prayers needed

the hardest thing I ever did except for leaving my house and children after the divorce
sit in a recliner for 6 hours unable to move at all - almost totally imobile.
With an actively painful case of neuropathy-so painful I wanted to die - but unable to move at all.

God was with me
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apheresis is the process of collecting my good stem cells.
each day I go in for 6 hours or so. They will continue until they harvest enough.
my actual admittance is sometime mid month or so, for about 2 weeks. Bubble Boy?
they will then return the frozen good cells to me. Technical, a bit dangerous.

after harvesting the good cells they want, they begin the process of eradicating the bad cells. All this time I have no immunity, so I am quarantining.

After all that I then go into the hospital for the ultimate process of returning my harvested good cells.

well, something like this.
Try to maintain a very healthy diet and exercise to the degree possible.
Stay active and engaged as best you can !
Good luck
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Trying to recover, get strong.

Next step is admittance to hospital. 14 days isolation
Labs meds 1st day
2nd day a set of chemo’s to destroy the cancers in my blood and bone marrow.
3-14 is reintroducing my stem cells ( harvested a few days ago and frozen)
constant monitoring
if all is ok day 14 I go home. Me and Carol isolate at home, checkups for eventual ok from Dr Donuts to return to society
Trying to recover, get strong.

Next step is admittance to hospital. 14 days isolation
Labs meds 1st day
2nd day a set of chemo’s to destroy the cancers in my blood and bone marrow.
3-14 is reintroducing my stem cells ( harvested a few days ago and frozen)
constant monitoring
if all is ok day 14 I go home. Me and Carol isolate at home, checkups for eventual ok from Dr Donuts to return to society
Appreciate the updates! Amazing that two sets of chemo will destroy the cancers in your blood and bone marrow. That’s encouraging as hell. Then we start getting updates and posts from bubble man. But the chemo and reintroduction and doing well without your immune system are each critical steps, and we’ll be praying for success…one step at a time.
Appreciate the updates! Amazing that two sets of chemo will destroy the cancers in your blood and bone marrow. That’s encouraging as hell. Then we start getting updates and posts from bubble man. But the chemo and reintroduction and doing well without your immune system are each critical steps, and we’ll be praying for success…one step at a time.
yea, amazing stuff; this not a cure, as there really is no cure yet. It provides remission for 1-5 -8 or more years. With advances in medicine, maybe a cure will be available. Well once I go in to the hospital, I will be making my last update, hopefully positive.

Well, all you guys who followed me, thanks and Bless you all.
yea, amazing stuff; this not a cure, as there really is no cure yet. It provides remission for 1-5 -8 or more years. With advances in medicine, maybe a cure will be available. Well once I go in to the hospital, I will be making my last update, hopefully positive.

Well, all you guys who followed me, thanks and Bless you all.
Hang in there and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel !
Hang in there and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel !
well the time has come. I will get a picc line inserted tomorrow, Wednesday Chemo and wed or thurs I will receive my blood with my cells back. then they will observe and treat me as necessary till day 14.
A brief explanation, for a much more complicated, dangerous procedure. I
The head Doctor came into the last meeting saying She was amazed; she like results so far saying they are like that of a 20 year old.
Nevertheless and Honestly, I am truly scared. Pray for me; I will check in when it is possible (day 8?)
In Hospital. Day 0 of 14.
set up day with lottsa tubes and wires and machines.
got caught in wires twice and pee’d my pants twice already; lol, but got it figured out now.

They gave me the drug to kill my bad myeloma cells today, to wipe them out; unfortunately it cannot differentiate the bad from the good. My immunity will be almost nil. Then tomorrow I get the stem cells they harvested from me about a week and half ago. Big Day
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In Hospital. Day 0 of 14.
set up day with lottsa tubes and wires and machines.
got caught in wires twice and pee’d my pants twice already; lol, but got it figured out now.

They gave me the drug to kill my bad myeloma cells today, to wipe them out; unfortunately it cannot differentiate the bad from the good. My immunity will be almost nil. Then tomorrow I get the stem cells they harvested from me about a week and half ago. Big Day
Hang in there and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel.

