Deserving or Best?

You have had the same issue in college basketball for years. I've watched the hoops tournament go from 32 teams to 48 teams to 64 teams. You end up with the same scenario....there are 16 seeds who shouldn't be there....while their betters are playing for the NIT. Adding more teams doesn't fix anything. Regardless of how many teams are in the field, there will be teams who get bumped that are superior. On the other hand......David and Goliath does happen every once in a while. Twice....a 1 seed has been beaten in the NCAA basketball tournament by a 16 seed. Football may be different....but America is still the land of opportunity. Notre Dame is where they are because they lost to NIU (an impossible game to lose) and rejuvenated themselves.

Props to the Crowd Last Night!!

I was at the game. The crowd was incredible. It was maybe the best live event I've been to.

Credit to ND.....the stadium experience was fantastic. They had the place rockin all night.

I'll also add- there are some real knuckle heads in the IU fanbase. Drunk, and pretty aggressive, and saying some ugly things to ND fans. All in all......a bunch of soft college kids w beer muscles.

Does the “Prevent” defense

Not sure if it was by design. But clearly ND defense did not play as focused on those last to TDs. It was very frustrating to watch that. It was as if the game was literally over. But in reality, it wasn’t. That cannot happen if you want to play championship football. I’m sorry , you never let the opponent up once they are down. It doesn’t have to be mean spirited. It’s a competition. You shake hands after and call it a day.

Deserving or Best?

Thank you for making this thread, at least somebody wants to engage in some real talk about the playoff, instead of just totally mega biased bullshit, most of which goes straight into the toilet. With that said, at least on a philosophical level, if you go with 'better', it would be worse than even the bowls, and the playoff becomes nothing more than a sweaty, violent Roman mob extravaganza, the regular season is entirely irrelevant, every game completely meaningless, utterly devoid of anything at all, and when it's all said and done, W/Ls, SOS, none of it means anything. And the national champion is truly mythical. You just make your own personal choice on who the purportedly best teams are, however you see fit. And when you reduce yourself to that level of savagery, recruiting stars really do matter, because that's essentially the true and sole criteria for inclusion in the playoff, the one bit of reliable substance by which you actually guide your choices. If you want to make a pretense of carefully consideing a team's record and SOS and all that shit, knock yourself out, but the only reason the SEC is the SEC is because of recruiting. And that would become the de facto criteria for all teams by default. But more importantly, there is no criteria, it really is just personal judgement. One's own sense of things, however such sense is arrived at. It is indeed the emperor giving the thumbs up or thumbs down. Essentially the antithesis of winning it on the field.

If you go on putative 'merit', as nebulous as that may be, W/Ls are still the supreme criterion, SOS coming next, and while one's own personal honor and intellectual scruples remain paramount when it comes to the task of deciding something inherently subjective on the basis of comparative merit, so long as that is in enough supply, you could maintain a modicum of dignity and legitimacy in your playoff. And some teams will be disappointed, not everyone will make it in. But you can know in advance that recruiting stars and a preponderance of elite 'talent' will not be a particularly significant criteria. So you'll have to make sure you win enough games, regardless of anything else.
I BROADLY AGREE that merit is the way to go.

And since CONFERENCES EXIST a system of SUBDIVIDING PERFORMANCE is already in place, i.e. a means by which MERIT CAN BE MEASURED. Plus, conferences are part of the LORE OF THE GAME, even though they've been RECONSTRUCTED rather SLOPPILY.

The trouble is, it's impossible to create out of conferences as they now exist the kind of COHESIVE and EQUITABLE scheduling that exists in virtually all PROFESSIONAL SPORTS. There's neither enough PARITY within CFB conferences as respects scheduling nor, more glaringly, AMONG CONFERENCES. So, we get the kind of mismatches in these early playoff rounds that we're watching.

But while I'm for maintaining conferences, I'm also for realigning them MORE EQUITABLY. And that might include dividing them into STANDARD AND PREMIUM DIVISIONS where LIKES COMPETE AGAINST LIKES on a regular basis.

The trouble with disbanding them and merely 'SELECTING' the best 12 or 16 teams is that no matter how much that process may be QUANTIFIED, the SUBJECTIVE ELEMENT remains at the heart of it which -- as you've pointed out -- leads back to the very thing that playoffs are meant to abolish -- the concept of a MYTHICAL CHAMPION.

Xavier Watts

You are absolutely right, CMF persuading those guys to come back was just as good as bringing in three 5* players, even if we only have them for this year. You will see more of that now that kids can take in NIL money while they are still in school.

Really impressive to see the roster MF is building. While we haven't hit on many 5*, he is bringing in some really good players who are athletic and twitchy and then coaching them up. Our team speed, especially on defense, has noticeably improved. If we can beat UGA I hope that will help the staff build on our recruiting success. Kids that haven't given ND a thought may start taking notice of what MF is building here.
Forgot to mention Kiser! Another guy barely in the top 200 as a recruit (Xavier didn't even make it!) but a coach on the field and a real leader.
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SMU PSU Thread

Sad part for PSU fans they will probably give a new contract to Franklin. Hope they enjoy being second or third for as long as he is there.
You mean they should probably fire him? They just went 11-1, got the six seed, blew out SMU, but now he's on the hot seat. I think PSU fans are pretty stoked with the way things are going for them. I don't know anything about Frankin, other than he's kind of a goober, but I would say his job is pretty damn secure right about now.
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