You still butt hurt because Putin punked Obama in Ukraine and Syria! Bow to Trump your President! LolsSo you are Russian. Why are you afraid to admit it? Own it.
You still butt hurt because Putin punked Obama in Ukraine and Syria! Bow to Trump your President! LolsSo you are Russian. Why are you afraid to admit it? Own it.
They're for whatever it takes. Anything that prevents that is illegitimate, Fox News manipulated and Russian inspired.You guys are against the electoral college? You really want the President decided by California, New Your and Ill.?
You guys are against the electoral college? You really want the President decided by California, New Your and Ill.?
He was a registered Democrat until he turned aprox 60 yrs old. When he changed his party registration to Republican. Not exactly the typical resume of a dye in the wool far right Republican. He is simply an outsider from outside the political class. The two party duopoly and it's media accolytes with its control of power and it's perks can't abide someone from outside the political fraternity who doesn't play be their rules.Beach,
One would think after 8 years of the failed Obama Administration, Years and years of poor leadership by both parties, and the divisions that we have in our Nation, Fair minded citizens would
welcome an " Outsider " and give him a fair chance to try to turn things around.
President Trump has certainly been as critical toward the Republicans as he is of the Democrats.
He is also as much a Liberal as he is a Conservative as evident by :
His plans to spend vast sums of money rebuilding the inner Cities and infrastructure. Actually reaching out to the Black Community by giving Black People the opportunity to free their children from failing schools and allowing them to send their children to the schools of their choice.
Encouraging companies to stay here in America , many in states and areas with high minority populations, and by so doing creating jobs to break the cycle of poverty.
It is amazing to me how any person, living in crime infested areas,can be against arresting gang members who peddle marcotics and murder their own neighbors ? While the police are certainly not perfect,
they certainly are needed, especially in high crime areas.
President Trump has and is trying his best to reach out to All Americans, but obviously from
too many posts on this tread, many posters have never even check his platfrom ?
You guys are against the electoral college? You really want the President decided by California, New Your and Ill.?
He was a registered Democrat until he turned aprox 60 yrs old. When he changed his party registration to Republican. Not exactly the typical resume of a dye in the wool far right Republican. He is simply an outsider from outside the political class. The two party duopoly and it's media accolytes with its control of power and it's perks can't abide someone from outside the political fraternity who doesn't play be their rules.
Dublin grow up would you? Don't make me scold you like my kids for name calling. If you think everyone is going to think like you in life, boy are you in for a rude awakening.Actually it's all correct . Whats opinion is that in my opinion youve proved that your pretty much a total asshole as well
Excellent post! You wrote the truth. This country was created on and it's success has been based on Judeo - Christian values. This is in no way calling for discrimination of Muslims or restrictions on the practice of Islam in the US. It just recognizes a fundamental and critical difference between the social and moral philosophies of Judaism and Christianity compared to those of Islam. The historical and current practice of Islam and Muslims is largely not compatible with tolerant free pluralistic societies." E Pluribus Unum " out of many one is antithetical to a good part of the Muslim immigration which under Obama we invited en masse. They in large part do not come here to be part of something that already exists but to change what exists to resemble the system and conditions of the countries they emigrated from. I'm not interested in that at ALL! We have seen in the European experiment with mass Islamic immigration in a general lack of assimilation into the societies they have immigrated to or desire to. Sometimes after decades of living in their host European nation with the social welfare state supporting their very existence. In Great Britain Sharia law courts have been established to cater to their Muslim guests. This is the lunacy and suicidal nature of " political correctness" run amok. They would like to do the same thing here. No doubt supported by the liberal political and media elite . In Christianity ultimate judgement is reserved for God. In Islam that right of judgment and punishment is taken by men . They interpret that as fullfilling God's Holy Will by ridding the world of infidels who refused conversion. It's ironic that the same left that supports rights for trans-gendered individuals homosexual rights and women's empowerment see no contradiction in supporting mass immigration of a population that views killing homosexual s as their duty bf God. In Saudi Arabia one will be jailed and possibly killed for being a professing Christian or carrying a bible. This is the religion of peace and tolerance that the " Tolerant Left" wants to allow unlimited and unscrutinized access to our country.Exactly Dublin,
He is reaching out to all Americans, and in so doing is a threat to the entreanched power base,
in both political parties as well as the News Media and the " Intelligencia " that is brainwashing our youth.
