OT: Trump Truth

Dip if they previous president did have the shit this clown has you would be screaming from the roof tops. The Republicans hypocrisy is off the charts. Don the con is a grifter. Turn off fox news your eyes will he opened
Just a few point:
The stock market is and was extremely over valued with price earning ratios through the roof.
We were certain to have a big correction or even a Bear Markek. The Fed just gave the market the push it needed To have the correction.
Trump does a lot of things that I do not not like, but they are usually minor things and have more to do with personality than with policy.
The wall must be built as Obama , Schumer, and Many other Democrats said who were for the wall
Before they were against it.
Lower taxes are always good.
Cutting trade barriers were long over due if nations are to really have Free Trade.
Pulling our Troops out of other parts of the world is long over due, South Korea and NATO
Should now start spending their oun treasury and ,if necessary, their own blood. The USA
Has carried that burden for far too long.
Immigration reform must be done.
Prision reform as well.
Health Care is something that should be bipartisan
Those are just a few of the policies that President Trump has accomplished or is trying to accomplish.
Please look at what the man is doing to really make America better for all of us, rather than look
At the the President’s personality traits that seem to annoy some people on both sides of the isle.
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"Lower taxes are always good"

-Unless your government is operating in the red. Then they will eventually lead to collapse.

Entitlements comprise 71 % of the Federal Budget.

Tinkering with the other 29 % will have little impact.

Spending has to be controlled, if not, the Government’s thirst for revenue will be unquenchable !
If you ever wondered how the Germans could have supported Hitler just look at a Trump supporter

Actually, it was the control of the one sided media under the authority of Goebbles that led to the rise and support of Hitler, much like the one sided overwhelming support of the anti-Trump movement today.
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The government may shut down because of border wall, and infrastructure is crumbling all around us with no solution in sight, 25 billion for road, bridges, air ports etc. would be a nice start. Boarder wall, as the stable genius has stated is more important.
Oddly the border wall issue isn't even about the border wall. It's purely about not wanting Trump to score a political victory, and hoping to blame a shutdown on Trump. Many of the current Dems who are dead set on not funding the wall have supported a border wall or fence in the past, and are on record of doing so. And I'm not talking 10 or 20 years ago, I'm talking about during the Obama era. Now all of a sudden a wall is a moral issue? Really?
How many times did the Fed raise the rates during the Obama administration?
Uhm??? Why would the fed raise rates with double digit unemployment, no growth, a housing meltdown , stock market crash and a financial collapse that was the worse since the Great Depression. Obama was dealt a horrible hand whether you liked him or not this was the reality.
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Actually, it was the control of the one sided media under the authority of Goebbles that led to the rise and support of Hitler, much like the one sided overwhelming support of the anti-Trump movement today.
It’s a convenient message the right likes to deliver but Trump still has a 38% base and there are many right wing publications, radio show , cable channels all genuflecting to him. So one sided? Overwhelming support? What exactly does that mean to you? If the president says something and it is reported on does that make the news outlet anti trump? Trump creates his own problems, he says things that are false and gets called out on it. He insults people, ( sometimes crippled people), he lies—-frequently, he exaggerates, he denigrates our strongest allies. He ignores experienced advisors and takes council from his daughter and son in law.
It’s a convenient message the right likes to deliver but Trump still has a 38% base and there are many right wing publications, radio show , cable channels all genuflecting to him. So one sided? Overwhelming support? What exactly does that mean to you? If the president says something and it is reported on does that make the news outlet anti trump? Trump creates his own problems, he says things that are false and gets called out on it. He insults people, ( sometimes crippled people), he lies—-frequently, he exaggerates, he denigrates our strongest allies. He ignores experienced advisors and takes council from his daughter and son in law.
Tired of Winning?
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Dip if they previous president did have the shit this clown has you would be screaming from the roof tops. The Republicans hypocrisy is off the charts. Don the con is a grifter. Turn off fox news your eyes will he opened

You mean like
weaponizing the IRS, and the DOJ against his political rivals?
Destroying the healthcare system?
Destabilizing the middle east?
Colluding in foreign elections?
Spying on millions of Americans?
Blowing the US debut to point of most no return?
Giveing a terrorist nation that encourages death to America an outrageous amount of money all the while not giving American families any of the money ti the services personnel killed in Beirut?
I can go on if you need more.
President Trump has not come close to any of these misdeeds

