Done with the NFL if....

I for one do donate to certain charities every year one which helps with the research of child cancer. I have two young sons 5 and 3 and I can't ever imagine hearing those words. My family and I are a middle class family so I can't donate a crazy amount of money but we do what we can every year for charities that we carefully decide on.
Over the weekend, in Chicago, a woman was shot attending a vigil for someone who was shot and killed. A HS football player was shot six times as he sat on his front porch.This, in the black community. This, a regular occurence. This, a community that will not help the police in solving these crimes. The silence is deafening among the kneelers, fist raisers, protesters, sympathizers, arm lockers, and sit downers. Ashamed and embarrassed should any player feel who is bullied and peer pressured to take part in team protests. These protesters are a sham. A big fat sham, starting with the head shamster who started it all. Randy Moss can glare at Trent Dilfer all he wants but Moss is a sham too. There is a simple solution. Give up your millions. Give up your life style. Move to a country that better serves your needs.
lol not sure what one has to do with the other.
Ha!! What is really the case...IF whoever is "oppressed" would WORK AS HARD as the NFL players they would be successful in life. In 2016 why would anyone be held back by someone else????? Not with free education and minority hiring everywhere.......No Excuses baby!!!

Have you been an ostrich for recent history?
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lol not sure what one has to do with the other.
... because the protesters are claiming blacks are oppressed in this country. Hard to make that claim with the number of black-on-black murders, teen pregnancy, HS dropout rate, illiteracy, drug use and crime among the "oppressed" is a large contributing factor to their poverty.
Today as I see photos of the few "principled" players.....I just LAUGH. Really? Is that ALL they got to do??? Anyone really getting involved in leading their supposedly "oppressed" race to better lives?? I doubt it. Yeah they are REAL leaders.....Speak UP about drug use. Or dropping out of school. Or being real Fathers with a real wife. Do all of those "protesters" have a college degree from their free college education? Or are they simply dropouts with a shiftless entourage. Let see if the media does any REAL research on how principled any of these guys really are.
... because the protesters are claiming blacks are oppressed in this country. Hard to make that claim with the number of black-on-black murders, teen pregnancy, HS dropout rate, illiteracy, drug use and crime among the "oppressed" is a large contributing factor to their poverty.
I mean sure unless you recognize that all of those social issues you point to could be a by-product of oppression.
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That doesn't negate the claim that they are external factors that harm the black community unjustly
What exactly is Kaepernick and others proposing be done though? It's sort of a leap in logic to go from there are some racists against blacks to modern America stands for oppression against blacks.

Does he think that those who are racist will see him and be like "oh, I really respect him now. I will no longer be racist!"

Everything about this movement has been vague to say the least. How about we point out actual policies of inequality being imposed that we can solve. Just crying "racism" makes one look paranoid.
I think that's a misinterpretation of what the protesters are saying but until people stop denying a reality in which systemic racism exists and harms blacks the first step of change is forcing those who don't see the problem or believe there is a problem to talk about it.
I mean sure unless you recognize that all of those social issues you point to could be a by-product of oppression.
Oppression impregnates teenagers? Oppression shoots drugs into your arm or up your nose? Oppression shoots your neighbor? So no I don't "recognize" those things as byproduct of oppression, those are all self inflicted.

I'm not saying that there are not challenges growing up poor (black or white) but if you made a list of things that will make your situation worse and you hit on 80% of them it's hard to take seriously your claim that your situation is out of your control.
I think that's a misinterpretation of what the protesters are saying but until people stop denying a reality in which systemic racism exists and harms blacks the first step of change is forcing those who don't see the problem or believe there is a problem to talk about it.
Translation: A total abdication of all responsibility for my situation. I much prefer to blame someone else for my situation than actually take a single step to improve it.
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What exactly is Kaepernick and others proposing be done though? It's sort of a leap in logic to go from there are some racists against blacks to modern America stands for oppression against blacks.

Does he think that those who are racist will see him and be like "oh, I really respect him now. I will no longer be racist!"