Funny, somewhere in this tread, I gave 10 reasons why I voted for Trump, and I asked for voters of Hillary
to give me ten reasons why they voted fot Hillary. Zero answers !
Do they still teach history and civics in our schools and universities ? why all this irrelevant talk
of the Popular Vote ? We have never ,to my knowledge , elected a President by Popular Vote, it is simply not the way we elect our Presidents, so why waste time on it ?
The whole argument about " Muslim immigration " and taking in Muslim " Refugees " shows a complete lack of any understanding of Sharia Law and The Muslin religion. It is Suicide !
Chistianity is without a doubt " A Religion of Peace. " Jesus preached Love of neighbor, submitted to
his enemies, and died on the Cross to forgive the sins of the World. "
" He who lives by the sward, dies by the sward ! "
No where in all his Teachings or in His Life are there any examples of preaching violence.
Mohammad and the Koran and Sharia Law preaches violence, conquest and deceit to conquer , supress, and convert non beleivers.
Whatever violences that " Christians " may have committed over the centuries were never
condoned by the teachings of Christ !
Thinking differently and holding different views than me are more than fine with me. Ironically based on many of your posts I would question if the same holds true for you. For the record and to correct your inaccuracies 1. Yes CNN did provide HRC with actual debate questions prior to a Townhall debate with Bernie Sanders. Wikileaks revealed that Donna Brazile a CNN commentator who had access to the debate questions provided on 2 separate occasions 2 actual debate questions to Clinton s campaign. CNN fired Brazile within 48 hrs of the disclosure and officially admitted the faux paux. So yes it's corroborated and admitted fact. Your unfortunately wrong about that one.Dublin grow up would you? Don't make me scold you like my kids for name calling. If you think everyone is going to think like you in life, boy are you in for a rude awakening.
More tolerance and good intentions from those who wail " he will not divide us "LIBTARD Witches Unite to Cast ‘Binding Spell’ on Trump and Followers
by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.24 Feb 20171358
The mass ritual will allegedly be repeated again March 26, April 24, May 23, June 21 (the summer solstice), July 21, and August 19.
The spell also invokes evil on “those who abet” Trump, which would seem to appear to cover his staff and political nominees, and perhaps the millions who voted for him as well.
Please find a post where I name call? Because you don't like what I have to say you start acting childish.Thinking differently and holding different views than me are more than fine with me. Ironically based on many of your posts I would question if the same holds true for you. For the record and to correct your inaccuracies 1. Yes CNN did provide HRC with actual debate questions prior to a Townhall debate with Bernie Sanders. Wikileaks revealed that Donna Brazile a CNN commentator who had access to the debate questions provided on 2 separate occasions 2 actual debate questions to Clinton s campaign. CNN fired Brazile within 48 hrs of the disclosure and officially admitted the faux paux. So yes it's corroborated and admitted fact. Your unfortunately wrong about that one.
The collusion of media reporters and the Clinton campaign you wrote was incorrect . Sorry your factually wrong AGAIN. Glenn Thrush editor to the Politico in Wikileaks wrote in an email to John Podesta that he wanted to send an article the Politico had written on Clinton to Podesta to make sure Podesta found it acceptable. Thrush wrote don't let anyone know I'm doing this. I'll be f. .ed . " I've become a hack". That's FACT! Not opinion or inaccurate. Perhaps like Glenn Thrush you may admit to yourself that you've become a" HACK " like he did. I'll wait for your mea culpa on your factual errors.
Are you dense? She was an employee! She was paid by CNN . She had an employment contract that paid her for her appearances on the network. Which were so scheduled under her contract as it is for every cable news " contributor" if she wasn't an employee at CNN then why did they themselves announce that they had fired her? Her status as an employee gave her access to the Townhall debate questions prior to the debate . Which she dutifully passed on to the Clinton campaign. Townhall debate questions which were in theory supposed to be asked organically by people in the debate audience . Not pre-selected and formed by CNN itself. Separate issue but brings that Ole thing you like Fake News. I don't care if you didn't vote for Trump or that don't like him either. I could care less. I only ask that you try not to be so full of shit in your blanket criticisms and assumptions re. Trump and people who support him. Have a good weekend.Please find a post where I name call? Because you don't like what I have to say you start acting childish.
So by the same token was Lewandoski a CNN employee? A contributor is not an employee. Also it went to Clinton's people. Even better Trump one so please quit your belly aching. Everyone won't like your guy so deal with it.
