative. A lot of "hard passes" -- cut to three years later, we nearly win a natty and Golden is THE biggest reason for the run (imo.) Now, is Ash the guy? A writer (TP) on another site is more worried about the cultural fit. Seems like Ash is a very hard-on-the-players guy -- showed up at Rutgers being a know it all. Remember Chip Long. Great with x's and o's, not so great with the players.

Look, ND gets very smart, very motivated kids. Marcus has built a competitive, tough, gritty team while maintaining a teacher-student, supportive relationship with his players. It is working so far. Unless Ash has had a come-to-Jesus moment, I'm not sure he is the right fit. Golden understood how to be supportive, swallow his ego, and coach the players he considered amongst the smartest he'd ever met, with great results.

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Funny. On another site, someone pulled up the 2022 comments when Golden was being considered. Probably 70% negative. A lot of "hard passes" -- cut to three years later, we nearly win a natty and Golden is THE biggest reason for the run (imo.) Now, is Ash the guy? A writer (TP) on another site is more worried about the cultural fit. Seems like Ash is a very hard-on-the-players guy -- showed up at Rutgers being a know it all. Remember Chip Long. Great with x's and o's, not so great with the players.

Look, ND gets very smart, very motivated kids. Marcus has built a competitive, tough, gritty team while maintaining a teacher-student, supportive relationship with his players. It is working so far. Unless Ash has had a come-to-Jesus moment, I'm not sure he is the right fit. Golden understood how to be supportive, swallow his ego, and coach the players he considered amongst the smartest he'd ever met, with great results.

For all we know Ash is renewing himself like Golden has. Every coach has their own style and we've seen all styles be successful and fail. I think what matters most is being authentic and getting your players to buy into you. Players will tolerate a coach being a jerk, as long as they know coach does care and turns them into better players.
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Funny. On another site, someone pulled up the 2022 comments when Golden was being considered. Probably 70% negative. A lot of "hard passes" -- cut to three years later, we nearly win a natty and Golden is THE biggest reason for the run (imo.) Now, is Ash the guy? A writer (TP) on another site is more worried about the cultural fit. Seems like Ash is a very hard-on-the-players guy -- showed up at Rutgers being a know it all. Remember Chip Long. Great with x's and o's, not so great with the players.

Look, ND gets very smart, very motivated kids. Marcus has built a competitive, tough, gritty team while maintaining a teacher-student, supportive relationship with his players. It is working so far. Unless Ash has had a come-to-Jesus moment, I'm not sure he is the right fit. Golden understood how to be supportive, swallow his ego, and coach the players he considered amongst the smartest he'd ever met, with great results.

Yeah, I agree and I posted earlier that Ash has to be more than a coaching fit. I agree with you on Golden who just seemed to blend in with the Notre Dame culture. Whoever is hired needs to come in with the same attitude as Golden and right now, I think Coach Freeman has a good idea of the type of coaches he's looking for to join his staff.
I hope this move didn't cost us Mike Mickens ... guy has done everything he's been asked to do as a DB coach and passing game coordinator. I hope he doesn't take this as a snub and get out of Dodge.
Mickens was all but gone to NFL before this decision was made.
Except ash was fired from multiple places
Correct…but a little context:
Worked at Texas -- gone when Herman was fired.
Worked Jacksonville -- gone when Meyer got fired
Worked at Vegas -- gone when McDaniel got fired.

Don’t have a clue as to accuracy, but read that Ohio St is interested in Ash after the DC Knowles accepted the same position at Penn St. I have no impression of Ash whatsoever, but I sure as hell respect the job Mickens has done with our defensive backs, turning an annual weakness into an annual strength. Hope the Co-defensive coordinator designation being bandied about results in a Mickens promotion and his influence over our defense going forward.
Well neither did MF. Not a sliver of an iota more merit than hiring MM would have. No experience at all, but you liked the cut of his jib, so you took a chance. So I just figure why not? On the same basis. I don't know shit about any of these guys, I do know Ash was pretty awful at Rutgers. But I think that was when they were like, just joining the Big Ten, so it was hard to win or something. I don't much like the cut of Chris Ash's jib I will say that. He doesn't cut an impressive figure to me. But he does have some NFL position coach experience just like Al Golden. Al Golden wasn't that great of a college HC either.

