Done with the NFL if....

So, what is your opinion on the significant number of Veterans who have openly stated that the freedom of expression at issue here is the exact freedom for which they have fought? That they value his freedom above their own desire to agree with his message? They openly state that they don't find this disrespectful.

Who gets to draw the line and decide what is disrespectful? Is it just numbers?

Does one group get to dictate to all others what is offensive? How do we pick that group?

Sounds like a very "PC" request to have him tailor his conduct to protect people's feelings.

The fact is, dialogue, even provocative dialogue - ESPECIALLY provocative dialogue on the national stage - is crucial to ensuring that we discuss, confront and address conflicts that we would prefer to ignore.
Freedom of expression means that you are immune to any censure from the government for what you say. It does not even come close to implying that you are free from harsh responses and/or repercussions from non-government people or entities. Our most basic of rights may be our most misunderstood one.
Over the weekend, in Chicago, a woman was shot attending a vigil for someone who was shot and killed. A HS football player was shot six times as he sat on his front porch.This, in the black community. This, a regular occurence. This, a community that will not help the police in solving these crimes. The silence is deafening among the kneelers, fist raisers, protesters, sympathizers, arm lockers, and sit downers. Ashamed and embarrassed should any player feel who is bullied and peer pressured to take part in team protests. These protesters are a sham. A big fat sham, starting with the head shamster who started it all. Randy Moss can glare at Trent Dilfer all he wants but Moss is a sham too. There is a simple solution. Give up your millions. Give up your life style. Move to a country that better serves your needs.

Black on black and white on white crimes are about proximity. But the conversation of crimes of proximity and police brutality are mutually exclusive. If there was a terrorist attack on the US, and the reply from the rest of the world was so what, 85% of white people kill white people, y'all would see how disturbing such comments are. And when people speak of police killing UNARMED black people with NO ACCOUNTABILITY, why would anyone mention crime, as if that is the standard cops should be held to (THAT IS ONE OF THE THINGS HE IS PROTESTING). Cops are paid public servants. We saw the racist reports in San Francisco, Baltimore, Ferguson, and other locations. It's not being made up. You say the protest are a sham because you don't feel the impact, but minorities do. A lot of white people are in denial, and some are being obtuse on purpose, because they are like minded. The latter is you. We saw what Reagan did, we saw what Nixon's aid admitted to, it's not made up. The only people in denial about systemic racism and police brutality are white people like you.

Cops have a no snitch code, but you speak of a no snitch code on the street. People don't tell because they are scared. Why do cops keep lying for each other and staying tight lipped. The hypocrisy is egregious. They have proven throughout history to be gang oriented. The cops in Chicago lied for their compadre, the kkkiller cops in Tulsa lied, the cops in Miami lied, the cops in Oakland lied, and on and on and on...cops just keep lying and protecting each other, so they should blame themselves, for the trust issue. It's like 10 out of 10 cops lie. Cops refuse to do the right thing, but you talk about people in poor communities doing the same, because they fear the retaliation.

People that protest don't have to move, the 1st amendment gives them the right to sit. If you don't like those rights, you go back to Europe. You leave the country. We don't have to fall in love with the symbols you love. Our relationship with songs and symbols are not yours, for deep reasons. I am a disabled veteran and I would kneel with him, because of the racism and injustice that we continue to face. You clowns that are more upset about him sitting, then the evil acts he protest, should sit down and just shut up. Him being rich, doesn't mean he can't speak for those without a voice. It's not the white way or no way...that dog don't hunt. I'm going to screenshot this and tweet it to some of the black players on your team, and we'll see if they agree with your despicable comments...this thread is very telling. Just because you don't see it or experience it, doesn't mean it isn't so. You just don't give a f!@#. The same with women, the same with the LGBT community, the same with Muslims...most people that are not affected, don't see it or just don't give a damn. So AMERICANS will keep protesting. It's our American right. You don't like, then get a one way ticket to North Korea and don't come back to our country.
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Over the weekend, in Chicago, a woman was shot attending a vigil for someone who was shot and killed. A HS football player was shot six times as he sat on his front porch.This, in the black community. This, a regular occurence. This, a community that will not help the police in solving these crimes. The silence is deafening among the kneelers, fist raisers, protesters, sympathizers, arm lockers, and sit downers. Ashamed and embarrassed should any player feel who is bullied and peer pressured to take part in team protests. These protesters are a sham. A big fat sham, starting with the head shamster who started it all. Randy Moss can glare at Trent Dilfer all he wants but Moss is a sham too. There is a simple solution. Give up your millions. Give up your life style. Move to a country that better serves your needs.

