Why can’t anyone believe Ludwig didn’t want the job?


Shakes Down The Thunder
Oct 13, 2009
There was literally one early report that speculated that ND botched the Ludwig hire. There was nothing that definitively stated that ND wouldn’t pay for the buyout. All ND writers speculated and made a mountain out of this mole hill. Please, tell me why you just can’t accept that a 58 year old OC wasn’t interested in joining a new staff with a bunch of dudes he’s never coached with before. Please refrain from throwing your feces at this post.
I believe it. Got cold feet. Maybe the wife talked him out of it. Utah is a lot nicer than Indiana. It's not like Utah is a terrible program.
Probably because so many here lost their collective minds over it and they don't have the fortitude to admit they totally overreacted to the situation. We all know what happens when one "assumes"...
That's not true. People who cover the team daily, im speaking on 4 different sites. And national guys all said the same and stand by it.

If you want to believe the spin, thats fine. But not all of us is that gullible
I don’t think he wanted the job or he would have accepted the job. Weighing his priorities, he did what was best for himself and his family.
He played us and -- although this is speculation -- I bet he got more money. Good for him. The American way.
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What strikes me is the journalistic malfeasance that ND writers have committed in regards to making this a bigger deal than it actually is. But it makes sense, this is the college football offseason, what better way to drive traffic to your site than a made up overblown story rooted in speculation. All journos are cut from the same cloth.
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There was literally one early report that speculated that ND botched the Ludwig hire. There was nothing that definitively stated that ND wouldn’t pay for the buyout. All ND writers speculated and made a mountain out of this mole hill. Please, tell me why you just can’t accept that a 58 year old OC wasn’t interested in joining a new staff with a bunch of dudes he’s never coached with before. Please refrain from throwing your feces at this post.
I think it's too extreme to say he didn't want the job. Seriously doubt you fly out and spend 2 days with a coaching staff for a job you don't want.
I think it's too extreme to say he didn't want the job. Seriously doubt you fly out and spend 2 days with a coaching staff for a job you don't want.
I think this is a pretty arrogant line of thinking that most of the posters here have. The fact that ND comes knocking and you have an obligation to answer. I don’t know about you, but moving around constantly is stressful. In reality, tell me honestly what incentive Ludwig had to uproot at 58 to Indiana. Keep in mind he would likely be making not much more at ND than at Utah. Also keep in mind Wittingham has been a mainstay at Utah and looks to stay that way. They have a good thing going at Utah it appears to me. I’m waiting for an explanation from someone on here that isn’t “Because we’re ND” or “because more money.” Does it ever occur to anyone that not all people are motivated by money? How long has Ludwig been a D1 OC? I’m sure he has more than enough money from over the years to live comfortably.

No one can provide me with a good reason for any of that. Everyone on here has made it their life’s meaning to be pissed off at a football team, and when they don’t have anything to be pissed about, this is what happens.
I think this is a pretty arrogant line of thinking that most of the posters here have. The fact that ND comes knocking and you have an obligation to answer. I don’t know about you, but moving around constantly is stressful. In reality, tell me honestly what incentive Ludwig had to uproot at 58 to Indiana. Keep in mind he would likely be making not much more at ND than at Utah. Also keep in mind Wittingham has been a mainstay at Utah and looks to stay that way. They have a good thing going at Utah it appears to me. I’m waiting for an explanation from someone on here that isn’t “Because we’re ND” or “because more money.” Does it ever occur to anyone that not all people are motivated by money? How long has Ludwig been a D1 OC? I’m sure he has more than enough money from over the years to live comfortably.

No one can provide me with a good reason for any of that. Everyone on here has made it their life’s meaning to be pissed off at a football team, and when they don’t have anything to be pissed about, this is what happens.
You're a troll. This is ridiculous. Why would Ludwig even want to take the job... Because he's so content in Utah and moving sucks. These are the lengths you're willing to go to, to sort of play the argumentative foil here? Now the very idea of the dude even seriously considering the ND job is pretty absurd on its face? Pretty arrogant to even think that?

That's not the sort of thing that normal people of largely good conscience would say. You're full of shit. You're just here to stir the pot. And that's a compliment, so take it.....
You're a troll. This is ridiculous. Why would Ludwig even want to take the job... Because he's so content in Utah and moving sucks. These are the lengths you're willing to go to, to sort of play the argumentative foil here? Now the very idea of the dude even seriously considering the ND job is pretty absurd on its face? Pretty arrogant to even think that?