Everything about this movement has been vague to say the least. How about we point out actual policies of inequality being imposed that we can solve. Just crying "racism" makes one look paranoid.
Because the racism claim is thrown out by the intellectual lazy. It requires work to present facts to back up an argument. Throw out the racism claim that is so politically charged that most people won't attempt to argue it for fear of being branded a racist.
Translation: A total abdication of all responsibility for my situation. I much prefer to blame someone else for my situation than actually take a single step to improve it.
This is the perspective of someone not affected by race. Glad you have a position in this world where you can believe that some form of systemic racism doesn't exist
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This is the perspective of someone not affected by race. Glad you have a position in this world where you can believe that some form of systemic racism doesn't exist
I never said that some racism doesn't exist but it certainly doesn't exist anywhere near the levels that the Kap-clown claims. It also is factually incorrect that it is systemic because if it was systemic then Obama wouldn't have been elected, Clarence Thomas wouldn't exist. Oprah would wouldn't exist. Ben Carson, Mae Jemison and tens of thousands more successful blacks.

Systemic racism by definition means those people would be prevented from succeeding.

Exactly what laws are in place keeping a large percentage of blacks in poverty?
Ok I mean if you don't prescribe to group theory dynamics and don't want to believe in reality I am not sure how you want to this convo to go
Ok I mean if you don't prescribe to group theory dynamics and don't want to believe in reality I am not sure how you want to this convo to go
Like I said racism is for the intellectually lazy. You have presented one fact for your so called reality. Group Dynamic Theory, as the name implies, is a theory and NOT reality. Like I've found hundreds of times the people that use the racism charge can never present actual facts/laws to back up their claim.

Can't support you argument, draw the race card.
Calling a system or an entire country evil and racist towards one group based on their skin color is an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence in my mind. Not to mention insulting to millions of's not nice to call people names (particularly evil) without proper justification.

So what this movement entails is that basically people everywhere (mostly cops in this case) have decided to conspire against those of color to satisfy their hatred. Sorry if I, and many other people, need more than feelings and anecdotes to jump on board this bandwagon.

Has anyone seen the movie "Spotlight" here? Okay, touchy given that it deals with the Catholic church, but let me make my point:

In the film there are journalists who initially uncover what they believe to be several incidents of molestation by members of the church. Big news in and of itself. As the story unfolds though, they start to unveil a bigger picture. The second half of the film depicts a thorough investigation of systemic behavior by the church. Knowing what an incredible claim this is, they make it a point of emphasis to compile persuasive and undeniable evidence of these evil acts.

They did not just find individual instances and jump to the conclusion of calculated and systemic, top-down responsibility of this evil by the church itself. They knew that would be lazy and unconvincing.
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This is the perspective of someone not affected by race. Glad you have a position in this world where you can believe that some form of systemic racism doesn't exist
But what is the problem exactly and how do we go about fixing it?

A good doctor would not just say "you are unhealthy, sir". Specific symptoms are discovered, a diagnosis is made, and then a cure is offered and carried out.

So when will Kaepernick and others decide to stand for the anthem? What course of action needs to take place? I guess he will stand when he starts to feel more comfortable as a (kinda) black man. Again, totally vague and subjective. A movement without a clear and concise goal that, in my opinion, just makes him look like a fool and also spoiled and ungrateful. Being the beneficiary of a land of great opportunity, he's been enabled to accumulate mountains of wealth...yet he instead complains about how bad he and people of a similar melanin count have it.
So guys can rape and beat women, do drugs, drive drunk, shoot at people...... and we dont do anything more than shake our head and judge..... A few guys exercise their freedom of speech rights to bring attention to something they are concerned about (granted most guys are doing it for personal attention)..... and people start burning jerseys, making death threats, and trying to boycott watching the game!?

I guess for everyone that is extremely upset, I suppose ya'll stand at home for the anthem?
So guys can rape and beat women, do drugs, drive drunk, shoot at people...... and we dont do anything more than shake our head and judge..... A few guys exercise their freedom of speech rights to bring attention to something they are concerned about (granted most guys are doing it for personal attention)..... and people start burning jerseys, making death threats, and trying to boycott watching the game!?

I guess for everyone that is extremely upset, I suppose ya'll stand at home for the anthem?
Yes, use those as examples. So America does have many problems including drunk driving, shootings, drugs, and rape (and high taxes!). But does it seem reasonable to therefore demonize and disrespect the country over it by not saluting the flag during the anthem?

