Done with the NFL if....

Actually I thought he was very clear that the problem he is protesting is police violence against minorities that is unjustified but goes unprosecuted and is accepted as ok by society
Great if he wants to protest that, but the problem of minority violence against minorities dwarfs any perceived problems with law enforcement. Yet, with Bill Cosby now silenced, no minorities seem to want to talk about that. It's the 800 pound gorilla in the room, and everyone ignores it.
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Yes, use those as examples. So America does have many problems including drunk driving, shootings, drugs, and rape (and high taxes!). But does it seem reasonable to therefore demonize and disrespect the country over it by not saluting the flag during the anthem?

That just seems petty and ungrateful for all the great things our country does represent: namely the freedom and opportunity to live out your dreams (playing a game and making millions for instance).
No I get it and I agree it is silly what he is doing..... but I think a lot of people are missing the irony here. People have fought for that flag to give Americans FREEDOM..... it is his right and choice to stand, kneel, salute, whatever. . .

I actually think it is has worked perfectly for him. He has gotten a lot of attention for it. And I give him credit for backing it up with donating millions of dollars.

I'll ask again.... does everyone who is criticizing him stand up at home when the anthem plays?
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Actually I thought he was very clear that the problem he is protesting is police violence against minorities that is unjustified but goes unprosecuted and is accepted as ok by society
In the vast majority of the cases the shooting are justified. The person(s) were doing something illegal and/or they initiated the escalation that resulted in their shooting.

The poster child for the lie that is the BLM movement and the fallacy that innocent blacks are being gunned down by police is Michael Brown. We heard lie after lie, after lie about how Brown was this gentle giant that was shot by a racist police officer. When the facts came out they proved the opposite. Brown was a thug and a criminal that attacked the police officer and was justifiable shot.

What is really being asked is that blacks can do whatever that want and police can do nothing about it. The real first step is stop engaging in dangerous activity that could lead to a violent outcome. When you get up on the high wire without a net you take the chance that a big gust of wind can lead to your death.
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Go ahead, keep ignoring all the guys joining him in protest and keep saying it's only about him. Ignoring or denying the issues he's trying to bring to light will solve everything.

He's not alone in this. And I think that's what bothers people most. The idea that they might have to consider, confront and have a discussion about about something uncomfortable.
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Great if he wants to protest that, but the problem of minority violence against minorities dwarfs any perceived problems with law enforcement. Yet, with Bill Cosby now silenced, no minorities seem to want to talk about that. It's the 800 pound gorilla in the room, and everyone ignores it.
So because other problems in society exist that means people can't champion any one cause? Bill Cosby is not "now silenced" he can speak just no one should or is going to listen to him. Violence of any kind in general is something we should want to fix. Not sure why people want to attack others for seeing one problem and saying hey I want to help fix that problem by arguing that they should be fixing a different problem. How does that argument have legs?
In the vast majority of the cases the shooting are justified. The person(s) were doing something illegal and/or they initiated the escalation that resulted in their shooting.

The poster child for the lie that is the BLM movement and the fallacy that innocent blacks are being gunned down by police is Michael Brown. We heard lie after lie, after lie about how Brown was this gentle giant that was shot by a racist police officer. When the facts came out they proved the opposite. Brown was a thug and a criminal that attacked the police officer and was justifiable shot.

What is really being asked is that blacks can do whatever that want and police can do nothing about it. The real first step is stop engaging in dangerous activity that could lead to a violent outcome. When you get up on the high wire without a net you take the chance that a big gust of wind can lead to your death.

I think the point of the position is that those shootings aren't justified but are classified as such by the law and that classification is accepted by society because of the belief that blacks can't do whatever they want without police doing something to them.
Go ahead, keep ignoring all the guys joining him in protest and keep saying it's only about him. Ignoring or denying the issues he's trying to bring to light will solve everything.

He's not alone in this. And I think that's what bothers people most. The idea that they might have to consider, confront and have a discussion about about something uncomfortable.
Go ahead keep protesting and blame 100% of the ills in the black community on racism. Keeping having kids as teenagers. Keep using and selling drugs. Keep dropping out of school. Keep doing all the things that hold your communities back. All the while immigrants from; India, Asia, Middle East and Mexico will keep passing blacks on the socioeconomic scale.