Trent Dilfer can eat a d!@#. Who is he to tell someone to shut up, because they are a back-up QB. He doesn't get to define that man and his worth, by the position he plays in a game. That's that plantation owner, mentality. People like you have always said protest are a sham, that's nothing new in this country

People do speak up about crimes of proximity, it's just not covered the same. That's a deflection.
The NFL is just entertainment, Games are fixed by a few players and the refs. Look at the Superbowl last year. That was a gift for Payton "Establishment" Manning.
Who is Kaepernick to determine the validity of due process in the justice system? So as long as he "feels" justice is being served adequately, he will begin stand for the anthem? Pretty arrogant to say everyone involved in our system and in individual cases are wrong but he is right. Give me a break.

See, in order to make a determination such as a verdict, you need actual compelling evidence. You cannot just overrule based on emotion or else we should just revert to a wild west society complete with kangaroo court trials.

I bet if Kaepernick had his way he would find Zimmerman guilty and Brown innocent, despite the evidence and thorough discussion of a jury.
What was Brown convicted of?
Start here:

Read it for yourself. Don't read somebody else's summary for a change.

That is one of hundreds you could read.
I've read it, I've read about it and I reject it. Gerrymandering has been going on forever and it has far, far more to do with political affiliation than it does race. Sure when the GOP draws the lines race is a factor only because 90% of blacks vote Dem. For the record I do not support gerrymandering but it is something both sides use equally.

I'm sure you will argue that "the court ruling..." the problem is I personally have as little respect for our judicial system as I do for our congress. Judges are nothing more than political stooges who render verdicts based on their political leanings and not on the law at all. The left leaning judges didn't want lines drawn that would lead to more GOP congressmen so they used the race card to push their agenda, again, I have little use for federal judges.

So, if you can find actual laws that discriminate I'll listen.
"I bet if Kaepernick had his way he would find Zimmerman guilty"

Yeah, and OJ is innocent too. The one time white people had to deal with a black men getting off for that, they lost their mind. Well, we deal with that all the time. Like a grown man falling a kid with a gun, in the dark, then claiming self defense. One of the jurors said she couldn't relate to the black kids, and she wasn't alone. So they let a killer go free, who then continued to get in more trouble, and got punched in the face, because he was bragging about killing Trayvon. F!@# Zimmerman and his klan of supporters.
There is no burden of proof in the First Amendment.

That's only for a courtroom. I personally don't expect anybody to change their opinion because I say something, it's up to you to educate yourself and form your own opinion.

Educated opinion or not, it is a legal absolute that you get to have one and defend it.

See, I don't prescribe to the theory of Judicial absolutism and any free thinking person shouldn't. That ruling could very easily get overturned depending on what Presidents get to appoint SC justices. Like I said their rulings are far too often based on their political beliefs and not the law. So the "absolute" law changes as the political leanings of the court changes.
Freedom of expression means that you are immune to any censure from the government for what you say. It does not even come close to implying that you are free from harsh responses and/or repercussions from non-government people or entities. Our most basic of rights may be our most misunderstood one.

Exactly. My post is the repercussion to his post.
See, I don't prescribe to the theory of Judicial absolutism and any free thinking person shouldn't. That ruling could very easily get overturned depending on what Presidents get to appoint SC justices. Like I said their rulings are far too often based on their political beliefs and not the law. So the "absolute" law changes as the political leanings of the court changes.
While the current election has pretty much devolved to two goofballs throwing water balloons at each other, when it comes to the make up of the SCOTUS and the resulting direction of the country, this could be one of the most important elections ever. Which is kind of a scary thought.
See, I don't prescribe to the theory of Judicial absolutism and any free thinking person shouldn't. That ruling could very easily get overturned depending on what Presidents get to appoint SC justices. Like I said their rulings are far too often based on their political beliefs and not the law. So the "absolute" law changes as the political leanings of the court changes.

Did you read the 167 pages already? Or are you spitting out that tired argument to so you didn't need to?

Show me where I said anything about my position of "judicial absolutism." Is misdirection also in the arsenal of the "free thinker," along with poorly disguised insults and academic malaise?

See, the "opinion", (if you read it) is an amalgamation of facts and legal conclusions. (Opinion in this context is a legal term of art.) The facts in there are as important as the opinion if you want to discuss this issue.