These are facts and if what ever news organizations you listening to/reading are not informing you of these facts maybe you you find a different source.
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Uhm??? Why would the fed raise rates with double digit unemployment, no growth, a housing meltdown , stock market crash and a financial collapse that was the worse since the Great Depression. Obama was dealt a horrible hand whether you liked him or not this was the reality.
Yes he was but he did himself no favors with his policies but thank you for giving president Trump credit for fixing the economy
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"Lower taxes are always good"

-Unless your government is operating in the red. Then they will eventually lead to collapse.
The economy has taken off to lower taxes
There are still corruption with billions of dollars going to non Americans that can go to paying down the debt crisis president Obama put this nation in
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The economy has taken off fo to lower taxes
There are still corruption with billions of dollars going to non Americans that can go to paying down the debt crisis president Obama put this nation in

The "taking off economy" is entering recession territory.
Yes he was but he did himself no favors with his policies but thank you for giving president Trump credit for fixing the economy
You may want to reread. What exactly has trump done to “ fix” the economy? Your celebration may be a bit premature deadirish.
The "taking off economy" is entering recession territory.
It is concerning I agree, but eventually someone had to take on the unfair trade practices by our so called allies, and confront China on so many levels
The markets reactions are driving this.
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It’s a convenient message the right likes to deliver but Trump still has a 38% base and there are many right wing publications, radio show , cable channels all genuflecting to him. So one sided? Overwhelming support? What exactly does that mean to you? If the president says something and it is reported on does that make the news outlet anti trump? Trump creates his own problems, he says things that are false and gets called out on it. He insults people, ( sometimes crippled people), he lies—-frequently, he exaggerates, he denigrates our strongest allies. He ignores experienced advisors and takes council from his daughter and son in law.
Yes president Trump does himself no favors and he does exaggerates..... often, but his "lies" were not as misleading as his predecessors
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Lowered taxes and got rid of ridiculous regulations for starter
but what did lowering of taxes accomplish? It increased the debt to 21t and .87 on the dollar went to the wealthy. Now most economists are looking for lower growth next year. This was an injection of steroids when we should be paying down our debt in a period of expansion If it weren’t for the Chinese buying our debt we maybe faced with much higher interest rates——oh wait, stay tuned that could happen. I give the fed most of the credit for getting us out of the worst recession since the depression and not Obama. Trump caught the tail end of that and juiced things up with his tax cut but with the negative of adding to the national debt. At some point that debt has to be paid back and as Trump is well aware he won’t be around to deal with it
There is a truth that both political parties just don,t get or don’t want to get and that is tha the stock market
Is just about independent of politics.
Markets have a life of their own and follow a cycle that they have followed for centuries.
Starting from a bottom stocks get extremely undervalued and.investors are extremely pessimistic, the news is pessimistic, brokerage reports are negative, and gloom and doom is everywhere.
At that point company insiders who know the value of their companies, it’s products, and its markets,
Start to buy their company’s share trying not to tip their hands buy trying to keep their stock price low so they. Can accumulate a large number of shares at bargain basement prices, smart investors also try to accumulate stocks in the same manner.
Eventually as the supply of available stock decreases, these insiders are forced to accumulate
More shares at ever , but-slightly , increasing prices.
As more and more investors notice that the market is starting to firm up and prices are beginning to rise,more and people start entering the market, pushing prices higher, the news gets more and more positive Causing prices to rise further. This move up is orderly with few wild swings.
After a few years of this now Bull Market, the news is printing fantastic stories about new technology, stocks start to sky rocket, their is euphoria, and people are buying “ Any old thing with a good story”
Eventually the market peaks out and stocks get so over valued that stocks start to fall.
Some start to drop dramatically a few at a time, the list gets bigger and the drops get sharper.
The Bull is tired and the Bear is strong and Down we go until the Bear cycle plays our !
Market Cycles are neither Republican or Democrat, they are based upon simply supply and demand,
Investor sentiment, and the actual value of the Stock market in general.
Nothing political about Stock Markets !
but what did lowering of taxes accomplish? It increased the debt to 21t and .87 on the dollar went to the wealthy. Now most economists are looking for lower growth next year. This was an injection of steroids when we should be paying down our debt in a period of expansion If it weren’t for the Chinese buying our debt we maybe faced with much higher interest rates——oh wait, stay tuned that could happen. I give the fed most of the credit for getting us out of the worst recession since the depression and not Obama. Trump caught the tail end of that and juiced things up with his tax cut but with the negative of adding to the national debt. At some point that debt has to be paid back and as Trump is well aware he won’t be around to deal with it

