OT: Trump Truth

DIP... I am more disappointed in Trump's lack of involvement in this debate, than I am in the actions of the moderate Republicans. I think there is an opportunity to do something really meaningful and long lasting in this area, but it requires Execustive leadership from Trump. Let's deal with reality. Obamacare has moved the needle in American expectations for healthcare: we generally think everyone should have access to affordable healthcare, those less fortunate should have government help with the premiums, pre existing conditions should not preclude affordable coverage, and insurance companies shouldn't receive huge government subsidies to participate. We also don't like the individual mandate or the employer mandates or the prescriptive level of insurance coverage. Most of us are ignorant of the extent to which Obamacare expanded Medicaid to the working poor for the twenty or so States that chose to accept this, but this is a real budget killer and the States that opted for the expansion are NEVER going to support reform that cuts the federal bucks to them for this.
I'm probably in the minority of those who post here, but I would like to see Trump propose a radical new approach. Something along the lines of:
1. Allow insurance companies to offer whatever mix of benefits and costs they want. Do Not require coverage for pre existing conditions or removal of coverage caps, etc... in other words, allow insurance to work as insurance like it is supposed to in a market economy.
2. Allow insurance companies to sell across state lines, but also require that they create exchanges that offer group rates to individuals. This should be left to them to decide how to bundle geography or industry, etc...
3. Provide a Public Option ( the liberals holy grail for a single payer system ) that anyone can buy, patterned after Medicare for seniors except for requiring some level of co pays and deductibles, that covers pre existing conditions and operates without a cap, etc...
4. The Public Option has to be self funded and premiums adjusted annually just like the private sector insurance companies. Government assistance for the premiums will be provided on a needs based system.
5. Everyone would be required to have health insurance. Employers would be required to collect the premiums under either option. For those opting for the public Option, premiums would be deducted from their pay as part of the payroll taxes currently deducted.
6. Employers would be required to offer insurance, whether through private insurance companies or through the Public Option or through the exchanges, and those decisions will be part of the benefits package they offer to compete for the best employees.

The Public Option would be loved by the Dems, and hated by the Repubs, and safeguards would have to be placed to ensure it is self funded by premiums (some with government assistance) and essentially compete in the market place. For those who argue this is the first step to socialized medicine, I would argue that we are long past that and Medicaid and Medicare are already servicing a significant portion of our population. Our private sector insurance companies should thrive under a free market environment. This would not be inexpensive, that is the government assistance for the needy, but the reality is we are already spending huge amounts of resources in a very inefficient hybrid approach that ruins the efficiencies of a market economy approach; and I personally think it is good public policy to ensure healthcare for everyone.

My last thought is for Trump to be the deal maker he is, and put something like this together, but add in a huge kicker for conservatives, and that would be to offer this in conjunction with a school choice voucher system. There are aspect of this for liberals and conservatives to love and hate equally. I appreciate this is a very complicated issue with deep felt principles at play,, and that's why someone like Trump can in fact make a difference if he steps in and presents a compelling alternative that has cross Party likes and dislikes, and then use the bully pulpit to sell his program to he Public. Sorry for the rant!

Abe Lincoln couldn't move this Congress in any direction
These Democrats in Congress will not move away from their do you deal with that?

These Moderates are liers. When push comes to shove they failed on their campaign promises. They are part of the big government problem. How can you be reasonable with that they are part of the swamp?

There is little difference between the two.
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Yes, please let me know the connection between Guantanamo Bay and our country's health care.

If you can't see the parity between the difficulty President Obama had trying to close GITMO, and president Trump trying to change healthcare then I can't help you

Just keep bitching about the now and forget how we got here
That's the same mantra the Democrats will try to use the next election but the public remembers why we are in a situation now.

The moderates will pay the price.
- Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba.
- Cuba provides health care to all its citizens.
- Cuba spends about $800 per person on care.
- The U.S. spends over $9,000 per person.
- Cuba's life expectancy is identical to the U.S.

He may be onto something.

Have you ever been to Cuba because I have dozens of times. They don't even like their healthcare. I've spoken to those who work on base.

