"The Donald Trump of College Football"

I'm sorry but after reading the headlines I couldn't bring myself to read the piece. You can say I have grown weary of the Harbaugh craze and now avoid it at all cost. He's a great coach and Michigan is lucky to have him, but I'm checking out of the media fueled Harbaugh circus for awhile.
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Jim H. Is accomplished in every part of his life and has a big personality.

Trump is a product of a rich kid who inherited millions and is a bigot and a bum. He is the prime example of white people with money who can be called white trash!
Jim H. Is accomplished in every part of his life and has a big personality.

Trump is a product of a rich kid who inherited millions and is a bigot and a bum. He is the prime example of white people with money who can be called white trash!
I am not sure Harbaugh's ex wife agrees with you.
"Make America great again" or vote for Thunder thighs.
Jim H. Is accomplished in every part of his life and has a big personality.

Trump is a product of a rich kid who inherited millions and is a bigot and a bum. He is the prime example of white people with money who can be called white trash!

Moron of the year post
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I am not sure Harbaugh's ex wife agrees with you.
"Make America great again" or vote for Thunder thighs.
i highly doubt either candidate has the character or capacity to do anything to improve america. if both left the country america would automatically get better. Nov 8 2016 may become the worst day in america since 9/11/2001
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i highly doubt either candidate has the character or capacity to do anything to improve america. if both left the country america would automatically get better. Nov 8 2016 may become the worst day in america since 9/11/2001

I don't blame either candidate.They are what they are and have been what they are for a very long time. It's no secret. I blame the voters of this country. I blame the non voters of this country. We get the representation we deserve. Locally, statewide and nationally. It's our fault.
I don't blame either candidate.They are what they are and have been what they are for a very long time. It's no secret. I blame the voters of this country. I blame the non voters of this country. We get the representation we deserve. Locally, statewide and nationally. It's our fault.
well said. i do blame them though for choosing to be individuals who lack character and conscience.
I don't blame either candidate.They are what they are and have been what they are for a very long time. It's no secret. I blame the voters of this country. I blame the non voters of this country. We get the representation we deserve. Locally, statewide and nationally. It's our fault.
I would rather prep for a colonoscopy than read about Harbaugh.

too bad your fellow ND posters aren't like-minded. Without fail there is a weekly Harbaugh post on this board despite the fact that UM isn't on ND's schedule. By contrast, nary a word about Brian Kelly on our boards.
We talk about BK plenty. Hell, it never fails that somewhere in a BK discussion, the Tulsa game will come up.
too bad your fellow ND posters aren't like-minded. Without fail there is a weekly Harbaugh post on this board despite the fact that UM isn't on ND's schedule. By contrast, nary a word about Brian Kelly on our boards.

Yes, there is. I went over to the Michigan Rivals Free Football Board see if there was a thread about Blue_Note's Upset Special yet and there were two threads about ND. I only read the one where Arrowhead Blue was whining about his banning from this board and at least one post was the standard "Kelly killed a kid."
As opposed to the rightwing moron klansmen?
Here you go Grand Knight endorse Hilary Clinton Hmmm like the dopey commercial that Hillary uses they can use this against Hillary. Typical lefty when you do not have an argument you accuse the other side of racism,