Nobody is going to save the black community. There isn't enough money to hand people in these communities to lift them from poverty. The only way out is to clean up the crime, get an education and promote 2 parent families.

If you haven't noticed by now a large swath of America isn't listening and isn't buying the tired racism argument anymore, not when the black community as a whole is doing everything possible to make their situation worse. Go ahead keep protesting because it won't change their situation one bit.
I think the point of the position is that those shootings aren't justified but are classified as such by the law and that classification is accepted by society because of the belief that blacks can't do whatever they want without police doing something to them.
Again, complete lack of acceptance of facts. All of the evidence in the Brown case proved beyond any doubt at all it was a justified shooting. The "witnesses" that saw the hands up all admitted they didn't actually see it. Forensic evidence proves Brown attacked the officer.

The BLM movement just chooses to ignore every bit of hard evidence that the guy who assaulted a store owner moments before was justifiably shot. I suppose they expect the reset of society to feign ignorance so that they can continue to deny any responsibility for their condition.
I think the point of the position is that those shootings aren't justified but are classified as such by the law and that classification is accepted by society because of the belief that blacks can't do whatever they want without police doing something to them.

No, the reason the shootings are classified as justified and accepted by society is that you can't attack police officers or resist arrest. Being black does not give you an exemption from either of those.
I think the point of the position is that those shootings aren't justified but are classified as such by the law and that classification is accepted by society because of the belief that blacks can't do whatever they want without police doing something to them.

I believe the underlying concern is that being people are being killed for actions that do not deserve death, however much resisting arrest may create a problem. Some cases, such as Castillo, in MN could easily be rectified without the violence. Regardless of the ultimate justification, the penalties Do Not always fit the crime.

Disagreeing with the tactics of Black Lives Matter protests does not mean the original problem should be ignored.
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No, the reason the shootings are classified as justified and accepted by society is that you can't attack police officers or resist arrest. Being black does not give you an exemption from either of those.
LEt's be absolutely clear -- There is no excuse - NONE -- for any player to not stand at attention for the playing of our anthem

The freedom of expression that this country provides is enabled by 2 things:

1. The sacrifices made by those who died for our right to have free expression and
2. The anthem recognizes that we are free and living in America.

You can stick your finger up your ass and walk around naked in your home with a black lives matter sign on your forehead but if you cannot respect the country and those who died to give you the right to do this, then get out and move

And the NFL will never get a tv ratings point from my household and never a ticket to their games.

They chose to let these clowns act and I choose to ignore their bull s_______

Schools , companies and other organizations have policies But not the NFL Do the rest of you really need to watch this garbage?
LEt's be absolutely clear -- There is no excuse - NONE -- for any player to not stand at attention for the playing of our anthem

The freedom of expression that this country provides is enabled by 2 things:

1. The sacrifices made by those who died for our right to have free expression and
2. The anthem recognizes that we are free and living in America.

You can stick your finger up your ass and walk around naked in your home with a black lives matter sign on your forehead but if you cannot respect the country and those who died to give you the right to do this, then get out and move

And the NFL will never get a tv ratings point from my household and never a ticket to their games.

They chose to let these clowns act and I choose to ignore their bull s_______

Schools , companies and other organizations have policies But not the NFL Do the rest of you really need to watch this garbage?

This was the same thing people said during the Viet Nam War, i.e., if you didn't like it, you could go find another country to live in. It's a weak assertion said by people who can not think of any good reason to support their argument.
I believe the underlying concern is that being people are being killed for actions that do not deserve death, however much resisting arrest may create a problem. Some cases, such as Castillo, in MN could easily be rectified without the violence. Regardless of the ultimate justification, the penalties Do Not always fit the crime.

Disagreeing with the tactics of Black Lives Matter protests does not mean the original problem should be ignored.

