Game moved to Thursday Night

Not now, troll. It sounds like the dude was recruited, if even that, and is an American citizen and 8 year army vet, as well as a disgruntled soul and vulnerable to that sort of thing. If indeed that's what it is. In any case, not the time for cheerleading a new wave of crackdowns in a society already halfway given over to a full blown surveillance state. Especially when you're just a troll anyway. I was at least speaking with sincerity.
You said that our freedoms would be further restricted, so tell us in what way?

And then you can answer the question: if you were entrusted with the safety of our citizens, what alternatives would you suggest?

Trying to avoid answering the question by calling me a troll won’t work

Answer the questions

Game moved to Thursday Night

When entrusted with the safety of our citizens, what alternative do you suggest?
Not now, troll. It sounds like the dude was recruited, if even that, and is an American citizen and 8 year army vet, as well as a disgruntled soul and vulnerable to that sort of thing. If indeed that's what it is. In any case, not the time for cheerleading a new wave of crackdowns in a society already halfway given over to a full blown surveillance state. Especially when you're just a troll anyway. I was at least speaking with sincerity.

Game moved to Thursday Night

And you know what, it looks like might have been a terrorist attack, an islamic terrorist attack. And not just some disgruntled soul. Oh well. I guess that makes everybody feel better. And now we can have our freedoms further restricted in the unending war on terror. It's been a while, I guess maybe we were due.
When entrusted with the safety of our citizens, what alternative do you suggest?
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Oregon is not ready to play

Sure, 👍...any team coached by RD I have no confidence in, if they win it all it will be because of the last 4 classes and in spite of RD! He can recruit and that's it! He lost to a shitty UM team 2.5 games ago!!!
What chasehisballs doesn't understand, Michigan is built to a SEC team, Oregon is nothing like an SEC team. They'll eventually face a solid defense whether that's Texas, ND or UGA, and fold.

That’s 100 % targeting

What exactly is meant by 'intent'? Anyone even possibly guilty of targeting is definitely intending to deliver a blow, unless it was totally incidental contact and when does that happen? If they mean totally intending to target, as such, and the brutal helmet to helmet hit they delivered is what they intended to deliver, then this play would totally qualify I would think. He wasn't clearly aiming for his chest, and then just misjudged. It was square and direct contact.
