OT: What is happening at Fox News?


The values you speak of are interesting because those are some of the very reasons why I'm more centered politically and I I were an American, wouldn't even a card carrying member of either party. I would simply not agree with one side, or the other on all of, or enough of those issues / values.... If I go through them briefly, however, this is how I feel.

On the topic as God as our creator: I was raised Catholic and have absolutely no issue with people who peacefully practice their Christianity. Your Constitution protects their right to do so freely and peacefully, without discrimination. At the same time, it protects the rights of other Americans to have their own religious beliefs and as long as they are practicing peacefully, they are protected by constitutional law. Whether I agree with their religious beliefs, is irrelevant in my mind. To me religion is deeply personal, where as law is in place for the safety and organization of the public. I choose to support Constitutional rights of people, even if they aren't in line with my thinking and I would hope that they would afford me the same dignity.

Constitution: I'm all for upholding it, but also, for making important amendments to it when necessary and when reflective of the feelings of the majority. I don't pretend to this kind that the gentlemen who wrote it had the foresight to understand every single way it could be tested and challenged in the future. I'm a huge supporter of the Constitution, however, I'm also flexible enough to understand when it needs ammending to account for a scenario it had not anticipated.

Controlled Immigration: I agree with this entirely. I believe in upholding the law and I believe that people that come to a couple try illegally should not be protected in any scenario. They should be fully subjected to the law and their consequences should be upheld by the law. That said, I'm not in opposition to lawful immigration, nor am I against the idea of countries accepting refugees should they choose. As long as it's done in accordance with the established law.

Respect for the national anthem: I would choose to respect it. That's me. There is nothing legally governing me to respect it though, so if somebody chooses to kneel in protest during an Anthem, however, I respect their legally protected right to do so. As a serving member of my nation's military, I do so voluntarily and out of choice to serve the people of my country. In doing good so, however, I realize that there some who don't choose to recognize my service, nor agree with it and the same rights that protect me, protect them.... And I fight for their rights in a world that doesn't always agree. It would be hypocritical of me to feel disrespected by them for kneeling during an a them, while exercising a constitutional right that I choose to fight for on a daily basis. I applaud them for standing up for what they believe in, as long as they do so without infringing on the rights of others.

I loved what Trey Gowdy said in his rant in front of Congress about making laws in response to Obama care being shoved through. While he is a deeply conservative, Republican, I didn't see what anything partisan about what he said. I particularly liked the part where he said he hoped to see a day when he could hold a Republican President to the same standards and I sincerely hope they do!
And if my Aunt had B ...., she'de be my Uncle ! Trump won the Electorial College Vote and he is the President of the United States ! What if's make no difference ! Popular vote makes no difference !
So why waste time on what if's ?
The Founding Fathers set up the Electorial College so the larger and more heavillly populated states
would not dominate smaller less populated states. That was a compromise so that smaller states
gave up some of their soverenty to join the Union that became the United States.

Like I said, my post was in response to an earlier post saying, IF you eliminated big cities, trump wins in a landslide, so take your BS up with that posters' what if scenario. Here's the post, in case you missed it.

Yeah, if you eliminated the big cities, Trump would've won in a landslide.
Like I said, my post was in response to an earlier post saying, IF you eliminated big cities, trump wins in a landslide, so take your BS up with that posters' what if scenario. Here's the post, in case you missed it.

Please accept my apologies, if I responded to you by error ! And thank you for the correction !
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The values you speak of are interesting because those are some of the very reasons why I'm more centered politically and I I were an American, wouldn't even a card carrying member of either party. I would simply not agree with one side, or the other on all of, or enough of those issues / values.... If I go through them briefly, however, this is how I feel.

On the topic as God as our creator: I was raised Catholic and have absolutely no issue with people who peacefully practice their Christianity. Your Constitution protects their right to do so freely and peacefully, without discrimination. At the same time, it protects the rights of other Americans to have their own religious beliefs and as long as they are practicing peacefully, they are protected by constitutional law. Whether I agree with their religious beliefs, is irrelevant in my mind. To me religion is deeply personal, where as law is in place for the safety and organization of the public. I choose to support Constitutional rights of people, even if they aren't in line with my thinking and I would hope that they would afford me the same dignity.

Constitution: I'm all for upholding it, but also, for making important amendments to it when necessary and when reflective of the feelings of the majority. I don't pretend to this kind that the gentlemen who wrote it had the foresight to understand every single way it could be tested and challenged in the future. I'm a huge supporter of the Constitution, however, I'm also flexible enough to understand when it needs ammending to account for a scenario it had not anticipated.