And I think that's how people become DCs, or OCs. There's a point in their life when they had not ever been one. Just like MF had never been a HC. And so they don't have any experience. But somebody hires them to be a DC anyway, even without the experience. And I guess the idea is that even though they don't have any experience they'll still be able to do the job well. It'd be cool if they did have experience, but they don't and you just hire them anyway, and just hope that it will work out good, because you are convinced they could do it anyway, or you hope. And it's a good thing they do hire position coaches with no experience and promote them to DC or OC, because once the current crop of active, experienced DCs and OCs either retire or die off, then there'd be none at all, and we'd just have to cancel the sport. Or as an emergency last resort you would hire someone like Mike Mickens, without any experience, because there is no other recourse.

So I think there's a paradox in there somewhere, or maybe it's a catch 22? Like, you can't become a DC without any experience, because you don't have any experience, and so why would anyone hire you. But you can't get the experience to become a DC or OC unless somebody first hires you, but without any experience. And you're stuck in this infinite regress of sorts. So somewhere along the line, inexperienced DCs with no experience as a DC get hired to be DCs anyway, or the whole system would break down completely. I just figure since MF was like a shining exemplar of hiring a HC without any HC experience, even at a big time program, that he would be like, totally sympathetic to the notion that it can be done. And these two have so much history, coaching at ND together, coaching at UC as well. But nope, he goes with Chris Ash. I don't even like his name.
I agree that DC’s have to be an inexperienced coordinator at some point. I believe a hiring coach would see something in a position coach that the average fan cannot see which would lead to such hiring. In terms of Mickens, I’m assuming Freeman sees something that has lead to him not being offered. Since we don’t have an inside scoop as to all characteristics of Mickens as a coach, we simply have to trust Freeman’s decision as to why MM wasn’t offered the position.
Correct…but a little context:
Worked at Texas -- gone when Herman was fired.
Worked Jacksonville -- gone when Meyer got fired
Worked at Vegas -- gone when McDaniel got fired.

Don’t have a clue as to accuracy, but read that Ohio St is interested in Ash after the DC Knowles accepted the same position at Penn St. I have no impression of Ash whatsoever, but I sure as hell respect the job Mickens has done with our defensive backs, turning an annual weakness into an annual strength. Hope the Co-defensive coordinator designation being bandied about results in a Mickens promotion and his influence over our defense going forward.
you didn't mention he did get fired at rutgers after a terrible run

One common theme, no coach wanted to keep him that was being brought in. After being fired/not retained from every job he had to take a major step down to get another job. He would be going from Scout to ND DC.
Phil Parker from Iowa would be a guy I’d be serious about. Top 25 defenses year in and year out.The oregon dc also worth a look. This Ashe guy seems like a gamble.
you didn't mention he did get fired at rutgers after a terrible run

One common theme, no coach wanted to keep him that was being brought in. After being fired/not retained from every job he had to take a major step down to get another job. He would be going from Scout to ND DC.
Well, the Head Coach Rutgers firing was a given and already talked about, and you can make some parallels to Golden being fired as Head Coach at Miami. My only point was to add context to your reference to his being fired multiple times. Most were as a position coach or coordinator as part of a housecleaning upon the head coach being fired. Again, I don’t have any impression of Ash, positive or negative; but my hope is Mickens is elevated as co coordinator if Ash is in fact hired. Not a negative of Ash, but a positive view of Mickens.
Well, the Head Coach Rutgers firing was a given and already talked about, and you can make some parallels to Golden being fired as Head Coach at Miami. My only point was to add context to your reference to his being fired multiple times. Most were as a position coach or coordinator as part of a housecleaning upon the head coach being fired. Again, I don’t have any impression of Ash, positive or negative; but my hope is Mickens is elevated as co coordinator if Ash is in fact hired. Not a negative of Ash, but a positive view of Mickens.
All good angles. The only top 10 defense he ever called was with Ohio st in 2014.
All the other years his defenses got only slightly better ( no top 10 ) and many cases gotten worse. I guess we will see.
All good angles. The only top 10 defense he ever called was with Ohio st in 2014.
All the other years his defenses got only slightly better ( no top 10 ) and many cases gotten worse. I guess we will see.
Every program is different and every situation a coach comes into is different. They all have challenges. He doesn't appear to have been great at Texas, but without knowing that situation when he was there, it could have been a lose lose situation for him.