That's not the sort of thing that normal people of largely good conscience would say. You're full of shit. You're just here to stir the pot. And that's a compliment, so take it.....
It's sad your entire identity revolves around being angry at this football team. You and all the others want so bad for the administration to botch things up so you can come to the message board and rant with other members of your tribe.

So I'll ask again, what incentive did Ludwig have to make a lateral move to ND? Is it because if you were him it would be a no brainer? Please, the childishness over this hiring is laughable.
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There was literally one early report that speculated that ND botched the Ludwig hire. There was nothing that definitively stated that ND wouldn’t pay for the buyout. All ND writers speculated and made a mountain out of this mole hill. Please, tell me why you just can’t accept that a 58 year old OC wasn’t interested in joining a new staff with a bunch of dudes he’s never coached with before. Please refrain from throwing your feces at this post.
I believe it.

He’s 58 years old. Finances aren’t an issue at this point. SLC is an incredible place to live. Very little pressure at Utah. Win 7-8 games and everyone is generally happy.

Win 7-8 games at ND and the fan base wants you fired.

South Bend is a dump. I doubt his wife and family wanted to leave what is likely a great life in Utah for South Bend. I highly doubt they were excited about.

I get a young and ambitious guy (Rees or Parker or Gino” truly wanting the ND job. I can easily see why a guy like Ludwig would pass.

The contract fiasco probably hurt momentum. He had time to think, and ultimately decided “I don’t need this kind of risk at 58”.
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There was literally one early report that speculated that ND botched the Ludwig hire. There was nothing that definitively stated that ND wouldn’t pay for the buyout. All ND writers speculated and made a mountain out of this mole hill. Please, tell me why you just can’t accept that a 58 year old OC wasn’t interested in joining a new staff with a bunch of dudes he’s never coached with before. Please refrain from throwing your feces at this post.
Because it’s not true dummy. Educate yourself.
Probably because so many here lost their collective minds over it and they don't have the fortitude to admit they totally overreacted to the situation. We all know what happens when one "assumes"...
It’s not here. It’s the media and everyone close to the program. ND has never galvanized like they have over this hire and situation.
He played us and -- although this is speculation -- I bet he got more money. Good for him. The American way.
I don’t think that happened. I think the contract fiasco slowed down the accepting/hiring process and the more he had time to think, he found the conclusion that “this just isn’t the perfect move for me and my family”.
It's sad your entire identity revolves around being angry at this football team. You and all the others want so bad for the administration to botch things up so you can come to the message board and rant with other members of your tribe.

So I'll ask again, what incentive did Ludwig have to make a lateral move to ND? Is it because if you were him it would be a no brainer? Please, the childishness over this hiring is laughable.
It wasn't a lateral move.

Just like Rees to Alabama wasnt a lateral move.
You're a troll. This is ridiculous. Why would Ludwig even want to take the job... Because he's so content in Utah and moving sucks. These are the lengths you're willing to go to, to sort of play the argumentative foil here? Now the very idea of the dude even seriously considering the ND job is pretty absurd on its face? Pretty arrogant to even think that?

That's not the sort of thing that normal people of largely good conscience would say. You're full of shit. You're just here to stir the pot. And that's a compliment, so take it.....
But at some point, he had to ask himself and his family: “all things considered, is this the right move for us”?

What was the upside for Ludwig? Money? No. Title? No. Next in line to be HC? No. Career progression? No.

The upside was come here, excel in the role and maybe win a national title.
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I go to Utah every spring to ski, and every year, on my last day of the trip, I ask myself “why don’t I live here”? Utah is amazing. Maybe that matters to the Ludwig’s, maybe it doesn’t. I can’t do anything besides speculate at this point.
It's sad your entire identity revolves around being angry at this football team. You and all the others want so bad for the administration to botch things up so you can come to the message board and rant with other members of your tribe.

So I'll ask again, what incentive did Ludwig have to make a lateral move to ND? Is it because if you were him it would be a no brainer? Please, the childishness over this hiring is laughable.
True go to tiger rant lsu forum, cry and gripe there
It's sad your entire identity revolves around being angry at this football team. You and all the others want so bad for the administration to botch things up so you can come to the message board and rant with other members of your tribe.

So I'll ask again, what incentive did Ludwig have to make a lateral move to ND? Is it because if you were him it would be a no brainer? Please, the childishness over this hiring is laughable.
You're still doing it. That's not a serious question. That's a troll's question.

You got me at first. You just came off like a typically pompous, holier than thou ND fan and/or alum, who was definitely not going to miss the opportunity to make a pious stand in defense of your beloved ND, or whatever. You guys are always doing that. And you got me. And so I told you off! But you're taking it too far. It doesn't have the ring of sincerity anymore, this is just typical troll shit....