You asked for evidence, then justified a way to avoid looking right at it.
I've read it, I've read about it and I reject it. Gerrymandering has been going on forever and it has far, far more to do with political affiliation than it does race. Sure when the GOP draws the lines race is a factor only because 90% of blacks vote Dem. For the record I do not support gerrymandering but it is something both sides use equally.

I'm sure you will argue that "the court ruling..." the problem is I personally have as little respect for our judicial system as I do for our congress. Judges are nothing more than political stooges who render verdicts based on their political leanings and not on the law at all. The left leaning judges didn't want lines drawn that would lead to more GOP congressmen so they used the race card to push their agenda, again, I have little use for federal judges.

So, if you can find actual laws that discriminate I'll listen.

"I've read about it."

Why don't you think for yourself? Crack that opinion open and tell me what YOU think. I did not ask you what THEY think, I asked what you thought when you read that document.

If the answer is "I think what other people teach me," let's just get that out in the open.
I've read it, I've read about it and I reject it..

So, if you can find actual laws that discriminate I'll listen.

Does this include laws that have already been struck down? I can give you lots of those, if you'll read them for yourself.

Or do you have "little use" for the Federal judges who have made decisions allowing black people to vote, use water fountains, attend school and punished people for lynchings? Are you even willing to accept that these changes overturned laws designed to discriminate against race?

The problems these courts addressed did'nt suddenly just disappear in 1969.
"I bet if Kaepernick had his way he would find Zimmerman guilty"

Yeah, and OJ is innocent too. The one time white people had to deal with a black men getting off for that, they lost their mind. Well, we deal with that all the time. Like a grown man falling a kid with a gun, in the dark, then claiming self defense. One of the jurors said she couldn't relate to the black kids, and she wasn't alone. So they let a killer go free, who then continued to get in more trouble, and got punched in the face, because he was bragging about killing Trayvon. F!@# Zimmerman and his klan of supporters.
Stop right there.
O J getting off while might have enraged some people...o j was a hero to a generation of people that didn't see him as black. White and black in hindsight realized that he was guilty but won his trial. So be it.

Having said that, the minute he was found not guilty how many white people went into riot act like a ****ing animal mode?

Anytime there is a moment of adversity why do the blacks automatically go into burn this mother ****er down mindset..??

Moreover this stance by the NFL players is stupid and moronic. BLM included.

Let's do some math.
In the 24 hour window where a man was shot in Louisiana, then one in I believe Minnesota...
How many blacks were arrested across the united states in that 24 hour window? 1,000? Nope...2,000? Try approximately 9,500..that's right..9,500 as in nine thousand five hundred. In 24 hours on average in the united states 9500 arrests are black. Whites are are at a mind numbing 23,000 ..yes 23k arrests in 24 hours in the united states on average.
So I'm not even getting into the righteous shoot or not...for discussion sake let's say both shootings were wrong of the police and bad shootings. Do you realize that the police in that 24 hour window was still at a .99999999999998% good arrest rate...or at the very least righteous shoot or not shoot altogether.
That success rate would be incredible if robots were police. The fact that humans are policing and batting an astounding .9999999+% rate on this is just incredible.

I echo again, these idiots know the words but no idea the meanings.
Who are you to determine the validity of due process in the justice system?

Do you "feel" justice is being served?

Is that why your opinion is valid and his invalid?

CK expressed his opinion, and it is every bit as valid as you expressing yours.

Exactly how much time have you spent in court? I would love to hear about your vast experience working within the criminal justice system. Better yet, let's see your empirical data proving there is a lack of systemic discrimination in our country. I'm sure the North Carolina legislature will chip in.

People who value order more than justice are afraid of this dialogue.

(P.S. There is a Supreme Court opinion - not 'verdict' - chock full of 'compelling evidence' if you'd care to tread the deep water with me. Several in fact. Start in the 1880's.)
He is the one making the outrageous claim that people everywhere involved in our justice system are "out to get" people of color. He has the burden to support his radical position.
He is the one making the outrageous claim that people everywhere involved in our justice system are "out to get" people of color. He has the burden to support his radical position.

He doesn't have to be right to express an opinion.
Stop right there.
O J getting off while might have enraged some people...o j was a hero to a generation of people that didn't see him as black. White and black in hindsight realized that he was guilty but won his trial. So be it.

Having said that, the minute he was found not guilty how many white people went into riot act like a ****ing animal mode?

Anytime there is a moment of adversity why do the blacks automatically go into burn this mother ****er down mindset..??

