Sadly very little in this case, but what you are proposing would not have prevented this.
More to come. It's yet to be determined what could have prevented it. What we do know is that keeping the gun laws the same absolutely does not prevent it.
Sadly very little in this case, but what you are proposing would not have prevented this.
More to come. It's yet to be determined what could have prevented it. What we do know is that keeping the gun laws the same absolutely does not prevent it.
He could certainly buy them at a gun show in some placesMost people believe the propaganda that OJ can go into Wal-Mart tomorrow and by 5 uzi's.
You are correct you cannot own a scud missileThe Second Amendment gives the Militia the "well regulated" right to keep and bear arms.
The SCOTUS has clearly stated that some regulations are well within the right of discussion, but the NRA stifles any action by buying off both parties.
You are absolutely wrong to jump on the Second Menddement as some unconditional right to have any weapon you desire.
The Second Amendment gives the Militia the "well regulated" right to keep and bear arms.
The SCOTUS has clearly stated that some regulations are well within the right of discussion, but the NRA stifles any action by buying off both parties.
You are absolutely wrong to jump on the Second Menddement as some unconditional right to have any weapon you desire.
I'm all for making these kinds of guns illegal and from what I understand they are in many states. but anybody who thinks this man or any who think like him would have been deterred by a gun law is silly.
The guy was spraying bullets into a crowd of 20k, the law wasn't on his mind. Furthermore, id bet the guns used in Chicago everyday were obtained illegally.
Don't blame the tool, people are making decisions to murder. we see in Europe where cars, knives have been used and airplanes on our soil. To think stricter gun laws will deter these acts doesn't add up to me.
What gun laws would that be ? I am curious what ideas you have that would have stopped the massacre at sandy hook ?The gun at Sandy Hook were bought it was legal and that animal used that gun to kill his mother, who bought the gun, and 26 innocent people. Gun laws could have prevented this, but we do nothing!
How many people did the guy kill with the truck in 20 seconds? So now you are arguing what length of time is better or worse with whatever weapon? You can't cure crazy my friend........EVER.No one thinks it will stop them completely. What it would do is prevent mass murder in a very short amount of time.
Again, please let me know when a single guy with a knife kills 58 people and injures another 500 in 10 mins.
Sandy Hook brought everyone together. A large majority of Americans wanting changes to gun control laws. Congress did nothing.
A single /guy /married guy/any guy with a truck, or van can do considerable amount of damage and harm should we ban them to?No one thinks it will stop them completely. What it would do is prevent mass murder in a very short amount of time.
Again, please let me know when a single guy with a knife kills 58 people and injures another 500 in 10 mins.
Chicago and Mexico have the strictest gun laws in the world. They're still the deadliest places in the world outside of war torn Syria.
A single /guy /married guy/any guy with a truck, or van can do considerable amount of damage and harm should we ban them to?
Why wouldn't anybody? Honest question.Part of why congress is at a 9% approval rating right now.
We can find a way to meet halfway, IMO. We don't need a Hillary America where hunters and women that live alone are stripped of their 2nd-A rights. But I don't want to live in an NRA America where average Joe is allowed to buy 10+ AK-47's and millions of bullets. Seriously, why does any single person not in law enforcement need that kind of artillery?
Are those mass shootings done by Americans legally allowed to carry the particular firearm in the mass shootings?There's a mass shooting 5 out of every 6 days in the US. What does the trucks plowing into people stats look like?
But I don't want to live in an NRA America where average Joe is allowed to buy 10+ AK-47's and millions of bullets. Seriously, why does any single person not in law enforcement need that kind of artillery?
Why wouldn't anybody? Honest question.
Because they don't trust themselves?
First of all you just cannot own any kind of artillery.
I have 2 gun safe. I enjoy a wide range of firearms. From black powder to an AR-15 modified. And in case you were wondering I do have an AK-47 as well
My neighborhood is safer because I'm there.
All My Children are registered concealed carry.
Owning a firearm calls for responsible ownership. And the 99% of Americans who own firearms legally do it responsibly
This is why Americans for always be granted the right to bear arms.
What gun laws would that be ? I am curious what ideas you have that would have stopped the massacre at sandy hook ?
Interesting point I read today. When the Constitution was written all guns could only fire one bullet at a time. I m not against gun ownership. I just think they are too accessible. Acquisition needs to be more difficult. If that inconveniences some folks that's unfortunate but my goodness how many more incidents like these need to occur before some entity of our government becomes serious about trying to prevent them.
One with little to no crime rate.What neighborhood do you live in that you need any of the guns you mentioned?
How about a background check on everyone that buys a gun? Yes, I know his mother bought the gun.
How about limiting clips to 10? Why does anyone need 30 round clips?
I'm sure @deadirishpoet has those for his neighborhood watch.
Echo, I agree. I support the right to own guns, but I personally think we should make aquisition more difficult. Background checks, waiting periods, denial for mental health or gang history, etc... and these controls applied to gun shows as well, etc... just seems like common sense. What we do after each mass murder tragedy, is we take these kind of common sense controls, mix them in with calls for eliminating gun ownership altogether. then apply the litmus test of whether these changes would have prevented the most recent mass murders, and of course the answer is usually no, and we stop talking about it until the next tragedy.Interesting point I read today. When the Constitution was written all guns could only fire one bullet at a time. I m not against gun ownership. I just think they are too accessible. Acquisition needs to be more difficult. If that inconveniences some folks that's unfortunate but my goodness how many more incidents like these need to occur before some entity of our government becomes serious about trying to prevent them.