It's not a matter of "deserving" death. The problem is, when you create a dangerous situation, there are too many ways for said situation to end badly. For example, if you stand in the middle of the freeway during rush hour, the odds of you being hurt increase dramatically. Similarly, when you fight with the cops, your odds of getting hurt increase dramatically. The problem is you have people putting themselves in dangerous situations, and complaining that they are injured or killed, when they created the situation in the first place.
This was the same thing people said during the Viet Nam War, i.e., if you didn't like it, you could go find another country to live in. It's a weak assertion said by people who can not think of any good reason to support their argument.
What is weak about my stance? What is weak are the individuals who think they have reason to act like they do when, in FACT, they have no reason. They can leave just like the morons who say they will leave if Trump is elected. I don't care if you like Trump or not, you don't leave, you support our country. But they wont leave, they just are weak and take up space
So because other problems in society exist that means people can't champion any one cause? Bill Cosby is not "now silenced" he can speak just no one should or is going to listen to him. Violence of any kind in general is something we should want to fix. Not sure why people want to attack others for seeing one problem and saying hey I want to help fix that problem by arguing that they should be fixing a different problem. How does that argument have legs?
Focusing on this narrow issue and using it as a rallying cry fosters the larger scale illusion that the problems in the black community are caused by white people. And while the Al Sharptons and Kanye Wests of the world may love that narrative, it does NOTHING to help the plight of the black community in the US. In fact, it may very well have the opposite effect. If you keep this victimization/oppression theme going, the champions of affirmative action and forced diversity for the greater good, who are primarily white people, may eventually just say @#$% it!!
What is weak about my stance? What is weak are the individuals who think they have reason to act like they do when, in FACT, they have no reason. They can leave just like the morons who say they will leave if Trump is elected. I don't care if you like Trump or not, you don't leave, you support our country. But they wont leave, they just are weak and take up space

Who are you to say they have no reason? Just because you don't understand their rationale or do not agree with them, does not mean they have no reason. Who are you to dictate to others what they can and can't do? As stated, saying that one can leave the country if he doesn't like this or that is about as weak as one can get. If everyone agreed with that rationale since 1776, the country would be an oligarchy with no civil rights for various classes of people.
Change occurs because people want to change the way things are now for something better in the future. That's the way things have always been in this country. The intolerance of some people is just ridiculous.
No I get it and I agree it is silly what he is doing..... but I think a lot of people are missing the irony here. People have fought for that flag to give Americans FREEDOM..... it is his right and choice to stand, kneel, salute, whatever. . .

I actually think it is has worked perfectly for him. He has gotten a lot of attention for it. And I give him credit for backing it up with donating millions of dollars.

I'll ask again.... does everyone who is criticizing him stand up at home when the anthem plays?

Agree. It is also my right to ridicule him for his actions. It's a two way street, he has the right to do it, I have the right to criticize.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.
Again, complete lack of acceptance of facts. All of the evidence in the Brown case proved beyond any doubt at all it was a justified shooting. The "witnesses" that saw the hands up all admitted they didn't actually see it. Forensic evidence proves Brown attacked the officer.

The BLM movement just chooses to ignore every bit of hard evidence that the guy who assaulted a store owner moments before was justifiably shot. I suppose they expect the reset of society to feign ignorance so that they can continue to deny any responsibility for their condition.
There are way more serious cases of what is being protested then Mike Brown. I think the Ferguson police track record also makes it difficult to give their investigation the benefit of the doubt, Forensic evidence or otherwise.
No, the reason the shootings are classified as justified and accepted by society is that you can't attack police officers or resist arrest. Being black does not give you an exemption from either of those.
I don't think any is protesting clear examples of when force was used on a person attacking an officer but ok.
I believe the underlying concern is that being people are being killed for actions that do not deserve death, however much resisting arrest may create a problem. Some cases, such as Castillo, in MN could easily be rectified without the violence. Regardless of the ultimate justification, the penalties Do Not always fit the crime.

