I love watching nitwit dems like yourself have coniptions over Trump.Dublin clone? Amazing how mad you guys get about Trump.
I love watching nitwit dems like yourself have coniptions over Trump.Dublin clone? Amazing how mad you guys get about Trump.
I saw a video of Trump attending the Republican National Convention in 1988. So he may have gone back and forth between the parties in his earlier days.
But many of his viewpoints, like advocating trade protectionism, aren't mainstream Republican at all. Personally, I'm not a big fan of that part of his policy. I don't think raising border taxes would be a good idea in the long run.
More enlightened commentary from the hopelessly simple minded and the willfully duped.Which law is that? The one regarding treason, freedom of the press, right to an abortion, or the one about replacing Supreme Court Justices?
Which law is that? The one regarding treason, freedom of the press, right to an abortion, or the one about replacing Supreme Court Justices?
Beach do you agree the Fed Marijuana laws should trump the CA state law?I guess I an too old. I am so surprised that people are outraged and trying to avoid enforcing existing law. I way I was raised you play by the rules and fight like hell to change them if they are wrong. Now you just campaign throw fits and refuse to obey. Well i guess it worked with mommy and daddy so why not.
Baby Pennick at it again.I love watching nitwit dems like yourself have coniptions over Trump.
Beach do you agree the Fed Marijuana laws should trump the CA state law?
Baby Pennick please find a new toy to keep you occupied.Moonbat
# Make America Great Again!Baby Pennick please find a new toy to keep you occupied.
I do too. It's all likely to blow up in their faces . It's a very tired act they're playing. I suspect on whole the country is growing weary and losing patience with their bs. They're in the their weakest political position in 100 years electoral office holders . And they beat their chests and stomp their feet that they've been wronged. Instead of shutting the hell up and figuring out how they have gone so astray. Denial it's more than a river in Egypt. 2018 could be another blood letting for the Libs, and Quest#12 . He'll no doubt be wailing with numnut NoCalBaby Pennick at it again.
I do too. It's all likely to blow up in their faces . It's a very tired act they're playing. I suspect on whole the country is growing weary and losing patience with their bs. They're in the their weakest political position in 100 years electoral office holders . And they beat their chests and stomp their feet that they've been wronged. Instead of shutting the hell up and figuring out how they have gone so astray. Denial it's more than a river in Egypt. 2018 could be another blood letting for the Libs, and Quest#12 . He'll no doubt be wailing with numnut NoCal
that Faux News manipulated the electorate with " Fake News" LOL!!
It's a dangerous game they're playing. George Soros want chaos leading to the breakdown of our political and social structure. A one world govt. NWO. In order to achieve that the United States must be brought down. That's what the last 8 yrs was all about. Change is good mantra . Transformational presidency of the community organizer from Chicago was about nothing other than a smoke screen for an accelerated attempt to make America a second rate nation. No better than any other. Obama and Hillary are all disciples of Saul Alinsky a truly evil man and avowed atheist. Mr Quest ought pull his stupid freaking head out of his ass and wake up to who he's in league with. He wrote last night that hes an Evangelical Christian abd cited Pauls 2nd letter to the Corinthians . Saul Alinsky who wrote " Rules for Radicals" . The playboy for the modern day Democrat Party. Orgainize, agitate, isolate and demonize your opponent. Saul Alinsky who dedicated his modern day " Progressive " bible to " Lucifer the first true radical". Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis at Wellesley College on Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals. That's who guys like NoCal dipshit and Mr Quest are partnering up with and aiding. What these communist wolves in sheep's clothing ( SJWs) loathe are 2 things. 1. The Constitution of the United States and it's sovereignty. 2. Christianity and the public professing of the Christian faith. . They despise Trump for Make America Great Again bc they want to make America as we've known it non existent. Tinfoil hat my ass!! It's the damn truth. These complacent arrogant idiots who spout their progressive talking points provided by their media puppeteers sicken me. Freedom costs a lot. It's not free ! Countless hv paid in blood. I don't see the majority in this country letting this country. The election of Trump against all odds demonstrated that. As they say be careful when you poke the bear.The Democrat Party, its Media serfs, and Social Justice Incorporated are all outraged because we uppity normals are again presuming to rule ourselves, and their agony is delightful. Less delightful is how, in the process of trying to claw their way back into power, they are incinerating the norms and rules that preserve our political order. That stuff Hillary babbled about honoring the legitimacy of elections? Yeah, no. There’s an invisible asterisk only liberals can see that explains that the norms and rules are void when liberals lose.