Please keep preaching this though. It will ensure the liberal will never see power again.
When Obama got unemployment to under 5%, Trump called the numbers "fake" and suggested unemployment may be as high as 42%.

Now, Trump is bragging about the unemployment rate, using the same numbers he previously claimed were "fake."

Not a lot of integrity.
That started long before 44 took office.
The numbers are fake in terms of what most Americans would expect these to report. The hidden issue is and always has been the DOL methodology for calculating the unemployment rate. In their monthly survey, they ask if you are working, and if not, they ask if you are looking for work. If you answer you are not looking for whatever reason (like there are no jobs), you are not considered unemployed. In periods of a recession or anemic recovery, the real unemployment rate is MUCH higher than reported. However, no President has been interested in changing this for obvious reasons. The time to do so would be when we are at full employment with a robust economy and rising wages. We're not there yet.
You guys tired of all this "winning"? At least the pen that signed all those executive orders has "won" soenthing.
Any one with a 401k should be pleased

Illegal boarder crossing down but I can't find much on those over staying their visas

Tax reform needs to get done
Are you willing to admit the rhetoric Trump talked about being a deal maker and things being so easy to accomplish is BS?
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The market may have set records over President Obama eight years, but the pace of the economic recovery remains frustratingly slow for many Americans -- and that helped fuel Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton.

Does Obama deserve credit for the genius of the late Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg for market moves?

I'm sure president Trump will face the same music if people ives are not more prosperous
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But Trump and Trump alone can fix it. Didn't he say that or am I imagining things?

Yes, that is what he said. And with health care, he said he would give better care that would cost less. And it would be very easy.

Not a truthful guy, Trump. Or honest, modest, mature, decent. Or any trait we preach to our children.
Please tell me which president has never mis spoke, or do those rule only apply to President Trump?
Well let's correct one issue. Trump all out lies, so you can try to soften it by saying misspeaking but we know the difference. Secondly, knowing he's a bold face liar you try to defend his BS by the quote you used. Therefore you are trying to defend Trump the liar. Does this all make sense or do we need to keep going round for round?

Now I'll stop and wait for the crafty folks who want to use the you can keep your doctor line in 3,2,1...
Well let's correct one issue. Trump all out lies, so you can try to soften it by saying misspeaking but we know the difference. Secondly, knowing he's a bold face liar you try to defend his BS by the quote you used. Therefore you are trying to defend Trump the liar. Does this all make sense or do we need to keep going round for round?

Now I'll stop and wait for the crafty folks who want to use the you can keep your doctor line in 3,2,1...

That was a jem wasn't it, but :

1) "reality, there are five times more black men enrolled in colleges and universities than young black men in federal and state prisons — and two and half times the total number incarcerated (including local jails"

2) "We signed into law the biggest middle class tax cut in history"

3) "90 % of the deficit is due to GWB policies."

4) "Here’s what happened … You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who — who made an extremely offensive video directed at — at Mohammed and Islam … making fun of the Prophet Muhammad. And so, this caused great offense in much of the Muslim world. But what also happened, extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya"

5) President Obama falsely claimed that the Fast and Furious program began under President George W. Bush.

Let me know if you need more
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Comrade Trumpsky will go down in history as the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold. The fake president is a liar, a racist, a sexist pervert and a moron with fake hair and little hands.
That was a jem wasn't it, but :

1) "reality, there are five times more black men enrolled in colleges and universities than young black men in federal and state prisons — and two and half times the total number incarcerated (including local jails"

2) "We signed into law the biggest middle class tax cut in history"

3) "90 % of the deficit is due to GWB policies."

4) "Here’s what happened … You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who — who made an extremely offensive video directed at — at Mohammed and Islam … making fun of the Prophet Muhammad. And so, this caused great offense in much of the Muslim world. But what also happened, extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya"

5) President Obama falsely claimed that the Fast and Furious program began under President George W. Bush.

Let me know if you need more
DIP, is there not a pang of guilt as you keep typing defending such a bold faced liar?
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