Disagreeing with the tactics of Black Lives Matter protests does not mean the original problem should be ignored.
This is a very good post
Focusing on this narrow issue and using it as a rallying cry fosters the larger scale illusion that the problems in the black community are caused by white people. And while the Al Sharptons and Kanye Wests of the world may love that narrative, it does NOTHING to help the plight of the black community in the US. In fact, it may very well have the opposite effect. If you keep this victimization/oppression theme going, the champions of affirmative action and forced diversity for the greater good, who are primarily white people, may eventually just say @#$% it!!
1. How is that true?
2. Fixing the relationship between minority communities and their local police would do much more then nothing to help the plight of the black community.
3. I am not sure affirmative action or forced diversity actually help the black community in large so what is the risk.
4. Why does it matter if he is trying to do well but he isn't doing it in the most efficient way possible. Isn't his attempt to affect positive change something better then those who want to do the opposite or nothing?
1. How is that true? NOT SURE WHAT YOU MEAN??
4. Why does it matter if he is trying to do well but he isn't doing it in the most efficient way possible. Isn't his attempt to affect positive change something better then those who want to do the opposite or nothing? ITS JUST IMHO, BUT I THINK, IF YOU WANT TO USE A BUNCH OF ENERGY TO CAUSE CHANGE AND SUPPORT A CAUSE, GO AFTER THE CORE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM, DON'T JUST GRAB THE LOW HANGING FRUIT. IMHO THAT'S WHAT THIS POLICE VIOLENCE ISSUE IS.
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LEt's be absolutely clear -- There is no excuse - NONE -- for any player to not stand at attention for the playing of our anthem

The freedom of expression that this country provides is enabled by 2 things:

1. The sacrifices made by those who died for our right to have free expression and
2. The anthem recognizes that we are free and living in America.

You can stick your finger up your ass and walk around naked in your home with a black lives matter sign on your forehead but if you cannot respect the country and those who died to give you the right to do this, then get out and move

And the NFL will never get a tv ratings point from my household and never a ticket to their games.

They chose to let these clowns act and I choose to ignore their bull s_______

Schools , companies and other organizations have policies But not the NFL Do the rest of you really need to watch this garbage?
Just curious but why is the national anthem the only way a person can respect the country? Can they respect the county in different ways?
Over the weekend, in Chicago, a woman was shot attending a vigil for someone who was shot and killed. A HS football player was shot six times as he sat on his front porch.This, in the black community. This, a regular occurence. This, a community that will not help the police in solving these crimes. The silence is deafening among the kneelers, fist raisers, protesters, sympathizers, arm lockers, and sit downers. Ashamed and embarrassed should any player feel who is bullied and peer pressured to take part in team protests. These protesters are a sham. A big fat sham, starting with the head shamster who started it all. Randy Moss can glare at Trent Dilfer all he wants but Moss is a sham too. There is a simple solution. Give up your millions. Give up your life style. Move to a country that better serves your needs.

Not sure why you think the protesters are a sham. They have put the spotlight on a very real problem, just like they intended to do. Their protest has been very effective at emphasizing the problem. It is certainly beyond the abilities of the protesters to fix the problems. That is up to society as a whole.
This is generally a fair response that is well thought out. Thanks for engaging me in a way that was above name calling and insult throwing today.
I don't think any is protesting clear examples of when force was used on a person attacking an officer but ok.

Yes, they are. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Alton Sterling are clear examples that the protesters are using.

2. Fixing the relationship between minority communities and their local police would do much more then nothing to help the plight of the black community.
3. I am not sure affirmative action or forced diversity actually help the black community in large so what is the risk.
4. Why does it matter if he is trying to do well but he isn't doing it in the most efficient way possible. Isn't his attempt to affect positive change something better then those who want to do the opposite or nothing?

2. Fixing the relationship has to go both ways, and the protesters aren't interested in doing that. No matter what you try to do to fix the "relationship," cops are still going to have to arrest people committing crimes, and will still have to use force on those who resist arrest.

3. The risk is that it can actually harm all communities (not just blacks), and can cause many people who might be sympathetic to turn against other policies meant to unite and solve problems.

4. See #3. He runs the risk of turning more people against him and people who share his concerns, and thus preventing the very solutions he is seeking.

Just curious but why is the national anthem the only way a person can respect the country? Can they respect the county in different ways?

It's not the only way. It's just that sitting for the anthem (along with claiming the country "oppresses" minorities and wearing pig socks), is disrespectful.
Yes, they are.....

It's not the only way. It's just that sitting for the anthem (along with claiming the country "oppresses" minorities and wearing pig socks), is disrespectful.

So, what is your opinion on the significant number of Veterans who have openly stated that the freedom of expression at issue here is the exact freedom for which they have fought? That they value his freedom above their own desire to agree with his message? They openly state that they don't find this disrespectful.

Who gets to draw the line and decide what is disrespectful? Is it just numbers?

