I have no problen with deficits , as long as they are not too large in comparison to GDP.
I think we all run deficits at some points in our lives. Student loans, home mortages, car loans,to start a business, etc. Without deficits, we could hardly ever grow or prosper.
However, as long as we keep our deficits within reason , and do not Over extend ourselves,
deficits are a good thing. As you mentioned, Reagan bringing down the Soviet Union is a perfect example.
The problen with President Obama was indeed , to say " Over extending " is an understatement.
He got our country so far into Debt , that there are not too many ways to pay it back. Of cause, we can always try devaluating the currency ( As Nixon did, by taking us off the gold standard ) ,by creating inflation, and "Easy Money " , but at zero iterest rates, and , in my opinion, an extremely over valued Stock Market, something is going to give, and it could be very painful because all our pensions, IRAs , etc. are all tied into the Stock Market.
President Trump was really dealt a pretty bad hand economically and militarily. The Military must be built back up, the infrastructure must be repared, as evident by the drinking water in Flint, and the Dam in California.
So, the President with the help of Congress, must do a balancing act between, necessary spending, Cutting waste and fraud out of existing Fed. programs, and cutting taxes to create jobs
to grow GMP.
Hopefully, he succeeds because if he doesn't, all Americans are going to suffer more than they
can even begin to imagine.