Just figured out how you came up with your ID. You are hoping to reach a 12 IQ. Good luck with that.Just for you guys who like to get their "news" from Fox.
Dublin clone? Amazing how mad you guys get about Trump.Just figured out how you came up with your ID. You are hoping to reach a 12 IQ. Good luck with that.
Make America Great Again!
Look in the mirror. Hypocrite.Dublin clone? Amazing how mad you guys get about Trump.
Wasn't the main point of forming the Electoral College to give the Electors the ability to stop an obviously unfit candidate from becoming President ?
Angry much? Make an appointment with your therapist before you go on the watch list.Look in the mirror. Hypocrite.
Angry? ?? Not at all . I've thoroughly enjoyed helping you make a fool of yourself on this board for the past 2 days. While you hopelessly attempted to spin the truth and proved incapable of refuting facts that directly contradict many of the statements you've made. So of course you ignored them and switched the subject to your assessment via the Internet of my personality.its called a TKO. Kind of like when you labeled all Fox News viewers as " dumb sheep". I suggest if you ever decide to engage in therapy you ask him or her about " projection". I'll leave you the last word. Thanks for playing.Angry much? Make an appointment with your therapist before you go on the watch list.
One would think after 8 years of the failed Obama Administration, Years and years of poor leadership by both parties, and the divisions that we have in our Nation, Fair minded citizens would
welcome an " Outsider " and give him a fair chance to try to turn things around.
President Trump has certainly been as critical toward the Republicans as he is of the Democrats.
He is also as much a Liberal as he is a Conservative as evident by :
His plans to spend vast sums of money rebuilding the inner Cities and infrastructure. Actually reaching out to the Black Community by giving Black People the opportunity to free their children from failing schools and allowing them to send their children to the schools of their choice.
Encouraging companies to stay here in America , many in states and areas with high minority populations, and by so doing creating jobs to break the cycle of poverty.
It is amazing to me how any person, living in crime infested areas,can be against arresting gang members who peddle marcotics and murder their own neighbors ? While the police are certainly not perfect,
they certainly are needed, especially in high crime areas.
President Trump has and is trying his best to reach out to All Americans, but obviously from
too many posts on this tread, many posters have never even check his platfrom ?
Yes I apparently hit a nerve with you with the sheep comment, huh?Angry? ?? Not at all . I've thoroughly enjoyed helping you make a fool of yourself on this board for the past 2 days. While you hopelessly attempted to spin the truth and proved incapable of refuting facts that directly contradict many of the statements you've made. So of course you ignored them and switched the subject to your assessment via the Internet of my personality.its called a TKO. Kind of like when you labeled all Fox News viewers as " dumb sheep". I suggest if you ever decide to engage in therapy you ask him or her about " projection". I'll leave you the last word. Thanks for playing.
Why does someone think the electoral college was to keep an unqualified person from winning? It was to keep the high populated states from dominating the election. That is just what it prevented in the last election.
Yes I apparently hit a nerve with you with the sheep comment, huh?
Btw, you'll never make fun of me when it comes to this topic Mr. Tinfoil. I don't know if you call yourself a conservative or a Trumpanzee, but regardless the party took an all time low electing this man. He's as much a conservative as Rush Limbaugh is smart. Once the establishment was beat out ya'll jumped on this man's coattails as the last savior for the party. You know the same man who was about globalism, abortion, womanizing, etc. Just because he talks a good game doesn't refute his prior believe system and actions. But I can call myself an Evangelical Christian and read from Corinthians 2. Everyone from middle America, to coal miners fell for this act. Donald Trump cares about 2 things: $$$ and good press. Feel proud about that tin foil.
Awesome! !
Love him or hate him Rush Limbaugh is very smart. Trump has also picked the most conservative cabInent in over 50 years. He was for abortion but ls against it now and is very ProLife . You know changing your views can be a good thing. I believe abortion is wrong. I supported Trump from the get go and think he is doing a great job. You just insulted me and millions of Americans with your Trumpanzee comment. But I am not upset since you have such a sick soul. I feel sorry for you. Your life must suck.
Also what is wrong with Trump not being a total conservative ? Some conservatives I can't stand---- like the neocons and the establishment rhinos like Mit Romney and John McCain the warHawk. Trump is a good man and wants to make America prosperous and safe. If he cared only about money he would not have run for President. There are many Posters on this board who do not like Trump that I respect and you are not one of them. The liberals were against Trump--The press was against Trump. Most in his own party were against Trump. The establishment was against Trump. The sheep were against Trump ! The free thinking every day Americans (the Deplorables) and God Almighty were for Trump and saved America !!!
