Oregon is not ready to play

F+ says otherwise.

OSU has been the #1 team in the F+ system since early season.

You can't "recruit your way" to a top F+ (although having really good football players certainly helps). You have to out produce the rest of the field to achieve a #1 F+ ranking. You are not giving OSU the respect they deserve.
I'm going to call you out in your Bullsh1t. OSU hasn't been the #1 team in F+ since early in the season.
Week 4 UGA was #1
Week 6 OSU was #1, but then they dropped out of #1 in week 8.

As for Michigan you're full of sh1 there as well. It's a shame F+ doesn't maintain a historical weekly rating so I could really call you out on your bullsh1t.

Game moved to Thursday Night

This is indeed terrorism, as now they're saying he didn't act alone. I still am guessing he decided to go out in a blaze for other reasons. But he seems to have signaled and collaborated with conspirators.

BTW: I think you needlessly fear AI. Just like anything, it can be good or bad. It depends on how much authority you allow it. But it excels at the type of data mining that might signal and allow the interdiction of terror.

As the families of the victims what they think. I bet most would support advanced surveillance. Which can be done with regards to privacy, security, freedom, even anonymity.
So it is. I spoke too soon. I was watching the games and the initial report I glanced at didn't mention terrorism and it appeared to have enough of the hallmarks of a loan gunman type scenario, which would not be at all surprising in this country. Where those things happen all the time to varying degrees of death and destruction, and if this guy was a vet as reported, he might be more inclined to go ham with it. And in any case it didn't sound like a terrorist attack at first blush. And it's nevertheless true that the war on terror is never ending, and is almost like a self fulfilling prophecy.

I don't want to get in an argument over this but I don't care what the families think. Grieving families don't decide policy for an entire nation. And there's no evidence that I'm privy to at least that advanced surveillance is implemented with any of the safeguards you allude to. The direct opposite is indeed the whole point of domestic surveillance.

Oregon is not ready to play

Ohio State for me is the emerging college football normal. Next evolutionary step. Thanks to NIL, transfer, and professionalism...where deeper pockets do better.
Notre Dame has some of the deepest pockets in the sport.

Not saying this to you directly, but why do ND fans like to act like ND is this indie band starting in their garage? ND is the biggest most mainstream most wealthy most old money brand in the sport. Or at least easily in the first tier of programs that are. They are just insanely cheap, and ND fans give them a pass for it under the "education first" rhetoric that ND uses to stuff their coffers and make them disgustingly wealthy beyond belief.

Attack on Bourbon St

Why would you label it as a religion of peace?

Events have proven otherwise

Just like the Catholic Church once did, Islam needs a process of exegesis. I am sure you heard that term. The Islamic world is working itself in modernity.

Obviously it is a painful and costly process. Mostly to themselves. There is massive strife in Islamic societies, costing many lives, loss of GDP, and a cycle of violence.

At such scale, it hurts the world. Even in Islamic communities in the West. This is going to be a long enough process.
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Oregon is not ready to play

Ohio State is the most talented and complete team. I agree their main relative weakness is Day. Doesn't always make the right adjustments...but he and staff sure seems to have gotten their act together.

Ohio State is peaking at the right time. Texas will be an underdog, but is capable of wining if the Buckeyes don't play well. If both teams play their best, Ohio State is just that much a better team.

Ohio State for me is the emerging college football normal. Next evolutionary step. Thanks to NIL, transfer, and professionalism...where deeper pockets do better.
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Attack on Bourbon St

I agree with some of your post, and not with others but the illegal wiretaps under the Patriot Act are admissible.

And as you can see there were far more bombings at that time than now

The Patriot Act needs to be struck down, or at a minimal not renewed.
These acts are what makes the the citizenry untrusting of their own government regardless of party because both parties have used it.

And now you have the concerns of artificial intelligence in the governments, or thier proxies hand
I would agree that some of these acts need to be fine tuned and amended

Game moved to Thursday Night

This isn't terrorism. Terrorism is like, organized political radicals, who have an agenda and commit acts of violence and mayhem in hopes of advancing it. Like with 9/11, this is nothing like that. This is just some disturbed dude who has quit on life and is full of rage. Not 'terrorism'.

This is indeed terrorism, as now they're saying he didn't act alone. I still am guessing he decided to go out in a blaze for other reasons. But he seems to have signaled and collaborated with conspirators.

BTW: I think you needlessly fear AI. Just like anything, it can be good or bad. It depends on how much authority you allow it. But it excels at the type of data mining that might signal and allow the interdiction of terror.