Controlled Immigration: I agree with this entirely. I believe in upholding the law and I believe that people that come to a couple try illegally should not be protected in any scenario. They should be fully subjected to the law and their consequences should be upheld by the law. That said, I'm not in opposition to lawful immigration, nor am I against the idea of countries accepting refugees should they choose. As long as it's done in accordance with the established law.

Respect for the national anthem: I would choose to respect it. That's me. There is nothing legally governing me to respect it though, so if somebody chooses to kneel in protest during an Anthem, however, I respect their legally protected right to do so. As a serving member of my nation's military, I do so voluntarily and out of choice to serve the people of my country. In doing good so, however, I realize that there some who don't choose to recognize my service, nor agree with it and the same rights that protect me, protect them.... And I fight for their rights in a world that doesn't always agree. It would be hypocritical of me to feel disrespected by them for kneeling during an a them, while exercising a constitutional right that I choose to fight for on a daily basis. I applaud them for standing up for what they believe in, as long as they do so without infringing on the rights of others.

I loved what Trey Gowdy said in his rant in front of Congress about making laws in response to Obama care being shoved through. While he is a deeply conservative, Republican, I didn't see what anything partisan about what he said. I particularly liked the part where he said he hoped to see a day when he could hold a Republican President to the same standards and I sincerely hope they do!

I think that I was comparing past " Shared Values " of Americans with " Sharp Divisions "
of current Americans. In any case, that was my intention !
While there always was a " Seperation of Church and State " Our founding documents clearly
state on many occasions that all our Rights come from our Creator and not from the State ! Therefore,
public prayer was common throughout our history. there was never " Seperation from God " even though
non believers had their right to not believe ".
I believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, which seems to be somewhat
stricter than yours ?
We have always been able to ammend our Constitution, some Ammendments for the better and others not.
But all this is quite another arguement than , what I intended in my other post of just how we went from a Very united Nation In the 1930's to a very divided one today.
I did just correct this post to be more accurate in my answer to you. So if you read my previous reply , please just ignore the parts that I deleated ! Thanks Ontario.
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Like I said, my post was in response to an earlier post saying, IF you eliminated big cities, trump wins in a landslide, so take your BS up with that posters' what if scenario. Here's the post, in case you missed it.

I was just pointing out the dichotomy in this country, in which Trump won approximately 2600 out of 3100 counties (84%), yet Clinton won 88 of the 100 largest counties. Her victories were mostly in urban areas, and areas with high minority populations. It just shows how divided the country is politically right now.
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My views of the History that you spoke of are very much the same as yours. I am older than most people on this board and go back to the Great Depression, World War II , and Korea.
The Greatest Generation was truely great ! A lvery large percentage of them were children and grandchildren of immigrants. They were in the majority very, very poor and took any type of employment that they could find. The majority had an elementary school education, and thinking back how educated ,wise , and knowledgeable they were, they were better educated than many college educated people are today !
They loved America and when WWII broke out, they served willingly with valor and distiction.
To Not serve was a disgrace ! Families were stable, divorce rare, and love of God and country were
a way of life.
I joined the Marine Corp at age 17 in 1949, and when the war broke out, A few months latter,
I found myself landing at Inchon. All my friends were either drafted or enlisted to fight in Korea.
Most of our officers were WWII veterans, and many of them were reserves who were called back to fight another war. Korea was a " Blood Bath " under the harshes weather conditions one can even begin to immagine. When we did finally come home, we were not mistreated but just ignored. For many decades
history just forgot us. We never complained, and just tried to adjust to civilian life and live with our own
demons. We never lost our partriotism or love of country and were proud to have served.
When JFK said " Ask Not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country ! " He was talking to Choir , because that is how Americans , with few exceptions, thought.
Today too many people are. looking for all types of freebies, the family has deteriorate, God and religion and morals are under attack, and the respected College degree ,
in far too many cases , is a nice looking piece of expensive, over priced, paper.
You have accurately expressed the Viet Man period and the decline of our once Great Nation.
Thank You !
I'm all for upholding it, but also, for making important amendments to it when necessary and when reflective of the feelings of the majority. I don't pretend to this kind that the gentlemen who wrote it had the foresight to understand every single way it could be tested and challenged in the future. I'm a huge supporter of the Constitution, however, I'm also flexible enough to understand when it needs ammending to account for a scenario it had not anticipated.