Moreover this stance by the NFL players is stupid and moronic. BLM included.

Let's do some math.
In the 24 hour window where a man was shot in Louisiana, then one in I believe Minnesota...
How many blacks were arrested across the united states in that 24 hour window? 1,000? Nope...2,000? Try approximately 9,500..that's right..9,500 as in nine thousand five hundred. In 24 hours on average in the united states 9500 arrests are black. Whites are are at a mind numbing 23,000 ..yes 23k arrests in 24 hours in the united states on average.
So I'm not even getting into the righteous shoot or not...for discussion sake let's say both shootings were wrong of the police and bad shootings. Do you realize that the police in that 24 hour window was still at a .99999999999998% good arrest rate...or at the very least righteous shoot or not shoot altogether.
That success rate would be incredible if robots were police. The fact that humans are policing and batting an astounding .9999999+% rate on this is just incredible.

I echo again, these idiots know the words but no idea the meanings.

Why would white people riot? It happened one time. It happens all the time to black people. Don't act as if white people won't riot, y'all just don't deal with the injustices that we do. But y'all will tear stuff up over a football game. Miss me with that bullsh!t.

What does crime have to do with police brutality? It's a separate issue. And I really don't trust the numbers from racist profiling cops. Over 4000 black people got hung between 1860 and 1960, and one person was convicted. White people should have been profiled from day one, instead of black people, but racist cops are an extension of people like you. White people in Ferguson were more likely to break the law, but they arrested more black people. I've seen the racist reports in all these cities, so of course the numbers are skewed. We know all those arrest aren't legit. We know we are profiled. When your history has been slavery, black codes, jim crow and more subjugation, of course a larger percent of black people are going to have it harder. You got white men killing themselves at a rate higher than anybody, and your problems don't come close to that of black people. That tells me you could never live in my shoes. You don't know the idea or the meaning, when it comes to what we do. You think it's the white way or no way. That sh!t is done and over. I will never stand up again, for a song written by a slave owner, a song that calls for the murder of black people, although they don't sing the 3rd verse. Until they hold kkkiller cops accountable, this disabled vet will sit. No justice, no peace. F!@# how you feel.
"I bet if Kaepernick had his way he would find Zimmerman guilty"

Yeah, and OJ is innocent too. The one time white people had to deal with a black men getting off for that, they lost their mind. Well, we deal with that all the time. Like a grown man falling a kid with a gun, in the dark, then claiming self defense. One of the jurors said she couldn't relate to the black kids, and she wasn't alone. So they let a killer go free, who then continued to get in more trouble, and got punched in the face, because he was bragging about killing Trayvon. F!@# Zimmerman and his klan of supporters.
Don't know how old you are, but OJ wasn't a black man, he was a national icon and sports hero. Race had no role in that case at all, until Simpson's team tried to make it about race.
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Stop right there.
O J getting off while might have enraged some people...o j was a hero to a generation of people that didn't see him as black. White and black in hindsight realized that he was guilty but won his trial. So be it.

Having said that, the minute he was found not guilty how many white people went into riot act like a ****ing animal mode?

Anytime there is a moment of adversity why do the blacks automatically go into burn this mother ****er down mindset..??

Moreover this stance by the NFL players is stupid and moronic. BLM included.

Let's do some math.
In the 24 hour window where a man was shot in Louisiana, then one in I believe Minnesota...
How many blacks were arrested across the united states in that 24 hour window? 1,000? Nope...2,000? Try approximately 9,500..that's right..9,500 as in nine thousand five hundred. In 24 hours on average in the united states 9500 arrests are black. Whites are are at a mind numbing 23,000 ..yes 23k arrests in 24 hours in the united states on average.
So I'm not even getting into the righteous shoot or not...for discussion sake let's say both shootings were wrong of the police and bad shootings. Do you realize that the police in that 24 hour window was still at a .99999999999998% good arrest rate...or at the very least righteous shoot or not shoot altogether.
That success rate would be incredible if robots were police. The fact that humans are policing and batting an astounding .9999999+% rate on this is just incredible.

I echo again, these idiots know the words but no idea the meanings.

So, YOUR position in sum:

1. Blacks cannot handle adversity as well as whites and they act like "animals." (stupid, moronic and idiots as well.)

2. If you survived your arrest, it was a "good" arrest.

3. Other people don't understand how awful their arguments are.
So, YOUR position in sum:

1. Blacks cannot handle adversity as well as whites and they act like "animals." (stupid, moronic and idiots as well.)

2. If you survived your arrest, it was a "good" arrest.

3. Other people don't understand how awful their arguments are.
No...your ASSUMPTIONS of my position are tunneled into ignorant realm.