Elizabeth is clearly Clueless on what the second amendment is about
Trust me dude. Chicago has some of the strictest if not the strictest gun laws in America. I have a lot of relatives living there. On top of it the liberal mayor won't do a damn thing to stop the non-stop senseless black-on-black murders.No idea on Mexico but your Chicago comment is false. Chicago's gun laws resemble other major cities.
And it's been reported that many guns come from out of state.
No idea on Mexico but your Chicago comment is false. Chicago's gun laws resemble other major cities.
And it's been reported that many guns come from out of state.
That's a lame response. Stay on topic.It's like banging your head against a wall sometimes.
It's not a matter of NEED. If you based laws and rights on NEED, you wouldn't have half of the rights or privileges that you do now.
It's disgusting and anyone sticking up for the gun lobby should be ashamed of themselves.
Every civilized country in the world has stopped or slowed gun violence through sensitively gun legislation, not elimination of all guns, but sensible gun laws.
Anyone who denies that is a fool.
Trust me dude. Chicago has some of the strictest if not the strictest gun laws in America. I have a lot of relatives living there. On top of it the liberal mayor won't do a damn thing to stop the non-stop senseless black-on-black murders.
You didn't touch on my point at all, Sean Hannity.Why wouldn't anybody? Honest question.
Because they don't trust themselves?
First of all you just cannot own any kind of artillery.
I have 2 gun safe. I enjoy a wide range of firearms. From black powder to an AR-15 modified. And in case you were wondering I do have an AK-47 as well
My neighborhood is safer because I'm there.
All My Children are registered concealed carry.
Owning a firearm calls for responsible ownership. And the 99% of Americans who own firearms legally do it responsibly
This is why Americans for always be granted the right to bear arms.
More BIG government......shockerGun laws have to be national to have any chance at working. We don't check what people bring in from border states. Citing Chicago's ineffective gun laws is a favorite tactic of really dumb people.
I may be mistaken but a bomb killed many more people in Atlanta along with a plane in NYC.. the point is, these evil criminals will find a way to mass murder if that's their objective. Again, I agree on the AR weapons being illegal but that's not going to stop criminals from obtaining one. Prohibition hasn't and will never work.That's right - most Americans have this incredibly myopic view/dogma - that nothing can change gun violence. Guess what - other countries have solved gun violence. We love to talk about exceptionalism - well we are exceptional in unprecedented levels of gun violence. Are we inept or incapable of solving this?
We have the 2nd amendment - and people should have the right to own guns to defend their home (although home invasion is incredibly rare and owning a gun makes you less safe due to suicide/accidents, etc. but I digress...because no issue letting YOU have one). But you cannot have a tank or a bazooka or a fighter jet - so it's where you draw the line. There is absolutely no place in society for a automatic or semi-automatic weapon and high capacity can only kill 60 people and wound 500 more with these kinds of weapons.
So gun ownership other than that Tommy rule is far right-wing?All these tough talking SOB's in here would be singing a different tune if their daughters were slaughtered last night. #Fact
God bless Donald Trump and the populist agenda. Hardcore right-wing nut jobs are just as bad as the lying liberals.
You already admitted you don't know #### about Mexico. I'll trust myself on Chi before I trust a flamer. I know more than you. STFU.Trust me dude, I already answered your statement. It's no different than anywhere else.
One more time Rachel Maddow?You didn't touch on my point at all, Sean Hannity.
Las Vegas was very safe last night with a guy locked and loaded with 30 guns. You have one AK-47. Go get 10 like Paddock had. Sounds like you need 10 AK-47's.
The Supreme Court says..... You're WRONG!That's right - most Americans have this incredibly myopic view/dogma - that nothing can change gun violence. Guess what - other countries have solved gun violence. We love to talk about exceptionalism - well we are exceptional in unprecedented levels of gun violence. Are we inept or incapable of solving this?
We have the 2nd amendment - and people should have the right to own guns to defend their home (although home invasion is incredibly rare and owning a gun makes you less safe due to suicide/accidents, etc. but I digress...because no issue letting YOU have one). But you cannot have a tank or a bazooka or a fighter jet - so it's where you draw the line. There is absolutely no place in society for a automatic or semi-automatic weapon and high capacity can only kill 60 people and wound 500 more with these kinds of weapons.
BS. You can't possible know that since pretty much no research has been done about gun violence since 1996. The government can't and doesn't spend money on gun violence research in large part because of the Dickey Amendment. You have NO idea what the actual percentage of gun owning Americans are responsible. If you are going to make a bold claim like that at least try to back it up with facts. That is the whole problem with this debate. It is devoid of facts, reason, and logic.Why wouldn't anybody? Honest question.
Because they don't trust themselves?
First of all you just cannot own any kind of artillery.
I have 2 gun safe. I enjoy a wide range of firearms. From black powder to an AR-15 modified. And in case you were wondering I do have an AK-47 as well
My neighborhood is safer because I'm there.
All My Children are registered concealed carry.
Owning a firearm calls for responsible ownership. And the 99% of Americans who own firearms legally do it responsibly
This is why Americans for always be granted the right to bear arms.