The problem is, there is a specific procedure in place for this to be accomplished. Some people, particularly those of certain political persuasions, don't want to follow said procedures, and try to do an end-around, like "reinterpreting" the Constitution via Supreme Court rulings and the like.
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As this was about Faux News here is some more BS. This morning this interview with Sebastian Gorka was on (I saw it) regarding a Gitmo detainee who recently was involved in a suicide road bomb. They slanted it as if this person was released during Obama's tenure blah blah blah. Well like Trump they are loose on their facts. This guy was detained in '01 and released in '04. Who was the president in '04??
As this was about Faux News here is some more BS. This morning this interview with Sebastian Gorka was on (I saw it) regarding a Gitmo detainee who recently was involved in a suicide road bomb. They slanted it as if this person was released during Obama's tenure blah blah blah. Well like Trump they are loose on their facts. This guy was detained in '01 and released in '04. Who was the president in '04??
Your IQ does not meet the minimum to tune into Fox News.
Trump is making America Great Again. You may get left behind.
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The party out of power used to be labeled " the loyal opposition ". Sadly the Democratic party has totally abandoned that concept. I predict in the end it will ultimately blow up in their face politically . And there may ensue further gnashing of teeth and cognitive dissonance.
When, pray tell, were the Republicans the "loyal opposition" during Obama's Presidency?
Like I said, my post was in response to an earlier post saying, IF you eliminated big cities, trump wins in a landslide, so take your BS up with that posters' what if scenario. Here's the post, in case you missed it.
You would be talking about eliminating 90% + of the electoral counties in the country. That's not bs. He carried over 90% of the counties in the country. Your argument is specious. Fact is she clearly lost the election under the same system that elected her husband twice. Bill Clinton won his first election to the White House with 43% of the national vote . A lower percentage of the total vote than Trump's in this past election. Was Bill Clinton s presidency illegitimate as a result? He only won bc of the third party run of Ross Perot. Without Perot Clinton would clearly hv lost . Its not my contention that Clintons first election was illegitimate. Only that he won under the same system that elected every US president bf and after him. As it just did in the case of Trump. There is nothing unjust about it. Regardless of the popular vote
The democratic party has lost its way with many of its former constituents. A party that has become a party of identity politics and demographic trends . It
When, pray tell, were the Republicans the "loyal opposition" during Obama's Presidency?
Has reality sunk in yet ?? She lost. Suck it up! Deal with it. The Republicans opposed Obama s policies not him personally or his presidency. They didn't call for his impeachment like some Dems hv ie Maxine Waters etc etc ... 2 weeks into his administration! They didn't hold up his cabinet appointments weeks on end into his presidential term in unprecedented fashion as the Democrats have done with Trump. Republican supporters who voted for Romney did not immediately protest Obama s election by taking to the streets and rioting throughout the country. They did NOT hold rallies based on " Obama is NOT my president " as we hv currently been witnessing re. Trump . Rallies which as have the protests ( riots) been organized and funded by left wing groups in coordination with the Democratic party. The Republican party did not actively participate in efforts to deligitimize Obama s presidency or encourage anarchy to make the country ungovernable during Obama s presidency . They simply opposed Obama s political goals and policies. Which was their right and at times obligation as the opposing political party out of power. That pray tell is what is meant by term the "loyal opposition ". The Democratic party has sunk to all new lows along with their allies in the media and in academia in their relentless effort to deligitimize Trump's election.
You would be talking about eliminating 90% + of the electoral counties in the country. That's not bs. He carried over 90% of the counties in the country. Your argument is specious. Fact is she clearly lost the election under the same system that elected her husband twice. Bill Clinton won his first election to the White House with 43% of the national vote . A lower percentage of the total vote than Trump's in this past election. Was Bill Clinton s presidency illegitimate as a result? He only won bc of the third party run of Ross Perot. Without Perot Clinton would clearly hv lost . Its not my contention that Clintons first election was illegitimate. Only that he won under the same system that elected every US president bf and after him. As it just did in the case of Trump. There is nothing unjust about it. Regardless of the popular vote
The democratic party has lost its way with many of its former constituents. A party that has become a party of identity politics and demographic trends . It

I'll say it one last time for you. MY POST WAS IN RESPONSE TO AN EARLIER POST SAYING, IF YOU ELIMINATE THE BIG CITIES TRUMP WINS IN A LANDSLIDE. SO, IF YOU ELIMINATED THE SMALL RURAL TOWNS SHE WINS IN A LANDSLIDE. That's it. Nothing more. I wasn't saying anything else about her husband, or the electoral system. Obviously, neither scenario will happen. Take your crusade up with someone else.
Neither " small towns" or large cities were eliminated or should be eliminated in future elections. So your post and subsequent responses are totally meaningless and moot. She simply LOST ! Bc she deserved to lose.
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Neither " small towns" or large cities were eliminated or should be eliminated in future elections. So your post and subsequent responses are totally meaningless and moot. She simply LOST ! Bc she deserved to lose.