I said nothing of then handling adversity better or worse. That is on you. I merely stated a fact that when faced with adversity , Rodney king, Missouri, etc...they automatically act out in a destructive manner. There is no leading up to. They would rather destroy their very own community than discuss in mature fashion.

Moreover until you can remove the human element from policing there will always be a bad incident. Always. But nationwide as a whole the LEO of this country do a ridiculously amazing job.
Incredible job.

How about this...where is the outcry to the people to quit breaking the ****ing law and therefore you remove altogether yourself from incident.

And another of your assumptions...I merely point out to you about the percentages of shootings righteous or not because until the Missouri incident, which BTW the officer was CLEARED of all charges did we get this movement. The rams putting their hands up? Yes I'm laughing out loud at those morons who chose to ASSUME that brown had his hands up and the officer just executed him. Give me a ****ing break. Yet they rioted, NFL people ...hell idiots abroad putting hands up to demonstrate what? Something that wasn't true...??:
Assuming it had to be a cop killing an oh so innocent black person.
Nothing was further from the truth.

So I'm not saying that blacks handle adversity better or worse, just telling you how they handle adversity is counter productive and they can't grasp this.
Don't know how old you are, but OJ wasn't a black man, he was a national icon and sports hero. Race had no role in that case at all, until Simpson's team tried to make it about race.

Haha! Yeah right! He killed a white lady and they let him know how black he was right away. Being a national icon and sports hero has never stopped anyone from being black. They hated Ali until much later in his life. Your comment is foolishness to the first degree. It was about race...a racist cop that went off on his own to plant evidence, a racist cop that got caught lying, a racist cop that planted that seed of reasonable doubt, because of racism. Blame him. This country, with it's racist history, was divided for a reason.
No...your ASSUMPTIONS of my position are tunneled into ignorant realm.

I said nothing of then handling adversity better or worse. That is on you. I merely stated a fact that when faced with adversity , Rodney king, Missouri, etc...they automatically act out in a destructive manner. There is no leading up to. They would rather destroy their very own community than discuss in mature fashion.

Moreover until you can remove the human element from policing there will always be a bad incident. Always. But nationwide as a whole the LEO of this country do a ridiculously amazing job.
Incredible job.

How about this...where is the outcry to the people to quit breaking the ****ing law and therefore you remove altogether yourself from incident.

And another of your assumptions...I merely point out to you about the percentages of shootings righteous or not because until the Missouri incident, which BTW the officer was CLEARED of all charges did we get this movement. The rams putting their hands up? Yes I'm laughing out loud at those morons who chose to ASSUME that brown had his hands up and the officer just executed him. Give me a ****ing break. Yet they rioted, NFL people ...hell idiots abroad putting hands up to demonstrate what? Something that wasn't true...??:
Assuming it had to be a cop killing an oh so innocent black person.
Nothing was further from the truth.

So I'm not saying that blacks handle adversity better or worse, just telling you how they handle adversity is counter productive and they can't grasp this.

Brown was shot in the back several times. Handle adversity better you mean like the therapist that had his hands up while laying on the ground, you mean like the guy the put his hands up and got choked out, you mean like the guy that was handcuffed behind his back and shot in the back of the head, and on and on and on. You're speaking on one case, but there have been many. That's the problem. People like you don't want to hold kkkiller cops accountable, because they are an extension of your kind. If white peple handled adversity better, white men wouldn't be killing themselves at such high rates, and 85% of white people wouldn't kill white people. We are getting killer by racist and kkkiller cops. I've seen the text, the emails, I've read the reports. Black people have been put at a disadvantage in this country...but why are white men killing themselves at such high rates. Check yourself with those weak deflections. I guess Emmet Till's killing was justified, because his killers got off...all white jury of course. You won't say it now, just like 20 years from now, people will be embarrassed about the actions, of today. You're in denial.

"In the United States, older men (35-64) of European descent (so-called white men) have significantly higher suicide rates than any other demographic group. For example, their suicide rates are significantly higher than those of older men of African, Latino or Indigenous descent, as well as relative to older women across ethnicities."

