For a guy like me to notice poor play calling, it has to be really bad. I was ok with Rees up to now. He did well under CBK and I attributed losses up to now on other things.
But yesterday Rees was exposed. I am not sure what Freeman can do other than course correct with Rees. That's obvious. But I firing seems obviously knee jerk and counterproductive.
The seeds for this were sown with appointing Freeman and opting for this staff with no head coaching experience. It is what it is now. There is no quick fix. Swarbrick took a high risk/reward gamble that many of us pointed out last year...with the higher odds playing out for now.
Still a long season, although things provably will not turn around. But my armchair coaching sense is Freeman better prepare to bring in an experienced OC next season...if things indeed stay south. ND is south right now.