I don't care who we get tbh, so long as they continue with the style of play we've seen this year, which I think was stellar. That defense, even with the backups was formidable.
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Every program is different and every situation a coach comes into is different. They all have challenges. He doesn't appear to have been great at Texas, but without knowing that situation when he was there, it could have been a lose lose situation for him.

I don't care who we get tbh, so long as they continue with the style of play we've seen this year, which I think was stellar. That defense, even with the backups was formidable.
Well said. There's nuance to everything. BVG was great at UGA, but terrible at ND. So does that make him a bad coach or a good coach? It's a team effort and I think the Ash hire is more complimentary than it is an overhaul. I remember when Weis was fired about a year later he spoke candidly about how he hired too many coaches that were respected and good at their jobs, but it was hard for them to work together. Too many chefs in one kitchen is how I took it.
Funny. On another site, someone pulled up the 2022 comments when Golden was being considered. Probably 70% negative. A lot of "hard passes" -- cut to three years later, we nearly win a natty and Golden is THE biggest reason for the run (imo.) Now, is Ash the guy? A writer (TP) on another site is more worried about the cultural fit. Seems like Ash is a very hard-on-the-players guy -- showed up at Rutgers being a know it all. Remember Chip Long. Great with x's and o's, not so great with the players.

Look, ND gets very smart, very motivated kids. Marcus has built a competitive, tough, gritty team while maintaining a teacher-student, supportive relationship with his players. It is working so far. Unless Ash has had a come-to-Jesus moment, I'm not sure he is the right fit. Golden understood how to be supportive, swallow his ego, and coach the players he considered amongst the smartest he'd ever met, with great results.

"On another site, someone pulled up the 2022 comments when Golden was being considered. Probably 70% negative. A lot of "hard passes" -- cut to three years later, we nearly win a natty and Golden is THE biggest reason for the run (imo.)"

Remember -- there are a lot of "experts" on the message boards! lol
So was golden at miami
Hey, I don't care, I don't have a problem with it. I wanted MM is all, and I don't have any great reason for it other than he seems like a great DB coach, and we keep discovering and developing all these hidden gem DBs, that were I guess low four stars or whatnot. And he's at the age where he's ready for his first DC job, and we did the same thing with MF and came up roses, so why not promote him? That's it.

And I don't have anything against Chris Ash. He seems sort of random, but he has a decent enough resume, and like Golden we're plucking him from the NFL asst. ranks though he had been reduced to a 'scout' role. And MM is still on the team, and he's now a 'co' DC, and so everybody wins.
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This is literally what i was going to ask next. How is this guy as a recruiter? Not worried about the Xs and Os, worried most about closing on the Jimmy and Joes.
Read where he is not a good recruiter. Dislikes it like Golden only Golden was good with kids on campus. Never heard of Ash being like that so not sure on campus with kids except a hard type of coach[my way or the highway type].
Read where he is not a good recruiter. Dislikes it like Golden only Golden was good with kids on campus. Never heard of Ash being like that so not sure on campus with kids except a hard type of coach[my way or the highway type].
Don't believe everything you read.
I agree that DC’s have to be an inexperienced coordinator at some point. I believe a hiring coach would see something in a position coach that the average fan cannot see which would lead to such hiring. In terms of Mickens, I’m assuming Freeman sees something that has lead to him not being offered. Since we don’t have an inside scoop as to all characteristics of Mickens as a coach, we simply have to trust Freeman’s decision as to why MM wasn’t offered the position.
Sorry for being such a douchebag with that stupid post, you know how it is. But it's true though, you gotta bite the bullet at some point with inexperienced coaches. I just didn't want to lose him on staff, and it seemed like maybe it was his time to get the call. But since he's going to stay, and now he gets to be co-DC, it sounds like it's a win win. And Chris Ash does seem to have a similar resume to Golden, not as good, but still similar, coming from the NFL ranks, with major DC experience and P5 HC experience. So let's roll with it!
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Read where he is not a good recruiter. Dislikes it like Golden only Golden was good with kids on campus. Never heard of Ash being like that so not sure on campus with kids except a hard type of coach[my way or the highway type].
Apparently, it's the opposite....good on the trail...
You know everything. Call Pete Bevacqua.
How worthless are your posts? This is a message board Newsome, meant for opinions. Responding to every post to call the AD or coach is a joke book. Maybe try having a back bone yourself and posting something of substance
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How worthless are your posts? This is a message board Newsome, meant for opinions. Responding to every post to call the AD or coach is a joke book. Maybe try having a back bone yourself and posting something of substance
you didn't mention he did get fired at rutgers after a terrible run