"Also, Blacks (and Hispanics) (link is external) tend to have stronger family support, community support and church support to carry them through these rough times"

Sounds like black people handle adversity just fine. You act as if our violence exceeds that of others, but it doesn't. But a higher percentage are in poverty, and it wasn't by our own doing. All things being equal, white people have always been the most violent.
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You're in denial and you are very gullible. He was shot in the back several times. Handle adversity better you mean like the therapist that had his hands up while laying on the ground, you mean like the guy the put his hands up and got choked out, you mean like the guy that was handcuffed behind his back and shot in the back of the head, and on and on and on. That's the problem. People like you don't want to hold kkkiller cops accountable, because those that are like minded refuse to punish them. If white peple handled adversity better, white men wouldn't be killing themselves at such high rates, and 85% of white people wouldn't kill white people. Black people have been put at a disadvantage in this country...but why are white men killing themselves at such high rates. Check yourself with those weak deflections.
I'm in denial? You're the one with a problem regarding facts.
I said nothing of those other incidents. But I clearly did say to cover all incidents that the numbers are what they are.
9,500 blacks are arrested every day on average in the united states. Say that number again...nine THOUSAND...every day. Whites are even worse. But twice as much.

This isn't a month or week. One day on average almost 10k blacks arrested. And while not to be insensitive good lord if 10 people per day were shot unlawfully during arrest out of 9500...that is still an amazing success rate.

As far as pissing and moaning about it's not just shootings...I say again until there were shootings , found to have been righteous BTW, the outcry and movement was not existent.

Furthermore until you remove humans from policing it will never be 100% perfect from any race, officer or crook.

But all things considered LEO in our country does a tremendous job. about this...
Don't break the law in the first place,,,
Don't break homes like its a sport and become baby making those very babies have no structure growing up...

And if you just can't help yourself and must break the law...your odds of survival increase ten fold if you listen to the officer. If he says don't move, or whatever...if you don't resist your odds of survival increase dramatically don't you think?
I'm in denial? You're the one with a problem regarding facts.
I said nothing of those other incidents. But I clearly did say to cover all incidents that the numbers are what they are.
9,500 blacks are arrested every day on average in the united states. Say that number again...nine THOUSAND...every day. Whites are even worse. But twice as much.

This isn't a month or week. One day on average almost 10k blacks arrested. And while not to be insensitive good lord if 10 people per day were shot unlawfully during arrest out of 9500...that is still an amazing success rate.

As far as pissing and moaning about it's not just shootings...I say again until there were shootings , found to have been righteous BTW, the outcry and movement was not existent.

Furthermore until you remove humans from policing it will never be 100% perfect from any race, officer or crook.

But all things considered LEO in our country does a tremendous job. about this...
Don't break the law in the first place,,,
Don't break homes like its a sport and become baby making those very babies have no structure growing up...

And if you just can't help yourself and must break the law...your odds of survival increase ten fold if you listen to the officer. If he says don't move, or whatever...if you don't resist your odds of survival increase dramatically don't you think?

"In the United States, older men (35-64) of European descent (so-called white men) have significantly higher suicide rates than any other demographic group. For example, their suicide rates are significantly higher than those of older men of African, Latino or Indigenous descent, as well as relative to older women across ethnicities."

"Also, Blacks (and Hispanics) (link is external) tend to have stronger family support, community support and church support to carry them through these rough times"

Sounds like black people handle adversity just fine. You act as if our violence exceeds that of others, but it doesn't. But a higher percentage are in poverty, and it wasn't by our own doing. All things being equal, white people have always been the most violent.

And white people break the law a lot more often than black people, it's not even close.

"However, according to FBI crime statistics by race, it isn’t blacks who are driving criminal activity. Actually in 2014, blacks committed only 28.3% of all crimes. And it shouldn’t be bewildering that whites dominated commission of crimes by perpetrating 68.9% of them"

White people have always been more violent. Always. Y'all also beat your women more often, so don't talk about broken homes. 40% of police homes have experienced domestic abuse....that is the highest rate of any profession. Coincidence...I think not. Crime in black communities is directly attributed to structural oppression. You can't say that about white people.

"If he says don't move, or whatever...if you don't resist your odds of survival increase dramatically don't you think?"

BULLSHIT! They have killed several black people that didn't move. I can post several links if you dare deny it. You deny it, because you are like minded. Who can be that blind to it all?
No...your ASSUMPTIONS of my position are tunneled into ignorant realm.

