prayers needed

Feeling Blessed!
Consultation the Dr. specializing in my cancer and who I will be working with, as well as meeting her team, went amazingly well, leaving me encouraged, hopeful and blessed.

Thanks to all for the prayers, encouragement and good thoughts.
Great…great…great news! This means you’ve been approved for the gene therapy, correct?
Feeling Blessed!
Consultation the Dr. specializing in my cancer and who I will be working with, as well as meeting her team, went amazingly well, leaving me encouraged, hopeful and blessed.

Thanks to all for the prayers, encouragement and good thoughts.
That’s great news, stay strong and hang in there !
Great…great…great news! This means you’ve been approved for the gene therapy, correct?
yes, They actually had formed the schedule and were full steam ahead. For me, A lot to pre prepare for in preparation
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Feeling Blessed!
Consultation the Dr. specializing in my cancer and who I will be working with, as well as meeting her team, went amazingly well, leaving me encouraged, hopeful and blessed.

Thanks to all for the prayers, encouragement and good thoughts.
Keep fighting the good fight. We're with you!
ANG SO IT BEGINS yes, They actually had formed the schedule and were full steam ahead. For me, A lot to pre prepare for in preparation
Update for those friends who have been faithfully and mercifully following my journey, this Friday my treatment will begin. Testing is quite involved, and will extend into Monday. These tests will provide info for the paths and steps the Dr.’s will take as they move through the entire stem cell treatment. (I think, I will keep my eyes closed!)
Update for those friends who have been faithfully and mercifully following my journey, this Friday my treatment will begin. Testing is quite involved, and will extend into Monday. These tests will provide info for the paths and steps the Dr.’s will take as they move through the entire stem cell treatment. (I think, I will keep my eyes closed!)
Everything seems to be lining up and is very encouraging Stay positive. Hoping you will be feeling better soon you got 3 months to get ready for kickoff buddy. You can do this
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Update for those friends who have been faithfully and mercifully following my journey, this Friday my treatment will begin. Testing is quite involved, and will extend into Monday. These tests will provide info for the paths and steps the Dr.’s will take as they move through the entire stem cell treatment. (I think, I will keep my eyes closed!)
Good luck to you AND your doctors.

It's amazing what medicine can do these days. I've beaten THREE THINGS that would have killed me 20 years ago.

Update for those friends who have been faithfully and mercifully following my journey, this Friday my treatment will begin. Testing is quite involved, and will extend into Monday. These tests will provide info for the paths and steps the Dr.’s will take as they move through the entire stem cell treatment. (I think, I will keep my eyes closed!)
You got this and you'll beat it! Keep fighting!!
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Update for those friends who have been faithfully and mercifully following my journey, this Friday my treatment will begin. Testing is quite involved, and will extend into Monday. These tests will provide info for the paths and steps the Dr.’s will take as they move through the entire stem cell treatment. (I think, I will keep my eyes closed!)
Godspeed to you and your entire family and loved ones.
Update for those friends who have been faithfully and mercifully following my journey, this Friday my treatment will begin. Testing is quite involved, and will extend into Monday. These tests will provide info for the paths and steps the Dr.’s will take as they move through the entire stem cell treatment. (I think, I will keep my eyes closed!)
I will sing once again for your intention this Saturday, Pers.
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Update for those friends who have been faithfully and mercifully following my journey, this Friday my treatment will begin. Testing is quite involved, and will extend into Monday. These tests will provide info for the paths and steps the Dr.’s will take as they move through the entire stem cell treatment. (I think, I will keep my eyes closed!)

Prayers to you my brother. I can relate to some degree and need them too, but this thread is for you and my prayers are with you! Prayer is powerful and God is good. I’ll keep them going.
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Friday they do a pulmonary testing -(I have no idea what my pulmonary is/does; but, it is important: 4hrs.)
Monday, it is all day testing.

This whole process/ tests, transplanting, etc; will be up to 100 days. Should be ready before Sept kickoff.

I need to be praying whole time, for strength and perseverance to be successful.
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Friday they do a pulmonary testing -(I have no idea what my pulmonary is/does; but, it is important: 4hrs.)
Monday, it is all day testing.

This whole process/ tests, transplanting, etc; will be up to 100 days. Should be ready before Sept kickoff.