Of couse they wont be eliminated, or should they be. Take your crusade up with someone else. What is wrong with you?
O'Reilly and Hannity are like the "right's" answer to the "lefts" Piers Morgan and Rachel Maddow... Just completely biased "journalists" and media personalities to the very core. Few people can yell and talk over their much more intelligent guests than those 4 and how dumb they routinely look on national television is legitimately cringe worthy... Both sides have some "beauties".
You would be talking about eliminating 90% + of the electoral counties in the country. That's not bs. He carried over 90% of the counties in the country. Your argument is specious. Fact is she clearly lost the election under the same system that elected her husband twice. Bill Clinton won his first election to the White House with 43% of the national vote . A lower percentage of the total vote than Trump's in this past election. Was Bill Clinton s presidency illegitimate as a result? He only won bc of the third party run of Ross Perot. Without Perot Clinton would clearly hv lost . Its not my contention that Clintons first election was illegitimate. Only that he won under the same system that elected every US president bf and after him. As it just did in the case of Trump. There is nothing unjust about it. Regardless of the popular vote
The democratic party has lost its way with many of its former constituents. A party that has become a party of identity politics and demographic trends . It

Has reality sunk in yet ?? She lost. Suck it up! Deal with it. The Republicans opposed Obama s policies not him personally or his presidency. They didn't call for his impeachment like some Dems hv ie Maxine Waters etc etc ... 2 weeks into his administration! They didn't hold up his cabinet appointments weeks on end into his presidential term in unprecedented fashion as the Democrats have done with Trump. Republican supporters who voted for Romney did not immediately protest Obama s election by taking to the streets and rioting throughout the country. They did NOT hold rallies based on " Obama is NOT my president " as we hv currently been witnessing re. Trump . Rallies which as have the protests ( riots) been organized and funded by left wing groups in coordination with the Democratic party. The Republican party did not actively participate in efforts to deligitimize Obama s presidency or encourage anarchy to make the country ungovernable during Obama s presidency . They simply opposed Obama s political goals and policies. Which was their right and at times obligation as the opposing political party out of power. That pray tell is what is meant by term the "loyal opposition ". The Democratic party has sunk to all new lows along with their allies in the media and in academia in their relentless effort to deligitimize Trump's election.

Right on brother !! Trump is making America Great again !!
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You would be talking about eliminating 90% + of the electoral counties in the country. That's not bs. He carried over 90% of the counties in the country. Your argument is specious. Fact is she clearly lost the election under the same system that elected her husband twice. Bill Clinton won his first election to the White House with 43% of the national vote . A lower percentage of the total vote than Trump's in this past election. Was Bill Clinton s presidency illegitimate as a result? He only won bc of the third party run of Ross Perot. Without Perot Clinton would clearly hv lost . Its not my contention that Clintons first election was illegitimate. Only that he won under the same system that elected every US president bf and after him. As it just did in the case of Trump. There is nothing unjust about it. Regardless of the popular vote
The democratic party has lost its way with many of its former constituents. A party that has become a party of identity politics and demographic trends . It

