What kick off time do Irish prefer the most?

Noon or primetime.... those 2:30 (c) games can ruin a Saturday..... have to make sure you get enough done beforehand because you sure wont get anything done afterwards (sober anyway).
Noon. 2:30 at the latest. I still can get home in time to see much of the ABC or ESPN prime time game. Is this an official vote to be sent over to Jack's office?
The blue hairs want the noon games so they can hit the early bird dinner and be in bed by 6.
I'm not a blue hair, but personally I enjoy the rest of the college football Saturday much more if we have already played, and hopefully won. The old 1:30p starts from the 70s would be just fine with me.
I love the early bird dinner but I don't get to bed till around 8. You're off by two hours. Some day you will do the same.The young people of today think today is year zero with nothing that came before that as relevant.