So, where does this crisis end?
We know where the leftists want it to end, with us silenced and subservient forever, toiling to pay taxes for them to redistribute to their clients as they pick at, poke at and torment us. You look at the things Trump stands for and all of them are about lifting the yoke off of us – cutting taxes, slashing regulations, guaranteeing the Second Amendment, protecting our religious liberty, and safeguarding us from terrorists and illegals. But everything liberals want, everything Hillary ran on, is about clamping the yoke ever tighter around our necks – raising taxes, issuing more regulations, disarming us, limiting our religious freedom, and putting us at risk from terrorists and alien criminals. The whole leftist platform is about putting us down and keeping us down.
The Democrat Party, its Media serfs, and Social Justice Incorporated are all outraged because we uppity normals are again presuming to rule ourselves, and their agony is delightful. Less delightful is how, in the process of trying to claw their way back into power, they are incinerating the norms and rules that preserve our political order. That stuff Hillary babbled about honoring the legitimacy of elections? Yeah, no. There’s an invisible asterisk only liberals can see that explains that the norms and rules are void when liberals lose.
So, where does this crisis end?
We know where the leftists want it to end, with us silenced and subservient forever, toiling to pay taxes for them to redistribute to their clients as they pick at, poke at and torment us. You look at the things Trump stands for and all of them are about lifting the yoke off of us – cutting taxes, slashing regulations, guaranteeing the Second Amendment, protecting our religious liberty, and safeguarding us from terrorists and illegals. But everything liberals want, everything Hillary ran on, is about clamping the yoke ever tighter around our necks – raising taxes, issuing more regulations, disarming us, limiting our religious freedom, and putting us at risk from terrorists and alien criminals. The whole leftist platform is about putting us down and keeping us down.
It's a dangerous game they're playing. George Soros want chaos leading to the breakdown of our political and social structure. A one world govt. NWO. In order to achieve that the United States must be brought down. That's what the last 8 yrs was all about. Change is good mantra . Transformational presidency of the community organizer from Chicago was about nothing other than a smoke screen for an accelerated attempt to make America a second rate nation. No better than any other. Obama and Hillary are all disciples of Saul Alinsky a truly evil man and avowed atheist. Mr Quest ought pull his stupid freaking head out of his ass and wake up to who he's in league with. He wrote last night that hes an Evangelical Christian abd cited Pauls 2nd letter to the Corinthians . Saul Alinsky who wrote " Rules for Radicals" . The playboy for the modern day Democrat Party. Orgainize, agitate, isolate and demonize your opponent. Saul Alinsky who dedicated his modern day " Progressive " bible to " Lucifer the first true radical". Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis at Wellesley College on Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals. That's who guys like NoCal dipshit and Mr Quest are partnering up with and aiding. What these communist wolves in sheep's clothing ( SJWs) loathe are 2 things. 1. The Constitution of the United States and it's sovereignty. 2. Christianity and the public professing of the Christian faith. . They despise Trump for Make America Great Again bc they want to make America as we've known it non existent. Tinfoil hat my ass!! It's the damn truth. These complacent arrogant idiots who spout their progressive talking points provided by their media puppeteers sicken me. Freedom costs a lot. It's not free ! Countless hv paid in blood. I don't see the majority in this country letting this country. The election of Trump against all odds demonstrated that. As they say be careful when you poke the bear.
All of them. If someone has commit treason they should be tried and jailed if convicted. Who committed treason and how?
Has someone illegally restricted freedom of the press? If so that is very serious. I am not aware of that. I am aware of the press being criticized which of course is part of free speech. Just as the press can criticize the President, the President can criticize the press. Or do you believe the press is protected somehow from criticism.
Abortion? Has Row v. Wade been reversed? If so I missed it. Replacing Supreme Court justices?? What law has been violated there.
Appoitment of a Justice. What law was broken and how? By whom?
I guess I need some background. If you could describe the events you are talking about and name the law violated, it would help.