Does one group get to dictate to all others what is offensive? How do we pick that group?

Sounds like a very "PC" request to have him tailor his conduct to protect people's feelings.

The fact is, dialogue, even provocative dialogue - ESPECIALLY provocative dialogue on the national stage - is crucial to ensuring that we discuss, confront and address conflicts that we would prefer to ignore.
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Just curious but why is the national anthem the only way a person can respect the country? Can they respect the county in different ways?
yes, of course. The anthem is most often the most frequent and public opportunity to show respect and when someone does not, it is obvious
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Who are you to say they have no reason? Just because you don't understand their rationale or do not agree with them, does not mean they have no reason. Who are you to dictate to others what they can and can't do? As stated, saying that one can leave the country if he doesn't like this or that is about as weak as one can get. If everyone agreed with that rationale since 1776, the country would be an oligarchy with no civil rights for various classes of people.
Change occurs because people want to change the way things are now for something better in the future. That's the way things have always been in this country. The intolerance of some people is just ridiculous.
Oh I understand their reason perfectly and so do you -- unless you do not read or watch the news.

I am an American. By your definition I assume that means I live in this country, was born in it and can do whatever I damn please.

By any person of ethics, it means to respect the country and its laws. The players who did not support the anthem on the anniversary of 9/11 deliberately aligned themselves with factions who feel similar animosity toward America. That is pretty sketchy company.

They made a poor decision. They continue to make bad decisions. They are not working actively to try to affect change, they sit on their ass,.

If you lost a loved one to war or to the attacks of 9/11, you would feel differently.

The anthem is the most frequent public opportunity to show respect and when someone does not, it is obvious. If all they want to do is turn their back on a country's anthem, then They should live somewhere there actions will get the attention they seek because they do not have the work ethic to affect change, just the laziness and poor judgment to sit on their hands

But as you say, they won't leave - they are like mushrooms and fungi, they thrive in the dark and are sometimes poisonous
What exactly is Kaepernick and others proposing be done though? It's sort of a leap in logic to go from there are some racists against blacks to modern America stands for oppression against blacks.

Does he think that those who are racist will see him and be like "oh, I really respect him now. I will no longer be racist!"

Everything about this movement has been vague to say the least. How about we point out actual policies of inequality being imposed that we can solve. Just crying "racism" makes one look paranoid.
Just like black lives matter, these idiots hear all the words but not a ****ing clue the meaning.

You realize they are essentially fighting 1964 Birmingham Alabama and two water fountains.

The problem, .. their actions are going to make people long for those days of the very thing ultimately they are fighting against.

I echo again...too stupid to understand. They know the words but zero clue the meanings.
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Actually I thought he was very clear that the problem he is protesting is police violence against minorities that is unjustified but goes unprosecuted and is accepted as ok by society
Who is Kaepernick to determine the validity of due process in the justice system? So as long as he "feels" justice is being served adequately, he will begin stand for the anthem? Pretty arrogant to say everyone involved in our system and in individual cases are wrong but he is right. Give me a break.

See, in order to make a determination such as a verdict, you need actual compelling evidence. You cannot just overrule based on emotion or else we should just revert to a wild west society complete with kangaroo court trials.

I bet if Kaepernick had his way he would find Zimmerman guilty and Brown innocent, despite the evidence and thorough discussion of a jury.
I believe the underlying concern is that being people are being killed for actions that do not deserve death, however much resisting arrest may create a problem. Some cases, such as Castillo, in MN could easily be rectified without the violence. Regardless of the ultimate justification, the penalties Do Not always fit the crime.

Disagreeing with the tactics of Black Lives Matter protests does not mean the original problem should be ignored.
Even if that is true, and there is some sort of injustice at work, how can we possibly conclude that said person was shot/killed because of skin tone? Of all the factors involved, it is simple minded to just point to race. It's behaviors that have consequences, and sometimes a person being arrested who refuses to comply may end up on the wrong side of an aggressive policeman, no matter the race.