I need to be praying whole time, for strength and perseverance to be successful.
Pls keep posting updates! NOTHING about Cancer treatments are easy. The power of prayer, positive thinking, and the support of your family and friends will give you the strength and daily perseverance to celebrate day 100. Daily prayers and positive thoughts sent your way.
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Pls keep posting updates! NOTHING about Cancer treatments are easy. The power of prayer, positive thinking, and the support of your family and friends will give you the strength and daily perseverance to celebrate day 100. Daily prayers and positive thoughts sent your way.
as always thanks and blessings to you, you family and your friends! luv ya Telx1
I know you essentially have no idea who I am, even my real name, and I may not know you but god knows who is behind “d1042”. I prayed you overcome your illness and to give you and your family strength. I believe in the power of prayer.

God Bless brother..
I know you essentially have no idea who I am, even my real name, and I may not know you but god knows who is behind “d1042”. I prayed you overcome your illness and to give you and your family strength. I believe in the power of prayer.

God Bless brother..
al-Hamdu lillah!
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al-Hamdu lillah!
you have been with me from the start, and much luv to you for that brother. I know you in my heart. God is an ever present help in times of trouble. And having luving friends like you adds determination. May the peace of God be with you.
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just a note to acknowledge the wonderful people at Shore Medical. I started my testing Fri. Whether asking questions / direction or any thing we thought trivial, they were very patient and helpful.
My test was pulmonary and it took about 2.5 hrs. (then on to the other tests) I bonded with the nurse and at the end we hugged it out. We had shared personal stories to the point of tears. I think i did well on the test, full speed ahead!
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So guys, coming down to crunch time for me! Last week we did a battery of tests and diagnostics. (everything reported very well, so far, putting me on pace for the beginning of the processes. They 1st gotta teach Carol (sig other) how to give injections. and then at the hospital we begin the process of harvesting my stem cells (?).; 4 hours a day, bout a week! then the Docs do more stuff(?) , I stay at home a bit, till I go back in the hospital, where they put my blood back in me with my harvested stem cells.

Pardon my lack of science here. VERY ANXIOUS TO SAY THE LEAST I’ll be in hospital up to 14 days. 🙏
So guys, coming down to crunch time for me! Last week we did a battery of tests and diagnostics. (everything reported very well, so far, putting me on pace for the beginning of the processes. They 1st gotta teach Carol (sig other) how to give injections. and then at the hospital we begin the process of harvesting my stem cells (?).; 4 hours a day, bout a week! then the Docs do more stuff(?) , I stay at home a bit, till I go back in the hospital, where they put my blood back in me with my harvested stem cells.