I am sure your not one of those fools who simply spouts nonsense with nothing to back it up so please list the person involved, the law broken and how it was broken.
Joe Scarborough has his own show on MSNBC in the morning with Nicolle Wallace and Michael Steele as frequent guests. They are pretty evenly split between Republican and Democratic governors, senators and reps who come on the show. Bill Kristol is a frequent contributor.
CNN had loads of Trump supporters on both during the campaign and afterward.
I'm surprised by the number of people who choose to see what they want to see and only that.
Common senses tells you to be intolerant of perpressivism (promoting breaking the law)that any common American citizen would go to jail for has consequencesIt goes both ways and you know it. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are completely ridiculous at times in their arguments and utterly intolerable of seemingly anything progressive or "left".... They are all cut from the same cloth, with massive agendas that would seek to benefit the right or the left.
Can you provide a link on your abortion statistic?Dublin,
Here is a statistic that no one ever mentions ( at least I have never seen in posted )
Blacks and Hispanics ) make up 34.6 % of the population of the U S. Yet their percentages of all abortions
in the USA is a stagering 55.4 %. In my prolife view, the Liberals are encouraging this Genecide against
Minorities. It is time to stop funding Planned Parenthood ! They are an abortion mill that are encouraging
the murdering of children of all races, but especially those of minorities.
I am sick and tired of some of my fellow " Catholics " tell me that they are for " Womens' Rights "
which is nothing more a sanitized slogan for Abortion.
As far as some of the liberals on this board, they no nothing about the Evil communist Saul Alinsky
and his devil worship book, Rules for Radicals that is the bible of the Left !
" Lord forgive them, they know not what they do " .
Exactly! They want to make their lifestyle the new normal . Equality and discrimination protections are merely smoke screens for the true goal. Which is to replace theBGI,
I think and hope that Donald Trump came along at exactly the right time. I was in the process of trying to
write a post supporting your views by trying to outline how the insidious progressivism has turned our whole
educational system from learning the three r,s to devil's work shops. But as I started, I realized that they
succeeded so well, that I would have to write a book to succeed.
I watched Tucker Carlson last night and he was interviewing an advocate for Trans Genders.
funny, I was born and raised in the Little Italy section of Greenwich Village in New York. Greenwich Village
had a large gay community even back in the 1930s and 1940s. There was no friction, no one hated them,
and everyone understood that their way of life that was certainly not the Norm, however, we and they lived in harmony and no one thought much about it either way.
As I watched Tucker last night the women went on about why, we all had to change the way the majority lived and believed to accommodate Trasgender people ?
I think that I am certainly tolerant to to all people and understanding of their psychological and physical
problems, but to tell the vast, overwhelming majority of people that they must change their moral and religious and social believes to accomodate soneone elses abnormal life style is the Tail waging the dog.
Margaret Sanger the patron saint of abortion in this country and founder of Planned Parenthood was an avowed racist and eugenicist. Eugenics the scientific process of improving the population s gene pool through scientific breeding of the more " desirable " population ie whites and limiting the population growth of less desirable population ie Blacks. That is the founding principle and motivation behind the creation of Planned Parenthood. Margaret Sanger in her own words and books stated this motivation to bring abortion to the minority population as a way to improve the overall gene pool quite clearly. So to speak in Black & White. She was a wealthy white "WASP" from NYC. This is why you find Planned Parenthood centers almost always in the inner cities in predominantly minority population areas. It's not by accident that they're located there but by original design. Abortion in this country provided by the largest provider Planned Parenthood has been a program of racial genocide. This is the " compassion " that White Liberals have been providing the Black community for many decades. The liberals with their good intentions wanted to help the African American community kill their own children thru easy , affordable and convenient access to abortion in their communities. They hv been incredibly successful at it. The motivating philosophy behind Planned Parenthood from get go was Racial Genocide. Now we know Planned Parenthood has created a business out of selling fetal body parts ( dead babies) . And they receive Federal tax dollars. Meaning you and I pay this Satanic organization with our own money without our consent . The " Progressives " ( SJW s) believe compassion begins in the womb thru govt assisted murder. All the way up until the moment of birth where " choice" and law allows an abortionist to suck the soon to be born babies brains out . That's what compassion is all about.Dublin,
Here is a statistic that no one ever mentions ( at least I have never seen in posted )
Blacks and Hispanics ) make up 34.6 % of the population of the U S. Yet their percentages of all abortions
in the USA is a stagering 55.4 %. In my prolife view, the Liberals are encouraging this Genecide against
Minorities. It is time to stop funding Planned Parenthood ! They are an abortion mill that are encouraging
the murdering of children of all races, but especially those of minorities.