I said nothing of then handling adversity better or worse. That is on you. I merely stated a fact that when faced with adversity , Rodney king, Missouri, etc...they automatically act out in a destructive manner. There is no leading up to. They would rather destroy their very own community than discuss in mature fashion.
So I'm not saying that blacks handle adversity better or worse, just telling you how they handle adversity is counter productive and they can't grasp this.

So let's add:

4. "They" are also immature and "act out."

5. "They" can't grasp things you can.

I think I understand you very well.

No good will come from this discussion with you, so post all you want, I'll leave you in peace.
"However, according to FBI crime statistics by race, it isn’t blacks who are driving criminal activity. Actually in 2014, blacks committed only 28.3% of all crimes.

Which is roughly 2 1/2 times their percentage of the country's population?
"In the United States, older men (35-64) of European descent (so-called white men) have significantly higher suicide rates than any other demographic group. For example, their suicide rates are significantly higher than those of older men of African, Latino or Indigenous descent, as well as relative to older women across ethnicities."

"Also, Blacks (and Hispanics) (link is external) tend to have stronger family support, community support and church support to carry them through these rough times"

Sounds like black people handle adversity just fine. You act as if our violence exceeds that of others, but it doesn't. But a higher percentage are in poverty, and it wasn't by our own doing. All things being equal, white people have always been the most violent.

And white people break the law a lot more often than black people, it's not even close.

"However, according to FBI crime statistics by race, it isn’t blacks who are driving criminal activity. Actually in 2014, blacks committed only 28.3% of all crimes. And it shouldn’t be bewildering that whites dominated commission of crimes by perpetrating 68.9% of them"

White people have always been more violent. Always. Y'all also beat your women more often, so don't talk about broken homes. 40% of police homes have experienced domestic abuse....that is the highest rate of any profession. Coincidence...I think not. Crime in black communities is directly attributed to structural oppression. You can't say that about white people.
This has NOTHING to do with suicide. And yes....those percentages ate correct. You just can't run a calculator apparently. There are 12,500,000 arrests approximately a year in the united states. 28% are blacks. This is 9,500 on average approximately PER DAY of blacks arrested. twice as many plus some for whites. Yes TWICE.

I say again...nine THOUSAND five hundred arrests of blacks on average per 24 hours in this country
LEO are doing a tremendous job.
Which is roughly 2 1/2 times their percentage of the country's population?

Research shows that crime has more to do with economics than the race of people. For instance, a study of Columbus neighborhoods found that violent crime rates in extremely disadvantaged white neighborhoods were very similar to rates in comparable Black neighborhoods.The violent crime rate in highly disadvantaged Black areas was 22 per 1,000 residents, not much different from the 20 per 1,000 rate in similar white communities.

Now explain why middle class white people, break more laws than middle class black people. We see that black crime comes from poverty. We see that all things being equal, white people are more violent, and they have more cowards that commit suicide. Checkmate.
This has NOTHING to do with suicide. And yes....those percentages ate correct. You just can't run a calculator apparently. There are 12,500,000 arrests approximately a year in the united states. 28% are blacks. This is 9,500 on average approximately PER DAY of blacks arrested. twice as many plus some for whites. Yes TWICE.

I say again...nine THOUSAND five hundred arrests of blacks on average per 24 hours in this country
LEO are doing a tremendous job.

Research shows that crime has more to do with economics than the race of people. For instance, a study of Columbus neighborhoods found that violent crime rates in extremely disadvantaged white neighborhoods were very similar to rates in comparable Black neighborhoods.The violent crime rate in highly disadvantaged Black areas was 22 per 1,000 residents, not much different from the 20 per 1,000 rate in similar white communities.

Now explain why middle class white people, break more laws than middle class black people. We see that black crime comes from poverty. We see that all things being equal, white people are more violent, and they have more cowards that commit suicide. Checkmate.
Research shows that crime has more to do with economics than the race of people. For instance, a study of Columbus neighborhoods found that violent crime rates in extremely disadvantaged white neighborhoods were very similar to rates in comparable Black neighborhoods.The violent crime rate in highly disadvantaged Black areas was 22 per 1,000 residents, not much different from the 20 per 1,000 rate in similar white communities.

Now explain why middle class white people, break more laws than middle class black people. We see that black crime comes from poverty. We see that all things being equal, white people are more violent, and they have more cowards that commit suicide. Checkmate.

Yeah, OK Boris Spasky. :D
So let's add:

4. "They" are also immature and "act out."

5. "They" can't grasp things you can.

I think I understand you very well.

