Done with the NFL if....

I'm fine with them doing it during these games but there is a difference when you do it on the 15 year Anniversary of 9/11. Show some respect to all the men and women who have fought and given their lives because of what took place that day by standing and putting your hand over your heart.
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I'm fine with them doing it during these games but there is a difference when you do it on the 15 year Anniversary of 9/11. Show some respect to all the men and women who have fought and given their lives because of what took place that day by standing and putting your hand over your heart.
Marking the anniversary of 9/11 some respect should be shown, they'll have the rest f the season to look foolish
While I understand your point, personally I'm a fan of the game and whatever players decide to do as long as it's not against the law is fine with me. At the end of the day I'm watching the game and could care less about demonstrations.
Every one can make an arguement for either side of this arguement. I am far from 100 % happy with our country, especially, the last 8 years, but "Elections have consequences"
so like all Americans, All I can do is protest at the ballot box.
I can also stop watching NFL game at the stadiums and on TV, which I eill do. While, yes , people gave their lives , sacrified , came home
badly wounded, and saw comrades die in battle, or lost loved ones fighting for our Country, to give some over paid athlete,
the right to protest, I thing that that type of protest is an insult to
the very people who gave those over paid athletes the right to protest in the first place !
While I understand your point, personally I'm a fan of the game and whatever players decide to do as long as it's not against the law is fine with me. At the end of the day I'm watching the game and could care less about demonstrations.
**** them and you!
I no longer watch the NFL and will likely stop watching CFB this year. NFL has turned into a freak show and college is becoming 'who do the refs want to win'?
Wife tells me students at Humboldt state football game didn't stand for National Anthem. Not the NFL but...
You might as well start following soccer or something then. Someone will -- almost certainly Kapernick.
Yeah but Kap doesn't play until Monday. Like I said I could care less if these guys do it any other games but to do it on this anniversary is just down right wrong. We will see. I like the college game better anyway.
I haven't watched an NFL game in 30 years. You are not missing anything.

Though I'm a Jaguar season ticket holder ( so since I live in Omaha Nebraska now we see about one game a season my family gets rest of the tickets) my desire isn't there.m much anymore.

I do like to see an exciting game from time to time I do not spend my Sundays glued to the TV as in my youth
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one NFL player sits or kneels tomorrow during the National Anthem on the 15th anniversary of 9/11. I will not watch one more snap the rest of the season.
I have been done with pro baseball, football etc. for years. If fans acted the way you suggest, the game would have to kick these primal donnas out and put a product on the field worthy of our support
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i'm moving to germany to watch budesliga fussball--those guys really know how to stand (except when they get bumped by an opposing player) and bayern muchen is sehr gut and i just like saying borussia muchengladbach
What about watching movies or going to concerts? Actors and music artists are the same way and I am confident they would show support for the anthem attention getters. You going to stop watching movies and listening to music? They all share one brain so there is no getting around it if you want any kind of entertainment.
Wife tells me students at Humboldt state football game didn't stand for National Anthem. Not the NFL but...
To set the record straight, a googled newspaper article shows a picture and video of these these disrespectful, clueless and free loading "fellow traveler dupes" and reveals there were only about 30 of them while the rest of the section stood and recognized what it truly symbolizes. I worded how many of the sympathizers are on the "public dole" and getting taxpayer assistance to partake in this nonsense under the mask of "freedom of expression?"
Hadn't you heard? Poor innocent black people keep getting picked on :,(

Ha!! What is really the case...IF whoever is "oppressed" would WORK AS HARD as the NFL players they would be successful in life. In 2016 why would anyone be held back by someone else????? Not with free education and minority hiring everywhere.......No Excuses baby!!!
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Ha!! What is really the case...IF whoever is "oppressed" would WORK AS HARD as the NFL players they would be successful in life. In 2016 why would anyone be held back by someone else????? Not with free education and minority hiring everywhere.......No Excuses baby!!!
I know...but sometimes bad things happen to black people. It is racism in America to blame when this happens. Don't ask me to prove it but you wouldn't understand if you are white. Evil oppressors are everywhere. Everywhere I tell you. You never know when they will jump out of the shadows and attack these innocent blacks!

Amazing that Kaepernick became successful despite Americans doing their darndest to knock him down for daring to have a dark shade of skin.

Now agree with me or you are part of the problem. I am smart and informed by the way.
I know...but sometimes bad things happen to black people. It is racism in America to blame when this happens. Don't ask me to prove it but you wouldn't understand if you are white. Evil oppressors are everywhere. Everywhere I tell you. You never know when they will jump out of the shadows and attack these innocent blacks!

Amazing that Kaepernick became successful despite Americans doing their darndest to knock him down for daring to have a dark shade of skin.

Now agree with me or you are part of the problem. I am smart and informed by the way.
This has nothing to do with respect for the Military, it has to do with his right to speak on a subject that he thinks is very important, his view that racism is still hurting minorities.
Free speech does not mean "Free if you agree with me"
This has nothing to do with respect for the Military, it has to do with his right to speak on a subject that he thinks is very important, his view that racism is still hurting minorities.
Free speech does not mean "Free if you agree with me"
So if he runs out with an ISIS flag next time you'll support his free speech!
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I'm boycotting any sports team that has players not registered to vote, as that is a greater affront to our military. I'm boycotting any team that has players who don't go to church. They fought for religious freedom and we show respect by disregarding it. I'm boycotting any team that displays the American flag table cloth style across the field, as that violates etiquette.

This is getting good
Over the weekend, in Chicago, a woman was shot attending a vigil for someone who was shot and killed. A HS football player was shot six times as he sat on his front porch.This, in the black community. This, a regular occurence. This, a community that will not help the police in solving these crimes. The silence is deafening among the kneelers, fist raisers, protesters, sympathizers, arm lockers, and sit downers. Ashamed and embarrassed should any player feel who is bullied and peer pressured to take part in team protests. These protesters are a sham. A big fat sham, starting with the head shamster who started it all. Randy Moss can glare at Trent Dilfer all he wants but Moss is a sham too. There is a simple solution. Give up your millions. Give up your life style. Move to a country that better serves your needs.
This has nothing to do with respect for the Military, it has to do with his right to speak on a subject that he thinks is very important, his view that racism is still hurting minorities.
Free speech does not mean "Free if you agree with me"
You are correct. We are free to disagree. We are also free to criticize them. We are free to boycott the NFL.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism it just means you can say what you want no matter how stupid and wrong you are.
I bring this up because it's pediatric cancer awareness month.

Every year the parents of 15,700 children hear the words, "Your child has cancer." Your...child...has...CANCER.

But yeah, let's keep getting pissed off at millionaires who don't stand during a song and pretend it has any real effect on any thing or anyone. It's all symbolic mumbo-jumbo.

How about we get mad about the fact that cancer is killing our babies and do something about it?