I am sick and tired of some of my fellow " Catholics " tell me that they are for " Womens' Rights "
which is nothing more a sanitized slogan for Abortion.
As far as some of the liberals on this board, they no nothing about the Evil communist Saul Alinsky
and his devil worship book, Rules for Radicals that is the bible of the Left !
" Lord forgive them, they know not what they do " .
Here is a statistic that no one ever mentions ( at least I have never seen in posted )
Blacks and Hispanics ) make up 34.6 % of the population of the U S. Yet their percentages of all abortions
in the USA is a stagering 55.4 %. In my prolife view, the Liberals are encouraging this Genecide against
Minorities. It is time to stop funding Planned Parenthood ! They are an abortion mill that are encouraging
the murdering of children of all races, but especially those of minorities.
I am sick and tired of some of my fellow " Catholics " tell me that they are for " Womens' Rights "
which is nothing more a sanitized slogan for Abortion.
As far as some of the liberals on this board, they no nothing about the Evil communist Saul Alinsky
and his devil worship book, Rules for Radicals that is the bible of the Left !
" Lord forgive them, they know not what they do " .
UOJ has a law school if you need education or you could watch MSNBC if you would really like to learn the truth about comrade Trumpsky and his treasonous actions.All of them. If someone has commit treason they should be tried and jailed if convicted. Who committed treason and how?
Has someone illegally restricted freedom of the press? If so that is very serious. I am not aware of that. I am aware of the press being criticized which of course is part of free speech. Just as the press can criticize the President, the President can criticize the press. Or do you believe the press is protected somehow from criticism.
Abortion? Has Row v. Wade been reversed? If so I missed it. Replacing Supreme Court justices?? What law has been violated there.
Appoitment of a Justice. What law was broken and how? By whom?
I guess I need some background. If you could describe the events you are talking about and name the law violated, it would help.
I am sure your not one of those fools who simply spouts nonsense with nothing to back it up so please list the person involved, the law broken and how it was broken.
UOJ has a law school if you need education or you could watch MSNBC if you would really like to learn the truth about comrade Trumpsky and his treasonous actions.
I'll go with both . That he knows he's spouting nonsense and that regardless he'll reply anyway. Hasn't stopped him bf. I'll go with any of the following words will be used in his reply. 1. Comrade. 2. Trumsky. 3. Faux News.I am an attorney. Trying to figure how you claim some laws have been violated in these areas. I am guessing by your deflection that you have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe I am wrong. If so, please list the law violated, the person breaking the law and what they did to break it. If you were just spouting nonsense, no reason to reply.
Dumblin even uses alternative spellings to go with his alternative facts. Correct spelling is "programmed" - two Ms. His spelling is a left behind version from the sixties. Interesting "tell."Doublin,
Don't forget he is also "Progamed" to press number 4 , and he will repeat the whole first 3 talking points that fit in his little Programed Robotic Mind.
There are a few other liberal Robots out there that can fit at least 4 talkings points in their Little Robotic minds, but they are very rare!
Yeah interesting " tell " but that wasn't my post. Teacher... if the best you got is spelling and syntax you're on pretty weak ground. instead of utilizing diversion why don't you point out the " the alernative facts"Dumblin even uses alternative spellings to go with his alternative facts. Correct spelling is "programmed" - two Ms. His spelling is a left behind version from the sixties. Interesting "tell."
You're a CLOWN! Try to hv an original thought if that's poss. Re. my use of " alternative facts" I'm still waiting. ... FAIL!My apologies, Dumblin. Hard to "tell" you and your comrades apart sometimes. You all echo the same talking points.