Has reality sunk in yet ?? She lost. Suck it up! Deal with it. The Republicans opposed Obama s policies not him personally or his presidency. They didn't call for his impeachment like some Dems hv ie Maxine Waters etc etc ... 2 weeks into his administration! They didn't hold up his cabinet appointments weeks on end into his presidential term in unprecedented fashion as the Democrats have done with Trump. Republican supporters who voted for Romney did not immediately protest Obama s election by taking to the streets and rioting throughout the country. They did NOT hold rallies based on " Obama is NOT my president " as we hv currently been witnessing re. Trump . Rallies which as have the protests ( riots) been organized and funded by left wing groups in coordination with the Democratic party. The Republican party did not actively participate in efforts to deligitimize Obama s presidency or encourage anarchy to make the country ungovernable during Obama s presidency . They simply opposed Obama s political goals and policies. Which was their right and at times obligation as the opposing political party out of power. That pray tell is what is meant by term the "loyal opposition ". The Democratic party has sunk to all new lows along with their allies in the media and in academia in their relentless effort to deligitimize Trump's election.
Are you truly that clueless and detached from reality? The Dems are using the Republican delegitimize playbook from the Obama years. The Tea Party did everything you accuse the Dems of doing now.
It's ok baby Pennick that you like entertainment news! No need to lash out because you're disappointed in adulthood.
Are you truly that clueless and detached from reality? The Dems are using the Republican delegitimize playbook from the Obama years. The Tea Party did everything you accuse the Dems of doing now.
Are you truly that clueless and detached from reality? The Dems are using the Republican delegitimize playbook from the Obama years. The Tea Party did everything you accuse the Dems of doing now.
Your either a total moron or a fraud. The Tea Party was on organic movement with no connection to the Republican party establishment. In fact the Republican party worked to supress it bc it threatened them as well as Obama . It was directed against a specific Obama policy the ACA aka Obamacare. Not his presidency. It didn't t even begin until Obama s 2nd yr in office . After he began to ram a very unpopular and ultimately unsuccessful health care scheme down the throats of the American people. Not in Obama s second wk in office. It wasn't funded by George Sorors or the Koch brothers as are the current protests. Are you that stupid and ignorant of the facts? Or just dishonest?
The media is like a guest that comes to your party, eats too much, drinks too much, hits on your spouse, says your daughter has big jugs, barfs in a corner and then when you call them out on their behavior they act all surprised and then turn on you for being the jerk.
Are you truly that clueless and detached from reality?

I do not see to whom you are replying, but many Trump supporters do seem to deny reality. More than 50% think Obama was not a citizen, that he is a Muslim, and they think Trump is doing a good job so far with many accomplishments. And he certainly not bringing back coal mining to its heyday. Who knows what they think of making Russia our great friend?
The media is like a guest that comes to your party, eats too much, drinks too much, hits on your spouse, says your daughter has big jugs, barfs in a corner and then when you call them out on their behavior they act all surprised and then turn on you for being the jerk.
Are you stating that because they don't give him "good press" when he thinks he deserves it? Do you deny that Trump worries about this press more than the actual job itself?
I do not see to whom you are replying, but many Trump supporters do seem to deny reality. More than 50% think Obama was not a citizen, that he is a Muslim, and they think Trump is doing a good job so far with many accomplishments. And he certainly not bringing back coal mining to its heyday. Who knows what they think of making Russia our great friend?
Read Faux news comments and you still see all this crap about go back to Kenya, etc.
Your either a total moron or a fraud. The Tea Party was on organic movement with no connection to the Republican party establishment. In fact the Republican party worked to supress it bc it threatened them as well as Obama . It was directed against a specific Obama policy the ACA aka Obamacare. Not his presidency. It didn't t even begin until Obama s 2nd yr in office . After he began to ram a very unpopular and ultimately unsuccessful health care scheme down the throats of the American people. Not in Obama s second wk in office. It wasn't funded by George Sorors or the Koch brothers as are the current protests. Are you that stupid and ignorant of the facts? Or just dishonest?
I'm an honest American who believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I also do not live in an echo chamber and i ignore emailed talking points from any group. You should try to do same. It will improve your outlook.
Yes calling Fox, "Faux" seems very open minded and mature. You won't live in an echo chamber unless someone disagrees, then you will label them as Faux. Rarely to these board get threads that actually disprove themselves, congratulations.
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President Trump is like a guest that comes to your party, eats too much, drinks too much, hits on your spouse, says your daughter has big jugs, barfs in a corner and then when you call them out on their behavior they act all surprised and then turn on you for being the jerk.

I do not see to whom you are replying, but many Trump supporters do seem to deny reality. More than 50% think Obama was not a citizen, that he is a Muslim, and they think Trump is doing a good job so far with many accomplishments. And he certainly not bringing back coal mining to its heyday. Who knows what they think of making Russia our great friend?
I'm an honest American who believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I also do not live in an echo chamber and i ignore emailed talking points from any group. You should try to do same. It will improve your outlook.
Nice try. They're not talking points. They're called facts. Which you're so hopelessly lost that you can't tell the difference. No one thinks for me. Can't speak
Yeah your Sun King Obama was awesome. 95 million Americans out of work or under employed. Doubling of the National debt in 8 yrs. Not a single yr out of 8 of even 3% GDP growth. First time in US history. A debacle called Obamacare. The Middle East in chaos ( ISIS) . Yup let's bitch and moan about Trump . Whose been in office 4 weeks roughly. I know it's the Russians fault....
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Yes calling Fox, "Faux" seems very open minded and mature. You won't live in an echo chamber unless someone disagrees, then you will label them as Faux. Rarely to these board get threads that actually disprove themselves, congratulations.

