OT: Does Merkel have blood on her hands?

When you let in predominately fighting age men into your country without vetting them to ensure your populace is safe, you are guilty at a minimum of negligence. Jail her, every death is on her head. France, Belgium and Germany are not safe to visit nor to live in anymore. England is not too far behind.
She made a major mistake by opening borders to those individuals without properly vetting them. Now it's coming back to haunt Germany and the rest of Europe. Of course the president of Turkey opening his border to Syrian refugees who do the automatic pass through from Turkey to Eastern Europe than Western Europe is to blame also
The bigger mistake is that Leaders in the West do not know history ! Islam has been at war with the West
and Christianity ever since the death of Muhammad in 632. Even if it is a smal number
of Radical Islamists , They become a good sized Army whose goal is to destroy their host countries from within. Open Borders, PC = Suicide !
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really difficult to answer....just hope that our humanity doesn't disappear...
"Foreigners not welcome here."

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The bigger mistake is that Leaders in the West do not know history ! Islam has been at war with the West
and Christianity ever since the death of Muhammad in 1632. Even if it is a smal number
of Radical Islamists , They become a good sized Army whose goal is to destroy their host countries from within. Open Borders, PC = Suicide !
Read a goddam history book. Focus on the Crusades.

BTW - I don't think Muhammad lived for over 1000 years.
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This particular terrorist was vetted and found to be a potential problem. He was seeking asylum from Tunisia. They tried to deport him but couldn't confirm his nationality. He had been under surveillance but obviously not at the time of the attack.
She is being pressured to resign now by those in her own party now. Protests are forming outside her office.

Merry Christmas :(

The ? Itself is unreal. This is as clear as the country getting rid of the most dishonest human being that ever tried to be president. Germany is done thanks to this crazy B.
You can't invite a fox into the chicken yard and expect your chickens to survive. Invest in a good Church History Book and read.
Of all the religions in the world, there is only one who does not value and cherish the sanctity of life. Islam. Life and how it is lived and the outcome of life is very different here. We in the west cherish it, for the Islamist, it is merely a passing point to another space. Co-existence is incredibly hard if not impossible. We are experiencing a clash of civilizations. What Merkel, her party and her sympathizers have done is in reality destroy Germany and the German culture. It isn't a question of if any more, it is a question of when does it materialize into German culture. Say 50 years, but it will happen. In her hope for cheap labor, an expanded tax base and the ability of Germany to industrially grow for this century, she caste aside her country and its culture. What you are seeing is only the beginning, you will experience this even more throughout Europe and eventually America. A horrible mistake has been made. Mankind will suffer accordingly.
Of all the religions in the world, there is only one who does not value and cherish the sanctity of life. Islam. Life and how it is lived and the outcome of life is very different here. We in the west cherish it, for the Islamist, it is merely a passing point to another space. Co-existence is incredibly hard if not impossible. We are experiencing a clash of civilizations. What Merkel, her party and her sympathizers have done is in reality destroy Germany and the German culture. It isn't a question of if any more, it is a question of when does it materialize into German culture. Say 50 years, but it will happen. In her hope for cheap labor, an expanded tax base and the ability of Germany to industrially grow for this century, she caste aside her country and its culture. What you are seeing is only the beginning, you will experience this even more throughout Europe and eventually America. A horrible mistake has been made. Mankind will suffer accordingly.
I think France is even ahead of Germany on that schedule, they are paying a major price for the combination of very loose immigration laws and a general lack of desire for native French couples to have children. Their population is morphing at light speed to where we might actually see an Islamist France in our lifetime. Some things seem good in theory and are not at all good in reality. Europe's immigration policies would fall under that category.

And as noted above by HH 74, Islam is very much into co-existence when they are one of the minorities. History might indicate that their co-existence attitude will likely differ greatly when, and if, they are in the majority.
Read a goddam history book. Focus on the Crusades.

BTW - I don't think Muhammad lived for over 1000 years.

You read one ! the Muslims invaded the West in 711, Centuries before the first Crusade! They conquered
Spain and the Christians in Spain fought them for close to 800 years until 1492 , Ferdinand and Isabel
drove the last Muslims out of Spain. The Muslims also invaded the rest of Europe, long before anyone
ever went on a Crusade ! The First Crusade was not until 1099 when Pope Urban organized it to free
the City of Jerusalem. The Muslims also invaded France in 732.