Look that's fine. But it would be more accurate to state that you would prefer to leave yourself to your own beliefs. Rather than confront the facts. Facts are not " so called facts". They are either fact ie Truth or they are false statements / opinion. If you or some of the other liberal posters on here can be specific about which facts I've mentioned are incorrect and how . I'd be more than willing to admit my error. You're free to believe and say anything you wish but to have credibility you should have some substance behind the statements. Not just recite ad hominen attacks like Comrade, Trumpsky , Faux News etc. That's what demagogues do.Dublin, You believe in your so-called facts. I do not. I leave you to your own beliefs.
Only an uneducated, uninformed and ignorant person would post such nonsense. Anything you do not agree with is now fake news. As comedian Don White said, "You can't fix stupid."Fox News has many strong conservative host but also a few that spread very fake news like the Russian nonsense and the President using 100,000 National Guard to round up criminal illegal alliens. I watch Fox and Friends & America's News Room in the morning and Hannity at nine PM. I get a big kick of of Judge what's her name and Watter's World also. I never waste my time on the many very fake news outlets like CNN and others.
Like a reflection in a mirror, you accurately portray a reversed image of your self. Your assumptions of me are wrong, but I feel no need to argue with you. It is a waste of time.Look that's fine. But it would be more accurate to state that you would prefer to leave yourself to your own beliefs. Rather than confront the facts. Facts are not " so called facts". They are either fact ie Truth or they are false statements / opinion. If you or some of the other liberal posters on here can be specific about which facts I've mentioned are incorrect and how . I'd be more than willing to admit my error. You're free to believe and say anything you wish but to have credibility you should have some substance behind the statements. Not just recite ad hominen attacks like Comrade, Trumpsky , Faux News etc. That's what demagogues do.
Only an uneducated, uninformed and ignorant person would post such nonsense. Anything you do not agree with is now fake news. As comedian Don White said, "You can't fix stupid."
ALike a reflection in a mirror, you accurately portray a reversed image of your self. Your assumptions of me are wrong, but I feel no need to argue with you. It is a waste of time.
BTW: I've never seen you admit any error. Please show me a time you did on a key issue or belief.
iALike a reflection in a mirror, you accurately portray a reversed image of your self. Your assumptions of me are wrong, but I feel no need to argue with you. It is a waste of time.
BTW: I've never seen you admit any error. Please show me a time you did on a key issue or belief.
sorry if I've frustrated you but I don't claim infallibility or perfection. And I like to learn. I hvnt admitted error re. the facts I've mentioned bc well they're facts! Established facts. Why would I say otherwise just to please you and the other liberal posters here. You can be liberal all you want but your not entitled to your " own " facts. If you and the others were intellectually honest or not lazy you'd do a little research to verify or debunk what you call my " so called facts". I've watched many other posters challenge you liberal guys to substantiate the claims you make over past few days. Claims like Trump will be tried for treason etc... only not to see one time where one of you guys even attempts to respond with a substantive answer. The typical response is " it's a waste of time", comrade, Faux News or we're angry . It speaks volumes and shows the total weakness of the bs you guys spew. Pretty Pathetic. And you're right it is a waste of time.Like a reflection in a mirror, you accurately portray a reversed image of your self. Your assumptions of me are wrong, but I feel no need to argue with you. It is a waste of time.
BTW: I've never seen you admit any error. Please show me a time you did on a key issue or belief.
That's called Fair and BalancedShepard calls Trump a liar and Wallace defends media against Trump attacks. Pigs fly!
Jesus Christ is laughing his ass off at themLIBTARD Witches Unite to Cast ‘Binding Spell’ on Trump and Followers
by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.24 Feb 20171358
The mass ritual will allegedly be repeated again March 26, April 24, May 23, June 21 (the summer solstice), July 21, and August 19.
The spell also invokes evil on “those who abet” Trump, which would seem to appear to cover his staff and political nominees, and perhaps the millions who voted for him as well.
Just a heads up.
I'm a california born and bred liberal. I voted for President Obama twice. I attended his inaugaration.
I voted this year for President Donald J Trump. And I'm loving every minute of it.
The current Democratic party does not represent liberalism. They represent globalism, big banks, cheap labor, and wars to create more refugees.
I believe our president is a dyed in the wool NY liberal. Old school liberal. Old school conservative fiscally. Same as me.
Go Irish!