That just seems petty and ungrateful for all the great things our country does represent: namely the freedom and opportunity to live out your dreams (playing a game and making millions for instance).
Translation: A total abdication of all responsibility for my situation. I much prefer to blame someone else for my situation than actually take a single step to improve it.

Oversimplification. Many causes to the various problems, but institutional racism should not be one of them. Certainly a cause that can be addressed.
Oversimplification. Many causes to the various problems, but institutional racism should not be one of them. Certainly a cause that can be addressed.
Yes, let's get rid of institutional racism.

Let's start with affirmative action and boosting/penalizing SAT scores based on race.
Oversimplification. Many causes to the various problems, but institutional racism should not be one of them. Certainly a cause that can be addressed.
There is no institutional racism. Please provide an example?
The way I see it : even if racism was completely eradicated we would still hear about it.


Because claims are made not whether or not something is real, but whether or not it is "felt" or "perceived" (mostly by those who are overly self-conscious about their race). And honestly, I believe some use racism as leverage to exonerate themselves from responsible behavior. In other words: it's easier to blame others than yourself.
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That doesn't negate the claim that they are external factors that harm the black community unjustly

It negates Kaepernick's claim. He is claiming that America oppresses blacks, and it's simply not true. As to your point, the external factors do exist, but frankly, they are exaggerated.
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I know...but sometimes bad things happen to black people. It is racism in America to blame when this happens. Don't ask me to prove it but you wouldn't understand if you are white. Evil oppressors are everywhere. Everywhere I tell you. You never know when they will jump out of the shadows and attack these innocent blacks!

Amazing that Kaepernick became successful despite Americans doing their darndest to knock him down for daring to have a dark shade of skin.

Now agree with me or you are part of the problem. I am smart and informed by the way.
Cops see the worst every single day. And, I do not fault them for expecting the worst from the black community because they see it every single day. Michael Brown refused to get out of the street when a cop told him to so he could drive by on his patrol. Worse yet, he tried to beat the cop away from his gun when confronted.

Mind you, MB had just stole whatever he wanted from a store in his neighborhood. the owner confronted him and MB beat the crap out of him.

How are people like MB being mistreated? They break the law and physically assault people and are killed in self defense. THEN, the whole black community feels the need to riot and loot and burn businesses.

Do you really need a reason why cops expect the worst when coming up on dredges of society like these people? They see it every single day and protect their lives at the expense of some thug adding another notch in his belt of thuggery.

There is a reason these cops are not prosecuted when all of the data is available and it's not protecting white officers - it's that these thugs earned their fate.
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Cops see the worst every single day. And, I do not fault them for expecting the worst from the black community because they see it every single day. Michael Brown refused to get out of the street when a cop told him to so he could drive by on his patrol. Worse yet, he tried to beat the cop away from his gun when confronted.

Mind you, MB had just stole whatever he wanted from a store in his neighborhood. the owner confronted him and MB beat the crap out of him.

How are people like MB being mistreated? They break the law and physically assault people and are killed in self defense. THEN, the whole black community feels the need to riot and loot and burn businesses.

Do you really need a reason why cops expect the worst when coming up on dredges of society like these people? They see it every single day and protect their lives at the expense of some thug adding another notch in his belt of thuggery.

There is a reason these cops are not prosecuted when all of the data is available and it's not protecting white officers - it's that these thugs earned their fate.
My post was tongue in cheek.

The BLM advocates state they want equality, yet it appears they actually want a special standard for them. They want to be able to act reckless and irresponsible and be immune to consequences. Almost all of these "injustices" I read or hear about involves a person of color doing something foolish that puts their lives at risk.

Seems to me it's not about BLACK lives matter, but whether or not people think their OWN lives matter when they act foolish around cops who are understandably many times on edge.
My post was tongue in cheek.

The BLM advocates state they want equality, yet it appears they actually want a special standard for them. They want to be able to act reckless and irresponsible and be immune to consequences. Almost all of these "injustices" I read or hear about involves a person of color doing something foolish that puts their lives at risk.

Seems to me it's not about BLACK lives matter, but whether or not people think their OWN lives matter when they act foolish around cops who are understandably many times on edge.
Thanks for clarifying. All lives matter and that is why I volunteer to mentor inner-city students looking for a better way in life. They have a hard road to hoe - so did I - and, if I can make it then they can make it too.