Pardon my lack of science here. VERY ANXIOUS TO SAY THE LEAST I’ll be in hospital up to 14 days. 🙏
This whole area of regenerative medicine holds fascinating promise. Since you shared your News, I’ve read multiple articles on cell harvesting, cell manipulation, some early results when healthy cells have been reintroduced for patients with Lymphoma and Leukemia, etc…. And lots to be encouraged about. Still in its infancy, and with its share of critics, but pray you are among the growing number of success stories.
This whole area of regenerative medicine holds fascinating promise. Since you shared your News, I’ve read multiple articles on cell harvesting, cell manipulation, some early results when healthy cells have been reintroduced for patients with Lymphoma and Leukemia, etc…. And lots to be encouraged about. Still in its infancy, and with its share of critics, but pray you are among the growing number of success stories.
What TelX says. I’ve learned to go with his advice and comments. You have a path to good health and we all hope you have a huge fourth quarter
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This whole area of regenerative medicine holds fascinating promise. Since you shared your News, I’ve read multiple articles on cell harvesting, cell manipulation, some early results when healthy cells have been reintroduced for patients with Lymphoma and Leukemia, etc…. And lots to be encouraged about. Still in its infancy, and with its share of critics, but pray you are among the growing number of success stories.
my 1st stage will be as out patient, after the blood taken out -harvested and ready to be reintroduced -last 10-14 days, then I am hospitalized as I will have no immune system.
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my 1st stage will be as out patient, after the blood taken out -harvested and ready to be reintroduced -last 10-14 days, then I am hospitalized as I will have no immune system.
Well God Bless all the Saints and all those in this thread with kindly thoughts. My brothers and sisters in Christ and all my brothers and sisters, Tuesday is the ‘kickoff’ with the meeting with Dr. Donato, and the rest of the team.: 7/7 the 1st play from scrimmage is an injection by my Carol at home, then off to the hospital infusion room.
wow, very nervous n upset today and last 2 night n days! incredible pain ! been praying, talking to God continuously, praying for my Carol, my children, family etc! and of course you guys! pray and cry cry and pray in agony ! tomorrow it begins; I pray for my doctors and nurses non stop! but the pain and agony is without mercy. I feel so sorry for Carol! such love and mercy! I clearly do know how to measure her love and mercy! I am so so lucky!
Dear Lord be with my fan family and bless and watch over them, bless them and their families with love happiness and a knowledge of you! God Bless you all.
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wow, very nervous n upset today and last 2 night n days! incredible pain ! been praying, talking to God continuously, praying for my Carol, my children, family etc! and of course you guys! pray and cry cry and pray in agony ! tomorrow it begins; I pray for my doctors and nurses non stop! but the pain and agony is without mercy. I feel so sorry for Carol! such love and mercy! I clearly do know how to measure her love and mercy! I am so so lucky!
Dear Lord be with my fan family and bless and watch over them, bless them and their families with love happiness and a knowledge of you! God Bless you all.
I believe you will turn a corner. Hang in. Fight. Thinking of you
wow, very nervous n upset today and last 2 night n days! incredible pain ! been praying, talking to God continuously, praying for my Carol, my children, family etc! and of course you guys! pray and cry cry and pray in agony ! tomorrow it begins; I pray for my doctors and nurses non stop! but the pain and agony is without mercy. I feel so sorry for Carol! such love and mercy! I clearly do know how to measure her love and mercy! I am so so lucky!
Dear Lord be with my fan family and bless and watch over them, bless them and their families with love happiness and a knowledge of you! God Bless you all.
You can do this! ,Deep breaths and keep FIGHTING! Prayers that your pain goes away and that the treatment journey you are on is successful!!!
wow, very nervous n upset today and last 2 night n days! incredible pain ! been praying, talking to God continuously, praying for my Carol, my children, family etc! and of course you guys! pray and cry cry and pray in agony ! tomorrow it begins; I pray for my doctors and nurses non stop! but the pain and agony is without mercy. I feel so sorry for Carol! such love and mercy! I clearly do know how to measure her love and mercy! I am so so lucky!
Dear Lord be with my fan family and bless and watch over them, bless them and their families with love happiness and a knowledge of you! God Bless you all.
d1042, your love for Carol and family and God Jumps off the page with your recent post, but so does your anxiety and physical pain. I know you started a large battery of tests last Friday, and I hope these contributed to what seems like a new advent of pain, and hopefully you are feeling better today. Please tell us that you are still progressing Towards a 7/7 start with the first injection from Carol!?

d1042, your love for Carol and family and God Jumps off the page with your recent post, but so does your anxiety and physical pain. I know you started a large battery of tests last Friday, and I hope these contributed to what seems like a new advent of pain, and hopefully you are feeling better today. Please tell us that you are still progressing Towards a 7/7 start with the first injection from Carol!?
Wed. Went well again. Met again with lead Doctor Donato. Had labs done and they taught Carol how to do injections. Carol does injections Fri-Sun. at home. Monday : let the games begin!
The pain I suffer is not related to anything recent. The original Dr. caused the neuropathy issue. Feet and legs are subject to severe nerve pain; really untreatable. The original Dr. should have stopped shots at first event of adverse reactions, but it was not addressed and just caused more damage.

The neuropathy may or may not dissipate. I thoroughly trust my current medical team.
Telx,Alice,ski, and all the posters here, know this, you posts have meant so much. The words have not been just internet banter but truly your words have strengthened and encouraged me. God bless each and every one of you - both believers and non believers.
I truly struggle here to emphatically express how your words have warmly lifted me up!

(I tried naming everyone but the system kept crashing!)
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Wed. Went well again. Met again with lead Doctor Donato. Had labs done and they taught Carol how to do injections. Carol does injections Fri-Sun. at home. Monday : let the games begin!
The pain I suffer is not related to anything recent. The original Dr. caused the neuropathy issue. Feet and legs are subject to severe nerve pain; really untreatable. The original Dr. should have stopped shots at first event of adverse reactions, but it was not addressed and just caused more damage.

The neuropathy may or may not dissipate. I thoroughly trust my current medical team.
Had me worried that maybe something had changed with your condition. Glad to hear you are still on schedule to begin the shots in two days. Lean on your family, and faith, and us here as needed to find the strength to fight each and every day, and to turn that nervous anxiety into positive thoughts for how you will celebrate your 100 day milestone. For my small part, I’m sending daily prayers for you and your loved ones, and already selected the wine I plan t open to celebrate in cyberspace with you.
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I know you essentially have no idea who I am, even my real name, and I may not know you but god knows who is behind “d1042”. I prayed you overcome your illness and to give you and your family strength. I believe in the power of prayer.