Lower taxes didnt increase the debt. The fed is bring more money then ever before, but funding programs that are not necessary, at this point are counter productive. The fed market economies did this but president Obama policies led to the weakest recovery since before WW II. Combine that with what
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did it was a recipe for disaster
China bought the dept, and politicians gave them cover to steal intellectual property w/o consequence. They manipulate their currency. They are bad actors and the biggest threat to this country. ..not Russia
Now librals want single payer and free college tuitions
You add burden of illegal immigrants to our social structure taking in more then they give makes paying down the debt even more difficult.

As far as most economists they have been singing the blues since Trumps election

The Freedom Caucus has been saying fiscal responsibility is the key to fixing our debt issues for years

Both the democratic and republican lead congress have proven they are clueless.
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There is a truth that both political parties just don,t get or don’t want to get and that is tha the stock market
Is just about independent of politics.
Markets have a life of their own and follow a cycle that they have followed for centuries.
Starting from a bottom stocks get extremely undervalued and.investors are extremely pessimistic, the news is pessimistic, brokerage reports are negative, and gloom and doom is everywhere.
At that point company insiders who know the value of their companies, it’s products, and its markets,
Start to buy their company’s share trying not to tip their hands buy trying to keep their stock price low so they. Can accumulate a large number of shares at bargain basement prices, smart investors also try to accumulate stocks in the same manner.
Eventually as the supply of available stock decreases, these insiders are forced to accumulate
More shares at ever , but-slightly , increasing prices.
As more and more investors notice that the market is starting to firm up and prices are beginning to rise,more and people start entering the market, pushing prices higher, the news gets more and more positive Causing prices to rise further. This move up is orderly with few wild swings.
After a few years of this now Bull Market, the news is printing fantastic stories about new technology, stocks start to sky rocket, their is euphoria, and people are buying “ Any old thing with a good story”
Eventually the market peaks out and stocks get so over valued that stocks start to fall.
Some start to drop dramatically a few at a time, the list gets bigger and the drops get sharper.
The Bull is tired and the Bear is strong and Down we go until the Bear cycle plays our !
Market Cycles are neither Republican or Democrat, they are based upon simply supply and demand,
Investor sentiment, and the actual value of the Stock market in general.
Nothing political about Stock Markets !
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How do you know when Trump is telling the truth?

Serious question for Trump supporters.

I can't figure it out. I know most of his policy goals, but his twits are all over the place. His staff gives a variety of interpretations of what he says. Then the story changes again. Hard to follow.

Please provide some guidance.

We have this continual back and forth about what is or isn't true. Help us out.
The question was about TRUMP.
Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall.

Just another promise made, promise broken, I guess.
Well Mexico indirectly is paying for the wall. For every job that was lost because of the trade imbalances, and the tax issues that forced companies to go to Mexico, those jobs that are now in United States created situations where people are now paid a wage, and that individual is paying taxes, that's a win for United States, and some of that money in the form of collected taxes does go to pay for the wall.
Well Mexico indirectly is paying for the wall. For every job that was lost because of the trade imbalances, and the tax issues that forced companies to go to Mexico, those jobs that are now in United States created situations where people are now paid a wage, and that individual is paying taxes, that's a win for United States, and some of that money in the form of collected taxes does go to pay for the wall.

You’re a loyal sheep.