No good will come from this discussion with you, so post all you want, I'll leave you in peace.
Yet again you throw the adjectives out there. I state fact only. If you feel they handle it in immature fashion OK, but make no mistake how they are doing is counter productive to their cause.
Which is roughly 2 1/2 times their percentage of the country's population?

So, the question remains: WHY? What causes this? WHY are blacks responsible for a disproportionate level of crime, per your numbers?

KP believes it is institutional. But, what do you believe?

Is it really just as simple as a group of people "choosing" to act a certain way? And why? Why choose to act that way?
Yet again you throw the adjectives out there. I state fact only. If you feel they handle it in immature fashion OK, but make no mistake how they are doing is counter productive to their cause.

"they automatically act out in a destructive manner. There is no leading up to. They would rather destroy their very own community than discuss in mature fashion."

"So I'm not saying that blacks handle adversity better or worse, just telling you how they handle adversity is counter productive and they can't grasp this."

Those are your words, verbatim, pasted directly from your post. At least have the guts to own it.
Research shows that crime has more to do with economics than the race of people. For instance, a study of Columbus neighborhoods found that violent crime rates in extremely disadvantaged white neighborhoods were very similar to rates in comparable Black neighborhoods.The violent crime rate in highly disadvantaged Black areas was 22 per 1,000 residents, not much different from the 20 per 1,000 rate in similar white communities.

Now explain why middle class white people, break more laws than middle class black people. We see that black crime comes from poverty. We see that all things being equal, white people are more violent, and they have more cowards that commit suicide. Checkmate.
You refuse to hear me and just keep diverting.

Why do you keep bringing up suicides? Seriously you are very immature or just ignorant. Maybe ignorantly immature.

NFL players are not sitting down because of suicides of white people. BLM does NOT care of suicides or the haves and haves not.

You have now twisted this discussion into something different by bringing up WHY there is crime.

While relevant in some discussions this isn't it.

The fact is 9,500 blacks are arrested on avg per day in this country. Now think again that number. Nearly 10,000 black people, arrested, PER DAY.
LEO in our country ..the very thing BLM got it's hair up about doing a ridiculously tremendous job.
"they automatically act out in a destructive manner. There is no leading up to. They would rather destroy their very own community than discuss in mature fashion."

"So I'm not saying that blacks handle adversity better or worse, just telling you how they handle adversity is counter productive and they can't grasp this."

Those are your words, verbatim, pasted directly from your post. At least have the guts to own it.
You are saying its productive?

Going from being civil to immediately destroying their own communities is smart?

Yes or no
You refuse to hear me and just keep diverting.

Why do you keep bringing up suicides? Seriously you are very immature or just ignorant. Maybe ignorantly immature.

NFL players are not sitting down because of suicides of white people. BLM does NOT care of suicides or the haves and haves not.

You have now twisted this discussion into something different by bringing up WHY there is crime.

While relevant in some discussions this isn't it.

The fact is 9,500 blacks are arrested on avg per day in this country. Now think again that number. Nearly 10,000 black people, arrested, PER DAY.
LEO in our country ..the very thing BLM got it's hair up about doing a ridiculously tremendous job.

No, you're deflecting. I'll be immature, to a punk a$$ racist. Even without suicide, it shows all things being equal, white people are more violent. Don't ignore all the others stats, because you don't want me bringing up suicide. I'm exposing all your beliefs, yet you ignored the entire post. READ BELOW AND DON'T IGNORE THE NUMBERS!

Research shows that crime has more to do with economics than the race of people. For instance, a study of Columbus neighborhoods found that violent crime rates in extremely disadvantaged white neighborhoods were very similar to rates in comparable Black neighborhoods.The violent crime rate in highly disadvantaged Black areas was 22 per 1,000 residents, not much different from the 20 per 1,000 rate in similar white communities.

Now explain why middle class white people, break more laws than middle class black people. We see that black crime comes from poverty. We see that all things being equal, white people are more violent. ANSWER THE QUESTION!

White people commit more crimes, white people are more violent, and they are not profiled as much. I don't trust your crooked criminal justice system. We arrested more, because we are profiled more, while white people remain more violent.

You are more violent.
You are saying its productive?

Going from being civil to immediately destroying their own communities is smart?

Yes or no

No, look up black wall street. That is destroying a community. White people killed over 4000 black people because they didn't want to see them prosper. It was the military, police, vets, and civilians. They were even bombed from the air. That is destroying a community. White people have destroyed more communities than anyone, and still do through systemic racism.