They’ll monitor your temperature to guard you from infections.

They know what they’re doing, you’re in good hands, so embrace the side effects and soon this will all be a distant memory !

Sempre Avanti ! 👍
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In Hospital. Day 0 of 14.
set up day with lottsa tubes and wires and machines.
got caught in wires twice and pee’d my pants twice already; lol, but got it figured out now.

They gave me the drug to kill my bad myeloma cells today, to wipe them out; unfortunately it cannot differentiate the bad from the good. My immunity will be almost nil. Then tomorrow I get the stem cells they harvested from me about a week and half ago. Big Day
You are fighting like a champion, like our Irish always do! You have many folks here, even some unbeknownst to you - like me - that are awaiting updates and praying for you.
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In Hospital. Day 0 of 14.
set up day with lottsa tubes and wires and machines.
got caught in wires twice and pee’d my pants twice already; lol, but got it figured out now.

They gave me the drug to kill my bad myeloma cells today, to wipe them out; unfortunately it cannot differentiate the bad from the good. My immunity will be almost nil. Then tomorrow I get the stem cells they harvested from me about a week and half ago. Big Day
Wow. Go get'em.
thanks, two days ago i had less than > .01 white cells. today ii had ..03 White blood cells! like the Irish, headed in right directiion with the rights people
About time we read a SUPER POSITIVE trend with you! You sound (read) great and the interim results are beyond encouraging. Just stay bug free and give us the hoped for get out of hospital date. Interim results, irrespective of how positive, don’t sway the stream of prayers coming your way.
Woo Hoo! #teamd1042
Yes, there's definitely a different vibe to the practice reports coming out!
Go Irish! Beat Navy!!
Good evening Alice. Been thinking of your niece Abby and sending a daily prayer her way. Did she get to the Mayo; and if so, was she prescribed the trial drug you mentioned?
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thanks, two days ago i had less than > .01 white cells. today ii had ..03 White blood cells! like the Irish, headed in right directiion with the rights people

God Bless and keep all of !!!!!

I go home tomorrow ~ 2 months home treatment ,labs, Doctor visits, continued treatments — then Carol and I will assimilate back into normal life;
God Bless all who prayed for us and those that did not!

Thanks to the MODs who let us share my experience.
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God Bless and keep all of !!!!!

I go home tomorrow ~ 2 months home treatment ,labs, Doctor visits, continued treatments — then Carol and I will assimilate back into normal life;
God Bless all who prayed for us and those that did not!

Thanks to the MODs who let us share my experience.
Glad to hear that. Stay well!
Good evening Alice. Been thinking of your niece Abby and sending a daily prayer her way. Did she get to the Mayo; and if so, was she prescribed the trial drug you mentioned?
Thank you for your prayers! Its been a rough summer for Abby. Her migraines are more frequent and has had memory loss. She can't recall the last two years including her Pa-pa's passing. We are currently sitting in an MRI waiting room.
Hopefully the tumor has not grown, but we shall see
Mayo postponed her trip to October. What has been frustrating is the IU Med Center is short on staff in which she needs care and we have had appointments and surgery canceled out several times. IU has said they want to see her once the MRI is done. It has been a very slow recovery for the medical field from Covid.
Again thank you for your prayers. I just hope my kid can find some relief and management of the PGT.
Alice: my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And will be a constant pending a favorable report on Abby from you.
I have not mentioned much before, and feel as if I was selfishly focused on myself. She will be in my prayers.
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Alice: my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And will be a constant pending a favorable report on Abby from you.
I have not mentioned much before, and feel as if I was selfishly focused on myself. She will be in my prayers.

I don’t want to boast but in the case of good news, I’ll boast and tell you I knew you were going to turn a corner because you are a tough sob and the season starts in 2.5 weeks!!!!
Keep plugging.