Yeah awesome....but you missed the point Bodi and that's fine by me.
Love him or hate him Rush Limbaugh is very smart. Trump has also picked the most conservative cabInent in over 50 years. He was for abortion but ls against it now and is very ProLife . You know changing your views can be a good thing. I believe abortion is wrong. I supported Trump from the get go and think he is doing a great job. You just insulted me and millions of Americans with your Trumpanzee comment. But I am not upset since you have such a sick soul. I feel sorry for you. Your life must suck.
Also what is wrong with Trump not being a total conservative ? Some conservatives I can't stand---- like the neocons and the establishment rhinos like Mit Romney and John McCain the warHawk. Trump is a good man and wants to make America prosperous and safe. If he cared only about money he would not have run for President. There are many Posters on this board who do not like Trump that I respect and you are not one of them. The liberals were against Trump--The press was against Trump. Most in his own party were against Trump. The establishment was against Trump. The sheep were against Trump ! The free thinking every day Americans (the Deplorables) and God Almighty were for Trump and saved America !!!
I'm a conservative and a constitutionalist. Registered Republican but only bc I've been too lazy to change to independent. I vote Republican bc my alternative is the Democrat party. Which in my opinion is now a Socialist party. And I believe in limited government, capitalism , pro-life , and American sovereignty. It sounds to me that the old adage " don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" applies to you. Trump is not perfect and is not a doctrinaire conservative. But imo he's the man we need now to fix some seriously broken things in our govt. He wasn't always pro life and was no saint. But we're not electing a religious leader or a saint. We need someone with the testicles to get some things done. Trump has that in spades. I'm not a big fan of Fox News . I prefer the Fox Business Channel and in particular Lou Dobbs. Fox News imo is light years better than the rest of the MSM. I will never again consume a minute of CNN and MSNBC . Total shameless propaganda!! I don't buy everything Fox sells in their news coverage bc it's on Fox. I rarely even watch Fox News. I'm just a lifelong conservative Catholic American who believes in America First!! And I detest the abomination of partial birth abortion . Hillary Clinton was likely the most corrupt and compromised presidential candidate in American history. She and the community organizer supported a radical left and anti life agenda. Abortion on demand anywhere and everywhere at anytime. She would hv appointed far left judges to Supreme Court that would hv made a liberal court for 20 + yes and evicerated the constitution and the Bill of Rights ( our freedom ). Clinton believed in a country without borders. A country without a border and unwilling to enforce it's on laws is no longer a sovereign nation. I voted to preserve and restore America in the past election. That's why I voted Trump and continue to support him The willingness of people like you to sacrifice the survival of the country on your altar of candidate perfection was an extreme reckless act. Fortunately God saw otherwise and spared us the destruction that a Clinton( spirit cooking) presidency would hv brought. No thanks from people like you of course.Oh and Fox News is mainstream media. The pot calling kettle black is a comedy show.
I'm a conservative and a constitutionalist. Registered Republican but only bc I've been too lazy to change to independent. I vote Republican bc my alternative is the Democrat party. Which in my opinion is now a Socialist party. And I believe in limited government, capitalism , pro-life , and American sovereignty. It sounds to me that the old adage " don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" applies to you. Trump is not perfect and is not a doctrinaire conservative. But imo he's the man we need now to fix some seriously broken things in our govt. He wasn't always pro life and was no saint. But we're not electing a religious leader or a saint. We need someone with the testicles to get some things done. Trump has that in spades. I'm not a big fan of Fox News . I prefer the Fox Business Channel and in particular Lou Dobbs. Fox News imo is light years better than the rest of the MSM. I will never again consume a minute of CNN and MSNBC . Total shameless propaganda!! I don't buy everything Fox sells in their news coverage bc it's on Fox. I rarely even watch Fox News. I'm just a lifelong conservative Catholic American who believes in America First!! And I detest the abomination of partial birth abortion . Hillary Clinton was likely the most corrupt and compromised presidential candidate in American history. She and the community organizer supported a radical left and anti life agenda. Abortion on demand anywhere and everywhere at anytime. She would hv appointed far left judges to Supreme Court that would hv made a liberal court for 20 + yes and evicerated the constitution and the Bill of Rights ( our freedom ). Clinton believed in a country without borders. A country without a border and unwilling to enforce it's on laws is no longer a sovereign nation. I voted to preserve and restore America in the past election. That's why I voted Trump and continue to support him The willingness of people like you to sacrifice the survival of the country on your altar of candidate perfection was an extreme reckless act. Fortunately God saw otherwise and spared us the destruction that a Clinton( spirit cooking) presidency would hv brought. No thanks from people like you of course.