As the families of the victims what they think. I bet most would support advanced surveillance. Which can be done with regards to privacy, security, freedom, even anonymity.
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Bye week

A bye is a huge benefit. The problem isn't the bye its just that the teams that got them sucked.

Next year:
  • Best 12 (even if all 12 are SEC teams)
  • Top 4 highest seeded teams should get byes (no autobids -- keep conference championship achievement entirely separate of the national title bracket)
  • Lean a lot more heavily on opponent quality and luck metrics when deciding top 12 (over win-loss record)
See this thread for what the playoff would look like this year using that criteria:

The product would be 1,0000000000000000000000000000 times better.

Game moved to Thursday Night

I think I already made clear I'm not going to do that. Notwithstanding your recommendation that I 'try it sometime'. Because in the unlikely event that it was part of an actual terrorist plot, what bad happens, how did I ruin anything? Is the guy going to get away if I don't take the cops at their word, and reject their cynical and almost certainly inaccurate characterization of this random truck rampage in our collapsing society as a terrorist attack, or maybe an 'act of terror', which would be subtly but perhaps crucially different semantically.

Oh, I get it, you just want me to display unquestioning deference and servility to the police and federal authorities. And you feel resentment and vexation when anyone else around you doesn't demonstrate the same servility. Even though I totally explained myself, and I was so verbose! Doesn't make any difference to you. You want that docility. Good for the goose, good for the gander, eh? What makes me so much better than you that I get to scoff at the cops? Just because you don't have the balls to. I think that's what it is. But you do you, sir.
And you know what, it looks like might have been a terrorist attack, an islamic terrorist attack. And not just some disgruntled soul. Oh well. I guess that makes everybody feel better. And now we can have our freedoms further restricted in the unending war on terror. It's been a while, I guess maybe we were due.
You have made it clear that you are only interested in a narrative that is devoid of actual facts and when the facts do come to light - your response was "Oh well". The rest of your comments are typical of a person that would seek out an argument over the precise shade of blue concerning someone's comment about a blue sky.
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Bye week

Furthermore, under this current system, I feel like the best games/best teams are eliminating themselves in the first couple of rounds due to the idiotic seeding and by mere luck of the draw giving teams that don't deserve it HUGE benefit in terms of the teams they are playing against (e.g. PSU playing SMU & Boise lol)

Oregon vs OSU should be a semi final or even national title
Notre Dame vs Georgia should be a semi final or even national title

Its criminal these games are occurring in the 2nd round (when these are clearly some of the very best teams in the country eliminating themselves in round 2)

Attack on Bourbon St

Warrantless wire taps and the evidence they obtain, directly or indirectly, are inadmissible in court.

Most of the weather underground attacks were done on weekends when the buildings were vacant.

None of the attacks in the 70s and 80s were directed toward the general civilian population unlike this morning’s attack, with the one exception of the Oklahoma City bombing.

I would agree with you with regard to January 6th and those being held absent charges being filed and absent due process.

There are several basic forms of terrorist attacks, those against hard targets such as buildings, those against military installations and military personnel and those against the general civilian population, with the latter usually being carried out by ideologically, driven individuals or organizations
I agree with some of your post, and not with others but the illegal wiretaps under the Patriot Act are admissible.

And as you can see there were far more bombings at that time than now

The Patriot Act needs to be struck down, or at a minimal not renewed.
These acts are what makes the the citizenry untrusting of their own government regardless of party because both parties have used it.

And now you have the concerns of artificial intelligence in the governments, or thier proxies hand

Bye week

We're all aware of that. I was making light of all the incorrect hand wringing about how beneficial some thought a bye would be even though every team had to win at least 4 postseason games. Some 5.
A bye is a huge benefit. The problem isn't the bye its just that the teams that got them sucked.

Next year:
  • Best 12 (even if all 12 are SEC teams)
  • Top 4 highest seeded teams should get byes (no autobids -- keep conference championship achievement entirely separate of the national title bracket)
  • Lean a lot more heavily on opponent quality and luck metrics when deciding top 12 (over win-loss record)
See this thread for what the playoff would look like this year using that criteria:

The product would be 1,0000000000000000000000000000 times better.

Oregon is not ready to play

What chasehisballs doesn't understand, Michigan is built to a SEC team, Oregon is nothing like an SEC team. They'll eventually face a solid defense whether that's Texas, ND or UGA, and fold.
What if the poster you're corresponding with is chasehisballs? 🤔
I agree with you post. Oregon is soft, bound to fold. Although, I'd rather them win tonight, doesn't look to be happening.
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