Mocking Fox with Faux may lack as quality criticism, but it is still more creative than Trump and many supporters calling everything he does not like as "fake" news.
Yes calling Fox, "Faux" seems very open minded and mature. You won't live in an echo chamber unless someone disagrees, then you will label them as Faux. Rarely to these board get threads that actually disprove themselves, congratulations.
Bret Baier is tolerable, but mostly all of Faux (sorry that offends you) is intolerable. The only reason I watch is to see how certain news is disseminated from different sides. Problem with Faux is too many of their shows are opinion and 98% of the viewers take it as hard news. I understand it's an entertainment channel but when you only watch that channel you end up becoming a sheep.
Nice try. They're not talking points. They're called facts. Which you're so hopelessly lost that you can't tell the difference. No one thinks for me. Can't speak

Yeah your Sun King Obama was awesome. 95 million Americans out of work or under employed. Doubling of the National debt in 8 yrs. Not a single yr out of 8 of even 3% GDP growth. First time in US history. A debacle called Obamacare. The Middle East in chaos ( ISIS) . Yup let's bitch and moan about Trump . Whose been in office 4 weeks roughly. I know it's the Russians fault....
Someone has been watching too much of that clown Hannity! By chance do you think the labor particpation rate is a good metric of people working or the "fake news" unemployment rate that Trump didn't believe until he took office?
Bret Baier is tolerable, but mostly all of Faux (sorry that offends you) is intolerable. The only reason I watch is to see how certain news is disseminated from different sides. Problem with Faux is too many of their shows are opinion and 98% of the viewers take it as hard news. I understand it's an entertainment channel but when you only watch that channel you end up becoming a sheep.
Unlike CNN which was exposed
Bret Baier is tolerable, but mostly all of Faux (sorry that offends you) is intolerable. The only reason I watch is to see how certain news is disseminated from different sides. Problem with Faux is too many of their shows are opinion and 98% of the viewers take it as hard news. I understand it's an entertainment channel but when you only watch that channel you end up becoming a sheep.
You actually understand very little. You find Fox intolerable bc it doesn't March in lock step with the rest of the MSM and sing from the same left wing hymnal that you like to listen to. A left wing media that abandoned any pretense of professionalism and journalistic integrity with the past election. CNN giving debate questions to HRC prior to a debate with Bernie Sanders. Some Writers at the NYT and Politico submitting their stories prior to publishing articles on HRC to her campaign for editing and approval. The Clinton campaign was enabled by a corrupt media to write their own articles in the press under the guise of them being authored by a supposed independent journalist. That is " Fake News". This was established through the Wikileaks email hack of John Podesta. All of which were verified and unchallenged as to their authenticity. We also learned that scores of CNN, MSNBC, ABC , CBS and other " independent journalists" went to Hillary Clinton s campaign mgr, John Podesta s home regularly for cocktails and dinner parties. Whose campaign he was managing they were " objectivley" reporting on. Come on you liberal hacks on this board who talk out of rear ends about Faux News and Trump's tweets against the media coverage of him. Almost half of the contributors to Fox News were Never Trumpers. Krauthammer, Brit Hume, Peter Hayes, Megan Kelley, George Will etc... . Was there one single pro Trump contributor on CNN or MSNBC ? Nope not 1! Yup Fox is a sham unlike the rest of the objective professional " News" media.
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Bret Baier is tolerable, but mostly all of Faux (sorry that offends you) is intolerable. The only reason I watch is to see how certain news is disseminated from different sides. Problem with Faux is too many of their shows are opinion and 98% of the viewers take it as hard news. I understand it's an entertainment channel but when you only watch that channel you end up becoming a sheep.

So it's not really Fox's programs that are the problem just the stupid people who don't know it's news? And you know they are stupid because they think differently from you. Correct? And they also lose there ability to reason. Correct?

Or do you think how that are overtly opinion shows (O'Riely, The Five,Tucker...etc) should not give opinions?
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