One common theme, no coach wanted to keep him that was being brought in. After being fired/not retained from every job he had to take a major step down to get another job. He would be going from Scout to ND DC.
Again, call Pete Bevacqua since you know so much about Chris Ash.
On the flip side of this, remember when Holtz hired Gary Darnell from Florida? I remember Holtz saying the defense would carry the team and that if you needed to go to the restroom or concession stand to do so when the offense was on the field.

Everyone was excited because Notre Dame was finally going to have an attacking, aggressive defense. Fast-forward about six weeks and everyone was disappointed.

Darnell was so bad, Holtz fired him before the Sugar Bowl against Florida and coached the defense himself.

So the point is, you gotta relax and let it unfold. He might be a bum, he might be great.
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Well said. There's nuance to everything. BVG was great at UGA, but terrible at ND. So does that make him a bad coach or a good coach? It's a team effort and I think the Ash hire is more complimentary than it is an overhaul. I remember when Weis was fired about a year later he spoke candidly about how he hired too many coaches that were respected and good at their jobs, but it was hard for them to work together. Too many chefs in one kitchen is how I took it.
A few DCs never figured out the spread. BVG tried to stop it with an overly complex system.

Yes Weis never really controlled the kitchen.

My .02 is that MF simply doesn't want a first year coordinator. Perhaps the 2022 Fiesta Bowl and 2023 season solidified that opinion.
On the flip side of this, remember when Holtz hired Gary Darnell from Florida? I remember Holtz saying the defense would carry the team and that if you needed to go to the restroom or concession stand to do so when the offense was on the field.

Everyone was excited because Notre Dame was finally going to have an attacking, aggressive defense. Fast-forward about six weeks and everyone was disappointed.

Darnell was so bad, Holtz fired him before the Sugar Bowl against Florida and coached the defense himself.

So the point is, you gotta relax and let it unfold. He might be a bum, he might be great.
Fair enough.
The issue to me is like with BVG.
For instance 2015. We had a roster to contend for a title but didn’t get a chance because our defense stunk. Wasted 2 seasons because of a bad hire. We cannot make the same mistake.
We have major momentum. Don’t waste it with a bad hire. And if there are not any home run hires available. Go the Parker route and promote mickens to a 1 year stint. Then go get the big fish next season Jmo.
I don't know why we didn't go after Knowles who recruited high four star and five star players who oversaw the number one defense in the country last year and who should have been an easy target given the big buyout in Al Golden's contract but Notre Dame has done a good job hiring coordinators and coaches over the last 10 years so you hope this is another good one that's all you can do
Correct…but a little context:
Worked at Texas -- gone when Herman was fired.
Worked Jacksonville -- gone when Meyer got fired
Worked at Vegas -- gone when McDaniel got fired.

Don’t have a clue as to accuracy, but read that Ohio St is interested in Ash after the DC Knowles accepted the same position at Penn St. I have no impression of Ash whatsoever, but I sure as hell respect the job Mickens has done with our defensive backs, turning an annual weakness into an annual strength. Hope the Co-defensive coordinator designation being bandied about results in a Mickens promotion and his influence over our defense going forward.
Win-win as we're keeping Mickens. I'll take Urban's word on this one: When Ash was hired as DC at Texas, Meyer said he was "by far, the best coordinator hire of the year," and "one of the best coaches [Meyer] has ever been around." Pretty high praise.
Win-win as we're keeping Mickens. I'll take Urban's word on this one: When Ash was hired as DC at Texas, Meyer said he was "by far, the best coordinator hire of the year," and "one of the best coaches [Meyer] has ever been around." Pretty high praise.

You think we should take the opinions of Marcus Freeman and Urban Meyer over the opinions of posters on this board? Whoa.