I think I already made clear I'm not going to do that. Notwithstanding your recommendation that I 'try it sometime'. Because in the unlikely event that it was part of an actual terrorist plot, what bad happens, how did I ruin anything? Is the guy going to get away if I don't take the cops at their word, and reject their cynical and almost certainly inaccurate characterization of this random truck rampage in our collapsing society as a terrorist attack, or maybe an 'act of terror', which would be subtly but perhaps crucially different semantically.
Oh, I get it, you just want me to display unquestioning deference and servility to the police and federal authorities. And you feel resentment and vexation when anyone else around you doesn't demonstrate the same servility. Even though I totally explained myself, and I was so verbose! Doesn't make any difference to you. You want that docility. Good for the goose, good for the gander, eh? What makes me so much better than you that I get to scoff at the cops? Just because you don't have the balls to. I think that's what it is. But you do you, sir.