The bar was never lowered for me - I had to raise my game. I studied when my peers were out having fun. They teased me for not going out but I was focused on my goals.

I ran as far as I did in life - my friends and family are proud of me - I could have done more. If I can help one child to do more than I will be happy.
Maybe we start a #patriotsoverpolitics campaign.

Every time the players sit or the camera shows them all people nation wide that believe the flag is sacred and this should be at the voting booth (politics) not games we show up after the game starts and do not turn the game on until after kickoff. All that add revenue. All those sales at the stadium. Then each week we add a minute. So add revenue drops and players get less money and so on and so on. We can play the game too.

Just need to get it rolling and this stops asap
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Thanks for clarifying. All lives matter and that is why I volunteer to mentor inner-city students looking for a better way in life. They have a hard road to hoe - so did I - and, if I can make it then they can make it too.

The bar was never lowered for me - I had to raise my game. I studied when my peers were out having fun. They teased me for not going out but I was focused on my goals.

I ran as far as I did in life - my friends and family are proud of me - I could have done more. If I can help one child to do more than I will be happy.
All lives matter, true. That includes black lives of course! To even say Black Lives Matter assumes a position that they do not. Now, who exactly is saying that??

Unfortunately it may be the black communities themselves who's murder rate of their own race is exceedingly high. And then we look at the black abortion rate and I think Black Lives Matter needs to redirect their focus in on themselves.
so many better ways to boycott. Personally I think the guy is just doing it to draw attention to himself.
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All lives matter, true. That includes black lives of course! To even say Black Lives Matter assumes a position that they do not. Now, who exactly is saying that??

Unfortunately it may be the black communities themselves who's murder rate of their own race is exceedingly high. And then we look at the black abortion rate and I think Black Lives Matter needs to redirect their focus in on themselves.
It is my opinion that a lot of blacks do not enjoy the life given to them. Yet, there are many that love their life. I am as confused as the next guy. If I can light a way then I will be happy.
Fellas, like Occupy Wall Street, this too will burn out. Nothing will change. They would have accomplished nothing. Black on black crime will still be a story. Black teen pregnancies will still be high. HS graduation rates in the black community will also be mind boggling. Gangs will still rule the neighborhoods. Children with no dad anywhere around. Yep, raising your fist, locking arms, kneeling, and sitting did nothing in the real world. ESPN and the media drooled over it and the players thought they looked on the edge cool, but nothing changed. It's way too hard to confront the real problem head on. Of course, the facts is not what this is about for these uninformed knuckleheads.
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Fellas, like Occupy Wall Street, this too will burn out. Nothing will change. They would have accomplished nothing. Black on black crime will still be a story. Black teen pregnancies will still be high. HS graduation rates in the black community will also be mind boggling. Gangs will still rule the neighborhoods. Children with no dad anywhere around. Yep, raising your fist, locking arms, kneeling, and sitting did nothing in the real world. ESPN and the media drooled over it and the players thought they looked on the edge cool, but nothing changed. It's way too hard to confront the real problem head on. Of course, the facts is not what this is about for these uninformed knuckleheads.
I was a racist...until I saw Kaepernick taking a knee. Changed my whole worldview and I am a new man! Thank you Colin. I am sure there are many more out there like me who have been transformed.

Guy is a tool.
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I've missed most NFL games for the last 8 years as I work on Sundays. Trust me irish2684, you won't miss much. Maybe I don't miss it much being a Redskins fan.....
But what is the problem exactly and how do we go about fixing it?

A good doctor would not just say "you are unhealthy, sir". Specific symptoms are discovered, a diagnosis is made, and then a cure is offered and carried out.

So when will Kaepernick and others decide to stand for the anthem? What course of action needs to take place? I guess he will stand when he starts to feel more comfortable as a (kinda) black man. Again, totally vague and subjective. A movement without a clear and concise goal that, in my opinion, just makes him look like a fool and also spoiled and ungrateful. Being the beneficiary of a land of great opportunity, he's been enabled to accumulate mountains of wealth...yet he instead complains about how bad he and people of a similar melanin count have it.
Actually I thought he was very clear that the problem he is protesting is police violence against minorities that is unjustified but goes unprosecuted and is accepted as ok by society