An injustice, if one does occur, of a black person, does not automatically equal a racial injustice, in other words.
Basically Kaepernick will be sitting for every anthem for the rest of his, soon to be ending, career. Because I don't see at what point he can say with any degree of certainty that the problem he perceives has been solved. There is no way to measure change in a meaningful way unless he can point to actual, tangible policies which can be influenced.
LEt's be absolutely clear -- There is no excuse - NONE -- for any player to not stand at attention for the playing of our anthem

The freedom of expression that this country provides is enabled by 2 things:

1. The sacrifices made by those who died for our right to have free expression and
2. The anthem recognizes that we are free and living in America.

You can stick your finger up your ass and walk around naked in your home with a black lives matter sign on your forehead but if you cannot respect the country and those who died to give you the right to do this, then get out and move

And the NFL will never get a tv ratings point from my household and never a ticket to their games.

They chose to let these clowns act and I choose to ignore their bull s_______

Schools , companies and other organizations have policies But not the NFL Do the rest of you really need to watch this garbage?
LEt's be absolutely clear -- There is no excuse - NONE -- for any player to not stand at attention for the playing of our anthem

The freedom of expression that this country provides is enabled by 2 things:

1. The sacrifices made by those who died for our right to have free expression and
2. The anthem recognizes that we are free and living in America.

You can stick your finger up your ass and walk around naked in your home with a black lives matter sign on your forehead but if you cannot respect the country and those who died to give you the right to do this, then get out and move.

Gee,Skibro,after reading that I felt I had to jump up,stick my arm out and yell "Heil".

You should read again this part that you posted.

2. The anthem recognizes that we are free and living in America.
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Who is Kaepernick to determine the validity of due process in the justice system? So as long as he "feels" justice is being served adequately, he will begin stand for the anthem? Pretty arrogant to say everyone involved in our system and in individual cases are wrong but he is right. Give me a break.

See, in order to make a determination such as a verdict, you need actual compelling evidence. You cannot just overrule based on emotion or else we should just revert to a wild west society complete with kangaroo court trials.

I bet if Kaepernick had his way he would find Zimmerman guilty and Brown innocent, despite the evidence and thorough discussion of a jury.

Who are you to determine the validity of due process in the justice system?

Do you "feel" justice is being served?

Is that why your opinion is valid and his invalid?

CK expressed his opinion, and it is every bit as valid as you expressing yours.

Exactly how much time have you spent in court? I would love to hear about your vast experience working within the criminal justice system. Better yet, let's see your empirical data proving there is a lack of systemic discrimination in our country. I'm sure the North Carolina legislature will chip in.

People who value order more than justice are afraid of this dialogue.

(P.S. There is a Supreme Court opinion - not 'verdict' - chock full of 'compelling evidence' if you'd care to tread the deep water with me. Several in fact. Start in the 1880's.)
Who are you to determine the validity of due process in the justice system?

Do you "feel" justice is being served?

Is that why your opinion is valid and his invalid?

CK expressed his opinion, and it is every bit as valid as you expressing yours.

Exactly how much time have you spent in court? I would love to hear about your vast experience working within the criminal justice system. Better yet, let's see your empirical data proving there is a lack of systemic discrimination in our country. I'm sure the North Carolina legislature will chip in.

People who value order more than justice are afraid of this dialogue.

(P.S. There is a Supreme Court opinion - not 'verdict' - chock full of 'compelling evidence' if you'd care to tread the deep water with me. Several in fact. Start in the 1880's.)

Proving a negative? Typical tactics for someone who can't support their position with facts. In this country it's incumbent upon the accuser to present the evidence. So where is the evidence proving systemic discrimination?
All those soldiers who died during WWI did so defending a country that had legal, institutionalized discrimination at the time. The same people complaining now about CK are the same types of people who would have complained about black folks protesting back then. The same people complaining now are the same types of people who complained int he 60's. History will remember you for that. And yet, we keep growing, evolving and become more equal with every stage of protest.

So rant about Kaepernick all you want. His cause will win in the end. And those freaking out about it will be the next evolution of those horrible people in the black and white photos beating black people because they sat at a lunch counter.
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Proving a negative? Typical tactics for someone who can't support their position with facts. In this country it's incumbent upon the accuser to present the evidence. So where is the evidence proving systemic discrimination?

There is no burden of proof in the First Amendment.

That's only for a courtroom. I personally don't expect anybody to change their opinion because I say something, it's up to you to educate yourself and form your own opinion.

Educated opinion or not, it is a legal absolute that you get to have one and defend it.