31-14 ND in a Romp


I've posted how many times?
Aug 24, 2003

What happened to these 2? Why were they pulled off the air?

Sure, it gets a bit old but....,,
Lou's actually gotten more lucid in his old age. not convinced 31-14 is the final score but he makes some good points. i still like us by 3 27-24
Lou has surprised me at times with his picks. He picked ND by like 25 against Syracuse and I said "C'mon Lou" But he was closer than almost everyone picking that game. Then again he also picked us by like 35 against Pitt so who knows.
At this point, there are days when Lou thinks he is a fire truck!
Lou was all the talent. He should aligned himself with someone more knowledgable and entertaining than Mark May.

ND by 1 on Dec 29th!