Just for the record, I never complain about shit like this. I really don't. This one time I really wanted them to deliver the goods and get us a kick-ass OC. Which they appeared to be well on their way to doing, until this whole fiasco suddenly unfolded, which you are ostentatiously claiming is really just a media creation, and the truth is we didn't make a false move during this whole episode, and this guy simply doesn't want coach for ND, no more or less than that.... and moreover than that, why would he even want to coach here at all.... Which is a transparently fatuous thing to say. And pretty much classic troll-type behavior IMO....
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You're still doing it. That's not a serious question. That's a troll's question.

You got me at first. You just came off like a typically pompous, holier than thou ND fan and/or alum, who was definitely not going to miss the opportunity to make a pious stand in defense of your beloved ND, or whatever. You guys are always doing that. And you got me. And so I told you off! But you're taking it too far. It doesn't have the ring of sincerity anymore, this is just typical troll shit....

Just for the record, I never complain about shit like this. I really don't. This one time I really wanted them to deliver the goods and get us a kick-ass OC. Which they appeared to be well on their way to doing, until this whole fiasco suddenly unfolded, which you are ostentatiously claiming is really just a media creation, and the truth is we didn't make a false move during this whole episode, and this guy simply doesn't want coach for ND, no more or less than that.... and moreover than that, why would he even want to coach here at all.... Which is a transparently fatuous thing to say. And pretty much classic troll-type behavior IMO....
What concrete evidence do you have that contradicts Swarbrick’s summary of what transpired ?

You have nothing !

You just keep spewing a false narrative

And all this chaos was caused by Kelly, due to the manner and timing of him jumping ship.

‘’This is all on Kelly and nobody else
That's not true. People who cover the team daily, im speaking on 4 different sites. And national guys all said the same and stand by it.

If you want to believe the spin, thats fine. But not all of us is that gullible
multiple respected sources did not know Ludwig had signed an extension recently.

Go ahead and lick the feet of losers. Just where you belong
The mistake was parading him around and going to the hockey game. You don't do that unless it's a done deal.

So maybe that was a rookie coaching mistake by Freeman; I don't know. But at any rate, time to move forward with Parker.
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The mistake was parading him around and going to the hockey game. You don't do that unless it's a done deal.

So maybe that was a rookie coaching mistake by Freeman; I don't know. But at any rate, time to move forward with Parker.
This is just made up in the media. Why should it matter who gets seen in public with whom? To protect the little feces throwing ND message board faithful? The way I see it, why not do an activity with some of the coaches you are potentially going to join, to feel each other out, see how you all vibe. There's a hockey game tonight, let's go check it out and talk a little more. Nothing more than that. The media blew that up and sensationalized the entire thing, and all the feces throwers ate it up. And to my main point, this was all overblown by the media, and most on here refuse to see that because their identity is so wrapped up about complaining about their football team not being good enough.
What concrete evidence do you have that contradicts Swarbrick’s summary of what transpired ?

You have nothing !

You just keep spewing a false narrative

And all this chaos was caused by Kelly, due to the manner and timing of him jumping ship.

‘’This is all on Kelly and nobody else
This is called confirmation bias. These little feces throwers are only going to focus on the "evidence" that supports their belief that lets them continue to complain about this football team, because that is the only thing in their life that gives them meaning.
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You're still doing it. That's not a serious question. That's a troll's question.

You got me at first. You just came off like a typically pompous, holier than thou ND fan and/or alum, who was definitely not going to miss the opportunity to make a pious stand in defense of your beloved ND, or whatever. You guys are always doing that. And you got me. And so I told you off! But you're taking it too far. It doesn't have the ring of sincerity anymore, this is just typical troll shit....

Just for the record, I never complain about shit like this. I really don't. This one time I really wanted them to deliver the goods and get us a kick-ass OC. Which they appeared to be well on their way to doing, until this whole fiasco suddenly unfolded, which you are ostentatiously claiming is really just a media creation, and the truth is we didn't make a false move during this whole episode, and this guy simply doesn't want coach for ND, no more or less than that.... and moreover than that, why would he even want to coach here at all.... Which is a transparently fatuous thing to say. And pretty much classic troll-type behavior IMO....
Did you honestly even hear of Andy Ludwig's name before Rees left for Alabama? ND's duty is not to get a kick ass OC. Their duty is to get a kick ass OC that wants the job. It seems like you're taking this a little too personally.
There was literally one early report that speculated that ND botched the Ludwig hire. There was nothing that definitively stated that ND wouldn’t pay for the buyout. All ND writers speculated and made a mountain out of this mole hill. Please, tell me why you just can’t accept that a 58 year old OC wasn’t interested in joining a new staff with a bunch of dudes he’s never coached with before. Please refrain from throwing your feces at this post.
Did you honestly even hear of Andy Ludwig's name before Rees left for Alabama? ND's duty is not to get a kick ass OC. Their duty is to get a kick ass OC that wants the job. It seems like you're taking this a little too personally.
Oh yeah, is that so? Nobody even heard of this guy.... And thus.... He rejected ND and not the other way around, and so that's why all us children are throwing feces at your posts, I believe that was your clumsily provocative verbiage.