I wondered what you were talking about 1000 years, so I went back to check my original post. My mistake , but it was a typing mistake, not a historical one. 632 was the year
Muhammad died. In any case , you got me on that one !
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You read one ! the Muslims invaded the West in 711, Centuries before the first Crusade! They conquered
Spain and the Christians in Spain fought them for close to 800 years until 1492 , Ferdinand and Isabel
drove the last Muslims out of Spain. The Muslims also invaded the rest of Europe, long before anyone
ever went on a Crusade ! The First Crusade was not until 1099 when Pope Urban organized it to free
the City of Jerusalem. The Muslims also invaded France in 732.

Muslims stopped by Charles Martel in 732 at the Battle of Tours. What can arguably be the most important battle in all of Western Civilization. If the French failed there, all of western Europe was open to conquest. In other words, if we didn't destroy the Moslem army and kill Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, we would be speaking Tariq.
You are absolutely correct about that Howard ! Unfortunately, some of our leaders talk about a " Religion of Peace " ! History shows us that Islam is a religion of war and conquest and brutality ! It is completely incompatible with Judeo Christian Western Civilization !
Read a goddam history book. Focus on the Crusades.

BTW - I don't think Muhammad lived for over 1000 years.
You do realize that Islam invaded Europe before the Crusades right? I mean if you didn't the 'read a history book" remark would be really pathetic. they were truned back in 732. The Crusades did not begin until around 1095 so....
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You do realize that Islam invaded Europe before the Crusades right? I mean if you didn't the 'read a history book" remark would be really pathetic. they were truned back in 732. The Crusades did not begin until around 1095 so....
Don't let the empirical facts get in the way!
Read a goddam history book. Focus on the Crusades.

BTW - I don't think Muhammad lived for over 1000 years.
Well, let's see. The Crusades started in the late 11th century; a long time after Islam took control of the Holy Land. So, why didn't intervene earlier? Islam started to attack Christian missionaries. 3 centuries after the end of the Crusades Islam was still trying to invade Europe (Vienna). Open borders are a failure.
Good video. Supports my long time theory that the only group that can effectively snuff out radical Islam is non-radical Islam. But I am not always convinced they are 100% committed to the effort.

The same way only non-bad cops can stop the cops who are out of control. Instead, they act like they never see anything.
Good video. Supports my long time theory that the only group that can effectively snuff out radical Islam is non-radical Islam. But I am not always convinced they are 100% committed to the effort.

I could not get the vidio to work, but I agree with you on both of your points : 1. To beat Radical Islam, The non radical Muslims must be fully committed to destroying it in their own countries, but 2.
I really don't think that the Saudis and the Iranians and some others have any desire. to fight the Radicals.
In fact, I believe that they are actively supporting it in every way that they can. We are at war and to win it, The West must face the fact that a good part of the Islamic World has declared war on us , it is not a
legal police problem, but a full scale war. The Western World must declare war and purge the enemies from
within and destroy the " Cancer " as well as defeating the Radical muslim sponsors of this curse on all
humanity. It will be a long and difficult war !
I could not get the vidio to work, but I agree with you on both of your points : 1. To beat Radical Islam, The non radical Muslims must be fully committed to destroying it in their own countries, but 2.
I really don't think that the Saudis and the Iranians and some others have any desire. to fight the Radicals.
In fact, I believe that they are actively supporting it in every way that they can. We are at war and to win it, The West must face the fact that a good part of the Islamic World has declared war on us , it is not a
legal police problem, but a full scale war. The Western World must declare war and purge the enemies from
within and destroy the " Cancer " as well as defeating the Radical muslim sponsors of this curse on all
humanity. It will be a long and difficult war !

The U.S. does whatever the Saudis ask. Remember Desert Storm? One of my decorations is from SA.
The U.S. does whatever the Saudis ask. Remember Desert Storm? One of my decorations is from SA.


Thank you for your Service ! Yes, that is the problem with SA, We needed the oil and they played a double game with us. They took the oil money and financed Mosques and Madrasas all over the USA and other Western Nations. Time we get energy independent !
When oil was at peak prices, I bough a Prius. Amazing ! Almost 50 MPG,s . The Technology is even getting better. Hopefull, soon no more oil from tha Saudis ?
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