Alice, adding prayers for your niece.
Thank you for your prayers! Its been a rough summer for Abby. Her migraines are more frequent and has had memory loss. She can't recall the last two years including her Pa-pa's passing. We are currently sitting in an MRI waiting room.
Hopefully the tumor has not grown, but we shall see
Mayo postponed her trip to October. What has been frustrating is the IU Med Center is short on staff in which she needs care and we have had appointments and surgery canceled out several times. IU has said they want to see her once the MRI is done. It has been a very slow recovery for the medical field from Covid.
Again thank you for your prayers. I just hope my kid can find some relief and management of the PGT.
My goodness Alice. I had hoped for some good news and relief for Abby. October will arrive quickly, and I hope the MRI results have no impact on their scheduling. PGT is so rare that folks unfamiliar with it have no idea how devastating it can be. Here I’m familiar with it and yet Abby’s summer is way beyond anything I‘ve seen. lighting some candles for Abby this week. Stay strong as she and family are fortunate for Your love and support.
My goodness Alice. I had hoped for some good news and relief for Abby. October will arrive quickly, and I hope the MRI results have no impact on their scheduling. PGT is so rare that folks unfamiliar with it have no idea how devastating it can be. Here I’m familiar with it and yet Abby’s summer is way beyond anything I‘ve seen. lighting some candles for Abby this week. Stay strong as she and family are fortunate for Your love and support.

thanks for that differentiation. I will read up on that; meanwhile continued prayer for Abby.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

God Bless.
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Alice: my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And will be a constant pending a favorable report on Abby from you.
I have not mentioned much before, and feel as if I was selfishly focused on myself. She will be in my prayers.
Thank you for your prayers! You are NOT selfish for focusing on yourself!! Keep on healing and feeling better. My inner Irish is telling me this could be a special ND football season for all of us to enjoy!
My goodness Alice. I had hoped for some good news and relief for Abby. October will arrive quickly, and I hope the MRI results have no impact on their scheduling. PGT is so rare that folks unfamiliar with it have no idea how devastating it can be. Here I’m familiar with it and yet Abby’s summer is way beyond anything I‘ve seen. lighting some candles for Abby this week. Stay strong as she and family are fortunate for Your love and support.
Thank you, Telex, I will tell Abby about the candles. In fact, I am going to have her read these posts to let her know she has a rooting section. Will update once we receive the MRI results.
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just a qwik Shout out kudos to the MODs’, again for allowing me to share my early journey in my battle with Mylema (it will never end)
I appreciate the interpretation of rules to allow our sharings. Hopefully lets keep going in support of Alice’s niece
Abby and support of Alice.

Thanks Mods.
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Thank you for your prayers! You are NOT selfish for focusing on yourself!! Keep on healing and feeling better. My inner Irish is telling me this could be a special ND football season for all of us to enjoy!
just a qwik Shout out kudos to the MODs’, again for allowing me to share my early journey in my battle with Mylema (it will never end)
I appreciate the interpretation of rules to allow our sharings. Hopefully lets keep going in support of Alice’s niece
Abby and support of Alice.

Thanks Mods.
WELCOME HOME d1042! Congratulations on all that has been accomplished to date, and thank you for sharing. I know it’s been a difficult challenging journey, with more restrictions and tests ahead; but it’s all down hill from here... to a point. That said, knowing this is a temporary fix doesn’t color the great news, and who’s to say what tomorrow brings. My wife and I are looking forward to enjoying the Larkmead Cab I set aside to celebrate your recovery, and will toast to your health this evening, and say a brief prayer of thanks. Great way to begin the weekend!
just a qwik Shout out kudos to the MODs’, again for allowing me to share my early journey in my battle with Mylema (it will never end)
I appreciate the interpretation of rules to allow our sharings. Hopefully lets keep going in support of Alice’s niece
Abby and support of Alice.

Thanks Mods.
Pers and Alice - I am cantoring again tomorrow afternoon and will dedicate that singing to you and Abby.
WELCOME HOME d1042! Congratulations on all that has been accomplished to date, and thank you for sharing. I know it’s been a difficult challenging journey, with more restrictions and tests ahead; but it’s all down hill from here... to a point. That said, knowing this is a temporary fix doesn’t color the great news, and who’s to say what tomorrow brings. My wife and I are looking forward to enjoying the Larkmead Cab I set aside to celebrate your recovery, and will toast to your health this evening, and say a brief prayer of thanks. Great way to begin the weekend!
thank you