Enough, dude....
This is just made up in the media. Why should it matter who gets seen in public with whom? To protect the little feces throwing ND message board faithful? The way I see it, why not do an activity with some of the coaches you are potentially going to join, to feel each other out, see how you all vibe. There's a hockey game tonight, let's go check it out and talk a little more. Nothing more than that. The media blew that up and sensationalized the entire thing, and all the feces throwers ate it up. And to my main point, this was all overblown by the media, and most on here refuse to see that because their identity is so wrapped up about complaining about their football team not being good enough.
This is right. Agree 110%
Wow are you stupid. It’s not a lateral move? Yeah right dumbass!
It's not a lateral move. We are a better program and more prestigious than Utah. He was also going to get a raise. Not a lateral move. Anyone who thi ks different is a dumbass

Alabama > ND

ND > Utah

Utah > Kansas

Theres levels to this. Notre Dame is a better, more prestigious job than Utah. To think otherwise is ridiculous
Did you honestly even hear of Andy Ludwig's name before Rees left for Alabama? ND's duty is not to get a kick ass OC. Their duty is to get a kick ass OC that wants the job. It seems like you're taking this a little too personally.
It’s a good point and I have to admit that I never heard of him prior to Rees’s departure.
I got some magic beans for ya the gullible one
Well, there's a bridge in Brooklyn available to you, gullible one...unless you were or your four unimpeachable sources were in Ludwig's room, home, are speculating just like everyone else...though I do admire your "fake it till you make it" persistence
It's not a lateral move. We are a better program and more prestigious than Utah. He was also going to get a raise. Not a lateral move. Anyone who thi ks different is a dumbass

Alabama > ND

ND > Utah

Utah > Kansas

Theres levels to this. Notre Dame is a better, more prestigious job than Utah. To think otherwise is ridiculous
This is likely true...and I don't know what stage of career you find yourself, but at 58, there may not be a need to establish himself at the superior institution...he's done the "growing up through the systems(s) thing" and may very well be happy and content where he is...Whittingham is...Mike Trout ain't ever leaving the Angels even though he will never win a World Series. Some are simply happy with what and where they are...

And don't forget, that holy grail of Notre Dame coaches, Urban Meyer left and was dissuaded from returning by....wait for it.....Mrs. Meyer's hatred of South much as I loved going to school at Notre Dame, living in South Bend was barely one step up from the bad side of Toronto...
This is likely true...and I don't know what stage of career you find yourself, but at 58, there may not be a need to establish himself at the superior institution...he's done the "growing up through the systems(s) thing" and may very well be happy and content where he is...Whittingham is...Mike Trout ain't ever leaving the Angels even though he will never win a World Series. Some are simply happy with what and where they are...

And don't forget, that holy grail of Notre Dame coaches, Urban Meyer left and was dissuaded from returning by....wait for it.....Mrs. Meyer's hatred of South much as I loved going to school at Notre Dame, living in South Bend was barely one step up from the bad side of Toronto...
That's why he had a phone interview and traveled here for a 2 day interview and was all but locked and already in talks about bringing in his OL coach with him

Mike Trout ain't leaving the angels because he got 400 plus million to stay
There was literally one early report that speculated that ND botched the Ludwig hire. There was nothing that definitively stated that ND wouldn’t pay for the buyout. All ND writers speculated and made a mountain out of this mole hill. Please, tell me why you just can’t accept that a 58 year old OC wasn’t interested in joining a new staff with a bunch of dudes he’s never coached with before. Please refrain from throwing your feces at this post.
I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. I believe, and Jack even admitted there was an obstacle. This may have been an obstacle that delayed the go ahead of the buyout, or that ND was caught off guard with the amount of the buyout. It was said that ND was looking at the older buyout, not the new buyout. ND maybe thought Utah was trying to fleece ND out of extra money and hit the pause button which may have led to Ludwig feeling ND doesn't have their shit together and decided to stay put because of it. No one but Jack, Ludgwig, and Freeman know the truth, and none of them are telling the media the entire truth.
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