Who’s going to pay for the wall? “Mexico indirectly.”
That’s hilarious.
Well Mexico indirectly is paying for the wall. For every job that was lost because of the trade imbalances, and the tax issues that forced companies to go to Mexico, those jobs that are now in United States created situations where people are now paid a wage, and that individual is paying taxes, that's a win for United States, and some of that money in the form of collected taxes does go to pay for the wall.

no, they're not - the only people saying that are Trump and the people who parrot everything he says... it was a classic Trump blowhard moment - what sounds better than building a wall? Making Mexico pay for it! boy, that Trump is tough!

which company moved jobs from Mexico back to the United States? I see automakers cutting jobs, have you heard something different? they sure as hell aren't closing plants in Mexico where they pay a guy $150 a week to work on an assembly line to open them back up in the US and pay the same position $100K plus benefits... that ship sailed 30 years ago...
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no, they're not - the only people saying that are Trump and the people who parrot everything he says... it was a classic Trump blowhard moment - what sounds better than building a wall? Making Mexico pay for it! boy, that Trump is tough!

which company moved jobs from Mexico back to the United States? I see automakers cutting jobs, have you heard something different? they sure as hell aren't closing plants in Mexico where they pay a guy $150 a week to work on an assembly line to open them back up in the US and pay the same position $100K plus benefits... that ship sailed 30 years ago...
If you're referring to General Motors, they we're changing their way of doing business, in those cuts were already set in motion it has nothing to do with Mexico or the United States. The focusing on a different aspect of their company. It'd be nice if you read the news.
no, they're not - the only people saying that are Trump and the people who parrot everything he says... it was a classic Trump blowhard moment - what sounds better than building a wall? Making Mexico pay for it! boy, that Trump is tough!

which company moved jobs from Mexico back to the United States? I see automakers cutting jobs, have you heard something different? they sure as hell aren't closing plants in Mexico where they pay a guy $150 a week to work on an assembly line to open them back up in the US and pay the same position $100K plus benefits... that ship sailed 30 years ago...
Apparently you're on happy that Trump got elected. Suck it up
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If you're referring to General Motors, they we're changing their way of doing business, in those cuts were already set in motion it has nothing to do with Mexico or the United States. The focusing on a different aspect of their company. It'd be nice if you read the news.

you didn't answer my question - what jobs have moved back to the US from Mexico?
You obviously don't know how Economics work. Not a loyal sheep, just one who understands economics and business.

You obviously are clueless. Trump repeatedly said Mexico will pay for this wall. Now, that has been proven to just be a campaign message to fool his clueless sheep, the message becomes “indirectly.” Yep hilarious.
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not the only one - what's his approval rating, 40%? lost the most seats in the house since Watergate, didn't he?
Your are stoned under the Obama administration the Democrats were losing the house Senate governorships
A turn over is normal yet the Republicans added to the Senate mostly due to Trump' that was not normal.
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but what did lowering of taxes accomplish? It increased the debt to 21t and .87 on the dollar went to the wealthy. Now most economists are looking for lower growth next year. This was an injection of steroids when we should be paying down our debt in a period of expansion If it weren’t for the Chinese buying our debt we maybe faced with much higher interest rates——oh wait, stay tuned that could happen. I give the fed most of the credit for getting us out of the worst recession since the depression and not Obama. Trump caught the tail end of that and juiced things up with his tax cut but with the negative of adding to the national debt. At some point that debt has to be paid back and as Trump is well aware he won’t be around to deal with it
If tax revenue rises, how does a tax cut add to the debt? It only does so if you make a faulty assumption, which many do. You assume the same level of taxable revenue, and then apply the old pre-cut tax metrics to it. Then you say, if we had not cut taxes we'd have X amount more tax revenue, so we added that much to the debt. That fails to recognize the amount of additional taxable revenue that is related to the tax cut, which is the reason behind the tax cut in the first place.
not the only one - what's his approval rating, 40%? lost the most seats in the house since Watergate, didn't he?
Based on the history of similar party power dynamics, Reps should have lost even more House seats and should have also lost the senate. So I wouldn't treat the 2018 midterm elections as some kind of Dem victory or mandate.
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Based on the history of similar party power dynamics, Reps should have lost even more House seats and should have also lost the senate. So I wouldn't treat the 2018 midterm elections as some kind of Dem victory or mandate.

Interesting. You and trump may be the only ones buying this.
Based on the history of similar party power dynamics, Reps should have lost even more House seats and should have also lost the senate. So I wouldn't treat the 2018 midterm elections as some kind of Dem victory or mandate.

there were basically only deep-red senate seats up for election - no one expected the dems to win the senate (even the "fake news")... there was actually a question as to whether the dems would win the house - the answer was a resounding "yes"... 23 seats needed, 40 gained, the most since 1974... I don't see how you can spin that as anything but an ass whooping directed at Trump...
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