He was a registered Democrat until he turned aprox 60 yrs old. When he changed his party registration to Republican. Not exactly the typical resume of a dye in the wool far right Republican. He is simply an outsider from outside the political class. The two party duopoly and it's media accolytes with its control of power and it's perks can't abide someone from outside the political fraternity who doesn't play be their rules.
I believe he was a registered Democrat in 1988. He may hv attended the convention but Joe Lieberman attended the Republican convention and spoke at it in 2008. He's still a registered Democrat . Generally don't like trade potectionism but the key is fair trade. Which we don't hv and haven't had for decades. We can't keep dropping our pants for the rest of the world to keep Goldman Sachs happy. I'm all for renegotiating NAFTA and killing the anti American sovereignty TPP. China has been dumping steel in our country and destroying our manufacturing base with its currency manipulation. Which George Bush and Obama did nothing about. We've built their military up off the backs of unemployed American workers and the money of American consumers. Sometimes the ideal has to be sacrificed to deal with the practical reality. I believe this is one of those times. We've been the world's patsy on the issue of trade, immigration and US military protection for far too long. A little hardball is needed. MAGA!I saw a video of Trump attending the Republican National Convention in 1988. So he may have gone back and forth between the parties in his earlier days.
But many of his viewpoints, like advocating trade protectionism, aren't mainstream Republican at all. Personally, I'm not a big fan of that part of his policy. I don't think raising border taxes would be a good idea in the long run.
I believe he was a registered Democrat in 1988. He may hv attended the convention but Joe Lieberman attended the Republican convention and spoke at it in 2008. He's still a registered Democrat . Generally don't like trade potectionism but the key is fair trade. Which we don't hv and haven't had for decades. We can't keep dropping our pants for the rest of the world to keep Goldman Sachs happy. I'm all for renegotiating NAFTA and killing the anti American sovereignty TPP. China has been dumping steel in our country and destroying our manufacturing base with its currency manipulation. Which George Bush and Obama did nothing about. We've built their military up off the backs of unemployed American workers and the money of American consumers. Sometimes the ideal has to be sacrificed to deal with the practical reality. I believe this is one of those times. We've been the world's patsy on the issue of trade, immigration and US military protection for far too long. A little hardball is needed. MAGA!
OK I stand corrected. I had read that he changed party registration when he turned 60. Really doesn't matter to me now anyway. Interestingly Ronald Reagan was a long time Democrat till middle age . When asked why he left the Democrat party Reagan answered " I didn't leave the Democrat party. The Democrat party left me". That about sums it up imo.He said that he was a Republican and that that was the first convention he'd ever attended.
But I don't think he was really very political prior to 2011 or so. He just cozied up to whomever was in power at the time, as he admitted during last year's campaign.
Yeah awesome....but you missed the point Bodi and that's fine by me.
I can respect the voter/poster who straight comes out and says "I'm a conservative but I'm voting for Trump because it's not Hillary!" That's being honest and I respect that. What I don't respect is the voter/poster who tries to pontificate that Trump stands for everything they believed in as a conservative. That's called selling your soul to the devil. The equivalent would be voting for Bernie Sanders touting free 4 year college for everyone. Christians think this man is on their level? Fiscal conservatives think this man is on their level? As John Mcenroe said "You can't be serious!" You just don't "change your mind" about abortion there bud. You guys now believe in everything democrats supposedly did before. Big government, big spending, infrastructure, etc. So now Trump is trashing other GOP'ers and you guys are falling in line just like him. Did you vote for McCain and Romney Bodi back in '08 and '12? I bet you did.
Here's the good news. We can go back and forth all day and it won't mean a damn bit of difference. Trump will be measured by governing and not the redonkuless, kindergarten speak he spews. Once you guys are off the high of signing executive orders people will want to see real action because my friend talk is cheap!
AgreedAs a Republican, I didn't vote for Trump in the primary, but I did in the presidential election. Now that he's president, I'm supporting him. If you can ignore some of the distractions, so far I think he's done a pretty good job, in terms of policies put in place.