God Bless brother..
thank you - you are indeed a great one!
Telx,Alice,ski, and all the posters here, know this, you posts have meant so much. The words have not been just internet banter but truly your words have strengthened and encouraged me. God bless each and every one of you - both believers and non believers.
I truly struggle here to emphatically express how your words have warmly lifted me up!

(I tried naming everyone but the system kept crashing!)
1042 vaca vooom. I hear positivity in your post. Me likey. That’s the way!!

You’re gonna keep getting better. Maybe no more marathons in your future. But none in mine and most on this board either.

Day by day. Step by step. Less than 60 days and you will be in front of tv yelling n feeling great as we start season undefeated going into OSU

So I say to you 1042- what you gonna do — when it’s time for OSU?

Get game face on dude.
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Well God Bless all the Saints and all those in this thread with kindly thoughts. My brothers and sisters in Christ and all my brothers and sisters, Tuesday is the ‘kickoff’ with the meeting with Dr. Donato, and the rest of the team.: 7/7 the 1st play from scrimmage is an injection by my Carol at home, then off to the hospital infusion room.
First day of fourteen in the Hospital! Hope your first injection with Carol on Friday went OK, as that was probably harder for her than you. You mentioned that your immune system will be compromised during this two week stretch, and I hope are able to have visits from Carol and your daughters. Regardless, as Ski wrote, it’s one day at a time with game face on! The fourteen days will blow by once seen in the rear view mirror. We’ll Be praying and thinking of you, and looking for posts from the hospital bed, and ready to provide whatever moral or spiritual support we can. Everyday presents an opportunity to kick ass…so Kick ass today!
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First day of fourteen in the Hospital! Hope your first injection with Carol on Friday went OK, as that was probably harder for her than you. You mentioned that your immune system will be compromised during this two week stretch, and I hope are able to have visits from Carol and your daughters. Regardless, as Ski wrote, it’s one day at a time with game face on! The fourteen days will blow by once seen in the rear view mirror. We’ll Be praying and thinking of you, and looking for posts from the hospital bed, and ready to provide whatever moral or spiritual support we can. Everyday presents an opportunity to kick ass…so Kick ass today!
no Telx.
today begins the process of preparing for tomorrow whem the collection of stem cell from my body takes place.Every day until they feel they have enough. Each day’s collection is super frozen (these are good cell!) When they collect what they want they will then try to eradicate the supposedly bad cells. Too technical for me.
apheresis is the process of collecting my good stem cells.
each day I go in for 6 hours or so. They will continue until they harvest enough.
my actual admittance is sometime mid month or so, for about 2 weeks. Bubble Boy?
they will then return the frozen good cells to me. Technical, a bit dangerous.

after harvesting the good cells they want, they begin the process of eradicating the bad cells. All this time I have no immunity, so I am quarantining.

After all that I then go into the hospital for the ultimate process of returning my harvested good cells.

well, something like this.
apheresis is the process of collecting my good stem cells.
each day I go in for 6 hours or so. They will continue until they harvest enough.
my actual admittance is sometime mid month or so, for about 2 weeks. Bubble Boy?
they will then return the frozen good cells to me. Technical, a bit dangerous.

after harvesting the good cells they want, they begin the process of eradicating the bad cells. All this time I have no immunity, so I am quarantining.

After all that I then go into the hospital for the ultimate process of returning my harvested good cells.

well, something like this.
Gotcha! Your reference of Off to the hospital is to the infusion room at the hospital, not the stay, yet! So, you’re hooked up for up to six hours while they’re taking blood, separating the stem cells from the blood, and then putting your blood back into you. Must be fatiguing, and of course somewhat boring. Hope this harvesting is quickly successful. I appreciate that the hard part begins with eradicating the bad cells...and all that transpires with the reintroduction of your good cells.
Gotcha! Your reference of Off to the hospital is to the infusion room at the hospital, not the stay, yet! So, you’re hooked up for up to six hours while they’re taking blood, separating the stem cells from the blood, and then putting your blood back into you. Must be fatiguing, and of course somewhat boring. Hope this harvesting is quickly successful. I appreciate that the hard part begins with eradicating the bad cells...and all that transpires with the reintroduction of your good cells.
can’t put the good cells back till the bad guys are destroyed (red MultiMyeloma cells)
My first day o apheris is my final
1 day indead of 4 or 5
out of 2200 patients only 1 harvested enough stem cell in 1 day; now it is 2.
It took a great toll on me.
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